How to Clean Your BTE (Behind-the-Ear) Hearing Aid

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hi Tony Merrill from North County Miracle Ear today we're gonna be talking about cleaning your BTE behind the ear hearing aid now miracle year we provide a cleaning kit like this and it actually has some instructions that'll help you through that process but if you like so many of us don't like to read instructions I'm going to go through a very simple quick check for you now in the hearing aid kit and or with your own hearing aid you got a tool like this and it's kind of small it's got a brush at one end and a little wire loop at the other the wire loop is the really useful part you've got a tube that's attached to the component that goes behind your ear BTE the tube has got to stay clear as well as the ear mold that it's attached to this hole is where the sound is coming from very important that that's clear of wax so in the morning when you go to take your hearing aid out of the drying chamber or the box that you have it in you want to make sure and check that that hole is completely clear of wax that way the sound will be able to come out now the other thing is during the day you may accumulate some moisture inside this tube that can affect the performance of the sound quality so you may have to if you take a break during the day actually use a little drying chamber that will dry out that moisture and if it's urgent that you need it to work right away you can even use a little device that blows air so you would take your tube off of your hearing name you would take your blowing and put it into your two and then just flow out the moisture until you get the quality of sound that you are used to okay now the last thing I want you to be aware of is this tube over time will get hard it'll get a little yellowed and it won't sound the same you need to replace this tube about every four months and to do that you need to go into your hearing aid specialist office and have replace it for you we actually provide free tube replacements for the life of your hearing aid that's just part of the service that Miracle Ear provides we have one last thing you'll want to keep this air mold nice and clean so either use the pads that we can provide with our hearing cleaning kit or you can find in any pharmacy a simple sterile alcohol prep pad that does exactly the same job we have three locations we'd love to see you I'm in Escondido in Encinitas and then we also have Oceanside so stop on in if you need any help with this or any more instruction
Channel: Miracle-Ear North County San Diego
Views: 15,144
Rating: 4.6279068 out of 5
Keywords: hearing aid, bte, behind the ear, miracle ear, hearing loss, how to clean, toni merrill, san diego, encinitas, esconido, oceanside, elderly, seniors, Ear (Human Sense Organ), Hearing (Human Sense)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 28 2014
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