How to colour correct in FCPX using videoscopes (explained)

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hello and welcome to this video tutorial on how to use video scopes to color correct some footage inside Final Cut Pro X in this tutorial we're going to talk about what the video scopes are and how we can use the color correction effect to very quickly and easily develop a method to color correct our shots and see as well what needs to be correct within our shots so as we can see in front of me here I've got two clips on my timeline here I've got a clip of there some roses in my garden that is overexposed over here you can see it's a bit too bright the colors off on it the greens and the Reds the red looks more pink the colors are really I would think that they're a bit muted and drab as well and it's got some exposure problems so that's the first shot and then the second shot on my timeline I've got of just some grass at first glance it looks okay but actually what's happened here is the green and the shot is far too too prevalent it wasn't actually that green mana filmed it outside so we've got a problem here with that the colorspace math shot and we're also going to look at correcting some of the the exposure problems in it so first of all let's open up the video scopes if you've not used video scopes before they're very very useful visual tool for looking at different types of data within your picture so I've got my picture up here my frame of video and I want to be able to see quickly what's going on in terms of its luma value so it's exposure or it's it's red green and blue values so to open at your video scopes the effective Scopes go to view and then select show video scopes at the top and opens up this this separate monitor on the left if you click next to the little sentence we'll we can choose from different types of video scopes so we've got histograms the vectorscope and we've got the waveform and within waveform as well we've got lots and lots to finish things we've got the RGB parade that shows you your red green and blue values you can hardly be overlay we can look at the luma qualities for a picture we can look at the chroma and we can go into each individual Channel if with lichen and have a look at those but what we're gonna do first is we're gonna look at RGB parade so one important thing to get started we need to add to the color correct color correction filter to our video clip so go over to the effects tab over here if you've not really got it open go down to the video section and go into color and then click on color correction and drag that and drop it on your clip or just double click it once you've added it on you can go into your color board up here in the top right I've got my video since and under effects we can now see it says pull a correction one and there's an option to go into the color board and what we're gonna do for both of these clips is we're going to go through and I'm going to show you my quick method for color correcting first of all we're going to adjust the the darks within the shot we're gonna adjust the highlights and then we're gonna adjust the color and finally these saturation so the vibrancy declutter first of all go to your exposure settings and in color correction I should say we've got three different tabs we've got color settings saturation settings and exposure so colors the actual color values within the shot saturations how vibrant your colors are so how how lively they are how muted and exposures how light or dark parts if you picture are separate from the color first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the exposure tap so the lightness and darkness of a picture and to do that we're gonna look at a video scope over here which is the RGB parade and we can see the red green and blue values within that picture over here arrayed across this graph and this graph here we've got some values one hundred and twenty at the top going left to right 100 beneath that going left to right 75 50 25 0 and then minus 20 all of our colors should sit within 0 and 100 this is the safe zone of colors and our exposure limits so the first thing I'm gonna do is look at this and I can see that my reds are over 100 they're well close to 120 that's what we need to is we need to bring down the exposure a little bit so I'm gonna start at the top we've got 100 this is where stuff so for exposed and 0 is where it's at underexposed so for the overexposed parts I'm gonna need to bring down my highlight on the exposure here we've got three different controls highlights which is white mid tones which is the mid kind of brightness and then we've got our shadows over here which is our underexposed apart or shadows and black parts within the picture so I'm gonna start my highlights at the air and set my own might not my house I'm gonna start with my my shadows over here so by moving this we can see them as I move this open and the picture changes but if we look over to the left in the video scopes part we can see that as I'll move this around the the color values changed as well so I'm dragging it so that there is close to damnit on 0 there we go then I'm gonna sort up my highlights over here so I'm gonna click the highlights to think and I want to bring this red here beneath 100 so I'm gonna track that down until that's beneath 100 and there we go and I can kind of play with my mid-tones to change my dynamic range which is the amount of Gray's within shot that looks about right and we can see now I've got all of my colors are within the 100 line for the overexposed parts and 0 for the underexposed parts so the parts they're too dark or too bright and using the the video scope here for RGB parade I can very quickly check that what I'm looking at isn't overexposed and even isn't underexposed if I had a shot like this and I could see on the video scope that there was parts of the Reds that were over that line I'd know that some of my Reds for overexposed in shots so that's looking okay a little bit so now that I've done my my shadows and my highlights and my mid-tones in terms of the exposure I can now go to the colors themselves and we've got some problems here