How to choose the right External Wastegate!

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hi i'm stuart from turbosmart and welcome to our video today on how to choose a wayscape turbosmart's been manufacturing wastegates for over 20 years and one of the most common questions that we get is what size wastegate do i need well how long's a piece of string there's lots of variables in wastegate selection we could spend hours discussing but today we're going to do a very basic guide so that you can get a gauge on where you need to aim for depending on your circumstances so what is a wastegate right a wastegate is a pressure control valve designed to bypass hot exhaust gas away from the turbine housing of the turbocharger to control shaft speed and therefore to control boost pressure it's our primary means of boost control and different engine and turbo combinations require different size wastegates to keep up with that flow demand okay so what are the considerations in wastegate selection it's important to note that ideally people building the exhaust portion of the turbocharger kit and the person doing the tuning on the vehicle will need to be involved in this decision factors that we need to in consider when we're looking at our wastegate selection are displacement of our engine generally the larger the engine the larger the wastegate same with the rpm if you're going to be running at a higher rpm you'll be working the wastegate harder you might need a larger one phil what type of fuel you're running generally alcohol based fuels like methanol or e85 increase the exhaust flow demand on the wastegate over a pump gas wastegate priority easier exhaust manifold designed to give good flow up to the wastegate we've seen setups that make 14 psi a boost with the wastegate completely removed from the manifold just leaving a hole where the gate was tuning window do you want to be able to run high boost low boost or be able to run both we refer to this as your tuning window when we talk about what you are needing from your wastegate it's a requirement to turn the boost down that dictates the wastegate size a wastegate's job is to bypass gas around the turbo to limit boost so it's always working its hardest on low boost and that'll ultimately decide what size gate you need and power how much power are you going to make with all the variables that we've already listed so what size wastegates does turbosmart offer we have five sizes ranging from 60mm powergate 50mm pro gate 45mm hypergate 40mm comp gate and the 2 volt flange ultragate so each size wastegate now range has the highest flow rates and highest heat handling capacity available on the market and come with all the hardware that you need as well as two port options rotatable actuator housing if you need extra clearance for fittings optional water cooling and a range of colors plus we offer application specific options like co2 motor sport high pressure valve position sensors and now fully electronic so we have all your options covered and we're happy to help if you have a problem turbo sizing versus wastegate sizing for the sake of simplicity in this video let's assume we're talking about a piston engine on pump gas and we want a reasonable tuning window so we want to be able to use a wide range of boost pressures here's where we can start to consider turbo sizing versus wastegate size if we put turbos into sizing groups based on compressor wheel diameter we can then get a basic understanding of the wastegate options so small frame turbo was saying up to 60 mil compressor wheel diameter medium frame turbo would be 60 to 70 mil compressor wheel diameter large frame turbo we're talking 70 ml and upwards now these days can be up over 100 mil compressor wheel diameter now let's do the same with the wastegates to give you an outline of what size wastegate you can aim for with the turbo that you're using small frame wastegate let's say 40 mil conch gate 45 mil high pickup a medium frame wastegate 45 to 50 mil wastegate large frame we're saying 50 to 60 milliway scope why do we want a larger gate or a smaller goat what are the pros and cons around each each type one with a larger wastegate you've got a tuning window widest range of boost for traction limited vehicles like pro mods for example and the larger the gate the wider the tuning window it simply means you have more options you can get lower boost if you need it while still maintaining the higher boost and a larger size makes the wastegate more efficient and this results in engine bay heat and wear coming down on your waistcoat you get rid of the heat faster and the gates not having to do as much work also future proofing if you upgrade your turbo at a later date you don't need to upgrade your wastegate because all that's done you don't have to redo all your pipework what are the advantages and disadvantages of the small wayscape small wastegate you can run a smaller wastegate if you're only running higher boost levels or low rpm engines like diesel that have a small volume of exhaust gas twin scroll turbocharger usually use two smaller wastegates turbos with larger ar turbine housings can get away with a smaller wastegate you have finer tune on your boost control it's more compact for tight engine bays they weigh less and ultimately they cost less unless you need to do it twice okay some examples of combinations for the street that we might generally recommend big block turn turbo twin 60s small block twin turbo twin 50s six cylinder single 50 or twin 45s a single 45 is marginal when in doubt just go for the 50 or higher four cylinder two liters and over 45 or a twin scroll you might use twin 40s four cylinder under two liter use a single 40 13 b rotary go a 50 mil or twin scroll 240s and a 20b rotary one at least it's 160ml as mentioned earlier want to make these decisions with the advice of your manifold supplier turbocharger supplier and your tuner get as much advice as you can we hope this video has helped you understand a little bit more about selecting the correct turbosmart wastegate for your application stay tuned for frequently asked questions thanks for watching and remember keep on building you
Channel: Turbosmart
Views: 8,508
Rating: 4.9735098 out of 5
Keywords: External Wastegate, Wastegate, Wastegate Sizing, Boost Control, EWG, boostcreep, tuning window, low boost, high boost
Id: xsIuj4N-uMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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