How To Build Your Own Budget in Google Sheets | GOOGLE SHEETS DEMO/TUTORIAL

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hello everyone in this video i'm going to be going over a google sheets demo in regards to creating a budget and just tracking your finances [Music] if you are new here my name is laila and i am on my debt free journey and also my financial independence journey and spreadsheets have been a big part of that personally i use google sheets because i love google everything and also i appreciate that it's just i can have the app for it it's on my phone it's on my computer it updates in real time it saves drafts of everything so if you mess up you can easily fix it and figure out what the problem is if necessary excel spreadsheets are obviously very similar to google spreadsheets but i just i prefer the google spreadsheets and always have i use them for tracking my budget for tracking my finances for tracking my debt everything to do with money i have a spreadsheet for and in a recent video i shared i showed how i track my finances so i will link that down below if you want to see the templates that i use i also make my templates public to you guys to to get your own copies but i am going to share with you a demo of how to create those templates now i really prefer for things to be simple before filming this video i was doing some research on you know how other people manage their finances in google spreadsheets or excel and just how like the layout of their spreadsheets and i absolutely hate it i just think it's too much like some people have i'll put pictures up on the screen and no offense to anybody who does this this is obviously there's no offense needed to be taken it's just personal preference but i don't like when there's the same thing every single month or like income over here and budget over here expenses fixed expenses uh savings here it's just too much like everything is everywhere and the color coding can help and all that stuff but i'd like things to be very simple i talk about that very often and that's exactly how i created these templates for me it's just a lot easier to see that and even with my clients they tell me how much easier it is to track their finances with my spreadsheets because because oftentimes they're either not tracking at all or they have a spreadsheet or multiple spreadsheets that's just crazy and it's honestly not necessary to have so much on a spreadsheet and i like to keep it as minimal as possible so in this video i will share exactly how i set those up and share some of the tips and tricks that i have learned by using google spreadsheets i am in no way like a super pro at this but google spreadsheets is fairly easy and with time you get used to it and start learning new tips and tricks so if you are interested then let's get into it okay i am right on my template so i'm actually going to edit this directly on here just because that's going to be easier doesn't look like anybody's on it so that's good news but you if you look in my description box you can get access to this i will delete everything that i add to it now so i'm basically going to show you exactly how to make something like this and this is the actual budget that i use myself every single month again i had that video where you can go watch exactly how i track my finances so we're gonna start up here at the top with income i like everything to kind of be in line so i have income across the top and we will fix the formatting in just a moment so you can leave this as just simple income so you would just you know list uh paycheck one paycheck two or however it is that you get paid that will work for some people if you don't have sinking funds or side hustles or extra income of any of any sort but you can separate it like i have here on the left so i will show you how we do that so for this section let's just say we're gonna do paycheck one paycheck is that one word i guess it's one word uh paycheck one and two and this is all just examples so obviously i'm gonna fill this in with just random numbers but it's kind of nice to do it as you're going if you are creating your own template so you can see the actual numbers that apply to you and make sure everything makes sense so first of all to make this one box what you would do here is merge these that's this button up here and then you can place it in the center and then if you wanted to fill it in that would be this fill button so fill color you can do literally whatever you want i always have a standard gray or i do it for the month so let's say just for income we're going to keep it as green and you can make this bold whatever you want to do you can italicize it if you want to and you can also change the size and the font whatever you whatever floats your boat so then we can add the total and in order to let's fill in some numbers so you can see this actually working so let's say paycheck 1 is 2000 paycheck 2 is another 2 000. when you type it in at first it'll just be numbers so in order to change the format of this you would highlight those cells and go to format number and change it to currency you could also do currency rounded i prefer everything to be the exact amount up to the penny and then in order to take a total of this you would take this sum so equals some open parenthesis and you highlight those two sections you don't even have to close it out just hit enter and it will populate the total so you can see if this were to change let's make this 2500 instead it will also change that total again you can make this section bold you can change the color whatever it is that you want to do in order to add these boxes you would do you would highlight and if you want it just around the outside you go to this borders section so