[How To] Cisco SD-WAN - Onboarding a Catalyst 8000v (or CSR 1000v)

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In today's video, we're going to be taking  a look at connecting the new Catalyst 8000v   virtual router to a Cisco SD-WAN network. Now  if you're unfamiliar with the Catalyst 8000v,   you may have known earlier that Cisco  had two other products - both the ISRv   and the CSR 1000v - both of which  were virtual IOS-XE routing devices.   And the Catalyst 8000v aligns with the new  Catalyst 8000 routing platform and kind of   consolidates both that ISR and CSRv platform into  one new virtual image. So while starting with the   latest versions of the virtual IOS-XE platform,  it is all going to be branded as Catalyst 8000v,   most of the things that you'll see in this  video today can apply to the CSR 1000v as well. So to kick this off - let's take a look at  the topology that we're dealing with today.   If you've seen any of my previous videos,  you may recognize this SD-WAN topology.   It's pretty simple, has the entire control plane  - vManage, vBond, vSmarts - a couple of remote   locations that are being represented by vEdge  Cloud VMs and a Linux server standing behind them.   And then the new thing that I've added here  today, is a new site site id number 400   that has the same setup with a Linux  server that can be used for testing - but   this time we have a Catalyst 8000v  running as the branch edge device.   One last thing before I get started, there are  a lot of different ways to bring a 8000v online   including some day0 auto-provisioning and you  know, all that type of magic - but because this   is a lab environment, I will only be showing the  manual process for bringing up a Catalyst 8000v. With that, let's go ahead and get started. So  I'll go ahead and bring up the console of our   Catalyst 8000v. And this will probably look  similar to any other IOS-XE command line interface   that we've seen before. One thing to note, is that  in the earlier days of IOS-XE based SD-WAN, there   used to be two completely separate firmware images  for an ISR. There would be the traditional IOS-XE   image that ran standard routing and what we're  used to historically - and there would be a new   image that would be specifically for the SD-WAN  enabled feature set. With the latest versions of   IOS-XE code, including what runs on the catalyst  8000v, we're now running a single consolidated   or unified image. So when this image boots up -  we'll either be in one of two different modes:   we'll be in autonomous mode which represents the  traditional IOS-XE standalone routing device or   we'll be in controller mode which enables us  to use new platforms like the Cisco SD-WAN.   And it's easy enough to switch back and  forth between them whenever we need to.   So to find out which mode we're running  on right now, we'll do a 'show version'.   And if we scroll to the bottom of this, sure  enough, we can see that our router operating   mode right now is listed as "autonomous". And so  to begin using the SD-WAN software, we will have   to change this to controller mode - and we'll do  that with the command 'controller-mode enable'.   Now the device will warn us, that when  we go ahead and confirm this change,   it's going to go ahead and reboot, wipe everything  that we have stored on the device - including the   current configuration. So if this is a  device that was already in production,   and you might have some configuration that's worth  saving, we'll want to back that up prior to making   this change. But since this is a lab device  and it's brand new - no config at all - we'll   just go ahead and hit continue. And because I'm  not going to bother with the day0 config, we'll   also hit 'no' here. This reboot might take  a couple of minutes so we'll be right back. Okay now that our device has rebooted, you might  be surprised to see that we're presented with a   username and password prompt. We're going to log  in with the default credentials, which are going   to be "admin" and "admin" for both the username  and password. And we will be forced to change   this immediately upon logging in. Okay and then  we'll be kicked out real quick - and we'll have to   re-log in with the new username and password which  is going to be "admin" and whatever we just set.   We can check again to make sure that we are  in controller mode, by doing a 'show version'   once more. And scrolling down we can now see that  our router operating mode is controller managed.   Okay now to get the configuration going,  we will have to do some manual config   on the Catalyst 8000v side before we head over to  vManage. So first, let's start off with some of   the SD-WAN specific config settings - and if you  haven't used an IOS-XE based SD-WAN device before,   we won't be able to use the typical 'config t'  that we're used to on a standard IOS-XE device.   Instead we'll have to use a command called  'config-transaction'. This is because all of   the configuration done on an SD-WAN device is  transactional. So when we enter new commands   they don't take effect on the device until we  manually commit those to memory. Once we run that   commit command, anything that we've changed  on the device will take effect immediately.   