How To Change / Load Levels - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

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hi guys i created this fancy little level right here so my game needs more levels now how do i do that i'm here right in the third person example map and i have this one open right in the content third-person blueprint maps this is my level i'm currently at so how do we add new levels simply go to file new level then choose one of those for this example i choose time of day then i will save this one ctrl s and i look into the map where my level is or you can create a new folder for that and i name this for example level two so now this one is saved and i can open my level two and my level i got right here so how do i switch between these levels for example you can make a trigger so when your player collides with the trigger you go to another map let me show you right click go to blueprint class actor and let's name this one trigger for example open it up then let's add a plane let's make it bigger and let's also add a box collision because this collision this will check if your player collides with it for example like this have your box collision selected click compile and look here for uncomponent begin overlap click the plus icon drag of it and then type in level you can open level by name of by object reference i will show both let's show this one first by name so we name this one level 2. if you use capital use a capital here as well click compile and drag this into your level for example i can drag this one over here so when a player gets onto this platform it will jump to my other level my level 2. then when my player comes to that level i need to add another trigger to go back to the first level to show you i can add multiple so now when my player goes up here and i move here now i'm in my second map my level two now before i make changes to my second level i need to save this one go to file then go to save all or ctrl shift s and then i can open my second level right now it is pretty empty but i can make another trigger i use this one to go to level two but let's say if the player falls off he goes back to the start so he has to start the game all over again i can right click make a new blue class actor and let's call this one a fall trigger open it up and this time i don't need a plane but i can add a box collision for example scale the box collision up like this make it bigger compile and once again go to on component we can overlap hit the plus icon drag of it level and we use by name but i will show you also this one you can use both by the way and we got the third person example map for this hit compile save so when the player collides with his fault trigger he will fall down to level one namely the map that we start with so let's scale our map up so big enough because when our player jumps over it and he doesn't touch this trigger when he falls then it won't work so i also have this drag this a little bit down as well so we really can fall into it okay control s save for this one so let's go back here hit play now when i enter this one here i should go to level two okay all is fine i have a beautiful level right here and when i lose the game and i jump off it i hit that collision and i go back to level 1 and you can test this out a couple of times if it works now if it doesn't work check if your box collision is big enough or onto your object and also in your second level if this also works you can still tweak your triggers when you go back to your fault trigger or trigger here and this is basically how you can easily change between levels and unreal engine 5.
Channel: Buvesa Game Development
Views: 68,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yj04QBEjc38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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