you can do every single cell all borders you can do outer borders and then maybe you want this to just have its own border as well so you can see there's different ways to do this if you wanted to separate those two you would do all borders just highlight the section and determine what what sort of lines you want around each cell now on the other hand let's say you want to do something like this where you have your actual income coming in but you also are pulling from your sinking funds and or are making extra income on the side so maybe you want to separate that out and so what we'll do is clear all this out remove all the borders which would be this you clear all the borders okay so let's do pape i don't want to capitalize paycheck one paycheck two then we're going to leave a couple of spaces because we'll we'll total this up so maybe you want to have a section for your side hustles and let's say you have clients so client one or affiliate let's say amazon amazon affiliate okay and then let's say you pulled from a personal spending sinking fund and here's another trick if you you see how this is over extending into the next cell if you just click up here it will pop up with an arrow and just double click that and it will automatically go to where it should be so let's fill this in a little bit so let's say again paycheck one is two thousand paycheck two is twenty five hundred from client one you made 150 from amazon affiliates you made 50 and then from personal your personal sinking fund you pulled a hundred so first of all we can just go select all of this and change it to currency that'll fix that and let's call these different things so work income total is the sum of these two and you could even pull this down to to the next cell if you wanted to if you have three paychecks four paychecks or one let's call this one side hustle income again equals some of these side hustles and then other income equals some of whatever's here so we can bold these we can bold this so maybe we want to make some space between these two cells here going up and down so highlight the section that you want to shift down so we'll go here and insert cells shift shift down so now you have some space here and then let's say we want to shift this down insert cells shift down and now we have some spacing and so you could separate this in boxes like so or you could just do like this we'll put it like this you could label these at the top if you wanted to but since it's down here at the bottom this is your work income total your side hustle income total other income and then what you can do is a overall total and take the sum do equals sum open parenthesis of this one comma side hustle income comma other income and hit enter and then again you can bold this and put some boxes around it okay so that would add up the total of everything you can literally customize this as much as you want to you can add your colors if you want to you can obviously go back in and add more so let's say that you needed more space here like you put client two and then they give a hundred so then you have to add one more section here so you'll just highlight this and double click insert cells shift down and then you have an extra space obviously the you'll it may affect the formatting because of what was there previously so we'll just remove the bold and then again 300 and you may have to edit sometimes with those changes so you'll see here that it didn't update here so just reset that equals some of those four okay i'm gonna go ahead and just leave it like this for now because that is it's whatever it's just an example if you go to the template that i have linked down below you can click on these calculations and see exactly what happened for those so this is the sum of this section and then the total between these two sections so so you can literally do whatever it is you want with this now like i said i like to have everything stacked on top of each other if i were to do something like this where it has a lot more with it i would probably scoot it over to the right so that's what we can do here and we'll start with our our budget i'm going to set it up just like this but you could also do a weekly budget tracker just by adding more columns so we will fix the formatting in just a moment but we will put the expense here and then the what we're budgeting for it actual and difference so let's go ahead and merge these so you highlight which cells you want to merge and click this merge cells button align that in the center and then you can change the color so we can make this little pink color for expenses going out and we'll make it bold and then we'll make all of these bold and then you can obviously make however many lines you need to going down so i have quite a lot here for anybody to use but we're just going to keep it really simple here so i'm going to fill these in just with a little bit okay let's say these are the only expenses you have obviously this is very simple and that would be great but for most people it's a lot more so it would just continue to go down but we're gonna keep it like this and i'm gonna fill in this section here with just some random numbers so this is your budget for the month what you actually are hoping to spend what you want to stay under whatever however you want to describe that so for rent well i'm just going to fill these in okay so now this is all filled in as you can see again it's just numbers so let's correct this to be currency and what i'm actually going to do is extend it across and pull down and then pull it down a little bit further so that if i need to add more and then also with the totals and all that we will make sure it's just in the actual currency format so then we can total this all up so i'm going to