So first thing we'll do we'll go ahead  and set the hostname to "cat8k-site400".   Next we'll set some of the system configuration  settings - so we'll drop into 'system',   we'll set our organization name, then we'll set  our site id to 400, we'll set our system IP,   and also because this is a lab I will manually  set the vBond IP to the IP that we have   of the vBond in our lab. Okay once we're  done with that, we'll go ahead and commit   these changes for now before moving on. So we'll  just type 'commit' - give that just a second.   Next we're going to do the configuration  for our VPN 0 interfaces, and the tunnel   configuration associated to that. So we'll go  ahead and go into 'interface GigabitEthernet1',   which is my internet-facing interface. And  we'll set a static IP address of,   and do a 'no shut'. Then we'll go and create  a tunnel interface. For this tunnel interface,   we'll do a 'no shut' again, then we'll do  a 'ip unnumbered' for GigabitEthernet1.   We'll also do a 'tunnel  source' of GigabitEthernet1.   And we'll set our 'tunnel mode' to 'sdwan' -  and we'll exit out of that. Then we'll drop into   the SD-WAN config subtree, and again we'll set  interface GigabitEthernet1 as a tunnel interface -   and we'll set the encapsulation to ipsec. And  for now we'll go ahead and set the color as   biz-internet. And last but not least, we'll go  ahead and set a default route for now to our   gateway. And with all that done we'll  commit these configuration changes. Now depending on your configuration,  you might be able to move on to   the vManage configuration next. But in my  lab I'm actually using a local certificate   authority that has self-signed certificates. And  I'm using that CA to sign everything in my lab,   so that I don't have to go out to the internet and  get any of the publicly signed Cisco certificates.   So in order to facilitate this, I will have to  load the enterprise root CA certificate on my   Catalyst 8000v - so that it will recognize my  vManage when they go to negotiate. So I'll have   to make a couple of additional configuration  changes here to allow that to happen. So if you can see back in my lab diagram,  we do have a dedicated management interface   out GigabitEthernet3 - so let's go ahead and set  that up for management access to be able to reach   my TFTP server. So back in our config, we'll go  ahead and define VRF 512 for address-family ipv4.   And then we'll go ahead into  interface GigabitEthernet3,   and we'll do 'vrf forwarding 512' - and this one  will get our IP address via DHCP - and we'll exit   out of this. And last but not least, we'll set our  TFTP source interface to GigabitEthernet3 as well.   And then we'll go ahead and  commit these changes as well.   All right now let's go ahead and  do a 'show ip interface brief',   make sure we have a DHCP address on our Gigabit  3 interface - and looks like we do. So we'll go   ahead and do a 'copy tftp' for our cacert.pem  file, and we'll copy that to 'bootflash'. And it looks like that copied successfully. We can  go ahead and double check that it is in bootflash,   by doing a 'dir bootflash:' - and I'll go ahead  and filter that to just the file we're looking   for. And we do have that. So next we'll go ahead  and install that using the command 'request   platform software sdwan root-certificate-chain  install' and then the file location which is   'bootflash:cacert.pem'. Okay it looks like it's  installed and again we can validate this by using   the 'show sdwan certificate root-ca-cert'. And  sure enough, does look like we have the correct   certificate loaded. We won't go ahead and go  through all of this so we'll hit 'q' to exit. Okay now for the most part we're done on  the Catalyst 8000v for now. We're going   to have to go generate our one-time password  and keys from vManage to be able to activate   this device. So let's go ahead and hop over to  vManage now. Now that we're in the dashboard,   we can see that everything is up and  healthy. We'll go over to the left side   and under configuration, we'll select devices.  We'll find one of the unused Catalyst 8000v   routers - hit the ellipses on the right side,  and click 'generate bootstrap configuration'.   We'll go ahead and leave this as is, and hit  ok. And we'll go ahead and copy just the top   part of this file out to a notepad file.  We'll only need the 'uuid' and the 'otp'   values in order to activate our Catalyst 8000v  router. So let's go ahead and bring that back   up. And in order to activate this, we're  going to use the command 'request platform   software sdwan vedge_cloud activate' and then  we'll provide the chassis number and the token id. And once we hit enter, that should start  trying to reach out to our vBond in order   to begin the onboarding process. So in order  to validate, we can start using the command   'show sdwan control connections'. And we can see  that it's beginning that communication out to   vBond and vManage. If we go back to vManage real  quick and refresh the page - we can see that our   certificates signing request has been  generated by the Catalyst 8000v. And   that should be automatically signed shortly  and then distributed to our 8000v router.   