How To Change Wallpaper On Windows 11 - Full Guide

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in this video I show you how to change your windows 11 wallpaper if you find this guide used for them please consider subscribing and once you've done that then please consider leaving a like and let's get right into this guide changing your windows 11 background or wallpaper is much easier you probably think so let's do this so firstly just come onto your desktop like so and right click on a blank area for example right here then all you then need to do is go down to personalize just like this it's got sort of like a paintbrush tap there then once you're on the personalization page what you can do is go over to the right hand side and go and choose one of these themes if you'd like to go and apply it you've sort of got like Windows dark mode and windows light mode as well but if you want to go and change the background then come down to background and as you can see we can then go and change the background image color and slideshow so go and tap here like this and firstly it says personalize your background so what you can do is choose if you want a picture a solid color a slideshow or the window Spotlight and then what you can do is once you choose one of these for example picture you can then go and choose one of these images here tells you you can see they're quite cool but if you want to go and use one you say downloaded from the internet which you could also do then go ahead and choose a photo and you can tap on browse photos and then your file explorer will open and you can go and choose which image you want to go and use which you're going to saved alternatively you could just go on the internet now and then go and see if an image to your computer and then you can tap on browse photos and go and find it and then what you can do is choose how the image is going to go and fit um so I have Percy a fill but you can have fit stretch Tile Center span that's all going to be up to you and of course you can go and change it to see how it fits so in this case I'm just going to go and pick an image from one of these recent ones so I might do this one here so let's go and click on it and just like that it will then go and update and that is my new background so if you guys found this video useful please consider going down below and leaving a like this
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 8,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to change windows 11 wallpaper, how to change wallpaper on windows 11, how to change background on windows 11, how to change windows 11 background, windows 11 wallpaper, how to change the windows 11 wallpaper, how to change your windows 11 background
Id: 1UVlK28pa1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 47sec (107 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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