How to build a wood gasifier camp stove

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good morning YouTube I'm going to make a wood gas stove I'll make it for wood worm gear I'm afraid that when I woke them with my wood gas stove they won't let me leave with it so I'm going to make him one just so I can keep my own here's what I got these are canisters that I bought at Walmart they're stainless steel they come in a pack of four they used to come in a box but now they come stack inside each other like this and I'm going to show you what I what they look like they come with glass lids and I think for the full set of four they're like about 20 bucks and at Walmart on home you can also get them at Bed Bath & Beyond so here's what you got small medium large and a grunt day so the Grande and the medium will make one wood gas stove and the opposed this large large and the small we'll make another wood gas stove and the the small is what I'm fixing to make the small is the one I'm taking with me to the camp stove race which I'll be winning this what a large one looks like and if you were gone this used to be the one I had a fan hooked up to a computer fan which is why this has no air holes drilled around it because I blew the air in it this thing was like a freaking furnace so in order to use this I gotta drill holes in it because that blowed 4th air that was just too much so I'm going to show you how to make one of these I've already got started so let me get a chair hold on Epis if coffee you bring you in here a little bit all right I've already gotten started I've got handles drilled on the side for each side actually here and here for just handles to pick it up with this is the outer part of the stove I've got four holes drilled on the outer edge of it for the legs which will be these little character bolts I've got one hole drilled in the center which will hold the inner part of the stove tightly together to the lid that I'm going to make this is going to fit down inside of a cap and it will this whole thing will get tied together with one carriage will going through the inner to the outer and a wingnut this way you can take a part of the Aptus so uh here's how I measure these holes these are the the holes the big holes there three quarters of an inch not yet they will be by the way what I do is I just take a magic marker and I set it on something that's about an inch high and I turned this turn it turn it all the way around and then I take one of them hold on my wife doesn't know it still that's utter sewing room and it's one of them flexible like rulers you know how to wrap it around like this and then on that line every inch I mark up where I want to drill the hole so these holes will be three quarters add one inch apart Center to Center all the way around the base of it and those holes the two holes for the handles on the side five bolts on the bottom four for the legs one for the center it's all like drill that's the outer piece the inner piece I do the same thing I put the magic marker about half inch above and I just turn this then I wrap this around there and I mark every half inch around around here and that's what I've got drilled one quarter inch holes the top I do the same thing turn upside down about 1/2 inch turn it and wrap this around there and Mark I have these market half-inch but I haven't made one in a while and I forgot that the holes that I put at the bottom of it I put half that made holes on the top so I go every one inch around here to drill a hole this these are the holes that the wood gas will come back into the income earned chamber and reburn and you'll see when I strike maybe you have but I've made enough of these where I think I have a lot of videos on how to make these but I just want to anyway there's one more hold on the bottom quarter inch and that will be the two inch carriage bolt that picks through there and holds the thing together and then the last thing is have a piece of metal here will be at the top I will cut a hole in it that's to fit down inside and then I'll turn it around and I'll trace around here and I'll cut it out a little bit wider than the top of this so let me get started here this is going to go fast because I built enough of these where I think if you really wanted to build one you could look at my wood gas stove playlist in and slow it down or whatever but that's basically how I'm going to do it so let me get started all right I'm on my grill pressure and I've got a rag here just because this is so slick and I don't want to really I don't want to scratch it or anything and I'm going to drill my little pilot holes for the quarter inch holes that I'm going to put in around here you ok I got all my pilot holes drilled now I'm going to take my quarter inch and drill out the pilot holes to this size you put this on a rag so don't slide around so much well I missed one what missing mine gets hit with a big one all right on the top now you get the idea I'm not going to make you watch me drill all these holes I'll be back ok I got three all my holes drilled on both the inner and the outer parts of the stove now I make my my top piece put that fit here where this goes down