We can also see that vManage does already show  the hostname as 'cat8k-site400' and the system IP.   And after just a short period of time, we can  see that our certificate has been generated and   installed on our Catalyst 8000v. So if  we hop back over to that once again,   do another 'show sdwan control connections'...  sometimes it takes a couple of minutes as the   connections are built and torn down  between different onboarding steps. Okay and as you can see on the  8000v now, we're starting to see   logs as OMP is coming online. So let's  go ahead and do a 'show sdwan control   connections' one more time - and so sure  enough, we have our final connection state,   which should be the connections up  to both vSmart as well as vManage. Now if we hop back over to vManage, go back  over to the main dashboard, we should see   that we have three WAN edge devices online. Sure  enough, we do. That includes the two vEdges that   I have already, as well as the new Catalyst 8000.  and last but not least we can go over to monitor   and down to network. And we can see  that everything is up and running there.   Not all the bfd connections have come up  online just yet but I'm sure they will shortly. And now if we wanted to, we could go ahead  and carry out with our template and policy   configuration and provisioning within vManage - and go ahead and push that out to our Catalyst   8000 device, to bring it fully  in line with our SD-WAN network.   However, to demonstrate something  very quickly I'm going to go ahead   and just configure VPN 10 for our  LAN-side service VPN very quickly. Now that I've manually configured the service  side VPN of VPN 10 for our LAN/client devices,   I wanted to touch on something very quickly that  I've gotten asked about a couple of times. So if   you're familiar with a lot of the commands on the  vEdge platform, you'll notice that a lot of those   don't translate one-to-one on the IOS-XE based  platforms. So for example, when you make that   transition from typical vVdge and Viptela code to  IOS-XE - you'll notice that a lot of the Viptela   commands that you might be used to, are now  prefixed with the 'sdwan' keyword. So for example,   on a typical vEdge device, we might do a 'show  bfd sessions'. However, on our Catalyst 8000v,   we'll have to do a 'show sdwan bfd sessions' -  and we can see that output here. Now one thing   I've run into a couple of times, is what do you  want to do when you look at the routing table.   On a normal Viptela device, you might do 'show  ip route' or 'show ip route vpn 10' for example.   And so on our Catalyst device, we might think  that we'd have to use the 'show sdwan ip route'   command - which in fact doesn't work. And if we  try this real quick, we'll see that the device   responds back with "Error: This command is not  supported". Now the reason for that, is that we're   not creating any different routing tables on our  IOS-XE device when we're running the SD-WAN code.   In fact it's just using the normal, built-in  mechanisms within an IOS-XE device to handle   the routing table. So for example, if we just do a  'show ip route' - what we'll see in this output is   actually what we would expect to see in the VPN 0  configuration on a normal Viptela or vEdge device.   So all of those routes and configuration is  now getting dumped into the normal or global   routing table on an IOS-XE device. And so what  that means, is if we wanted to see the routing   table specifically for our VPN 10 - that is  actually just configured as a separate VRF within   the IOS-XE code. So for example, based on  my configuration earlier - we can do a 'show   vrf' - and we can see that we both have the  VPN 512 that we configured for our management   interface, as well as 10 for our LAN-side network.  And so now we can do a 'show ip route vrf 10'. And   we should see some of the OMP-propagated  routes from our other two locations.   Which for right now we are seeing it from at least  site 200 - I did note earlier that it looked like   we were having some connection issues between one  of the other two vEdge locations... so it looks   like that's probably site 300. I can go ahead  and fix that on the back end - but I just wanted   to demonstrate one of the littler differences  between running IOS-XE based SD-WAN code versus   the Viptela vEdge code, that some people might be  used to if they've been running this for a while. Okay and with that - that's all I have for this   video. I hope that this was helpful  and thank you so much for watching!!
Channel: 0x2142 - Networking Nonsense
Views: 1,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco, tunnel, cloud security, IKE, ISAKMP, Viptela, SD-WAN, SDWAN, Cisco Viptela, cEdge, vEdge, vSmart, vBond, vManage, ENSDW, ENSDWI, 300-415, SDWAN300, IPSec, IOS-XE, Catalyst, Catalyst 8000v, 8000v, CSR, CSR 1000v, ISRv, self-signed certificate, enterprise CA, show sdwan ip route, sh sdwan ip route
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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