How to Bury Downspouts the Complete Guide Start to Finish 2022

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hey everyone i wanted to show you guys a quick video of an awesome install that the french drink guy did at her house in years past uh we've had our downspouts terminated right here we just did it ourselves called up the french drain guy to see if he can offer a better solution he came out he ended up bearing all of our downspouts for our storm drain runoff um so like i mentioned in the past all the water would just pool down here this spot was basically completely unusable just because water from the whole side of the house uh came down even even up here it came down and just terminated in the grass right here um so what he did he he buried it and again this was only a few weeks ago so if you talk about a quality install you can see here um the grass is already starting to grow right back in you can barely tell that these guys are out here but what he ended up doing is uh we had a storm drain right here so they have all the water coming from this whole side of the house and over there it gets connected right here here and here running underneath the brick pavers connected here running down here and this is just music to my eyes and ears seeing it in here the stormwater all that was going into my yard now he's going directly into the storm drain he cannot be dead not at all i wanted to go over the different pipes that we're going to show you how to use this is a french drain pipe it's our eight slot it has more inlet than any other pipe in the world it is simply put the strongest single wall pipe in the world and it has more inlet than any other pipe in the world so for french drains for dry wells the list is long you know we show you guys how to use this pipe but we typically do not use that for roof runoff systems now the reason why our pipe is blue is because it's not made out of recycled material all black pipe is re-grind it's recycled material all ground up so it's not as strong here's a a piece of uh well this is some thin pipe that come you know this comes from the big box stores now boffman tile does have a black pipe it's made out of regrind but it's got the twice the thickness i mean it's this is absolutely the worst the worst thing you can do is to go to home depot for example where this pipe is purchased and use this very thin recycled pipe so this is failure you know we tear it out all the time our pipe's blue because it's virgin material it's all raw material there's no regrind there's no recycled materials of any kind so you get a much stronger and not only that but you the longevity of this pipe i mean this pipe is rated for 200 years to 500 years it's all virgin material so this is our solid corrugated pipe we use this for downspouts and we use knife cut with downspouts now what knife cut is it lives right up to its name it doesn't have material ground out like our eight slot you can see there's a lot of material removed instead this literally just has cuts in it no material ground out at all i'm going to show you how we use this this will carry bulk water in roof ramp systems and because of these really tiny little knife cut see there's no material ground out so again the water is just not going to pour out of it it's going to be able to travel down this pipe to a basin or a pop-up emitter all the bulk water is going to escape and then what's left to lie in the pipe will get absorbed over 10 15 foot run depending on how much of this you put in so this video is going to show you how to use knife cut with your solid pipe for roof runoff systems stay tuned in this video we are going to teach you many of the disciplines to buryin underground downspouts we're going to teach you how to build a system to where you don't have water left in the basin at the end of the line or the pop-up emitter if you have a really flat system and you have no slope you know when the rain event is over there's going to be water left in a line how do you handle that what can you do what do you do we're gonna show you that we're also gonna teach you how to put in pop-up emitters without having the grass grow over them because they are so tiny they're only four inches the grass grows over them really really quick once that happens you no longer can discharge the water that's coming off the roof so the gutters fill up and then they cascade over right near the foundation of the house resulting in a wet basement the number one reason for damp musty and wet basements number one reason people do not maintain the discharge end of a downspout line i can't tell you how many hundreds of times per year i go out to look at a home that is getting water in their basement during a rain event and the first thing i always do i walk around the house and i look at all the downspouts if they're just dumping right at the foundation of the house they're for sure going to be the problem if they are buried but i cannot find the discharge end meaning the grass grew over the end where the water supposed to be discharged further out in the yard when that happens the gutters fill up because the water can't run out remember the grass grows over the discharge end the water can't get out so the gutters fill up and fill up and fill up until they cascade over all this water cascading right next to the foundation your house that results in a musty mildewy type smell in the basement dampness and then yes water and sometimes even flooding so we're going to teach you how to do underground berry downspouts to where you can avoid all these things we're going to take in consideration all these many things that we've ran across in 35 years and we're going to show you how we deal with it now right here we have a negative pitch so we talked with the homeowner and we agreed we were going to put our d-box closer to the downspout and then we're going to have an inlet cover not a solid cover so this cement runs towards the house unfortunately now we're going to cut a little piece of the cement out just so that we can take care of this gutter properly but this gutter line is going to also do something else like i said the d-box is going to have an inlet cover it'll be able to take in water so we dug out all the plants and we dug