ahead even let me start hooking together first I'm going to go over to my drum on the inside here or I drill the holes down these big holes I've got a lot of slag in here and I got to get in there and grind that off so if you ever pick it up you don't cut your hands but the I'm going to do that now and then cut this okay I've got the outer the outer line you see that yeah I bet the outer line traced out on this with a scratch awl now I'm going to Center this in the middle of that and let me get a tape measure I want to make sure this is completely even on all I'm to sit on four sides so I'll be right back all right there we go now this is the hardest part of whole thing only because this is some very thick metal and uh what I do is I cut this out with jigsaw I drilled a hole down through here and I put my jigsaw in and I've learned over time that the inner hole is the hardest to cut so while I've got this big piece I'm going to cut the interval out first and then cut this out and clean it up on my sander when I'll show you a little bit of that when I get it going when I get a hole drilled in there okay I've got that fit in there and I think I'm gonna try something different you know all these years I've been making a circle and uh you know to fit on top of that I think I'm going to go with a square and I just round the off around the curve the edge is really nice and the reason is this is my last metal cutting jigsaw blade I broke two cutting this out so what I had to do was put this on my drill press the reason is when you when you cut a circle this tight it puts a lot of sideways torque on that on the blade and it does snap so I put this on my drill bit drill press and just perforate it with holes so as I cut through each hole the blade wouldn't have so much torque on it and I was able to make this last blade cut the inner side up but I'm a little afraid that this being my last blade that uh I'll end up snapping it then I'll have no way to cut this so I can cut my straights and I can cut you know mild curves without putting a whole lot of torque on the plate so that's going to do I'm going to cut this into a square curve with the corners put them on my belt sander and smooth them up we'll be right back okay got it done I've drilled a four little holes and I'm going to put little screws here and what that does is keep it from wobbling around once it went this tumble going back up a little bit here's an inner one that's how it goes this goes down in here and I put the wing nut and a washer here and substitute together - um yeah got the handles on the legs on here don't be bill I showed you where the holes are it's just nuts and bolts so uh and I also have to make the pot standoffs that will hold it up up off of this a little bit and uh what I'm going to do is cut the heads off some quarter-inch carriage bolts and bend them into an L shape and hold them down here with two nuts on either side I'll see you when I get that far okay there we go what I've done is uh just noting bolts carriage bolts with nuts on either side bent over at a 90 degree angle I'd use my torch to heat them up a little bit but I if you didn't have a torch you could use threaded rod and carefully bend them so let's back out a little bit let's see if this would work yeah holy crap that's going to look nice a little washer on the column here this is what holds the whole thing together now long time ago when I was making these in mass ah that looks pretty good that's better than mine and whole bunch of people told me they wanted to buy one of these so I bought about 30 sets of canisters and I made up about Oh half a dozen of these and I contacted people that said they wanted to buy one now clothe them what I wanted for including shipping and I never heard back from so I won't fall for that again I did have two people buy one of these and I was so disgusted that I just sent them to check back and send on the stove for free and son under check back so this is a listen for you worm better no hard feelings about me winning Hey you have any questions let me know I can give you measurements and all that just real standard stuff nothing special these I had laying around I've got probably a dozen of these handles that I picked up a yard sale for next to nothing I think it was a quarter a piece just because I knew that I would want to build some more these someday so anyway that's it that's how you build one of these uh by you king camp stoves yeah that's what I'm calling it by you King see you tomorrow warm Gator
Channel: BCtruck, BC Blades
Views: 467,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stove, bayou, camp, bayou king, wood gasifier, gasifier stove, off grid cooking, How to, build, easy, simple, instructions, directions, How to build a woodgas stove, how to build a gasifier stove, camp stove, wood stove, small cooking stove, fire, gas, propane, outdoor kitchen, home made, homemade, hand made, how to make a hobo stove, hobo stove, backpacking, DIY, gasification, survival stove, rocket stove, camping, diy, how to, do it yourself, diy crafts, stove's kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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