How To Build The Perfect AUTOMATED Valheim Chicken Farm Mistlands

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hello guys and welcome in the last episode we created a gray dwarf Farm which produces unlimited amounts of wood Stone and resin what we're going to be putting the wood and stone to good use today with a chicken breeder and this is a pretty special breeder um I haven't checked this one out yet as this is the new and improved one but the the basis for what we've been doing is based along the logic here and we have a breeder that produces eggs for us and if we go around here you'll also notice that it provides us with chicken and Feathers without us having to do any butchering ourself this was developed first by a patron of us a fantastic supporter of the channel Mr James Irwin and today we we're going to improve on the system that he's developed and create an easy to follow guide for you to build this uh certain that not only you can breed chickens but also arrange an automatic farm for producing eggs and your feathers and chicken breast so let's get into it if you're wondering how to get eggs to start off with the first thing that you need to do is defeat yagaloof once you defeat him you can return to holdor here and from here you'll see that the egg is now available now this costs a lot it's 1 500 gold per egg and you're going to want to have two to create your first pair to produce those eggs this build is going to consist of three parts the first one is producing the breeder which you can see here the second is the shoot and I will mention we've only just built this which is why there isn't many eggs available there and then the chick breeder which will produce the chicken and feathers for us we don't want chicks to die because they have a reduced amount of chance of producing feathers or chicken Forest whereas if you have a fully grown chicken it guarantees two feathers and a chicken breast each time with that in mind let's get started we'll build a new one over here so the first thing that we're going to want to do is smooth out the ground we are using Dev commands for this build simply because it's going to take me a lot of time and it's already three in the morning and I'm going to have an unhappy wife if I'm not careful we're going to start off by building a stone pillar all the way to 16 meters high once done you're going to want to place a stone in the center and on top of that you're going to place a fire pit this is what's going to warm the chickens so that they can warm the eggs so they can hatch into chicks when Roofing it I will mention that I have decided to do it on one side to give it some protection from the rain but also to make sure that the smoke escapes the build rather than going up into the Hatchery area so we're just going to cover this on all sides and you will want to occasionally refill this next up we're going to place call wood supports pillars which will go all the way up and we do actually want these to go one Higher and what this will do is support where the Hatchery is going to be once you've placed the support call logs down you're going to place a wooden platform which is going to be a four across of these large wooden floors and then two wide you can actually change this as you want but this is to do a replica to that at this point we're going to want to grab a single wooden beam we're going to do this on the center and we're going to go around each side and then we're going to grab these wooden floors now it's actually really important that you use these as I found that's some for some reason when you use larger flooring the chickens tend to get out same with the roofing but we'll get to that in a moment we're going to do this on either side and at this point we will place a wooden wall the half wooden walls on the back the single wooden walls and then from here we're going to need to get some eggs thankfully I have some just down there so we've now started throwing our eggs in you can see we've got two in there they'll be fine to do this hold down the right Mouse button this allows your character to turn to where you're facing you're going to want to be two of the large wooden floors away from it and we're just going to throw one at a time oh that was a fail now if we go over to them now they're going to come up as too cold now that's because they're not covered so we now want to grab a thatched roof and hopefully they will start to warm up however this doesn't always happen you see this one's one this one's too cold and I think this is because this one's too close to the edge and so what you need to do with this one is just place a thatched roof corner like so whilst we're waiting for the eggs to warm up I do want to mention if you are playing valheim do consider playing on a dedicated server it's fantastic to play with friends it means that you can all play at whatever time is available for you for example I'm in Mexico right now my friends play over in the UK and so having a dedicated server means that we don't necessarily all have to be on the server all at the same time we can pick and choose what times best for us and it also offloads a lot of the computation so for our bigger builds we don't have so much trouble when it comes to loading it all in the great thing about this is also because we are partnered with low dot Ms if you do choose to get a dedicated server for yourself and your friends you can get 20 off your first month with the link in the description below and using the code total eclipse at checkout we've been with them for over a year now and I haven't had a single problem and highly recommend using them but with that I think the eggs are done