How to Factory Reset Mac & Set Up fresh without Apple ID

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[Music] hey guys on today's video we're gonna be resetting your mac to factory settings that means we're gonna wipe everything from it all the pictures all the information that you guys have in it and then reinstalling the os on it in order to be back to factory settings doesn't really matter if you guys have a mac pro mac mini even a macbook air it's all going to be the same thing as this imac that we're resetting back to factory settings the first step is to shut down your mac so make sure it's shut down and then before we even turn it on i want you guys to press command r so that's command r okay so we're just going gonna press those two and then we're gonna turn on our mac so keep holding on to those and we're just gonna turn on our mac so again it doesn't really matter which mac you guys have as long as you guys are pressing this keep holding on to command r until you guys see this the apple logo plus a loading bar once you see the loading bar go a little bit or even halfway then let go of command r that's to make sure that you guys press command r long enough and make sure to press that and keep that press even before you turn on your mac the next step we're gonna see is to select your language so that's right after apple logo and the loading bar once that's full just select english or whichever language you guys want hit right here on the arrow so i'm picking the very first language and then we have this now this is the important part because what we want to do is not just reinstall the mac os but we're going to go to disk utility and erase everything everything from your mac so disk utility which is your fourth option right there so we're just gonna click right there on disk utility click on continue once we click on continue we're gonna see this now we have to make sure to be looking at these two things so don't select this option which is the second option right here what you guys want to do is select the very first option which says internal and then macintosh hd most likely that's the name of your hd no matter what mac you guys have and from here what you want to do is click on erase so that's your third option right here so you guys have first date partitioning and then erase so select erase and that's the main option that you guys want to select right now and that means we're going to delete everything from within your mac and make sure these settings are exactly as you guys see them right here so it's very important that your format is apfs don't select anything else most likely that's going to come up right away as you guys are doing this so just make sure to keep it as is for the name you guys could change it for anything really that you guys want but they suggest just keeping it as is then we're just gonna hit erase okay and then that's gonna delete everything from your mac and it's gonna wipe it clean this process might take a little bit it really depends which mac you guys have if yes i have an a mac that has an ssd then this will be really fast if this is a fusion drive well it's going to be kind of slow because you guys have a regular hard drive plus an ssd in there so it's not going to be the fastest thing in the world however it all depends which mac you guys have you can also see details if you click on here to see what's happening exactly and yes it's going to delete everything even your mac os so that's why we're gonna have to reinstall that so after a bit we're gonna see this it should say done and we can just click on done and that means there's nothing as you guys can see it tells you used 1.28 gigs free 700 that that's okay because this is the second option we're going to click on macintosh hd and this is where we have to see use 20 kilobytes other nine gigs blah blah three three point eleven terabytes so that's because that's the amount of my mac your mac might be smaller or even bigger who knows but this is the way to do it and remember you guys have to pick the very first option which is internal so from here what we're gonna do is just hit this to close it up all right so that's the top left hand side there's that red button let's just click right there and then we should see this screen back up now this screen is very important because what we're going to do right here is reinstall the os now before we reinstall because that's the very last step i want to take you back to disk utility so i'm just going to go back to this utility and show you something so macintosh hd the very first option i'm going to click on erase again and i just want to show you some options right here if we actually click right here we should see this encrypted and all that so if you wanted to encrypt your hard drive or anything like that from here you guys can do it okay so you guys could change this up if you wanted to however for most of you since you're just doing the basics we're just gonna do this okay so just wanted to show you that because i didn't show you in the very first option because i didn't want you guys messing around with that so we're just gonna go back and right here we're gonna reinstall mac os so for this part we have to make sure that you guys have wi-fi so on the top right hand side of your mac you guys will see your wi-fi signal just make sure you're connected to some internet so right here i can see i'm connected if you guys are not connected you will have problems and it's just not gonna happen so that's the fix for that just make sure you guys have wi-fi working and from there we're just gonna click on continue and