How To: Change the spawn location in FiveM

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another tutorial video for 5m it's been quite a few months since i have created a video for youtube and it's pretty much just it comes down to i have a lot going on and i don't know if in the future it's going to continue either way i'm going to try to bust out a video every week or every other week that way we can keep the content flowing now in this video we will be showing you how to change your location in 5m it is very easy but it's been requested many many times inside of the discord so here we go first thing we're going to do is go to our server folder mine will is right here on the desktop we're going to go to wherever you have your resources saved minus in server data resources now before we do that let's start our server really quick because it will tell us which map we're actually using there's two different ones i think i have the hipster one so as you currently see right here i have the hipster one most likely you will also have the hipster one but it is a good thing to start it to see it most of the time it will load either each one or the other i don't think there's anything predefined having you just having it decide what to pick unless you actually define it it really doesn't really matter either but you can see i just loaded the hipster map so we're just gonna go along with it so we're going to go into the game modes maps we're going to delete this red m1 we're never going to use that in 5m and then we have hipster and skater now obviously we loaded the hipster one let's say i restart the server three times it could load the scadar one it all depends on which the server sees first since we're not pre-defining which one we're using in our server.cfg so it really doesn't matter just delete one or the other and it will just load whichever one is left now open up that folder and click on map.lua in here you're going to change everything you can see vehicle generator air tug don't really need that you can get rid of that you don't spawn with a vehicle now here you can see is all the different locations currently inside of the file which just say hey you can spawn at any one of those we're going to go ahead and delete every single one but the first line and obviously the more lines you have those are the locations you can use now there's two ways here's your locations and here's the character you spawn as those two things you can change there's a couple different ways you can change your location either you can use a trainer or something like v menu that displays your location and you can put your custom location in right there or you can go ahead and go to this website right here which is again a quick tutorial in text which is very very easy and how to change your location and along with the most popular locations in 5m with their coordinates so there you go you can grab it from there another thing is here is also pete which will be the next thing which shows you all of the spawn names for the peats let's say you want to use this character here simply copy this line go back and that is what you would replace in here like that and now that is how you change your peed both of those websites will be linked in the description so no need to worry again let's save this real quick i don't my 5m is having issues so sadly i can't show it to you working but just to go over it quickly again open up your server folder go to wherever your resources are self saved in my case it's server data go to game modes maps pick your map delete the other ones and then open up map.lua in here you can predefine your location right here and then the character you want to spawn as right here again i sadly can't show you right now i'm having 5m issues hopefully by next video i will have that resolved and yeah also if you guys haven't yet go ahead join the discord it's my discord but it's run by my partner in crime mzo he is very active taking care of discord simply because i don't have the time and we recently just broke a thousand members so go ahead join discord if you need any additional help and we will see you in the next video see ya
Channel: Cipher
Views: 41,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem, gta, tutorial, resource, new, help, how to, online, offline, resources, discord, custom, vmenu, permissions, detailed, helping
Id: -jDTDzwJKkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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