How to Catch Crappie

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now the Sun is just starting to climb up over the treetops and it's gonna be a beautiful day that's crazy welcome to bill dance outdoors America's most popular and longest-running TV fishing show [Music] Boop hey let me ask y'all something yeah y'all wouldn't happen to have a bill dance built in tradition six and a half foot quantum spinning rock don't have to the right over there crop something written something for crop it right there aren't you them self to them I said sell - okay well you got them displayed of course you got your bigger Roger medium medium heavy service fishing or for heavier spinning of course it leaves a little ultra light or ideal for a bluegill then you got that in the five foot and you've got a five and a half foot then you're out of the six right I got six six here big perfect oh now this is an ideal action what I want because I'm making longer cast perfect so this in a two-piece rod it's perfect for what I need bill what is it that you like about that rod in every what I like about all these rods they're made this particular one just like all of them they're made of im6 graphite for light weight and sensitivity and they come with d-ring guides and an Eevee a comfortable handle this rod and all of them they have a real sweet action now when it comes to the real it has continuous and your reverse an easy to get to the front spool drag and an aluminum spoon that allows your line to flow off for longer and smoother cast this makes for a perfect crappie rod I mean ideal if you want to make casts are using a sail bubble float a cork whatever you want to call it you can load this rod back a long casts if you're using an inline spinner a little elbow spinner or just a plain jig in making long cast this is a rod you want in a six and a half footer but it's extremely light the rod is well balanced it balances out just perfect that's nice that's a nice outfit I think what I'm gonna do you got two of them is that a quick sale did I sell myself did I sell you get you a couple of them thanks Neil thanks AV thank you buddy appreciate you call him a crappie a speckle white perch of Sokka lay or crappie he's a special little fish that millions of Americans love to fish for and I think they're two key reasons why one they're delicious to eat and - there's so many enjoyable ways to catch them now today we're gonna mention four highly productive techniques to catch bunches of these great fish now they are catching suspended crappie and thick cover vertical jigging slip floating techniques and finally casting using the countdown method hey and we're also going to be talking about jigs sizes colors and a whole lot more take a look at this very effective method and that's catching suspended coffee in thick cover on light gear with a jig and elbow spinner this little rig is tailor-made for situations like this it's a Bass Pro Shop number three silver jig spinner and 8-ounce Bass Pro Shop jig and a Bass Pro Shop baby shed in the color ice out that we spiced it with the purpose of the elbow spinner is that it makes the bait more witless in heavy cover areas allowing it to work a little slower both on the retrieve and the foul and it creates additional flash [Music] yes good face there [Music] look can we go [Music] paddy [Music] he'll dance outdoors is sponsored in part by bass pro shops and Cabela's your adventure starts here rebel catch fish anywhere and by mercury marine go boldly [Music] you today's conditions log is brought to you by the Tennessee Department of tourist development come experience the kind of beauty that can only be made in Tennessee go online today for your free Tennessee vacation guide [Music] [Music] [Music] alright buddy here we go nice whoa [Music] it's important to use the lightest weight jig possible when casting the sixteenth ounce works much better than an eighth ounce and an 8 ounce works better than a quarter inch lighter jigs allow for a more natural presentation and allows the jig to be worked above the fish now heavier jigs fall faster making them much more difficult to control and the depth and the speed control are extremely important now crappie prefer to feed above themselves rather than to the side or below as they'll see an offering falling slower from above so much better however there are times when you'll need a heavier G especially if it's windy or when you're fishing real deep [Music] [Music] [Music] look at me you know it's important to remember to catch the spended crappie you got to stay constantly aware of the depth that you found them in the depth at which your jig is swimming or falling and the speed of your presentation moving alone let's discuss another popular technique and that technique I call long : all right it's a known fact that when cover is present at a depth the crappie are using their drone to it like a magnet regardless if they're shallow or deep or even when they're suspended how deep you can bet it's some form of cover is not far away just like they are right now long polling is a very successful method for catching numbers of fish when they move in tight to thick cover like I said the shallower the cover the more effective long polling is especially in stained Alf colored water now when crappie relating to thick cover I'm totally convinced you'll catch far more fish by vertical fishing than you would ever catch by casting with ultralight gear now why well first of all you can cover a wider depth range second you'll be able to keep your offering in one spot for a longer period third you'll be able to make the correct presentation every time fourth if the fish are super inactive and move deep into the cover as a result of a weather change you'll be in a much better position to tease them into hitting and fifth if the terrain is loaded with submerged cover you'll likely won't be able to cast to them no doubt about it you'll do a whole lot better fishing areas for the cover vertically and it's really a fun way to fish here again remember to use the lightest weight G you can a sixteenth ounce size works well and you'll find that by fishing your G the shade shallower than the sure you'll do a whole lot better because as we mentioned earlier crappie prefer to feed up rather than down below or to the side today's show is brought to you in part by quantum rods and reels quantum performance tuned mystic lubricants lubrication domination and tracker boats fish the finest today's equipment log is brought to you by bill dance exclusive rods by quantum whether you're fishing for panfish bass catfish or light saltwater we have an action for you available at Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's [Music] you today's show is sponsored in part by Berkley catch more fish bill dance exclusive rods by quantum and by Garmin bite your fish not your fish finder Arius back Bastien [Music] don't