add total under expense because we don't need actual numerical values there and again add up the sum for our budget equals sum open parentheses and select all of these enter and then if you want to have the same exact formula for over here what you do is click this and then there's this blue box and you will pull it to the right and it will add up everything in this column so if you check here in your calculation box equals sum of k3 through k10 which is k 3 through k 10 and then if we check this one it should be l 3 through l 10. so google sheets as well as excel is pretty smart when it comes to things like that sometimes it can mess up so you always want to double check your work but typically it is fine now we can also do the same for difference so you could literally pull this down or to the right however many times you need to but let's go ahead and set up the difference section so in order to take the difference between what you budgeted and what you actually spent you would just do equals budget minus actual and sometimes the google sheets will pop up with a suggested autofill and this one is actually relevant so we would hit yes but let me show you how to do that otherwise so you would let me back up so if we want every single thing to calculate based off of that the difference again you just wait until this plus sign pops up over the little square pull down and it will auto populate so let's get some lines around all of this let's put a line around here we'll do outlines for that one let's put some lines around here and i really don't like every single cell to be separated but we'll just do each section okay now on my template you'll see that there's red color and green colors for the difference so if you go over budget it turns red and if you're under budget it is green so i will show you how to set that up we are gonna go well first of all you need to highlight the section so i'm gonna highlight all of this and go to format conditional formatting and sometimes this thing can be a little bit wonky but we're gonna hopefully make it work so we're adding a first rule and we're gonna do if it's greater than zero it will be green so i'm gonna keep it as this green color hit done add another rule and this is still applying to this highlighted section so format cells if less than zero and it will be that red color done so it's you always want to make sure it actually works so let's say on groceries we actually spent 350 it should go red let's say we were right on budget hopefully it goes white yep okay so you actually spent 1300 this is at the end of the month is when you typically update your budget obviously if you were doing a weekly tracker then you could fill this in every week and it would update properly but for the sake of this one and how i do it with just the simple budget let's say your utilities were actually 175 total for groceries you spent 322 food out i'm actually going to extend this conditional formatting to be through m13 so it changes that like i said this is something that you can do at the end of the month which is what i i typically do except for a couple of these things so the main thing is groceries because that's most of my expenses are fixed and then if i make other purchases if i spend in personal or health and beauty or groceries is typically where i'll do what i'm about to show you so for this example i showed you that i spent 322 in groceries but let's track that a different way so instead of adding everything up at the end of the month let's say you want to track every single month but you don't want to use this format because you just would rather keep things simple but we're going to have the same idea so every time you go to the grocery store you want to input the amount that you did that's exactly why i love this too because it's on your phone right when you get back from the grocery store just put it in your spreadsheet and then unpack your groceries so we're gonna do equal sum of and let's say the first week you spend 75 10 all right so that's one week down but then next week you want to add to that so you can just click and start entering here you would click and do plus 65 enter and it will take the new total or you can double click this and it will pop up in the actual cell plus 104 and there you go this way you can keep track of how much you actually have left in your budget for that specific line item same goes with personal if you wanted to track each personal item that you purchased then you could fill it in the same way everything else though if it's like a fixed expense i'll just fill that in with that total amount on my template you'll see that i like to have this section too income minus expenses is what that means so i'll show you how to do that this is how i i keep track of how i can put how much money i can put extra to my debt so again this is going over into the next cell so we're just going to click here double tap and it will extend it and we let's make these bold for this it's very simple as well we're literally just going to take our income so this will be the equal sign equals your income minus expenses so this is what you would expect to have left over at the end of the month now i'm going to show you an example here where this isn't going to work so if you drag this over to the right it's actually miscalculating because it's pulling from i this this column i column when it should be pulling from here so you can just leave it like that and change the letter to h and it will be correct or you could just manually enter it the same way h17 which is this number minus the total and so with that you can see how much you have left over at the end of the month and how much you actually have left over and put that money toward wherever you want to see it