How to clean diesel injector and clogged holes

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rusha clean the injectors off a 1.9 turbo diesel make sure you cover these holes I didn't cover because we're sitting in the house but you always want to cover the where the fuel goes in and the injector I'm just gonna tip this out now show you how good this stuff really works try an adjusted oh man try not to get that stuff on your hand still behind okay oh he's going to clean it and then after that we still don't have to take it apart make sure that it autumn eise's properly but you can see actually removes all the soot and carbon buildup by just leaving the injectors in the solution see if I can show you guys the actual tips see you guys gonna hold it right here sure it's like here I can do this right there maybe not I have to set the phone down shakes too much right I can see the holes on two three four five let's clean from the outside but we need to get to Bri out from the inside now so to do that we have to take the actual injector apart the tip this is what I use to clean the injectors you can pick this up at different store I know one of them that has it that does she a very good price I like to give out names but since it's pretty much everywhere you might as well pick it up from there for an awesome deal Walmart has it again I'm not a Walmart fan but I search Google this is what came up for roughly nineteen dollars you can get this also an autozone actually at $27 so whichever ones closer this stuff actually will clean injectors very good also carburetor and other parts that have carbon built on them EGR make sure you put the EGR since right here there's a basket see the basket right here make sure you don't dip the whole EGR just the carbon part in it leave the motor out from the solution otherwise it will get inside of it and damage it now I'm going to take the tip off the injector apart okay got it clamped on to the vise means that took this injector apart several times I don't really care but want to use aluminum on both sides so you don't damage the or put scratches on your injector anyways let's clamp down and now we're going to use a 15 millimeter set the Sun here let's crack it open pretty tight because he's almost got his whole force on it and these are only not even sure 20 so that was more like 60 foot pounds which is not supposed to be that much now be very careful when you do take this apart see if you look right here there's carbon right there on top see that as you're open then opening it it's not with a brush you want to clean that off I don't and it taken out to put your finger on the tip doesn't matter people say works all the time since we're kind of you know from the inside so you want to put your tip finger on the tip open this up it's very important to have your finger on the tip I'll show you why sometimes you can get away by not putting your finger on the tip but you have to have a very steady hand okay I need two hands here one two hold on and a tip and to raise this up and when you take this out be very gentle with the this piece right here this piece actually can be removed you want to mess with that here is the actual tip there we're going to check to make sure that it autumn eyes is properly before we reinstall it all right the pin do not want to come out so use the magnet we set this on may want to put a napkin over it like this your napkin and then gently set that on see right now oops the needle did come out before they want to come out so use a magnet to pull the needle out that needle is supposed to come out freely without a magnet if it doesn't they may discuss some debris in there which you can see over there is little bit dirty and that's the reason why we took that apart to make sure that it's clean inside okay now that the needle is out we're going to use some brake cleaner that's right here brake cleaner need a straw and we're going to put the straw and the needle nose and by autumn izing it or squeezing the trigger it should autumn eyes five patterns I think it's all five I was actually looking through the screen I didn't see correctly but it's double check you actually one is not working so we got one that's now working so I have to use probably errors to see if you can blow that out if not we have to use a super super small fine needle to clean the tip oh okay now with the air just gonna blow gentle on the hole and make sure that to see it will clean systems now two are stuck so we definitely got dirt in there so only atomizing two three instead of five you can see we're using a small wire to clean it hole from the injector tip so that's actually going right through but we got a couple that just doesn't to go through just going to keep on doing it to actually are cleaned through so one was definitely plugged because if he couldn't put the wire through the also that thing this takes a while but it's pretty much the only way that I can properly clean it email I headed on a solution for two days it just simply plug the holes two of them see that one just doesn't want to go through sometimes the wires that get damaged we have to replace it which you have plenty of wire since we're using a brush here's the brush that we're using just a fine brush let me just rip a line from it and I mean a wire and we use that on PI script to hold it in so we can clean the tip I'm going to show you now how it is after they're cleaned so you can see all five is a five or six one two three four five I'm gonna double-check and make sure there is five in our sixth because these tips are a bigger they're aftermarket so I'm gonna double check to make sure it doesn't have six patterns sometimes the six pattern I just forgot okay now this is up close of the injector tip you can see right here marked a little marker I can see there's one two three for five okay so it's five holes actually because we count this with the markers so you can see them and once taller and they start going down but you put it back on the injector when it goes in one way so you sure we'll show you that too I'm just going to set the needle back in could use a little oil if you like google diesel make sure your hands are very clean when you put the needle in if you don't want to go in so that my knots not going in properly maybe just still have some carbon buildup oh there it goes must go in freely and all the way down now we'll show you how easy a needle comes out after its cleaned now we should supposed to come out see that it just comes out freely and then you should go back in same way probably this one it has a little bit it's magnetized since I use a magnet so let's hope that's not gonna affect nothing all right before you put the injector back on it only goes in one way so to do this you see it's got three holes an injector nozzle that bottom hole would have to go where the hole is right in there and then the other two will align onto the tip puts two uh nipples this is actually your fuel pressure right there maybe that's a fuel return my sure which one but neither water picture is no dirt in their own you install this so we're just going to clean it again make sure it's nice and clean if you think you have dirt or the fuel line goes through another way that you can probably clean this that might work use the brake cleaner remember that hole that was showing you right here on top 21 hole you put the straw over it and when you put the straw over and you squeeze it should push to the bottom see see right there and that will take a 15 does any dirt in there you should take that out there's the tip that I was telling you the hole right there we gotta put the straw in or over it make sure you clean the the cap that goes over the injection nozzle before you to the final torque down I can't before installation make sure your hands are cleaned not dirt falls in there make sure you hold the needle down so it doesn't move otherwise you're going to talk torque it down not properly and you'll damage the needle Tynan's 233 foot pounds and that's it ready to be installed thanks for watching
Channel: Adorian E Bismarck
Views: 1,368,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: guYFnOMlR_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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