How To Build Patio Furniture: Low Cost & Simple!

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hi I'm Jen casses have you ever priced outdoor  patio furniture lately it is extremely expensive   and I don't even particularly like what I  see so I decided to build my own and do it   for under $100 so let's get started so I  went to Home Depot and I picked up 11 6t   Cedar fencing slats and 10 2x4s plus two 1 by  twos to basically build this entire set and   the total came to right around $80 okay so I'm  going to start this out by cutting down 18 or   excuse me 16 of these 2x4s and I set up a stop  block to automatically measure these out I'm   actually going to cut them at 232 that gives me  a little blade width cut so let's start cutting the ends of these boards I also cut half the width   of the 2x4 down by 3 and 1/2 in or the  width of the 2x4 and trim that off now   I'm using the table saw to do this and  cutting it in about 1/4 in cuts across there knocking those out and then trimming those  back and forth cross to make it smooth this may   not be the best or the safest way but it's  the way I figured to do it you could also do   this same thing with just a circular saw and run  those across and get it done if that's all you have okay so I'm going to move all these pieces  over here and then I'm going to start assembling each of these I'm going to use some regular wood glue on these all right okay I think these look good I don't  know why I use this putty it feels   like for Min wax but it like never  dries I don't know these look good   I'm going to take them outside  and get some sanding done on them I'm also going to use a technique  that to make it kind of look aged   or antique and I'm going to take pile  or a rasp and kind of knock down just   random spots along the edges of this  to give it kind of an antique out look okay now that I've got all the sides ready  to go I'm going to set up the chopa and start   getting some of my lumber cut for the chair part  and the couch part itself and I think I'll do the   chair part first because if I mess up there's  less materials involved so I'll get started on that here's outside part of the chair there this  is the part the base of it it's going to come   back here and this is the back and that's going to  angle a little bit now this can come almost right   up to here because that's going to have the board  in front of it I'm fine with that and that would   mean this could still tilt I want it tilt a little  and I don't care that that comes out from behind   that I think that's going to look fine so I'm  thinking I'm just going to use my classic eyeballs here to figure out my angle that's going to be it right there okay  and that's going to be for the two backs of the chair I think that'll do it right there now I used a cheap pocket Hol drill  that uh actually worked great I picked it   up on Amazon I'll see if I can find a link  and I'll put that down in the description below m okay so now I need set these pieces on is going to sit n 6 and a/4 so like this that okay here's our Basics on the first chair I think   that's going to that's going to  work pretty good the back that and that right there okay I'm going to start putting  some stain on this see how that goes so it rained the other night and so I had to  put some plastic over these after getting them   stained and they've been under plastic for a  couple of days today it's not raining so I'm   going to use this as a chance to try to finish  these up before I go much further I'm going to   add some of these um Furniture guides to the  bottom of these these will help keep it off   the deck a little bit and give it some room for  scooting it around and help protect this so I'm   going to slap these on real quick and then I'm  going to start installing the Cedar uh slats into this now the cedar fence slats are rough saw  so I'm going to take a belt sander and smooth   these down they don't have to be perfect  I just want to not get a sliver in my der here I've cut my material and it's ready to go in   I'm just going to knock some  of these edges off a little bit it and you're fine take one piece should set snug at the top next one I'm going to use some of the drop off here yeah I like that okay so I decided I'm just for safety I'm  going to add a brace in here so set that in place well I've got to tell you I am absolutely  really excited how this has turned out I   am totally Psy this is just with one coat  of the um Minwax clear on this and I just   love the combination between the fact of  using uh Cedar and then the pine staining   that to a dark American oh I just for me  this really works and now I'm starting to   think twice whether I want to put cushions  on it cuz I just like the looks of how this   is just I don't know I just really like that  and I'm I'm going to start out by giving it a   light sanding with 220 and then I'll apply  another coat of the veranee or the uran to well it's still rainy outside  so I'm not going to be able to set   that furniture out there so for now um  just going to keep it in the sun room   and thre some cushions on it and when the  weather gets better we'll go outside with it I got to tell you I'm really happy with  how these turned out they're going to work   out great on the patio for now I'll keep them  in the sun room because well the weather is   just not ready for them but I got to be honest  with you outside I think I love the look of   these without the cushions with that beautiful  Cedar with the dark wood I think it just makes   a really pretty combination has a great look  and I look forward to using that plus I only   spent less than $80 in lumber on this plus  another 25 for the uh clear urethane on this   so I'm still under $100 on this project and this  cushions you can add these very inexpensively I   actually got these on sale and I didn't even  pay over $25 for all four of these cushions   so it really can work out well for you and  have some beautiful patio furniture without   spending a bundle hey if you have any questions  or comments put them down in the comment section   down below and I'll get back to you as soon  as I can in the meantime I'll see you soon
Channel: DIY Gene
Views: 103,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make outdoor furniture, cheap outdoor furniture, diy outdoor furniture, diy outdoor sofa, diy patio furniture, do it yourself, outdoor furniture, outdoor furniture diy, outdoor patio furniture, patio furniture
Id: ey5VMo1weZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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