How to Clean a Ceiling Like a Pro! | The BEST Method!

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tulip time come on we gotta get things done hello everybody we're gonna wash the ceiling today and first thing that you need is a velita mop it's a flat mop and this head is dirty so i'm going to replace it and all you have to do is plop it off and stick it in the wash and then you'll have a nice clean mop head if you find your velita mop at a store they're also called cedar o at some places then you want to make sure you pick up some extra of the mop heads because you do eventually wear them down and they can be hard to find so if you find a spot where you can find your volita mop or your cedar row mop then make sure you pick up extras of these now this system also requires that you have a bucket that matches it and this is also a velina bucket i'm not sponsored by them i used to be a house cleaner for 35 plus years pro and this is the kind of system that we use as pros only on a larger scale so if you want to be like a pro and wash your ceiling the most easy way possible this is a system that you need walmart perhaps online look it up see if you can find this system because it's great for your floors your walls so many things i'm going to show you a lot of things in future videos that you can do with this so let's get started i'm going to fill my bucket up with hot hot hot water i'm going to use dr bronner's today this is dr bronner's and it's a castile soap it is all purpose you can use it for oh i'm so sorry i've got an owie i'm not fingering you guys i love you the best i can now we i'm sorry it's gonna show in the video nothing i can do about it it's gonna take eternity to heal or i don't know i hope it heals anyways castile soap dr bronner's and it is lavender scented you can get whatever kind you want there's peppermint in different kinds but this one smells so good so relaxing if i get a house clean i want a little dose of lavender it makes it easier so get yourself some dr bronners and you can find this also online walmart in some places carries it all kinds of different stores and uh it's kind of pricey but very concentrated you don't need very much so let's get started i'm just gonna fill my bucket up you just want to fill it up enough so that you can still squish out your mop so don't fill your bucket up to the top fill it to the you know about about a halfway halfway mark so i'm going to take my dr bronner's now everybody says exactly how much to use there's no exact squirt squirt two squares that's it that's what i use don't expect a big bubble you don't need big bubbles this is going to be awesome trust me take your velitmop head and put it on your mop snap them on they go on the side that has the velita and then flip it over and do the other side now over time i have noticed that the the mops kind of wear so that's why you should have a few on hand don't mind my mess in the background i have small quarters here to work in and i look like poo today so no comments about how i look like poo i know you don't have to tell me just dip your mop into the bucket and then put it into the little red squeeze router ringer thing and push and then take your mop and you can just you can you can just snap it in place like that often when i do i will just kind of just push but you will wear this thing out eventually doing that trust me and your bucket might fly over so be careful you could do it on the floor too but there's dirt on the floor we don't want to get your mop dirty with any kind of hair or anything because hair is your enemy and fluff balls because you want your ceiling nice and clean so check out how good this works light is not that great in here but this is just you just need to get the idea of the whole thing look at this you could spend hours cleaning your ceiling or you could just get one of these mops and have it done in about 15 minutes half an hour this ceiling has a bit of texture but it's still working great as long as you have no fluff balls i see a fingerprint right there and poof it's gone dirt is gone it's working amazing you will gain a bit of muscle doing this i assure you make sure you rinse your mop once in a while oh and it smells so amazing rinse it out you're gonna start seeing dirt in your bucket and you're gonna go wow this is working even if your ceiling doesn't look all that dirty it's going to be amazing it's going to smell so good you want to start with your ceilings first before you wash walls but you can use this for your walls it's amazing i have a video on it check it out how to wash walls like a pro it's amazing i'll leave the link in the description down below it's helped a lot of people get their hose cleaning done i just can't believe how much easier this is and when i was a pro and i found out that this is the way the pros did it i was like game changer it's just a matter of getting this system look it up online or at your local stores and then you can use this for a lot of things it's it's probably going to be about maybe a 50 investment guesstimate it differs and depending on where you get it from so worth it so happy spring cleaning we're gonna do a lot of work in my house because it's a mess i have a lot to do so subscribe and then i'll show you how to get through all of your spring cleaning now is the time to start your spring cleaning because once winter is over and spring happens you're not going to want to be inside you don't want to be outside so get her in because we want the house nice and clean i'm a real pro i did it for 35 plus years i look like poo because this is not a beauty channel this is where it's the real deal why would i get makeup on to do cleaning i don't want to get your mop get one of these mops just gonna make it happen it's actually kind of therapeutic doing this i don't know why i thought it was gonna really feel like it was a tour so amazing it's really actually quite therapeutic and you know when it when some when something's like yucky color yellowish and then you do something so simple as this and the oh wow why did i wait so long oh it smells so nice too you gotta get this system going up i'm telling ya it's life changing sometimes the mob snaps when you don't want it to and you just gotta give it give it a hack just give it some poop i'm a mess don't know how i got here but i'm blessed didn't know it take me past my destiny you're behind me with the rest cause i'm a mess [Music]
Channel: Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
Views: 58,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to clean a ceiling, cleaning a ceiling, ceiling cleaning, how to wash a ceiling, how to wash a roof, how to clean high places, flat mops, Dr. Bronner's, Vileda, environmentally friendly cleaning, green clean, cleaning tips, cleaning diy, diy, cleaning hacks, hacks, house cleaning, cleaning, house work, spring cleaning, mopping, how to do house work, how to do ceilings, how to reach ceilings, how to clean ceiling tiles, how to clean, clean with me, how to clean high spots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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