How to Choose a Bird Feeder

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there are many different styles of bird feeders available and when deciding on what type to buy it's best to determine what kinds of birds you want to attract and where your feeder will be located to draw the greatest variety of birds it's best to provide several different types of feeders and use a seed that complements them here are some different styles of feeders and the types of bird seed that would work best with each tray your platform feeders will attract the widest variety of birds but offer no protection against rain or snow and without excellent drainage your seed may become wet and grow mold and bacteria the best tray feeders will have small holes or a screened bottom to allow for drainage of water but even with screened bottoms you'll want to clean the feeder frequently to prevent a buildup of bacteria you should only offer enough seed for a day or two of feeding and make sure to clean out the old seeds before adding more hopper or house feeders protect seeds against the weather and bird droppings but if the seed inside the hopper gets wet it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus this style of feeder will also attract squirrel so it's important to use a baffle to keep the squirrels out of the bird seed hopper feeders are usually harder to clean than tray feeders but if kept clean and dry can attract a wide variety of feeder birds such as finches Cardinals sparrows chickadees and many more tip feeders are great for keeping seed clean and dry and can deter squirrels by using small feeding ports these types of feeders are great for Nitra seeds because it keeps the small light seeds from blowing away in the wind and squirrels are less attracted to nitrous feed and will usually leave the feeders alone these types of feeders are popular among cleaning ventures such as the Goldfinch and purple fish as well as pine siskins and quail similar to the tube feeder are soft feeders which are fine mesh bags to which birds can claim to extract the seeds suet feeders are usually constructed from metal or plastic coated metal wire mesh and can be nailed or tied to a tree trunk or attached to the side of a hopper feeder if you're using suet to feed birds it's best to have a separate feeder because the suet can be messy and hard to clean out of platform feeders putting out the proper birdhouse and picking the right birdseed is only the beginning of the process you will need to maintain a clean feeding environment to keep the birds healthy and coming back for more it's also a good idea to put the bird feeders near a supply of fresh water to keep the birds from leaving the yard to find a drinking source if you have any further questions about buying the proper bird house please visit the know house section at Tractor Supply com you
Channel: Tractor Supply Company
Views: 43,212
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Keywords: bird feeder, seeds, tray feeder, house feeder, tube feeder, sock feeder, suet feeder, tractor supply company, Bird (Animal), backyard, Know How Central, TSC, Birds, wildbirds
Id: tnAckW9m-gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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