How to Clone Your Hard Drive - Dont lose your data in Windows 10 or 11

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Booting from a mechanical hard drive can take  a very long time you can make a cup of coffee   go to the bathroom come back and you might  be into Windows over a minute to boot into   this guy there is a night and day difference  booting from a mechanical drive to an SSD which   will take you seconds and then booting from  an M.2 SSD even quicker if your OS was on a   mechanical drive and you want to move over to  an SSD or an M.2 SSD you can either reinstall   Windows which is typically the way I recommend  to do it or you can clone your drive from this   over to these either using software within windows  or using one of these The Sabrent USB Type-C   docking station for M.2 PCIE NVME and 2.5 3.5 SATA  SSD and hard drive so this will take you from this   to this and to this and everything in between  any combination you can think of you can do it   either connected to your computer or you can do  it offline so in this video we're going to go   over all of that and a few gotchas in between  so let's go ahead do an unboxing real quick of   this guy and then we'll go ahead and walk through  the processes real quick all right so here She is   again The Sabrent USB Type-C docking station for  M.2 PCIE NVME with offline clone function so this   is pretty awesome something I've actually wanted  for quite some time because you can do a 3.5 inch   drive or a 2.5 inch drive and an M.2 SSD this  is awesome so it's compatible with Windows, Mac,   USB Type-C as I mentioned 2.5 inch and 3.5  inch and M.2 SSD’s 2.5 inches as well so   nothing over here over here is just the title,  title all the way around and then over here   we go over some of the features functions and  specifications I'll go ahead and Skip all that   since we're going to go over everything here  so let's go ahead and open this up real quick okay all right so here we have oh the cover   and then here we have the cloner I'm going to  go ahead and put this aside just for right now I'm going to put this aside for right  now as well and then here we have the extended warranty okay and then we have the user's guide   if you haven't watched this video this will  definitely help you out but if you have   you don't have to worry about this definitely  good stuff though okay then in this box the USB Type-C cable and I'll go ahead and put the   measurement of this cable down below all  right pretty long cable Type-C to Type-C and then a USB type A to USB Type-C I put the  measurement down below of this cable as well and then the power cable  so plug this into the wall and then this into the unit itself I'll go ahead and put the measurement for this  down below as well and then we have some silica,   a silica pad with some adhesive so that we can  put this on an M.2 SSD so it doesn't get too hot   and then we have the unit itself so  over here some vents to keep it nice   and cool so it doesn't overheat a USB Type-C  connection a DC 12 volt connection over here   on and off switch vent over here again then over  here we have the aluminum for a heat shield for   the M.2 SSD we can drop it right over here  we'll find that thermal pad over here as well   and then down here is where we can  drop that M.2 SSD once it's in place   just close this up and this will keep your M.2  SSD nice and cool then we have four rubber feet   over here to keep down the noise that will make  when you have a 3.5 inch mechanical drive or   a 2.5 inch mechanical drive and then down here  is the SATA data connection and the setup power   connection this is for one single drive it's for  one single drive because you can pop in a 2.5 inch or 3.5 inch drive over here or an M.2 and then you can use the resources from  your computer to transfer from the cable   over here now it's offline because you  can transfer from a 3.5 inch or a 2.5   inch over to an M.2 SSD and vice versa  as well so the way this would work is   you just grab a drive let's say a 3.5  inch and you just drop it right in here push it down a little tiny bit and it's  in and then when you're done you can just   pull it out same thing for a SATA SSD just drop  it right in here and they have the cutout for you   right over here you could just drop it and it goes  right in place and like with the 3.5 inch just   pull it right out for an M.2 just drop  this down and you will want to match the little Notch right over here on the M.2 drive   to the notch right over here  on the socket and then you just push that right in here okay and then if you pull along a little bit  and it doesn't come out it's in there good   and then you can just go ahead and close that in  right over here now because it does already have   this you don't need to put in another one  that'll go ahead and keep it nice and cool   and then when you're done with that one just pull  it out and then also over here there is the A   and B switch so here is if you're cloning from an  M.2 to a SATA drive so from here to here beta 2.5   inch or a 3.5 inch and then B is for when you're  cloning from a SATA drive over to an M.2 so again   a for M.2 to SSD and B for SATA or SSD to M.2  and then over here is the button to copy it so   let's go over some of this now so from a  restart scenario which typically takes a   little less time we can see here just how long  it takes to restart a computer with a mechanical   hard drive now I'm fast forwarding this so  you don't have to suffer like I am with this foreign so using a professional copy of boot racer I  purchased we can see that it took 3 minutes and   12 seconds to boot into a 100 stable environment  of Windows stable meaning no other software is   loading there are no services or processes  running you can start using your computer   as soon as possible but even still