How to Coat Corner Bead with a Trowel!!

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guys welcome back to vancouver carpenter as promised this is the one where i show you how to roll with a hawk and troll now this is how to coat corner bead with a hawk and troll so what do i have here 14 inch hawk um i have a 12 inch by 5 inch stainless steel trowel i really like 5 inch trowels because i get less like say if i'm finishing in the corner that extra quarter inch stops me from getting my knuckles in the other side also they hold more mud so you can get a longer pass i don't know why i'm telling you about trowel preference when this is a corner bead video but to me it matters a little bit because this is like my preferred trowel for loading beads not too wide not too narrow anyways let's get right to it so hopefully you've seen some of my earlier videos talk control basics you know about how to operate with a hawk and a trowel so but if you haven't let's do a real quick refresher okay so it's pretty basic but it's not easy at first it becomes second nature over time but we got some mud here so how to work the mud is just by flipping the hawk upside down and you can see it stays there for a bit because if you try and pull the mud off like this it's going to fall over the other side so you have to use gravity in pulling the mud like that so you know you might want to learn how to do that play around with it and then switch to the other side play around with it so that you are proficient at getting the mud on both sides of the blade so your knuckle side and your digit side let's call it okay so let's start right here so when you're traveling mud on it's up like this so i always start from the bottom work my way up wherever possible so on something like this we're going to go all the way around here so i'm going to grab it from i'm going to grab the mud on my finger side like so and because of which side i'm on i'm actually going to place the mud closer to this side of the blade the top end of the blade so let's keep that mud tidy we're going to go to the top end of the blade and i'm going to get right in here and i'm going to go up and i kind of arc my way over as i go so as i'm explaining i'm not going to be moving quite as efficiently as i usually do we'll try to show some you know non-talking and just moving work too okay i scraped the side of the bucket and got some chunks there all right so the most important thing is to feather your edge but i'm going to get a little bit more mud i want to take this right to the top if you're coating steel bead like i am you want to make sure that you're using an all-purpose mud something with a lot of glue you don't want to use a finish mud okay now i'm going to the knuckle side of the blade working my way down so what will happen is if i keep going up i'm going to white i'll show you i'll show you what'll happen just a little bit if i wipe up like this with mud i get a big nasty blob like that so whenever you're working in one of these inside corners you're going to come that way and you're going to come that way you're not going to push up and get a big mess like that now i got to deal with that shouldn't have done that okay feathering your edge so feathering your edge you're going to press really hard on the edge of the blade come in come in here get up close so i'm pressing on this back corner and i'm bending the blade and then i'm pulling up like this so we get a nicely feathered edge that requires little to no sanding same with here little to no sanding oh there's chunks in this that are going to cause me grief it's okay it's first coat so once you've done your feathering pass it should ideally just be one pass to clean off the bead and to leave a fill you don't want to pass over your first coat a bunch of times where you're gonna leave your corner beads hollow which is gonna look crappy okay so one pass [Music] clean off the edge and there's a few chunks in my mud you can see some of those bits i'm just gonna not worry about that because it's gonna fill in on the second coat i should have just not scraped the sides of my bucket before the video but it'll work its way in okay so this is feathered so i'm now going to pass down and against my advice i'm going to do one more quick pass trying to get rid of that it's the kind of stuff i'm just gonna have to live with when this is set up a little bit i can walk by and i can feel that really quickly so um yeah let's keep going let's carry on here we're gonna fill this guy and then again like i said we're not gonna go we're gonna go this way like that now i'm gonna just keep going here because i often like to do these at the same time so that there's a little more flow a little bit does a little bit of a nicer job i always try and keep my edge clean you get a holo spot like that put a little more mud on it okay now comes the feathering feather down here okay finish passes so i'm gonna do one this way oh those chunks in the mud it's okay first coat all right now i'm gonna go this way actually real quick i can see i got all this porosity in the mud right here i want two passes over this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to carefully come up and then one more pass clean off the back of my blade so that it keeps nice and tidy one more pass boom right there empty kind of bummed on that gonna add a little more mud i'm just gonna leave that that's good so we've got this