Best Way To Clean a Honda Style Carburetor - Video

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hey guys welcome back to the small engine saloon I'm Steve I have got tons of comments on my channel asking for this video we're gonna do it today I'm going to show you how I clean one of these today so through the spring in the summer time I do this exact job right here I clean these carburetors several times a day I've literally done this hundreds and hundreds of times in my life I've got it down to a procedure now that works good for me step-by-step I'm going to show you what I do when I clean one of these carburetors one of these Honda style carburetors I call it a Honda style carburetor because there are many many different carburetors out there that are actually not Honda's but there are the same design you clean these the exact same way there's Chandos out there we call them jaundice around here because they're a Chinese knockoff of a Honda lots of those out there lots of those out there there's some coolers there's this this carburetor right here is a caller it's the exact same type of carburetor the mechanisms on the top are a little bit different where the fuel line plugs in is a little bit bigger but you clean it the exact same way that's what we're gonna learn how to clean today Briggs & Stratton Tecumseh not what you're looking for here in this video it is completely different for a Briggs & Stratton or to come see this is just these Honda style carburetors is what I call it so let's go I'm gonna show you how to do that right now you're gonna need some miscellaneous tools and I'm gonna take you through the tools that you need as we do this and oh yeah thanks for reminding me you also need a beer I'm going with my staple Lucky longer today clean the outside of your carburetor before we even open it up I take a an air gun my compressor air gun as best as you can get all the the big crappy stuff off in there first and sometimes it's really not that clean I'll take carp spray like this and and just spray the whole thing with carb spray and blow it off again wear eye protection while you're doing this you don't that's in your eyes and then blow that off again till the outside of the carburetors is as clean as you can get it you got done a carburetor on your batch first thing I do after that 10 millimeter wrench no 3/8 won't work got to be a 10 millimeter wrench and we're gonna get that float bowl off of there so undo that float bowl like that and you know you're probably gonna see a little gas drain out on your rag that's okay it's actually not a bad idea if that does that because then you could see if there's any water in your carburetor because when it hits our rag the gas will just soak right in and if you have any droplets of water they're gonna hit that rag and you're gonna see the droplets of water are gonna be actually sitting right up on top of the rag and you can clearly look down at that and go oh there's water in that carb pull that bowl off there's your float bowl right there sometimes it is so plugged up that you just need a new carburetor even I have to replace the carburetor sometimes I can't it's so bad where I can't even clean it good enough to make it work properly I have a link back on my description of this video that'll take you back to a site where you can look so that's some carburetors they're not actually that expensive obviously if you can clean it like I'm gonna show you it's a gonna be way more cost-effective for you to clean it next thing we're gonna do is take the float itself off it's just a pin like this it's gonna easily come out on these style of carburetors you just pull that pin out put that down on the rag so you don't lose it and pull the float Bowl out and it's got your restored the float itself out and and it's got the the float needle on that also put that aside some of these things actually have a sediment bowl on them if you have a sediment bowl on there absolutely take that off it's going to be needed to be cleaned anyways not all of the carburetors have that sediment bowl like that you ten millimeter wrench again unscrew that and we're going to clean all these parts after we do assemble this thing next thing you want to do is get your named jet out your main jet is right up in the bottom of that stem right in there now this is going to be your biggest challenge right here believe it or not is getting that that main jet out of that stem you need the exact right size flat screwdriver for doing this if you look at done this screwdriver right here this is a typical screwdriver where it flares out on the end like that right on the sides if you try to put that screwdriver in there it won't go in because those are it's it's too wide what I've done in the past is I've done this where I take one of those screwdrivers but I just put it on my bench grinder and I grind that so it's straighter like that now that'll fit in there the point of that is is because once we get this main jet out I'm gonna show you but it's a brass it's a very soft brass piece that strips really easy if you don't have your screwdriver that fits in there exactly properly and now main jet is really tight and you turn it it'll just rip the brass out and and strip that out and then then you're screwed you will never get that sucker out of there ever again so let's get that out fits in there we unscrew that and that's gonna come out now there is your main jet right there now you can see what I mean by the little brass ends your flat screwdriver only connects there and there so if it doesn't fit absolutely perfectly you're gonna wreck that thing and you're not going to be able to get it out that's your main jet the next