things are  going to load slow because it is a mechanical   drive so let's go ahead and clone this over to  an SSD and then I can show you how the cloning   process works before we start cloning there's a  few things I recommend we do now even though we're   going from a one terabyte to a 500 gig we're  not reaching the limitations of MBR just yet   but because the newer versions of Windows let's  say Windows 8 and above have started utilizing   UEFI and GPT we want to make sure that we are on  GPT first so to explain it why UEFI is better than   a standard bios a few things first off it allows  you to use the mouse inside of the BIOS instead of   using in your keyboard I prefer the keyboard but  you know some people prefer the mouse either way   UEFI will help you with compatibility with  graphics cards as new cards come out they're   requiring more and more UEFI, UEFI allows  you to skip different portions of your boot   process to allow you to boot faster and the old  biases do not support drives over two terabytes   UEFI does so that's something we're going to want  to check first then over MBR over GPT we want to   select GPT, GPT allows for 2 terabyte drives and  higher GPT also allows for 128 partitions if you   wanted to MBR only allows for four and with  that of course GPT boots faster so if we come   over here to the Windows start button right  click on it and then select device manager and then click to expand disk drives we're going  to right click on our hard drive right here and go   to properties we'll go to volumes and then we'll  click populate so this tells us if we're under   MBR Master boot record or GPT we're under MBR so I  would highly recommend switching to GPT I'm going   to show you how to do that real quick as you're  going to see in a second all of this is worked   from so make sure your motherboard supports UEFI  and for compatibility purposes make sure you're   on the very latest bios there is a chance you  could lose some data on this just warning you   so first off we'll just right click on  the start button hover over shutdown   or sign out then we'll hit the left shift  key hold it and then we'll click restart   now that we've started into choose  an option we'll select troubleshoot   then we'll go to Advanced options and  then we'll come down to command prompt   another limiting factor of UEFI versus the  BIOS is I'm not able to record with the BIOS   through USB but anyway so then we'll go ahead and  restart here we'll select whatever account we want and then here we're going to go ahead and  type mbr2gpt space forward slash validate   and then we'll type mbr2gpt space forward slash convert now it's funny even though we did all that  validate stuff it's still going to say fail   to update the reagent all that stuff and  it's going to scare you but I've tested   it there is no issue here then we just  close this window then turn off your PC   so then we're going to turn the PC back on and  now go into the BIOS because we have to enable   UEFI okay so then we'll go over to advanced mode  I prefer advanced mode and then we'll go over to   boot CSM this is different on many BIOS’ but we  don't want to use CSM so we'll go ahead click   disabled on that disabling that goes ahead  and sets everything down here from Legacy to   UEFI so if we wanted to leave it enabled we can  we just select UEFI under boot device control for   Network for boot storage and boot from PCIE  and that that'll be basically the same thing   and then we'll go ahead and Save, save and exit  and then we're going to come back into the BIOS   okay so then we'll come in back into advanced  and we'll go to boot and now we notice the boot   options are a little bit different Windows boot  manager is now the very first drive instead of   the SATA 6G underscore one Hitachi the reason  for that is we've enabled GPT when we did that   conversion and if you didn't have Windows boot  manager here just make sure you select it some   biases are a little bit different you actually  have to select the drive and then from the drive   itself then you select the boot partition and  then here we'll go ahead hit F10 to save and   exit even though we didn't make any changes I  wanted to show you that real quick so one second okay four minutes and 28 seconds painful  268 seconds and 984 milliseconds yeah   horribly bad but aside from that if  we right click on the start button   and go to device manager then we'll go over  to disk drives and whatever drive you had   properties volumes and populate if you remember  we were on MBR before now we're on GPT beautiful   now this is the method I recommend cloning I'm  not recommending this because of Any limitation   on Sabrent or Macrium but I have noticed a lot of  issues on previous videos people cloning from MBR   to MBR from drive to drive so I recommend highly  to not only use UEFI in your bios if your bios   supports it which may also mean you need to update  to the very latest BIOS version another thing I   recommend but also switching from MBR to GPT so  of course we will need to plug this into power so then on the drive we just plug it in right  over here and then we grab the USB cable   I'm going to utilize the USB Type-C connection right there and then I plug the other end  to the USB Type-C connection on the PC now the only reason we're connecting  this to the PC is we're going to be cloning this   mechanical drive a 3.5 inch drive over to 2.5 inch  SSD now there's only one slot right over here this   will fit a 3.5 inch or a 2.5 inch and then of  course an M.2 but we'll get to that a little bit   later on so now we're going to be passing all the  data through USB so we'll go ahead and pop this   drive right in here okay then after we drop the  disc in Windows is going to recognize the drive   old or new drive now if it's a new Drive I highly  