out the earth and we're setting the d-box right now all the water during a really hard rain event that's running towards the house with this negative pitch concrete it's all going to end up in this squared area and our d-box is going to grab it all up the same line is going to be used that we're using for the roof runoff system so now chris he's over here he's fitting another clean out as you guys know we have these clean outs and i'll get more into that later but these clean outs are fantastic it's a great way to be able to access your roof runoff system for whatever you may need whether you want to run a garden hose through it whether you want to run a camera through it or in the event that say a small animal like a chipmunk falls in and drowns bloats plugs the system we can run a jetter through it that's what's nice always tape with our super sticky super stretchy always tape these clean outs on your single wall corrugated pipe always do that this cannot leak this is really really really important once you catch the water at the downspout you don't want to let it go because it's impossible to gather so if you have a really good sticky stretchy tape tape the cleanout onto the corrugated pipe seal it water tight seal and that's what you see the men doing they are making sure that they stretch this tape and it's crazy sticky super strong and they just get a really really good fit now what's nice about corrugated pipe is it's ribbed meaning it's not going to slide down unfortunately when you use a pvc pipe they slide down they weigh a lot so their own weight works against them and they're super smooth so they don't stay as well corrugated pipe again is ribbed you can see we drilled holes in that d-box in the bottom so we have a ribbed clean out we have a ribbed corrugated pipe we're going to pack this dirt in and once this dirt settles and we get say some rain you know we just need some rain to pack this dirt real nice get all the air pockets out of there so the guys went under the wood timber the wood landscape timber and doing a really nice job now they're going to take that big tree down right there and there's going to be some really really heavy equipment driving over here trees weigh so much as it is so when they're pulling that trunk and pieces down i'm going to you know want to protect my client the best they can so we're gonna run some six inch right where they're gonna be driving on our roof runoff system so this is really nice i i love this two by three by four gutter adapter we got dual wall dual wall four inch you know that's why it's nice and straight smooth on the inside and again i'll get into that a little more in the future too here so this is a really nice run this run right here francisco is drilling some extra holes underneath the lip of the d-box now he's going to put drainage fabric in there and he's going to fill that with inch and a half cobblestone all right so this is really flat out here it's crazy flat so we ran our solid high octane yard drain pipe 23 feet and now what we're doing is we're going to go to knife cut because we have no slope at all this is a flat flat yard i mean i think there's something like an inch i believe or you know a couple inches no more that's it on a long run like this we know that this is going to be holding water so we want to go to our knife cut why do we want to go to our knife cut well once the bulk water is done so we connected the solid to the knife cut right there and we have fabric where the knife cuts at we don't need the fabric where the solid is at so we got 23 feet of solid because we're flat and then we went ahead and we ran 15 feet of knife cut so i'll show you exactly how to take care of that so there's our clean out i showed you the access point and then here's a d box always try to tie more than one downspout to a d-box in this case right here we have three downspouts tied into one d-box we have two going down the side of the garage and then we have one in the back of the house that we ran on an angle a d box like our 12 inch round we can put you know three inlet lines easy and then a discharge line away so you've seen that they're working on the discharge line we're not going to use the 12-inch round basins here we're going to use our pop-up emitters here but we are going to use is our patented turf restrictor plate now our patented turf restrictor plate it prevents the grass from growing over the pop-up emitter you can see that the pop-up emitter is in the middle of our turf restrictor plate it's a beautiful setup here's that six inch so the tree company the tree removal company can go ahead cut that big giant tree down here's our knife cut the guys will put the fabric in and the stone we'll see that here stay tuned so here's a nice clean out you see how nice and straight it is we got the dual wall dual wall pipe you know with that clean out with the great that beautiful two by three by four gutter adapter with the trim ring so here's our stone so remember bulk water is going to go through that knife cut the same as it does solid pipe but when the rain event is over the water left in the line is slowly going to leech look at those little cuts just little cuts you can see the sun shining through so when the rain events over and we moved all the bulk water the knife cut will then act as a leech line if you have one percent slope you can do 15 feet of solid and then go ahead and do 10 feet of knife cut that's if you have one percent slope which honestly most people do most people have one percent slope and remember the knife cut's going to act like a solid pipe during a rain event because it's just you know a cut in the material it's not material ground out like perforated pipe so the solid assures that we have no water at all leeching you know near the house then we go to our knife cut with some stone we do it just like a french drain we want to make sure that this leech this leech line is going to work fantastic and of course we have our pop-up emitter in our patented turf restrictor plate so you can see how francisco's packing the stone underneath the turf restrictor plate we don't even have to drill holes anymore in these pop-up emitters because we now have the knife cut the line any water that's left in the line