so let's give them a quick look all four of the eggs are now warm the next thing that we're going to want to do is grab a small wall and we're going to place this in front I'm also going to place a beam just on top because sometimes I find that the chicks jump out and I find that between this wall and the beam it tends to stop them we're going to have to wait a day or two for the chicks to hatch and we're back and at this point we have at least one chick there I think we still got an egg to go we need to wait for the chicks too hmm that doesn't look like there's another egg in there it's a bit finicky but if we remove this that's going to run out so I think it might be that one chick got out uh if we see one ah there you go that's it that's the chicken okay so with that we're going to throw another egg in and hopefully the this time this one will hatch but while we wait for these chicks to become hence which will take another two days we're going to have a look at the system that's used to create an automated Slaughter system I guess there's no nicer way of putting it so this system is quite simple we have excess eggs or eggs from the second section come down to here where they also hatch and become chicks and then chickens we want the chickens to be the ones that we Slaughter as I mentioned because they have more feathers and Chicken on them unlike chicks and what happens is once this fills up fully with chickens and can't handle any more the chickens start to overflow onto the staircase and chickens like to climb stairs so when they have that option they will head up they will come to here where they will start take smoke damage and die we can probably encourage that now by lifting up the floor slightly so if I just grab this there you go okay so now they're moving and they're going to start pushing themselves into the fire he says but we do need to wait for this to fill up and here you can see the system in play Let's just let those chickens go up there you go one's gone in and it's going to die we didn't push that one and you can see that one's pushing that one in and so we're just going to let it do its job unfortunately this needs to be full and because this was my first rendition I didn't plan this through that well however we're going to make this a lot more efficient on the other one so a couple of days later we now have four chicken waiting to be fed so for this I've found that the easiest food to feed them in terms of getting it to actually stay in the right position is the carrot seeds and you want to throw these at the wall so they land right next to it you'll know if it's um in range or not because you have hungry chicken here and one there you go that's just eating one that one's happy we're going to have to do the same for all the other ones up here as well we now need to sort out the two sections where the eggs are going to come they're going to be forced out the back wall here under the lower section so what I've decided to do is to create a shoot that will take the eggs to two separate areas the first one will lead far away from the fire we'll do it on this one we'll bring it out to about here now if you look by the rested buff in the top right you'll see that in this section this is where the fire is touching the floor any eggs in this section that are covered by a roof will start to hatch so you we want to have the shoot run the eggs down to about here to do that we're going to place of course I'm not high enough for this so now that we're up here we can now place this wall and thankfully because we've placed the single beam just there it's going to make it really easy for us to place these like a shoot there we're just going to bring that down then at this point we can place some beams into the wall to support this and I'm going to place this 45 degree roof all the way down here and at this point we will have the eggs run down into this section and here we have our shoes some eggs will get caught on the last few sections but don't worry too much about that and I've just added a little lip so it doesn't go any further and we've now automated eggs the next thing that we need to do is have another shoot that will bring the eggs down to an area where they can feel fire we already have the eggs falling here which could work really well for us but I'd prefer to have it closer to this section as we will use the wall to trap the chickens in so they're going to the slaughter area at this point we're going to flatten the the ground I will quickly jump up to this section up here to build the initial shoot and then we will work on a system for slaughtering them okay so we've brought the shoot down a fair amount we want to go a little bit further and then from here we're going to go one down there we go perfectly um I definitely didn't organize that but now that that's done we're going to seal this in this is where our eggs are going to land and you can see that these are already warm but if we want to improve the chances of these being hatched we can place a roof just over the top here and we're going to seal this air in one thing to bear in mind though is that hens have a habit of climbing upwards so you may want to give yourselves a high wall in between and all we're going to do here in fact we will keep this open and we will use the iron grates here just so that we can see what's happening but at this point we will have a staircase in fact we can do it from from the get-go here should we wish and this will reduce the amount of time that it takes for the chickens to crawl up here the only thing to bear in mind with this small amount of space is that chicks will start crawling up straight away so you may need