recommend you right click on the start button go   to Disk Management okay it's going to ask you here  to initialize the disk make sure you're selected   to GPT no reason to go back to MBR ever and click  OK here but before we do that notice it shows   unknown not initialized and unallocated so we'll  click OK here and it goes to basic online perfect   that's what we want now because we popped in a  drive over here and we're going to be cloning from   a mechanical drive over to an SSD we had to use  that cable so we can't use this button to clone   so we'll come over here on macrame reflect and I  show you in this video up above how to download   and all that stuff realize that it's not a free  full version anymore it's a 30-day trial but the   30-day trial will work exactly like I showed you  in that video here we can see that if we combine   all these sizes 12.2 50.9 gigs 26.5 Megs 447.8  Megs it doesn't equal 500 gigs or 465.7 so what we   do here is we have more than enough space so that  it's still small and there's space left over to go   to a 500 gig from a one terabyte so we'll click  clone this disk and if you don't have space make   room so this is the primary drive the one terabyte  we'll click select, select the disk to clone we'll   select this 2 to GPT and then we'll go ahead and  delete this partition so now it's completely blank   and we deleted the partition on the second drive  not the primary drive and then we'll click next,   next again and then here if you want to see  everything that's going on you could read   that here but we don't need to and then we'll  click finish we don't need to save as a backup   definition file at least I won't you can if you'd  like so I'll uncheck this and I'll click ok to   run this backup now okay the Clone started this  might take a while so I'm going to go ahead stop   recording for now and come back when it's done  full clone from a mechanical one terabyte drive   to a 500 gig SSD took 32 minutes and 43 seconds so  we were slowed down here not by the SATA SSD but   we were slowed down by the saddle mechanical Drive  the 7200 RPM Drive can only transfer between 80   and 166 megabytes per second and typically that's  going to be at highest 100 Megs per second the   SATA SSD can transfer up to 650 Megs per second  so the mechanical Drive slows down your PC tons   and the data transfer as well now let's see how  fast the Western Digital 500 gig Blue Drive can   transfer to the Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus G 2 Terabyte  M.2 SSD now remember you need to switch your bios   to UEFI from the regular Bios mode you need  to make all those changes in the Bios that we   did earlier as well as convert the MBR to GPT in  order for a two terabyte or larger drive to work   now we're going to go ahead and try the docking  station offline we're going to turn this off   we're going to disconnect the mechanical Drive  just don't move it too much it's still spinning and now we'll take this out and then  attach the SATA cable the SATA data cable   and then also attach the setup power cable now let's go ahead and turn the machine on and  we're going to go into the BIOS real quick just   to make sure the Western Digital Drive is  picked up now rebooting back into the BIOS   go into advanced mode and, and to boot I just  want to verify that that drive is coming up   so we'll go under well and we can see it right  here under boot override WDC WDS 500 gig drive   and we'd be able to see that here as well perfect  no changes I just wanted to make sure it shows up   so this card changes and exit and  now we'll boot back into windows and just remember this is not connected and now we'll see how fast  the boot racer starts up so from 300 something seconds down to 26  seconds now remember a SATA SSD can only   transfer up to around 600 megabytes per second  now let's see again how the offline transfer to   this works and then how quickly it can  boot now plugging power back in we can   disconnect the Type-C connection since we  are going through the computer whatsoever   and now we want to make sure we select SATA  to M.2 so we'll select B then we'll disconnect this drive then slide it right in here now we'll open this up and again it has that  silicone already there and then we'll drop   this drive again with the little Notch right  over here aligned with the notch on this side click it in place and close this and  you'll notice when we plugged this one   in this light turned on and then this SATA was  on because of this drive so if we disconnect it   this drive turns off or this light turns off and then when we plug it back in  there we go the light turns on   you'll notice these little lights right  down here so first is power then 25 percent   50 percent 75 percent and 100 but we'll see that  in this video so now drives are in place we have   the correct allocation from B SATA to M.2 and now  we'll go ahead and press and hold the Clone button when these lights start blinking double tap  it and then it starts the Clone process so   now again when that's fully lit this is 25  when the second one is folded 50 75 and 100. now I'm going to be a few seconds  off but starting the timer now about 15 minutes and 30 seconds maybe 15 minutes  and 40 seconds with the extra time when it's done   cloning all the lights will be solid including  these two up here so now we'll go ahead   and turn this off and this  heatsink is a little hot so about 53 degrees Celsius it's a good thing  we have that heatsink now we'll just go ahead   unplug that there disconnect that here again  this is a little hot right now we may want to   let it sit for a minute just so it won't burn  our fingers but let's go ahead and install it   back on the motherboard now normally I would say  to put a heatsink on after we install it but since   we're just going to