How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux | Macchanger

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hey guys hackersploit here back again with another video and welcome back to the ethical hacking course and in today's video what i'm going to be talking about is mac changing or changing your mac address now you might be asking yourself why is this important why would i need to change my mac address well basically changing your mac address will give you more privacy and will protect your identity so in a way it's a form of anonymity however a mac changing your mac address will be effective only usually it's very effective for local area networks or wi-fi networks so just your home network or your school network for example it's really not powerful when it comes to connecting yourself over the internet and performing hacks or performing scans like so uh so let's basically get started i'm gonna explain as we go so like every every video uh that we've gone through i'm gonna start from the terminal and we're gonna use a command called mac changer mac changer and we're going to say help mac changer help right so this is going to open the manual for mac changer in the terminal so um if we look at the commands it's going to say we have the help command pretty self-explanatory we then have the version of the mac changer uh we then have uh to the show command which will basically show us our current mac address which is what i want to get to right now so let's actually let's let's run that command mac changer s all right and if i hit that actually hold on um what we have to do now i forgot to tell you guys is we have to check our our network interface devices and you can you can find this by using the ifconfig command like i've mentioned in previous videos and what this will basically do let me just resize this this will basically show us our network interface devices and um you want to select the current network interface device that you're using and i'm using the ethernet 0. so just keep that in mind or just copy whatever the name of the internet or the network interface card that you're using just copy it i already know mine is going to be ethernet 0. if you're using wi-fi that's probably lan 0 so let's actually proceed to the next step so i'm going to clear the terminal and let's run the previous command which is mac changer help so we can basically have this as a reference point and let's run the mac mac changer s oops excuse me mac changer mac changer s and then you want to use your network interface device mine is ethernet 0 and i'm going to hit enter all right so it's going to say your current mac address and your permanent mac address now i want to point out one important thing here many people mistake mac addresses for device mac addresses now let me explain this mac address here belongs to your network interface card or your network card all right it does not belong to the computer and i've got comments saying i've got comments saying that um this is your mac address and people can you know track you and stuff like that that's my network uh mac address this is the mac address that's displayed on the network and that's what i was getting to how is a mac address actually uh utilized on a network well a mac address will usually provide two things on um on a network or wi-fi network or a local area network it'll provide you uh the identity of of a machine via the network interface card now let me explain that in a mac address the first three digits right here as i've highlighted belong to the manufacturer and if you do a quick google search of this this will turn up a manufacturer's name so you can actually find the the build of the manufacturer so that's one way of identifying it the last three digits can be changed to your will as i will get to in a few moments that's the uh the interest of this video now how can a mac address be used on a network well let's say a systems administrator wants to know the devices on on the network you basically find the names of the devices with the mac address so it's really about identification and it's this magnet address does not belong to the device it belongs to the network interface card in the device that you're using so i just wanted to clarify that so basically this is my current mac now if i wanted to change one i'm going to go down up into the manual section here or the help section and uh we basically have the a command which is mostly used most of the time so it's going to set a random mac address so let's actually try that so i'm going to say that's the uh a command so let's actually try that so i'm going to say mac mac changer i always get that typing wrong mac changer a and we're going to select ethernet 0 that's mine it yours can be wi-fi as well no worries there and i'm gonna hit enter all right and it's gonna say the current mac address is dc and the permanent mac address matches this one and it's gonna give you a new mac address which is this one right here and it actually gives you information about the manufacturer now we can basically just confirm this by hitting mac changer s ethernet 0 to confirm that indeed it has changed and as you can see here the current one is a new one and it's different from the permanent mac address so it's really really really cool to see that you can actually change your mac address and i'm gonna explain why this is usually very powerful on a wi-fi network or a local area network all right so let's say you're performing a scan on your local area network all right or your wi-fi network if you wanted to uh basically find the the manufacturer of a device because most of the time if a perform scan is going to give you a bunch of random macs and ips and basically to determine who who is using that device you can basically find out the manufacture of the network interface card that's in the device and from there you can actually get more information so as you can see it's a really really powerful tool to stay anonymous on your wi-fi network whether you're performing scans or you know packet inspection and stuff just basically stuff like that so it's a really really cool um cool little tool you must in fact it's very very important i would actually recommend learning it and it's pretty pretty simple as you can see here it will just probably take i'm probably going to cover everything in this video right now so um if you want to reset it to the permanent mac address what you would use is the p command and i'm going to show you that right now so mac mac changer p and ethernet 0 and we're going to hit enter and if we check mac changer s ethernet 0 it's going to actually return it to the previous permanent mac so you actually know how to change it to a random one and you can change it back to the original one um you then uh actually have another command which you can basically set um [Music] you can basically use the r command which will basically uh set a fully just a fully random mac so it will change the manufacturer kind and that's the difference between um the setting a random vendor mac of the same kind will basically send set the the hardware model or the manufacturer model the same one but a different mac address which is not really powerful this one would be more powerful using the r command but you get the idea um you then have the l command which is also pretty cool this is actually very very very important uh you then have the l command which will basically print the known vendors so this is just basically a reference for you to just choose any random manufacturer so let's actually try that all right um so mac mac changer i believe it's l oops whoopsie daisy excuse me guys all right so it's going to print out the first three digits as i mentioned that determines the manufacture and it's going to give you the names of the manufacturers so we have samsung we have compact we have d-link cisco and you get the idea so you can be from here you can basically copy and create your own mac address based on this and just leave the other three digits random which is what i'm getting to right now as you can see there are a lot of manufacturers here and actually have to just use the scroll tool to just go back up here now to just change it to whatever you want which i would not recommend for beginners is the m command which you get the idea is basically just using uh your own combination and it's pretty self-explanatory but that's basically it guys this is one of very important tools you must be knowing uh just to make sure you're safe on the wi-fi network and you can't actually get detected doing whatever you're doing so yeah that's pretty pretty awesome guys i hope you this video helped you guys or if you like the video i want please leave a thumbs up down below if you didn't like the video let me know why in the comment section if you have any questions hit me up on kik my social media or in the comment section of the video uh right down below otherwise guys thank you so much for watching these videos i really really appreciate it uh by the way again make sure you share these videos if you know people who need this information it can really really help them anyway guys thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: HackerSploit
Views: 165,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxychains, kali Linux, how to, kali linux 2.0, tor, ethical hacking, tutorials, Anonymous, proxychains kali linux, proxychains kali linux 2.0, proxychains tor, proxychains windows, kali linux hacking tutorials, kali linux tutorial for beginners, kali linux tutorial, kali linux wifi hack, hacking facebook account, hack kali linux, kali linux install, how to hack, kali linux hacking tutorials facebook, macchanger kali linux, macchanger kali linux 2.0, macchanger kali
Id: bshXz5r-CQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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