after the rain event will just slowly leach into the subsoil safely away from the house and because we took all the bulk water so far away look at how he does this fabric this is key this is key it's tucking that fabric underneath that turf restrictor plate doing a really really clean job doing a beautiful job here i mean this is you know just tradesmen the very best tradesmen in in residential yard de-watering and you're seeing the best right here so this gentleman didn't have any sprinklers so we purposely left the stone a little low because we're going to add dirt before we put the sod back so i want to say that again if you do not have a sprinkler system you're going to want to put extra dirt on top of the fabric before you put your sod on so chris was over there putting one of our pop-up emitters with our turf restrictor plate in here's one you can see it you know again knife cut this is going to act like a solid pipe during a rain event when the rain is done and the storm is is done we're done moving bulk water what's left in a line which is only a couple gallons not the end of the world don't have to worry about through capillary action this damaging the house making its way up to the house and again you don't you always just want to do like 15 feet of solid unless you got negative pitch or something crazy like that sure you know then you you want to go 23 feet you know we were super flat in the front you know we went 23 feet but one percent slope is very common everybody has it for the most part 15 feet of solid take it to like 10 feet of knife cut see what's nice is we're able to ship all this ground now so you don't need to pay the expensive freight charges we now can ship this pipe ground so i'll also get into that too there's a lot to cover in this video so i'm trying to get everything be thorough and not rush it miss details for you guys so here we are with our inch and a half cobblestone this is going to make this leech line work fantastic i never have to worry about the knife cut not leaching into the subsoil this way because we have our soil separator we have our double punched four ounce fabric that we use for this the guys have this front all buttoned up look at that really nice so the negative slope on the cement we catch it right there we're using the same line as the downspout line got a real nice clean out you can see how straight all our clean outs are you know that dual wall pipe that we have connected to that you know it's smooth on the inside corrugated on the outside it holds real well so you don't have to worry about it slipping settling on you look at how that that was beautiful that pop-up emitter with the turf restrictor plate we don't have to worry about the grass growing over that and not allowing the water to discharge that's the big problem so we have all our corrugated cleanouts in place i don't have to worry about them settling or sliding down like pvc pipe because they're not smooth they're ribbed works out really nice so they've buttoned that up i mean we are we're looking good on this job i do have another job take you too there's a turf restrictor plate we left that d-box a little high because the homeowner is going to add a few inches of topsoil back here and you can see we replaced this you you don't want to use this the sun the sun cracks this and then you're just dumping water right next to your house so all those cheap extensions that are super easy to put in the trunk of your car and everything seems just too good to be true well you know what they say if it's if it seems too good to be true it usually is which means it's going to cause you problems down the road all right so some helpful tips on how to use corrugated pipe corrugated pipe is so much easier to work with when it's left lane out in the sun now we're shipping our virgin high octane pipe heavy duty all over the united states we're shipping it ground now we're able to ship it ground so you're not paying for an expensive pallet so if you wanted to put the solid high octane and you wanted to take 15 feet of that and then connect 15 feet of the leachfield knife cut so that you could have the perfect downspout run where your drain basin and or you know if you're going to a pop-up you don't have to worry about it holding water anymore your d-boxes will hold less water your basins catch basins will hold less water your pop-up and the pipe itself will hold less water because of the leech field we have perfected the buried underground downspout system now once you get this and you're ready to work with it lay it out in the sun go ahead and you know cut that you know shrink film and we have some nylon banding and just let it lay in the sun now you can see right there how easy it is to straighten out once it's been laying out in the sun you know the guys straighten it out no time went ahead use their super sticky super stretchy tape to connect one of our clean outs and just that easy boom 15 feet of solid in place now ready for an internal coupler and to connect 15 feet of leech field knife cut okay so when you're putting your list together what you need for your roof runoff system keep in mind that the two most popular gutter downspout sizes are the two inch by three inch by four inch because it goes inside a four inch pipe or if it's not that then it looks like this now this is a three inch by four inch by four inch so you you more likely have one or the other these are the two most popular so what we started doing for homeowners and i highly recommend you do this so now we offer we offer the clean out with the gutter adapter you know we have the grate you know we tape it for shipping we now offer it with a smooth interior corrugated on the exterior this is dual wall pipe we snap this in we deliver this just the way you see it this makes it so much easier for the homeowner this is so much easier for the diy-er when you have a smooth 90 now look look at this smooth wall smooth on the inside you can see it's smooth on the interior this is dual wall dual wall you have a smooth interior corrugated exterior super strong nothing can get stuck in here so right here we have the smooth dual wall we have our gutter adapter whether you need the two by three by four or the three by four by four okay i