little spot to fill we're going to work our way down being careful not to fill the box full of mud it's not nice you can electrocute yourself and it sucks for the electricians okay clean off the back of my blade because i like that to be tidy i'm gonna feather my edge here feather my edge and fill path okay i've got a little bit of knife work to do here let's clean off the blade i like to carry a six-inch knife and have that handy because then you get little spots like this and you know this this part's hard takes a bit of work and skill and you got to know what you can sand and what you can leave so i can sand that down to make it flat so i'm now just going to walk away those tricky little spots aren't easy sometimes it's easiest to actually leave those and come and fill them in when the mud's firmed up a tiny bit all right let's now start over here and try and go a little more at like a working uh a working clip without explaining so darn much okay get this filled up i'll explain the basic motions instead of the nuances that load loading pass load whoa going against my advice there we go empty right here let's give it a little more mud if you ever notice it's empty do something about it okay feather feather finish feather that like button if you haven't already finish keep your mud tidy coming back over all right that bead is not put on super tight so we're gonna have to leave a little more mud [Music] okay feather finish feather oh yeah i don't like that um just gonna have to try again to leave more mud on that there's not much choice got to bury the other nose of the bead okay load guys i don't want to throw anybody under the bus but i didn't install the corner beads just coating them that's all load load the floor feather finish okay i want to show you guys one more here one more of these things real quick um we'll do this one so these are pretty simple what i like to do is i just wipe it on one side like i get a nice blob of mud and then the other side i actually love coating these so wipe it on one way and a lot of time there's even enough mud that you can actually kind of do that you don't have to go back to the hawk so load okay so now we're gonna take it up there being really careful about my pressure to not spill it over the edges okay and on these i'll often do um just kind of a rough pass first and i'll even angle my blade so like angled a little bit to get off that edge and then angled a little bit the other way to get up that edge that way when i do my finish pass like i'm about to i don't leave so much i don't it doesn't spill off the sides so much it's tidier that's empty okay again off the side a little bit and then a finish pass that's gonna need more mud so one thing when you're installing corner beads especially steel it's often better like a lot of people try and put the steel corner beads on really tight but it's actually better to leave them with a little more room to fill so you don't get spots like this so come take a look right here you can see that bead shining right through and there's no guarantees that that's not going to cause a problem later down the road it's nice to have a bigger fill of mud over top of steel corner beads anyways it is what it is okay so that's some basics about applying mud to corner beads you guys it's pretty simple right let's do this one real quick for fun because we have the time on the sd card if i can do it fast three minutes we got three minutes on the sd card okay okay let's do it okay load load feather [Applause] finish clean off your bead one more finish real gentle do not hollow it out okay you need a little more mud okay can you even see there you go there's an angle okay load load load feather that like button if you haven't already but only if you're getting something out of these videos if you're still here you must be okay feather again because it just needed it finish that's it that's a corner bead and that's a big mess on my corner bead when i was rushing how are we doing for time two minutes on the sd card okay what am i gonna do about that i think i'm just gonna really carefully flatten her down okay i'm happy with that um now it's time for me to outro because we got no more time left on the sd card and i don't want to get a new one and put it on so that's enough for today i want to say thanks for watching vancouver carpenter i hope you're getting something out of these videos i hope you're learning a lot of little tips and tricks about how to coat corner beads and all the various drywally things i've been showing you lately i know not a lot of carpentry someday don't know when it is anyways thanks for watching appreciate the support and till the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 146,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, drywall patch repair, drywall patch, drywall hole repair, drywall screw gun, drywall repair kit, drywall anchors, drywall taping and mudding, drywall corners, drywall mudding, repair, hole, wall, fix, corner, tape, mud, taping, fast, crack, best, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, mesh tape, quickset, finish, topping, paper tape, wallboard, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, mudder, skim, coat, install, ceiling, corner bead, beed, screw, pop, nail, screw pop, nail pop, paint, home repair
Id: 09_Km_H9O18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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