How to Carve a Spooktacular Pumpkin | This Morning

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Halloween is just around the corner that could only mean one thing you're about to see an awful lot of these pumpkins but don't settle for the ordinary this year here to help you create a show-stopping spooky carving is daily Finkel and and David holds the the record for the fastest pumpkin ever carved 20.3 seconds holds the record for the most part khun's carved in 60 minutes hundred and two pumpkins so you know your pumpkins I've done a few so just see if you can put one of these in the wheel window or your dual set you will get trick-or-treaters because as soon as you put one out there it's like your games so you have to remember that otherwise you have to sort of hide them inside um I find this a complete nightmare I find it really difficult to do because the kids are desperate to do it but it's not to me it doesn't seem the easiest okay well today we can break this down into nice simple stages that will guarantee you people get the best pumpkin in the street is that that everybody wants to have a great car pump yet or a funny one or whatever we've got some of yours in just a moment but um but there are pumpkin carving kits now which make the job a lot easier and they're not that expensive I mean these little knives I use here they are just out of a standard carving kit that you can get for less than a pound on the high street and obviously the tools can progress into a more robust more technical tools for those people that really want to go do go to town on it and the very best carving kits on the market they're more than 15 pounds now right and that's a small price to pay for your children having a safe fun so it might be worth investing in that and you can keep it for all the years to come once you've got a that's absolutely yeah nobody should be using the dreaded kitchen knives put it that way yeah yeah exactly alright so it just explained to us cuz you've got some simple ways it's just startin hollowing it out in the first place so what would surprise a lot of people is I never cut the lid off of the top why because when you actually put the candle inside effectively it's cooking the pumpkin so the lid shrinks and they collapse and just crumble so I actually carve a hole at the bottom it's clever stuff and no because there's so much moisture in there actually all that happens is the moisture just slowly evaporates so actually they're structurally it stays sound all evening but if you place your candle on the table and then put the pumpkin straight on top of it nobody's burning themselves when they're trying to get a lit candle in there all but you don't have to have a real candle I mean I can't have the little little battery ones that's right now these are on the market these are small little battery LED tea lights and they're very very effective just to all those and great why use a real candle when you've got these and it's so cheap okay so you can't at the bottom and then you've got to scoop out all the bit inside that's right so with the tools you can get now these tools are great so what you've got to make sure you do is really hold tight on your pumpkin but this is where you have to really be vigorous with it when you've got three well I know you've done honey but you can see how good the tools are that are made for the job they're great should the innards you have to get out just a soft bit or do you have to scoop out some of this hard bit I take out some of the hard bit inside so what you're trying to achieve is a pumpkin that is absolutely pristine inside because by doing that when you take all the insides out it actually means they will glow brighter at night makes it a lot easier to carve as well okay so next challenge carving it yes so a real nice simple way for people is now there are thousands of templates that you can download online yeah and if you just pin it on to the front of the pumpkin just simply with your drawing pins and then with your carving kids there are these really good little tools that just have a little point on the end and all you simply do is just punch a little holes through the template what it actually does it leaves now if you look on your pumpkins you'll see that's it you've now created your pattern and the next job is to actually carve by just joining dr. dot oh that's clever we will put we'll put a couple of our art department can put together some stencils if you oh you've started there on the app oh they will be a little bit later because we've only just that be ideal comes to actually choosing the pumpkins people spend hours looking around China buying the pair found the perfect pumpkin but actually doesn't matter it's at night you can't see the pumpkin you can only see the actual face that you've carved okay fair enough now what I try to do is when I've chosen my design I try and find a pumpkin that echoes the shape of the design as well so it actually means it's easier to carve and a mostly the same sort of shape all wide ones are now you can also get the smaller traditional ones and the small traditional ones allow for great big smiley face in them but if you want to go for big extravagant carving this is a problem this is what scares me because I feel like it's just gonna go and just so the best technique with your soars a lot of people what they'll do is they'll actually start trying to do exactly if you imagine like a little jigsaw machine time small little scissor actions and that will actually allow I want to follow the design but children owl it's it's wonderful because pumpkins it just it's Halloween these days everybody wants to do amazing carve its you chop the wrong bit off like when you go around the teeth and you end up doing that nine times out of ten for the teeth would go missing and I like to fill them safe that's part of something can you stick it back on because I've been there with cocktail sticks trying to slap I've been doing surgery all these pumpkins trying to put bits back in unfortunately no you can't and how long will a pumpkin last right here's a really good tip you can carve the pumpkin two or three times the fall of Halloween but when you've carved it just drop it into a bucket of cold water and it preserves the pumpkin really yeah so you can't get them to last for a few I've got a painted sort of wooden sideboard bit and I've left the pumpkins on there and the acid or whatever it was how'd you get that out now I've gone all the way around it okay so you can't just put the hand inside there oh yeah take that out all right there you go okay I'll tell you what Phil that's a good job well I I don't think I'll have time to finish it but there we go that's that's about I mean I've got the bigot beginnings the beginnings of me ghost because now this is um this is what you call it it's not stable now because of that big bit I've just taken out and I feel like it's gonna rip that's why I'm holding it look hold it like that where Kyle's hold it like that will you come to mind this afternoon to do the game all right come on I'm nearly there but a really big trend that's taken off now for half-term he's brilliant there are small pumpkin farms and pumpkin patches they're popping up all over the country and it's great fun to be able to take the children out to those sorts of places and you're gonna pick your own pumpkin and any your own pumpkin carpet it's wonderful I think about people that paint their pumpkins if they like that's something that's really good I've seen some amazing paintings done on their pumpkins I did have a bit of fun with one last year I drilled loads of little tiny holes and I used them a set of Christmas lights that we both done them brilliant job look at that that's it that will go straight to school well you could take any one of these now take them home with you I want that one down the front music the one that's got a sink in it's about that's the winner right then thank you very much indeed you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 111,854
Rating: 4.8145695 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny, pumpkin carving, pumpkin designs, halloween pumpkin, jack o lantern, halloween ideas, pumpkin carving ideas, how to, how to carve a pumpkin, pumpkin ideas, best pumpkin carving, pumpkin carving tips, halloween 2019, the pumpkin man, dave finkle pumpkin, dave finkle, how to carve a pumpkin like a pro, carving pumpkins, how to carve pumpkins
Id: NBoxbE3G1lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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