highly recommend that the diy gets this dual wall 90. it's smooth on the inside welded together by the craftsman of boffman tile company now in order to get dual wall to connect up to single wall you have to use an external coupler okay so you have what is a full cleanout assembly you have your gutter adapter you have your grate your clean out you have the dual wall that connects the gutter adapter to the cleanout you have your dual wall 90 that makes a super easy for a homeowner to install you go ahead we have the external coupler so this is snaps onto the dual wall then snaps onto the single wall solid to run the water away from the house that's your setup this is what you need okay so your turf restrictor plate super easy we ship these out you got your pop up in the center your turf restrictor plate to keep the grass from growing over so that you don't have any problems once the grass grows over this little four inch pop-up what happens is you can't daylight your water you're not able to discharge your water so now you're gonna flood your basement all the water is gonna pour out of your gutter trough just pour over cascade over down along the footing of your house which is no good the foundation your house so we have the pop up here we have the turf restrictor plate here we have the cone so let me show you how this works so you have your knife cut because by the time you get down to your pop-up or your basin you got your knife cut and that just with the cone super easy just go ahead and push and that's it all right so just a quick rundown your gutter adapter make sure you get the right size you got your clean out comes with the great super easy to access your dual wall 90 makes this so much easier for the homeowner make sure you tape this up make sure you use our super sticky super stretchy tape tape this up really good here and here or just keep going back and forth until you're convinced that this is watertight you don't want this to leak near the foundation of the house take this to solid and then eventually use an internal coupler that snaps in here to go to your knife cut for your leech so here's a knife cut it's snapped right on as you can see we're using the boffman tile companies heavy-duty the heaviest single wall pipe in the world we use it for all of our drainage jobs it connects really nice to the pop-up emitter with the turf restrictor plate now remember it's the ribbed dual wall this rib dual wall and the rib single wall that keeps your downspout assembly from finding its way out of adjustment or out of alignment now pvc schedule 40 it's really really heavy it's not lightweight it's crazy heavy this happens to be lighter than water this is buoyant this weighs so much that when the ground is really wet really saturated and because it's smooth and not ribbed it just sinks and settles so pvc downspouts are always getting out of adjustment out of alignment it's just a pain where the ribbed corrugated stays in place really nice lightweight lighter than water to make it easy for the diy we put together a downspout a buried downspout kit we have 15 feet of high octane that'll come off of the clean out we have the clean out so there's going to be an option to go with a 2 by 3 by 4 gutter adapter or a three by four by four gutter adapter those are the two sizes that are the two popular sizes make sure you get the right gutter adapter but outside of that this is going to be super easy so we have a dual wall nice straight smooth piece of dual wall here so nothing can get stuck in there it's really like teflon inside you know the gutter adapter here i'll show you there we go look at that nice straight this is mini culvert pipe so you got a piece of mini culvert pipe with your gutter adapter your clean out we have again culvert pipe dual wall culvert pipe welded together by the craftsman at baufman tile company we have an external snap coupler so that you connect from this clean out downspout to clean out and then this snaps onto the dual wall pipe and over the single wall pipe this little piece of pipe here is for demonstration purposes just wanted to show you that it comes with our super sticky super stretchy tape that is rated to last for 200 years you want to put it here here and here seal that up make sure that this doesn't leak at the house at all that's where you want to put the tape if you have any left then at the far end on the end of the you know the leech field pipe the knife cut you want to go ahead and pop the cone in if you have any tape left go ahead and secure that so we have our turf restrictor plate with our pop-up and then we have a d-box you simply run this off the downspout connect it to the solid run the solid out 15 feet connect it to the d-box then come out the other side with the knife cut remember all the bulk water is going to go through this knife cut no problem there's no material ground out knife cut lives up to its name it's just a cut in a pipe a solid pipe with some cuts the bulk water is going to travel through this just fine it's going to make its way all the way to this pop-up emitter we got the turf restrictor plate so the grass won't grow over the pop-up because that's number one problem grass grows over anywhere you daylight your pipe the outlet once the grass grows over it the water can't escape that means the water builds up in the downspout and it just cascades over the gutter trough and ends up flooding your basement so you got your solid pipe to get away from the house you go to your d-box and then you go ahead to your knife cut to your pop-up with a turf restrictor plate all of this is a kit making it easy for the diy and we can ship it small package you
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Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: How to bury downspouts, buried downspouts, roof runoff, roof runoff system, gutter drainage, gutter system, underground downspouts, bury gutters underground, Yard Drainage, Yard Drainage Contractor, perforated drainage pipe, french drains, french drain pipe, perforated drain tile, drainage trench, yard drain, yard drains, yard water solutions, Baughman Tile Company
Id: nwvZR0NdSnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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