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hi there tony bonus here with starline windows today i'd like to show you how to replace your own patio door roller that has seen its day basically now if you have a patio door roller or patio door that's been around for a numerous amount of years it could actually wear out um basically from wear and tear high a high use door high traffic area door this one here that we changed probably about a month ago i kept and it has actually a broken bearing that it was just wore out and let go now we always encourage consumers to make sure you properly lubricate your door your door sill and your rollers and we recommend a pledge or a furniture polish which leaves your home smelling lemon scented but it also doesn't leave an oily residue on your door track and definitely is a lot easier to clean off than an oily residue so that's your broken patty door roller now i want to show you how to change that roller so the first thing you want to do is take your panel out now take your panel out you want to open the door about halfway you're going to grab both sides of it lift the top into the pocket bring your bottom out and you walk it out and there you have it you have your panel up you're going to tip it on to its side like this i like to protect the floor a bit so i've got a couple two by eights there it also protects the panel now to get this patty door roller out all you need is a cordless drill or even a hand drill it's a number eight roberson you're gonna go to that top machine screw which holds that in now i don't want to lose that screw i've dropped it a couple times already now take that warrior patio roller up all you do is grab it grab a wheel and you kind of fish it out and there you have it so to put it back in pretty simple you can do it yourself now these patio rollers are available at your local hardware or hardware store like home depot roana lowe's also your local window manufacturer should have them in stock a lot of the window manufacturers use the same rollers so you could probably just go in there and grab a couple as well if you need them and you can do it yourself you don't have to pay a service charge to get it get a technician to come and do something so easy so now we're going to put this roller back in never over tighten this because you don't want to strip the screw or strip the roller and there we have it now to put this bent back in all we do is tip it back up and you're going to put the top of the panel back into the door pocket by lifting it upwards popping it in bringing your bottom in and there you go it's on the track now i'll show you that little pledge trick that i always use a little pledge on a silk on that track system makes your patio door roll like a hot knife through butter i hope you found this video helpful there's more helpful videos on our youtube channel so feel free to subscribe or follow us on instagram linkedin facebook and we'd love to hear from you
Views: 11,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starlinewindows, starline, windows, doors, vinylwindows, vinyl, aluminumwindows, windowtip, wednesdaytip, windowmaintenance, maintenance, tips, howto, video, rollers, slidingdoor, patiodoor, vinyldoor, productknowledge, window, change, diy, changerollers, exteriordoor, sliding, replacements, doityourself, wareout, wareandtear, pledge, were out, paneldoor, hand drill, hardware, windowparts, parts, homedepot, rona, lowes, service, serviceyourself, selfservice, doorpocket, track, doortrack, tracksystem, likebutter, easy, tutorialvideos
Id: xYnh5kix9hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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