How to Catch a Phase and Unlock the Tech Boat - Cat Goes Fishing: 2022 Update (Ancient Ancestors)

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the phase is probably the first fish that you'll want to catch in this new update catch it as soon as possible because it will make dealing with another fish that is new to this update much easier that fish being the ball beater so just before the Dragon dive down your sonar or radar will go staticky like that and that is what we're trying to fix so just keep diving down I have the Detonator as well as the bomb stack you will absolutely need the Detonator you may be able to get away with just a single bomb but wait for the ball beater to come up and get you and just detonate a bomb before it does there should only be the one at this location I believe that will cause problems for you I'm not really sure why all of these guys are here I feel like they got here a little quick like maybe there was another one ah no that was just the face so the phase kind of comes in a circle here as you can see comes over this way phasing through things and there's a fossil sort of right here basically you want to come up to that form makes a sort of circle cross here you will want to detonate your bombs for sure I did not just do this tutorial once and have four bombs on the line and they bit one absolutely not but let's find phase make your way over they will not bite when you have both of them separate but find sort of where they cross and they should come back together if you reel properly and what you'll want is once they're sort of together you'll be able to hook them it's really as simple as that and then I mean I say simple and then you can just reel back up they do just sort of go in a bit of a circle in that same location find that spot and you'll be good shortly after the update came out there were some bugs where it would try to follow the line but then get stuck on rocks and you would find it elsewhere but that should no longer be an issue so now just make your way up avoiding other fish and you will be good it may be worth clearing out the area just to be safe but once you catch it you're golden the tech can now be purchased if you haven't caught the Abyssal yet you should do that first or after this I believe you do need both of them though in order to purchase the tech boat and that tech boat the main reason that you want that as soon as possible is the radar or the Deep sonar sorry it is the sonar the sonar will not go staticky the tech boat allows you to just use the sonar and then you'll much never need to eat light bulbs again except for catching the ball beater and once you have it unlocked and you go to shore for a measly five million dollars you can get the Tec boat which does also give you a much extended range you can go out much further I believe the big thing though is the anti-jamming should probably get in the boat and there you go [Music] as you can see now the sonar is no longer being jammed it's really fantastic wonderful this hat also does help and what you need to do is get them to cross over this blue one is the real one and at that moment when they cross over making that purple they will be catchable you will want to get rid of your bombs first though who that's annoying
Channel: LoZ
Views: 17,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cat Goes Fishing, Ancient Ancestors, Guide, How To, Cat Goes Fishing Guide, Zub, 2023 Update, Small, Small fish, Small fish guide, Phase, Red Fish, Blue fish, Purple fish, Techno color fish, How to deal with bulbeaters, catching a phase, how to catch a phase, phase guide, Fish keeps eating my light, Cat goes fishing sonar static
Id: nlurtagM5Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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