so let's just add a line item here that you want to invest the difference which is you know either it's investing or maybe you want to put it to a credit card or your student loans or something let's leave some cushion so let's say from this number this leftover amount you want to do 2700 invested so 2700 enter it'll change this and then you will be left with 90 for the month uh but let's pretend that this is what you actually spent so you are under budget on quite a few things so instead of 2 700 you put 2 800. now this is going to go negative so it's it looks like a bad thing obviously but that is technically a good negative there is no from my understanding there's no way to you could you could separate this from the conditional formatting that i had set up but i just leave it as is you you kind of know in your head that this is a you know this section is a good thing so you could exclude this whole area from the conditional form formatting so that it just shows up as white or you could change it to be green even if you wanted to but then you'll see you'll still have that left over another cool thing about sheets is you can add little notes if you want to so let's say you want to keep track of what you're spending on personal spending so you'll double click this and it will pop up with a bunch of options and go to insert note and let's say you bought some running shoes and you got a t-shirt or something and you could even put the price of everything so like let's say for the running shoes it was eighty dollars and then the t-shirt was fifteen so then it will add this little triangle and you can just hover over it and it will pop up with what you spent your money on this is a great way to keep track of it instead of like you could put it down here if you wanted to and put the prices there but it's a lot better to have just a little note section you can keep track of where your money's going now if you do prefer to have it where you're tracking every single week then it's basically the same idea you're just changing the formula a little bit for this different section because you have to subtract each week so that's what i have in this template so you'll see here that it is taking b13 which is right here it's taking my budget and subtracting the spending from every single week so b13 minus c13 minus d13 minus e13 minus f13 you have to you only have to do that once for the different section and then click hover over the square and just drag it down there are literally options for everything as i said this is highly customizable if you messed up anything you typically will just undo because you typically catch it right away so you can just hit undo or you can go to your edits which was up here and you can see what edits happened if you click it and expand you'll see all the changes that you made and it will highlight those changes so like if we go here it's highlighting this because that's where i made the change so if you don't like what you did in these recent ones you just click the more actions and then restore this version or make a copy it is awesome how it does this so then just to exit out of that you go back and everything is all good and typically if i'm making this for the next month i literally would just highlight everything and ctrl c and then copy it over for the next month and then just clear these these things out now sometimes you may like let's say this is the copy over here obviously so let's say maybe for the month the next month you don't need anything in the personal section so what you can do is just highlight that section double click delete cells make sure you do the one with the arrow and then shift up and that will clear that one out so you could also add a section like let's say you want to add underneath food out highlight that section double click insert cells shift down so that will go above it actually and the formatting will be cleared out so you'll want to make sure that this is in currency and then to get this calculation and formatting you would just drag that down and it will actually work out so again this is not fitting in the cell so we double click and expand that double click this one to expand so there's obviously a lot of options when it comes to google sheets and i for this video for the purpose of this video i am just showing you how to create a budget on google sheets i can go into further detail on how i created my finance tracker if that's something you're interested in i figured i would start just with the budget and if people would like to see everything else maybe like the debt trackers the finance tracker then comment down below and let me know this video is going to be really long though because i just wanted to make sure i got everything in but if i missed anything or if you have any questions if you're not able to fix something with the templates that i provided or if you're making your own then please feel free to comment down below and i will do my best to help you fix that otherwise have fun with your spreadsheets it is honestly very fun in my opinion and a great way to stay on top of your things and just make a habit out of keeping everything intact and keeping track of your finances hopefully that was helpful thank you all so much for watching and i will see you in my next video
Channel: Personal Finance with Leila - Debt Over It
Views: 228,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, Google sheets, budget, budget template, track your spending, money, debt free journey, free budget templates, finance, finances, debt free community, frugal, save money, financial independence, google sheets demo, google sheets tutorial
Id: J8EzNIfki1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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