hold fish sit in water to consider 48 degrees okay let's talk about a subject I hear about all the time how important our G code well tremendously important crap you have excellent eyesight and can definitely see color and even distinguish shades of the same color but even then as good as they can see there are times during the day when certain colors become camouflage and there's good reasons for this the Sun governs the shape size and color of anything underwater meaning at certain light levels some colors will come practically invisible and this is why these two toned bodies work so well in all water clarity and depth there's nearly always going to be at least one or more visible colors these sight feeding piece and see come on in here boy alright here we come up [Music] Kerli my old up boom okay this cropping method we're gonna cover next is really fun and it's the system I used to catch not only active fish but it also works great when fish are in a negative mood some folks call it slip corking and it works wonders in shallow Clearwater and slip korkin what it does it allows you to study at a safe distance from the fish yet it allows you to fish tight to cover or just over the top of it and your jig swims as you retrieve it and what's going on here when you stop your retrieved the jig swings back under your float oftentimes the strike will occur as the jig swings back and other times it can happen as you jig it vertically under the float with this outfit what you can do you can cover lots of water and six different dip levels quickly like I said this is a fun and exciting way to catch shallow water crappie now the key to catching fish is established a depth pattern and the crappie are certainly the type of fish that select and use certain depths for many reasons once you establish that pattern you'll be able to constantly place your bait at the correct level cast after cast and keep it there for as long as you want now what this does it entices more strikes than any other way I know of you can keep it at that exact depth and literally tease inactive fish into biting let's take a look at the main feature of this rig and that's the float they're quite unique they're lightweight and they're very visible and fish don't feel any resistance when trying to pull them under and finally they've got a real bright chartreuse top so you can see any real light bites so much easier let me tell you those are some neat little flow now let's look at how they work because you can see the Bopper stop is nothing more than a small rubber insert it's larger in diameter than the monofilament and what it does its slides very tight around the line where it won't slip up and down unless you're forcing it and it keeps the jig at a constant depth now when the cast is made what the what happens here the cork slides down against the G here all the weight is close together and this is good for casting control and accuracy once the rig hits the water the float will slide back to the bobber stop and stop as the jig swings back to the set depth the bill dance question mentor of the week is brought to you by bill dance exclusive rods by quantum whether you're fishing for panfish bass catfish or like saltwater we have an action for you available at Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's I've heard about Berkley crappie nipples for years but never really used up until last week do they work you better believe they do I was amazed the bike was slow until my fishing buddy said watch this he put a power bait crow McGlone up alone he called four in a row what passed the place I was sold these things are great trial you'll be amazed to today's show is sponsored in part by Millennium marine a new class of comfort and by Garmin force trolling motors fish with force lowest captioning provided by power-pole the original shallow water anchor [Music] you [Music] today's product tip is brought to you by Garmin and their GPS map series chartplotter sonar combos with advanced sonar technology like chirp and exclusive Panoptix all-seeing sonar you'll spend less time finding your fish you've seen millenniums are 100 spider lock rig that sports four rods what a great product we'll take a look at the new AR 200 single for salt or freshwater all aluminum construction 360 degree base rotation 180 degree rotation at the rod 12 to 20 inches height adjustment and it's ideal for mounting and tight places tell you what get you something come be a part of bill dance digital join us on facebook instagram twitter and youtube follow us buddy right they're pulling good put it up all right hatch get the color to it any okay okay okay what let's do let's discuss the countdown method when crappie are suspended fishing can be extremely tough but you can usually catch them if you get your jig down to their depth level and swim it of course to catch them you must first find them and this is best accomplished with a good sensitive grab put it to use by looking for suspended property close to some form of cover when you've established the depth the fish are using cast out beyond the school the instant the lure hits the water retrieve any slack that's created keeping the rod tip up in front of you and start counting 1,001 1,002 and so on when you reach 10 your lures should be around the 10-foot depth like I said to catch suspended coffee you have to stay constantly aware of the depth that you found them in the depth at which your jig is falling swimming and the speed of your jib today we're using one of bass pro's elbow spinners rigged with an 8 ounce jig this 8 ounce size is ideal and the jig body is called baby shed the color is called ice out this two-tone body and elbow spinner is ideal for flash and vibration as you can see it's working great [Music] Wow hey are you bull all right come here well getting you dizzy here's a black one [Music] well that's a lot of fun and hit something you can do all you got to do is get you a little lightweight rod and reel like what we're using today get you a pile of these little jigs and elbow spinners and head to the water well there you have it that you know there's just really no way to cover everything in this short period of time but we do hope the four techniques that we discuss will make you want to give one of them a try or all of them attract as far as it goes when time permits there's no doubt about it crappie or a fish of all seasons and they can be cold lots of different places and lots of different ways until next time you catch one for me sure hope you enjoyed it and we'll catch you next time see ya [Music] thanks for watching bill dance outdoors join us here again next week [Music] you
Channel: billdancefishing
Views: 182,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill dance, fishing tips, crappie, crappie fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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