make sure to set this up if you guys don't set this up then it's not good if you're selling your macs usually if you're selling your mac and that's why you're doing this then we need your mac to be working so we're just going to continue on and don't worry you don't have to set up your your icloud id or anything like that you guys can just go ahead and import just the mac os but not any of your personal information and that's why we're doing this so we're just going to click on agree we're going to select yep this guy install next step so once again we're not importing any of your personal information although we're using kind of your id right now to install mac os the person who buys your mac should actually do this process again okay so you can tell them you should restore it back to factory settings although it's already done like that and once again don't worry none of your personal information is gonna go back into this mac os especially what i'm showing you right now and how i'm gonna show you to install everything because you guys should have your mac working when you're selling it if that's why you're watching this video so after a bit once that's done you guys are gonna see this apple logo loading bar it's gonna tell you some time remaining at this point it's telling me seven minutes remaining it could be less or more after that it's gonna be a black screen another apple logo in this loading bar at this point we are done restoring we're just gonna set up the mac brand new okay so this is going back to factory settings now from here you guys can choose any country you would like it doesn't really matter where in this case we're going to scroll down so we see canada it can be the us as well wherever you guys are at you guys can set up any keyboard you would like i'm just going to leave it as us i'm going to go next i'm going to select my wi-fi which is tech and design after that we're going to see this screen date and privacy just go on continue once again we are setting this mac from new so we're not transferring anything but this would be the point where you could transfer anything to your mac from your time machine or from anywhere really but this video is about going back to factory settings setting up everything fresh so we're not going to transfer anything we're going to continue on like i mentioned in the start you do not have to set up anything with your apple id so what we're going to choose is up here set up later however if you guys want to quit some of your stuff personal stuff then just go ahead and put in your apple id so what i'm going to do is just select up here where it says setup later i'm going to put in skip next is our terms and conditions i'm gonna go on to agree agree once again and then it's the name this doesn't matter too much if you're selling your mac so i'm just gonna call this imac same thing goes with account name password right now you should put in a password however i'm going to show you how to take that off just in case you guys are watching this because you are selling your mac so you don't want to sell it with any type of password i'm going to just put a random password in right now nothing that actually makes sense and then i'm going to hit continue and then we're going to take out that password because you never want to sell your mac with any password even if you guys just made up password right now don't do it we're just going to click on continue then yeah this part it's up to you guys go for light mode or dark mode i'm going to choose dark mode because i just like dark mode and that's the only reason i'm choosing that but all depends on you so as you can see you do not need to import any of your personal information in order to set up your mac the very last thing like i told you guys we're going to take out a password that means going to system preferences which is down here below hopefully you guys can see this i know it's very small very hard to see so i'm trying to tell you everything i'm clicking on so it's system preferences and from here i can just go into user and groups which is in the bottom left hand side and then here's your mac i'm gonna put in see this lock on the left hand side the bottom left hand side just click right there unlock this unlock this using the password we just created and then we're gonna click on change password once you guys click on change password just putting the old one that we just set up you're going to leave the new one as nothing nothing nothing in there just nothing okay change password continue and we're done there is no password from here you guys can just close that up if you close this lock for example and unlock it again you will see that it comes out and it's asking you for password however like i mentioned we just took out the password so we can just click on unlock and there we go there is no password so i just want to show you that that it's fully working that's it for this video tutorial if you guys have any comments questions you guys can read don't hear your comments area don't forget to subscribe and rate thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tech & Design
Views: 948,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macOS High Sierra, Apple laptop, new Mac, iMac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, computer apple, macOS Catalina, iMac pro, macOS Sierra, macOS Mojave, iMac, iMac 5k, desktop, macbook retina display, Mac Pro, Apple, Macbook Pro, laptop mac, iMac 27”, 2020, iMac 4k, macbook air, mac mini
Id: 0-BAvXH38fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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