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Captions honest reviews and advice welcome to this week's video and never forgetting holler today we're going to have a look at how to change a push button flush unit it's exactly the same technique that you'd have when you're changing a siphon unit but instead of having the flush handle bit and doing that linkage at the end you have a push button going through the top so let's have a look at how to do that now how to turn the water off how to take everything out and do that you're going to have a wicked rip roaring time as ever and it's really really warm today it's June apparently I thought June was a winter month now H anyway let's go hold tight right so first things first is take off the linkage at the back and remove this bit while you're at it you might as well take off the old button then pop this piece to one side find out where the water turns off and iate drop your screwdriver and then when we look inside here here you can either lift this up a lot of them are different there all different types or you can actually use the the pulley on here to make that flush just put it that like that and F just holding that up make sure all the water comes out nothing's filling up right now we're ready to change the next bit i' do is take these two screws out here and then these two Wing nuts under here and here and then also remove your cold water feed let keep B Bo once youve removed these just put them to one side you're going to need them in a minute unscrew these and keep these safe as well both of them now remove the feed to the system usually get a little bit of water come out here and also a lot of the time there'll be a uh pressure reducing kind of insert stops the water coming out let's just feel that there isn't one in there at the moment I don't think right once you've removed these two screws here the two Wing nuts underneath and the water supply we're ready to lift this off there'll be a small bit of water underneath so either pop it in the bucket or in the toilet bowl itself after that shut the lid of the toilet pop a towel over the top and then lay the assist on its back on there so you can work on it so right the first we do now we've got it l back is we take these off and peel the dut off sometimes you can reuse them now these are quite good ones actually so I should be able to reuse this but a lot of the time if you're doing it it pays off while you're in the shop just to buy a replacement donut just in case pop this loot to one side get yourself a whacking great set of grips and unscrew this bit got this Tes edges man all here we go right so keep this clamp as well sometimes when you buy a new dayut you'll get a new clamp and new Wing nuts and everything now as you can see here the idiot that installed this in the first place actually put silicon around this so it's not going to be too easy to get out grab the unit from the inside and give it a wiggle and put it out like so so now we've got that removed we can unpack our new flush unit and get it ready for putting in right so opening it up we have the flush unit itself another donut if you want but these ones aren't very good so I don't tend to use them and the actual new push button bit we'll do that bit last so remove the nut that's on the bottom here and push up your new seal so it's home on the bottom of the flush unit all right push it into place through the hole pop back on our clamp then pop our nut on and do that up as tight as we [Music] can pop our din up back on over that and insert our two little bolts remember there's a small square on here on the end of these bolts that slots inside this Square here so it doesn't twist when you're try and do them up now we're ready to pop that in being careful to get our bolts and everything through the holes now we pop our wing nuts back on and tighten them [Music] up once they're tightened up pop off screws that hold it to the wall back in and then back down here to put your feed back on and tighten that up I always find that now is the best time to turn the water back on and just make sure that everything fills up and flushes properly before you start putting the button on so let's do that now NOS there and filling up nicely right then now that it's filled up I'll often just put the button on on its own and just push the button push the flush and make sure it's all working then check for leaks down low nothing the next bit is so easy your pet manate could do it sometimes if the if this piece here doesn't fit through the hole like it does on here nicely the supplier will supply a shroud so it can on top so it'll look like that doesn't look as good though does it really fortunately we have to worry about that so we're going to take this shroud off Chuck it away take this little screw off here Chuck that away put this through the hole you come around here that one there just like that tighten that up lightly not too much it doesn't need to be all you're going to be doing is that uh and then after that basically pop this on the toilet clip this up to your wire and you're ready to go all done so there you go that's how you change a push button flush unit perfect for bog washing chippies plasterers and above all electricians I hope you found today's video helpful I hope it's going to help you try and change your own flush unit if you need to if you got any problems with it keep running or not flush in properly if you need any more help go to our website follow us on Twitter say hi to us on Facebook and above all subscribe to our videos I hope to see you very very soon one day I'll be tall enough to talk to you up there hold tight throughout the night honest reviews and advice
Channel: plumberparts
Views: 1,099,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, remove, replace, fix, install, push, button, flush, unit, syphon, toilet, cistern, plumbing, plumber, tip, tips, advice, knowledge, instructional, video, tutorial, plumberparts, official
Id: 2nDgSSFBt3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2012
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