be booting into Windows that's  okay for now so we'll go ahead plug that in it's   really hard with a video card there okay now  it's plugged in and it's latched in so we'll   go ahead and turn on the machine and like before  we'll come over to advanced and we'll come to boot   clicking here we could see that  we're using the Sabrent Rocket 4   Plus gaming so the M.2 SSD now let's  see what that does for boot up times so from up to 300 something maybe 180 something   to 26 down to 21.750 seconds to boot into windows  so cloning from a 500 gig to a 2 terabyte we're   only going to have about 500 gigs worth of space  that makes sense but let's go ahead and win that   back so if we right click on the start button and  go to Disk Management here you'll notice that 1.4   terabytes of an unallocated space so coming over  here the easy way will open up AOMEI Partition   Assistant while it's still free they like to  change their mind often will come under here right   click on the unallocated space and we'll merge  partitions we'll merge it with the C drive and   then we'll click okay and then bam that opens up  1.82 terabyte now all we need to do is Click apply   and proceed we'll restart  into Windows PE mode one sec and then in win PE mode it'll finish the  conversion or the expansion I should say and now we'll just click restart and even faster  even though we did go through another conversion   but regardless of that we already know it's  faster and if we come under file manager or   file explorer this PC now we can see we have all  of that space back that's awesome so in this video   we've only gone over cloning scenarios which  this is great for cloning from the motherboard   or offline everything works great we've gone  through USB Type-C and USB Type-C works great   not everybody has USB Type-C some of you might  have USB 3.0 even 2.0 AT USB 3.0 we can go at   4.8 gigabits per second and that's pretty fast  but this doesn't only work as a cloner this works   perfectly if you have drives laying around  so that you can kind of use them as a thumb   drive let me show you real quick so first I'm  going to go ahead and connect the USB 3.0 cable now we're going to start off with an M.2 drive  so like I showed you before just pop one in and now this detects a drive like a thumb drive and the drive pops up the system reserved first  and then this used to be a Windows install so   from here we can open up another file explorer  I'll go to videos and then I have a bunch of the   videos that I used in this video just copied  over so a 12.9 gigabyte video I'm going to   go ahead and copy over to this drive because I'm  copying it over to the root it asks me so we can   see just how quickly a 13 gig file less than 30  seconds to copy from internal to this M.2 drive   you can see it processing right there so then when we're done  there we'll just unplug this and then we can pop in a SATA SSD okay this one also shows up as a drive F and I'll  do the same thing I'll copy that 13 gig file over   now remember this is limited to about 600 Megs  per second so it won't be as fast as this one still pretty fast though almost around  the same amount of time so the limiting   factor would be that USB 3.0 cable this is  still a great thumb drive to have around now the other cool thing is now mind you  M.2s get hot but while this is in use come back into this PC now we can see here drive C  which has its own system reserve and then this is   the one terabyte the M.2 drive and then this is  the 500 gigabyte the Western Digital Blue Drive   so you can connect both at the same time and like  before you'll see both of those little eyes lit   up pretty cool so the dock not only works as a  cloner which it does a great job it does what   it's supposed to do but it also works as a dock  you could have it desk side connected to your   system at all times and whenever you have an SSD  or an M.2 or a regular SSD laying around or even   a 3.5 inch drive that you've stored away that you  need to pull some data from just plug it in three   to five seconds later Loops up and you're good to  go and you can use it just like it was a regular   internal drive or maybe as a thumb drive it works  great I think Sabrent did a great job with this   drive it does everything it's supposed to do this  is what I've been wanting for a very long time   mainly for the fact that you can also use it for  M.2 drives everything was SATA drive a 3.5 inch or   a 2.5 inch nothing had M.2 as well that can do MV  me so that's great so let me know what you think   about it down in the comments below do you love  it do you hate it what part did you love what part   did you hate or did you just love it all because  I love it this will be my new desk side toy now   earlier I mentioned in the video if you wanted to  learn about macrame reflect how I cloned with that   go ahead check out this video up above again I  didn't mention it in that video but I'm mentioning   it here make sure to enable UEFI and convert your  drive to GPT before you clone it I didn't know   that in this video I learned that in this video  anyway Iggy with ThisBytesForYou out, see you guys
Channel: ThisBytesForYou
Views: 16,111
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Keywords: How to Clone a Hard Drive or SSD in Windows - Dont lose your data in 2022, how to clone your drive in windows 11, How to clone your Windows 10 or 11 the free and easy way, Clone your Boot Drive, dont lose your data in 2022, how to clone your SSD, macrium reflect clone ssd, how to clone hard drive, how to copy ssd, Macrium Reflect Free, how to clone ssd, How to clone your drive, How to Clone a Hard Drive, How to Clone, how to clone windows 10, clone drive, clone os to ssd
Id: 4BtdMcqwaFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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