to place some kind of barrier initially to stop them you're going to want to expand this and then we will have a drop and the intention is that the chickens will fall into this Brazier and instantly die so that we can grab meat and the feathers so the last thing to do here is to seal this in and to add a doorway so that we can get to the Brazier and you can obviously pretty this up as much as you want if you are finding this helpful guys do hit the thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and I have just started a new let's play series for the missed lands we're at our third episode and the fourth one's going to feature a pretty cool dock design do check that out I'll put a link to that video in the cards above now once you've covered that over you'll see that the smoke is getting caught in there and actually we should have a little space there so they don't die up here but this should mean that any chicks that hatch and turn to chickens will then be pushed over into this area where we will have our chicken and feathers and our eggs here here so the last thing that we need to do at this point other than maybe have a way of getting up there which we could do with maybe doing a I don't know a walkway up this side like so would be to have a little storage area it doesn't need to be anything complicated we will just house this in and then just add your storage the last thing to do would be to add yourselves a way of getting up to the top that might be using a Teleport which we're going to do here or you may want to use a staircase of some description at this point all we need to do is wait for those chicks to hatch so that we can start seeing how effective that is and well you can already see the the Egg Nest down there is doing pretty well one thing I should mention here having placed these down is that the smoke is coming into here you do not want that so if necessary do add an extra roof tile there just so that the smoke doesn't come and kill your chicken so that's pretty important you can seal this in as you prefer so we have some of the eggs hatched there is a slight problem we have the chicks jumping Straight Into the Fire which we obviously don't want so I'm going to have to lift this section up so that they're not so quick to get across we want them to be chickens so I suppose we could do it from this side if we're a little bit ingenious okay let's leave them a little bit longer and see how they get on and here we are the proof here is in the pudding so hopefully this will show off what we've produced I have changed this slightly we added a roof here because I kept getting out and some of the eggs here weren't hatching so I thought that was a good choice and we actually closed this all in something which I wasn't going to do but the chicks kept spawning on top of the hens and so the chicks were heading towards that so what we've added are some shutters and I'm sure you could do this with a door as well but let's let's catch or pick up all of these eggs and see how many we've got and then we'll open up the did you enjoy yourself that chick we will then check how many or how well the The Slaughterhouse works and we can do this by just popping over here and then opening up the wood shutters and hopefully that will encourage them to all start going through there now if I just give them a bit of time would you look at that it's working perfectly just need a few more to hop on through come on hen give you a bit of encouragement there fortunately they they don't always want to walk up the stairs so they need encouragement from the others now that we've got these wooden shutters down we don't need that little beam across the bottom which should encourage a few more to go up um I'm just going to wait here a little bit and uh we'll uh on up go on you can see why this would be perfect as a passive spawning breeder that's what we need and we'll we'll lead them to do their their thing oh actually if they're so enthusiastic we might we might as well grab these as well oh dude look maybe we need to leave the door open to encourage them to try and leave anyway how many have we got we have a total of 50 eggs from this little Hatcher Hatchery over here a little Nest we have 137 feathers in total and what that's 93 chicken just leaving this on passively that is not bad at all but guys we are going to leave it there thank you so much for watching and if you did like this video please do hit the thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and let me know in the comments what you'd like to see me build next as a little guide for you I remember seeing one about a drug farm so perhaps we'll do that next time but guys special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solo Eclipse patreons James Irwin fire flesh treble and Beowulf as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the MN wolf and that dude a w as well as our blood moon of the day which today is Adam the useless until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 181,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Build The Perfect AUTOMATED Valheim Chicken Farm Mistlands, Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse Valheim, Valheim Chicken Guide, Valhiem Chicken Farm, Valheim Automated Chicken, Valheim automatic chicken farm, Valheim game guide, How to build a chicken farm Valheim, Valheim gameplay, Totalxclipse Valheim Guide, The perfect Valheim Chicken Farm, Easy chicken Farm Valheim, Valheim How to Build, Valheim Chicken Farm tutorial, Valheim farm tips, Valheim chicken guide, Valheim mistlands
Id: x3jo0zCGpLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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