thing that's in there is what's called your main nozzle it's a long tube if you look through the throat of your carburetor on your choke side very important to open your choke up and you can see it way better and get out that better you see a little brass piece poking up that's the end of your main nozzle if you can get a little screwdriver in there and push that down like that to pop it out and remember you have to have that mean that man jet out first and then this should just pop out if you push it down like that it is going to probably pop out now there you go it just popped it just popped right out in my hand if you can't get that out I have a specialty tool I'll just show you this real quick it's a tiny little easy out it's made for extracting broken bolts and whatnot but it's a very small one you see that this works great sometimes your carburetor is so dirty and it's so gummed up and this main nozzle could be glued in there you can actually just take a little easy out if you have one around look down the center post there so you can see the end of it that'll fit right in there and you can just twist that twist it out like that and pull on it and that works just great it comes out just like that I love this little easy out tool because I run into that all the time next thing we have to get out is the pilot jet pilot jets right up in the top here like this before we take that pilot jet out we got to clean a little bit before we take that out take your carb spray with your red tube on it now you're gonna see that you're gonna have two holes on all these style carburetors they have two holes not on the outside like when you take your air filter side off that's where those two holes are on your choke side you look at that hole right there and that's right in line with your pilot jet which is here now we have to squirt some carb spray through that and it's going to go through the pilot jet and it's going to come out on the other side of the carburetor inside the venturi if you look inside that venturi you're gonna see some tiny little holes right there now when to make sure that that passageway is clean we take that carb spray and we squirt we put the red nozzle in that hole that's in line with that and then turn it around as you spray that carb spray and when you do that you'll see carb spray squirting out those holes inside your venturi if you see carbs break squirting out all those holes that's awesome they're clean if they're if one of them's a little bit plug just give her on there and I've never seen one yet that won't clear itself by just high-pressure carb spray like that now we know that passage is clear hey while we're at it there's another hole there just squirt some carb spray in there too and it's it's the opposite side and you're just gonna see some carbs for a drain right now at the bottom of that post right there I've actually never seen one of those plug myself but give it a little blast and make sure you see some carbon spray draining out the bottom now that's clear that's clear now we can take the pilot jet out you just take a little screwdriver and pull this out this is your idle adjustment screw that's gonna be holding it in sometimes they have this little cap on it sometimes they don't remove all that till you see something that looks like that right there needlenose pliers excellent idea makes it way easier you get your needlenose pliers in there like that and that will just pull right out of there there is your pilot jet while we're talking about pilot jets you're gonna see some some carburetors out there even some Honda's that they're the same style of carburetor the pilot jet is a little bit different here's a carburetor right here that's on Honda it's a Honda carburetors on honda lawnmower we're right where the pilot jet is what I just showed you instead of being an external pilot jet that you can pull right out and hold in your hand the pilot jet is actually inside the carburetor it's built into the carburetor down lower Phillips screwdriver pull that screw out of there now you look down inside and you can see there's a little tiny hole in there that's the pilot jet and what I would call an internal pilot jet man that other one's an external pilot jet it's the only two differences that I've ever seen now we're gonna start without pilot jet while we're talking about that if you have your external one like this it's important that you look at that inside right there where it goes down there's a hole in there now you need to make sure that hole is clear it is a tiniest tiniest hole how I know if it's clear or not carb spray red tube right on the end and look at that you see that you see how it's squirted right out the sides like that that means that hole is clear many times you're going to take your carb apart and you can take this and squirt it and nothing comes out the sides that holes plugged if you're lucky maybe a twist type if you take a twist tie and peel some of that plastic off and get that twist tie in there maybe you can get that twist tie in there to clear that hole out to just wiggle it back and forth almost like a drill bit you just kind of hand a hand crank it through there I'm gonna put a link also on my description for for a welding tip cleaner you can get tip tip cleaners for welders looks like this these are actually really handy for cleaning a Honda carburetor it comes with all kinds of those little pokers take that smallest one right there and that should go through there if it doesn't you just keep going back and forth twisting it back and forth until you can get that thing right through that hole and then you can take your carb spray and blast that carb spray through and boom it squirts