How To Calculate Stairway Risers - Stair Construction And Design

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the first thing you need to do when calculating and figuring out how many risers and what the what size these risers will actually be will be to measure the distance from the top of the bottom floor top of the lower floor to the very top of the upper floor and get this distance and in our example we're going to use 35 inches then you will divide the average riser height into this number we should end up with four point six six and this number is important for two ways it's not a it's not our riser measurement it's going to tell us basically how many risers we're going to have so we're not going to to divide four point six six into anything but we are going to use the next closest number so we're we can go ahead and divide four into 35 we can divide three into 35 and we can divide 5 into 35 what we're going to go ahead and start with a larger number so after we divide 5 into 35 we can see that we have seven now seven isn't going to be a bad rise anything between seven and eight inches preferably between seven and a quarter and seven and three-quarters of an inch would be a nice riser however we are going to double check and divide four into 35 again doesn't hurt to divide as many of these numbers into as we want to it's just going to give us more options but as you can see here if we divide four into 35 we come up with eight point seven five which is going to be unacceptable for most building departments and building codes the maximum rise for most building departments will be eight inches and a course anything above 8 inches won't be comfortable and this is what we're actually shooting for is safety and comfort without breaking any building codes so there it is in a nutshell it really isn't that difficult to calculate and figure your individual riser Heights and if you have any questions at all feel free to leave them in the comment area on the channel and I will get to them as soon as I possibly can now this was a video I previously made but needed to remake it because one of the viewers pointed out a flaw in the video and I appreciate that if you have any questions or problems with the videos I would love to hear about them because this will only help me improve them and make better videos for everyone to watch
Channel: stairbuilding
Views: 829,419
Rating: 4.6069732 out of 5
Keywords: how to, calculate, figure, stairway, stairs, riser, risers, construction, design, building, building stairs, construction math, calculations, multiplying and dividing, education, instructional
Id: reF4dSqKIho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2012
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