How to Change ADV MotorcycleTires Using the Baja No Pinch Tool (Gear and Beer Ep3)

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hey what's up everybody welcome to another episode of gear and beer so a few weeks ago I released a video about the tools that I carry on my adventure trips and one of them is this right here the Baja no pinch I've had a ton of questions about this tool and how it works so get up head to the fridge grab yourself a beer and let's get started whenever you're doing any maintenance or wrenching on your bike I like to scale it on a scale of one to three beers one being easy three taking a little bit longer today we're gonna change a tire and hopefully make it a one beer job with the Baja no pinch so today's beer is a JBOX IPA from Trixter brewing here in Coeur d'Alene Idaho it's a pretty damn good beer it's a Northwest style IPA and usually IPAs are very hoppy this one is it's hoppy but it also has a little bit of malt flavor to it so it's a little bit different than your traditional IPA I like it mainly because it's a local beer and it's really easy to get but yeah if you see this anywhere in your local area go ahead and grab one and check it out today I will not be pouring this in a glass I'm gonna be going man style and just drinking it out of a can so let's talk a little bit about this tool and what comes in the box there's two different kits available you can buy just the tool with one sleeve if you don't have one style a bike or you can buy what they call the ultimate kit and it comes with several different sleeves for your axle size so in the box you get your kit you get your tool you get your one sleeve normally or in the ultimate you would get a couple other different sizes of Axelrod's again just depending on what size axle you have for the honda africa twin we're going to be using the purple and all it does is slide over this blue one and then I'll show you how to set up the tool here shortly alright so I've already removed the back tire from the Honda Africa twin and I have a sitting over here on my tire changing mat just as I would if I were changing the tire in the fee and also keeps all the dust and debris and everything out of your bearings but one tip if you have a heavy sidewall tire one nice thing you can do is just set it out here in the Sun that way it gets nice and warm makes the rubber a little bit more pliable when you're installing the tire so when you get this tool it does not come pre set up you install the handle by adding the handle here putting the bolt in there is a set screw here and then you pick your shaft that you need and you screw it in the set screw is important because whenever you put the tool together you start by there is a flat end there and then you have the teeth right so put the flat end towards the bottom or the handle to the right your left slide it in and you have this cam effect now what you want to do is adjust this tool where the handle just slightly pushes on the bottom of this and that will give you the proper play if it's too loose in there you can get some slippage in the gears and it becomes a little frustrating so we're gonna loosen this up a little bit just set screw give it just about a half a turn and that should give us very little play in the tool and be perfect whenever we start to install our tire one quick note this tool doesn't help at all for getting the tire off it's only for installing the tire so that you don't pinch the tube and it's easier to get the sidewall set onto the bead so what I'm going to show you real quick is I'm gonna take this tire off the rim and then we'll show you how to install the new tire with the note bench now besides the note pinch tool there are a few other tools that you need a valve stem remover of some sort either it be one that's on the valve stem a couple tire wrenches need at least two I like to use three makes life just a little bit easier you want to protect your rim some of these motion Pro rim protectors are really nice and then for lubing the tire up and getting it back on I like to use this bowls not this stuff is super slippery it's almost like freakin KY for your for your tires so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna remove the valve stem and break the bead from the sidewall my valve stem and put it in this little pocket right here so it doesn't get lost once you have the all the air out of the tire and take your knee pull on the spoke and break the bead going all the way around so I got really lucky with this one as far as the beat braking there are there have been times where it's just a complete total nightmare to brand to break the bead and there are some little bead breaker tools that make it easier one of the easiest things especially when you're riding with another person is just to take the other person's kickstand the side stand put it on the tire let the weight of the bike rest on it and every time it'll pop the seal or the the bead so once you one side done flip it over and do the same thing alright so we got our bead broke go ahead and take the tire off again some of this bolts not a lot of times makes it a lot easier a little bit goes a long ways so you don't need much shall we get it down in there a little bit on to the edge of the wheel and it's always nice to have a rag because this stuff does kind of get everywhere like I said it's very