with the color we can see that just by looking at my picture the colors off the green leaves in the background look very faded and drab and and not very green really and the the roses itself the the Reds are always it's almost like a crushed kind of pink color so I know that I've got some problems here with my colors so that's what I'm gonna do now I'm going to look my colors so um first thing I'm gonna do once again with the colors we've also got the three different controls and eye shadows mid-tones and highlights so I'm going to change first of all my shadows so let's move this over so if I move this around and we see as I move this around its color in those shadows if I move it up the top of the shadows are quite probably colored so where we move it to is gonna have a big effect so I'm gonna try my mid-tones shotty the highlights next so I'm gonna set my highlights mid-tones that's better okay that is better next I'm gonna go into my saturation once again saturations the vibrancy if you Colette no my pictures quite vibrant once again I can do it for the highlights the mids or the shadows or off to the left eggs just like with exposure I've got one master slider control that I can control the saturation for the whole shot with surfer move it up you see how vibrant the clothes get and if I move it down it goes all the way to black and white there again it's looking good now fiddle to that I'm gonna go and I'm just gonna move my exposure up a little bit because I've changed my color we can see that the color values on the scopes are very shifted around as well so the aim here is to try and get all three of the RGB colors to be roughly the same size and in the same place if you mess around with it you'll see if I've put the other highlights up there in the color we can see that the Reds here are all crushed and they're down towards the darker part of the picture but the the greens and the blues there they're overexposed they're popping over there and they just all over the shop so the key is to try and balance these out and you do that by messing around with the color sense that's about this closest dummy got my saturation sense and I'm just gonna she's gonna play my saturation a little bit and see if we can light up at a little bit more color to the highlights and I've set the mid-tones and shadows shadows will keep us now okay now my Reds are a little bit over there so once again let's go in and let's bring that exposure down down a little bit and there we go okay so that's looking okay so I've used the three different options within the color correction to go through and adjust my colors in my picture at the saturation the vibrancy colors and the exposure how light or dark different parts of the picture are and I've used the video scopes and specifically the eyes should be parade here to help me monitor how that's going so let's do a little bit of a compare and contrast so this is how the air the roses are looking now my video fridge and if I just uncheck this box next to color correction we can preview how it was so exceed before and after perfect and that's looking a lots better already I could probably increase the exposure a little bit of that okay okay so that's looking good and we can apply this exact same methodology now to the second video clip with the grass if I select the grass and it drag color correction onto that go into the color board for the grass and exactly the same process I start with the exposure over here and we can see already this is a more complicated kind of video scope currently we can see this graphical representation of the colors the Blues are obviously way way out so let's start off with the exposure and we're going to start with the blacks so I just try to move the up a little bit okay and we can see we've got some problems with the blues now that we're gonna have to sort out now so let's go to the colors now we've done the air the exposure start the darks first of all and I'm trying to balance this blue out with the rest a bit more so I'm gonna drag that over there we've got some problems with the Reds there though and let's try the lights now drive the lights over and just strike the myths see what differences are there we go that's better damn okay that's more like it we can see how moving this the mid surround just really made a big difference to balancing out the three red green and blue values within a shop there we go that's much better okay there we go right now let's go into saturation and let's see what we can do with this smooth saturation up a little bit just do the master saturation let's get back into our exposure now little play and we can see already that with this very simple process of using the RGB parade video scope and trying to balance the three out and making sure that we're not going over the 100 line onto the zero line we've already made the colors and the exposure within our shot much much more realistic and as it would be to the naked eye so if I quickly go back I said that we could still do with half an hour we'll play with the highlights I believe too much red just grading screen around you'll see here the highlights are a bit gray not if you look at the video scopes let's get back in a little play with these again okay so let's turn over our turn a fat girl aggression that's how it was as we can really see now how green it was before and how kind of all color has been lost that really all washed out by how green that was and now we can see that it's actually got the Tufts of grass at the top of the right color and we've got more variation of greens and yellows and and a good color space going on here really see a little bit of the Blues are underexposed and there we go so that's how to color correct using video scopes and using the color correction effect good luck and I look forward to seeing your color correction any questions please ask them in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them thank you for watching
Channel: Darth Bruce
Views: 20,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FCPX Color correction
Id: Rfx7wfFVO-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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