out the sides you know that hole is clear now now your pilot jets clear on that silo pilot jet real quickly here the one I just showed you where you take that that's screw oh no it's an internal pilot jet same thing with that you just got to do it down manually down through the carburetor and make sure that hole is clear too okay let's go through some easy ones now your sediment bowl if you have one literally carb spray in there blow it out till there's no sediment left in there nice and easy your bowl make sure that you spray that out sometimes you got to take a little screwdriver and actually scrape some of that rust out of there like that spray it blow it out with your air gun until your ball is clean now we're gonna move on to the pretty much the only thing left here is your main nozzle in your main jet start with the main nozzle right here you're gonna see that there's a bunch of tiny little holes here you need to make sure that those are clear before you start poking anything through there maybe it doesn't need cleaned look through pick that thing and put it up to a light bulb like that and see if you can see through all those holes if you can see through all those holes and then look right down the right down the end of it through the the tube if you can see through there and it looks clean those holes are clean you probably don't need to clean it if one of them are plugged or whatever you're gonna have to poke that out the same way as I told you how to do the pilot jet run a little wire through there if you can keep going until you can actually see through all those holes now that main module right there is gonna be clean when you can see through all those holes the main jet even easier look through that thing up at a light bulb and you're gonna see if it's plugged or not there is a lot of times I've taken these carburetors apart and that little main jet right there is the only problem it is plugged and all you got to do is twist high wire again actually works really good on that or your your welding tip cleaners run that through there until you can see through that hole blast it out with your carb spray again so there you go that's a pretty that's everything that you can clean on that carburetor right there hopefully you remember how everything came apart and where it all goes again just in case you didn't I'm gonna take these through real quick how to get this back together we'll start with your pilot jet pilot jet pops right back in there and that little holder that little holders not on all of them you get your idle screw back in there your main nozzle goes in after that it only goes in one way it goes in that way with the with the smallest end of that main nozzle goes into the carburetor first like that that should just go right back down into place now your main jet goes in it only goes in one way with your screwdriver part out and screw that back in and real important you don't screw that in too tight because it is that soft brass if you if you tighten it in there and just tighten it in there snug hold that nice and level like that just snug in there if you try to crank it in too tight I'm telling you that brass is soft you're gonna strip that off of there next thing we need to do is put your float your float back on and your needle back in I just realize I did actually miss a it's not a critical part but while you're in here this is called your seat of your carburetor that's where the needle on the float goes into that seat sometimes that seats got a little bit of crust on the bottom of it and the needles not gonna on there properly q-tips work absolutely great spray the end of a q-tip with a little carb spray like that and that'll fit right in there and just go in there like that and just clean the bottom of that seat okay you got that clean float float and needle go back in that little pin goes back in sediment bowl if you had one screw that back on and nice clean float Bowl put that back on two screw goes back in and 10 millimeter wrench grab that 10 millimeter wrench and tighten that up tight your sediment bowl up and that right there I would be absolutely comfortable putting that back on the unit right now and I would say you know what this thing's gonna run absolutely perfectly now providing it was a carburetor issue to begin with him I the reason your unit wasn't running or whatever might not have been a bad carburetor so there you go I hope I helped you guys out again hope I saved you some money I love saving you guys some money if you didn't have to take that into the shop and do that it's not that hard to do yourself subscribe to my channel as always and give me that thumbs up button like it share this with your friends guys there was a lot of you guys out there that really wanted to know that I know some of your friends are gonna want to see it share it and what can I say I can't think of anything else so here we go Steve out
Channel: Steve's Small Engine Saloon
Views: 748,020
Rating: 4.9359078 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, do, diy, lawn, replace, cut, tutorial, help, broken, stroke, four, two, garden, small, engine, repair, fix, learn, hedge, brush, start, simple, basic, easy, generator, mower, riding, blower, chain, saw, grass, install, properly, tips, tricks, efficiently, google, stihl, husqvarna, husky, echo, honda, shindiawa, pressure, washer, hand, held, wont, dull, not, direction, diagnose, save, money, tech, clogged, bogging, idle, up, weedeater, outdoor, power, equipment, leaf blower, lawnmower, How Do I Clean a Honda Style Carburetor?, carb, surging, clean
Id: uAHdhuDpeKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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