slippery then go ahead and put our first tire spoon in maybe or you can see that a lot of times getting the getting the first spoon in in the first lip up is kind of the hardest part also if you're if you've already pinched this tube or you've already got a flat and you're not really concerned about reusing it you can be a little bit more rough with it because you know obviously you're not too concerned about messing the tire the tube up I'm going to try to reuse this tube so I'm going to be a little bit more gentle with it so I can take this flip it under the brake rotor come over here and get another bite and once you get that first lip up it's really not too bad from there especially once you get to about that point now I can come in here and then almost just yeah just pull up all the way around and you got that first lip off so I'm going to take my tube out I'm gonna grab a 12 millimeter break that loose and you should got to get it by hand and again set this off to the side reach in here this Shin Co 805 doesn't have that heart of a sidewall so it's actually not too bad to get on but the Moto's traction aider rallies all those other tires those are a lot stiffer set that off to the side the reason I have this 805 on here is because an I did my Canada to Mexico trip I was running a Bridgestone a x41 and I loved love the tire super good traction on an off-road but did not last very long as far as many miles but I got about 1,800 miles out of that tire so so now with your next one a lot of times depending on how lubed up this is just flip it over a lot of times you can just push it out not too concerned those are pretty scratched up set that off and you have your wheel now we go ahead and grab our new tire to put on okay so I grab my tire from being out in the Sun as I said I took that 708 o-5 off because I want to switch to a different tire I'm really hoping to do a Arizona BDR trip really soon so for that trip I'm gonna put this Moto's route Rao's tire on the traction arouse are a llz I had this tire on before I absolutely loved it I've got about 70 percent left on this tire and I'm gonna put that on for this for put this on for that trip so one of the most important things that you want to do when putting your tires on is make sure you have them spinning in the correct direction on the Africa twin the brake rotor goes on the right side as if you're sitting on the bike and that means that the wheel spins this way so then you want to take your tire set it on there make sure that your arrow is going in the same direction and we'll put the tire on so when it comes down to putting the tire on the first bead is our the first edge is always pretty much the easiest we can get this thing lubed up really good and then press it on to the wheel and nine times out of 10 it'll just go straight on with our body weight so we'll do that now I almost forgot about my beer starting to get warm one quick tip whenever you are putting tubes and tires I carry some gold bond or any kind of baby powder take this put it inside your tire or inside your yeah inside your tire and then roll the tire around now what that does it creates kind of a lubricant inside the tire to keep the tube from getting too hot inside there and getting hotspots and it just smells good alright so now I'm going to take my lube lube up my tire again a little bit of this stuff goes a long ways but at the same time it's not that expensive so sometimes the more lube the better if you know what I mean all right so now we're gonna take our tire put it on halfway kind of facing away from us put our knee into it and then start to give it some pressure and it goes right on now here's the tricky part we take our tube and we put it inside the tire now once you get it in the hardest part is getting that valve stem didn't your hand in there getting that Valve sin through the hole I like to carry this valve sin puller really all you do is you just put it in the hole feed it through and then you thread it into your valve stem shove the tire in and then you should be able to work that valve stem like that now we'll finish putting our tube in all the way around making sure it's not twisted and we're good there another pro tip is at this point you can take your valve stem pull her out take your valve stem and the nut thread the nut on there so the valve stem somehow doesn't get pushed back in just kind of hand tight put your valve stem in now take your 12-volt air compressor or your air compressor at home and just put a few pounds of air in the tire just to kind of get it straightened out and it also helps whenever you if you are using tools and not the not a bondo pinch it helps keep you from pinching the tire or the tube so now I've got a little bit of air in there so now all we're gonna do is again put some on it all along the side walls or the bead that rather now we are ready for our Baja no pinch tool so we assemble our tool like we did before place it in the hole it's on backwards place it in the hole and you'll notice it doesn't go down all the way so Baja no pinch really suggests you have this red cube here all the way down flush with the with the hub so just to make sure that the shaft here and everything's all in line the way it should be so you can take a block of wood a tree limb anything you want to get it under to get something up underneath the rim that way you get that as low as possible I could technically go and put another one underneath there just to raise it up a little bit more I guess for demonstration purposes I will do that and now you'll see that it's all the way down so what you do with this tool is that you take your tire you start just one side of it just a little bit and really I mean it could help to even try to go as far as you can by hand if you want to do a little bit less work so now all you really do is you take your Baja no pinch tool I hope you can see this in the camera we'll start on this side take your tool you have this long side goes on top it's the only way it'll go in and then you just start taking little bites little push here come out again come out rotate to the other side and since there you don't have anything going inside the rim itself there's no way that you're going to pinch the tube that's why they call it the Baja no pinch again just taking small bites working side to side the bigger bites you take the harder it will be to push it on there and there will be a certain point where you know you kind of start fighting the tire a little bit going from one side to another as you push on this side you'll notice that it wants to pop out on this side you can add pressure to this side or what I like to do is take my motion Pro bead buddy and I'll just lock it down that way there's no way that that's gonna go in there anymore or note no way that the tires gonna start to come off the bead so now that I have that one side on I can just come around okay going a little bit by a little bit and you'll notice this is always the hardest part when it comes to spoons right there's that point where you're trying to pinch or you're trying to pry it on the on the wheel and this is where you almost everytime pinch the tire or the tube net rather so this way again no way that's going to happen we're just pushing a little bit and then finally there goes now you can take your tool out take your bead buddy out and you have your tire on now of course from here we're going to take the tire we're going to put air in it make sure that there's no leaks and your valve stem or in your tube if you're using a used tube again make sure that you didn't somehow pinch it when you're getting the tire off and then if you and in your garage then it's always suggest that you use a balancing stand to balance it in the field you know what you have a flat tire who cares at least you're on the road again you can balance it next time you get a chance it's not that big a deal so we'll put some air in this tire and we'll go from there so when you're filling up your tires it's always best to use a lot of air pressure as much as possible you can use a 12-volt like just road side one no problem car air cartridges your co2 cartridges they're also really nice but you'll hear here in a second I'm gonna fill this up and you'll feel you'll hear it pop onto the bead this one has so much Lube on it that it just went right on and didn't pop and then now I'll fill it up to the recommended pressure which on this tire I believe is 35 pounds 33 pounds there's nothing more frustrating than doing all that work putting a tire on and then when you go to air it up it leaks so the Baja no pinch solves that problem for me at least and you know to me it's a win hey guys thanks so much for watching this video I hope this video helps you out and answer any questions you had about the Baja no pinch if you have any additional comments please hit me up in the comments below I'm glad to answer all your questions about this tool also if you're looking to purchase one of these tools please use the Amazon affiliate link down below it's no extra charge to you but it does help the channel out so we can keep doing videos like this for you guys also just want to add real quick as far as front tires go the front tire that I like to use is still the Bridgestone AX 41 it's got an amazing tread pattern and the wear life on the front tire I've got about 75 7800 miles out of so excellent where excellent highway manner and amazing in the dirt so I had a lot of questions about my tire choices that's what I use on the front right now that's my go-to front tire and my go-to back tire is the Moto's either the rails or the traction ater ATV tire those are my two favorite back tires because they wear like iron and they have a excellent traction in the rear so anyway if you have any other questions please hit me up in the comments below don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you like this video and helped you out give it a thumbs up and don't forget to finish your beer thanks a lot guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Backcountry Adventure Motorsports
Views: 35,043
Rating: 4.9046154 out of 5
Keywords: tire (industry), baja no pinch, tire tool, tire changing tool, tool to change tires, motorcycle tires, baja no pinch tire tool, how to change a tire, how to change a motorcycle tire, dirt bike, motorcycle, how-to (website category), how to change an adv bike tire, adventure motorcycle tires, adventure motorcycle tire change, adventure motorcycle tire repair kit, Best adventure bike tire, best adventure motorcycle tires, best adventure and dual sport motorcycle tires
Id: u5eJn_dgZDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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