How To Build A Website With Bluehost 2021 [Made Easy]

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[Music] hey what's going on guys welcome to another video of mine where today i'm going to be showing you how to build a website with bluehost just like the one you see here in about 30 minutes now if you guys have never made a website or even used bluehost or wordpress before that's totally fine you can be a complete beginner to all of this and still follow along easily because there's not going to be any coding or anything complicated like that involved everything is pretty much drag and drop and this entire guide is going to be step by step so i'll be walking you through the entire process and no matter what type of website you want to create whether it be a personal website a blog or website for your business wordpress has thousands of free templates so even if you don't like the look of this website there's a bunch of others to choose from which i'll be showing you guys how to get access to all of them for free so if this sounds good to you guys and you have 30 minutes stick around and i'll show you how to build a website with bluehost but before we get started i just want to go over a few quick basic things that you need to know before starting your bluehost website okay so the first thing i want to go over with you is the pricing so what are the costs involved with building a website with bluehost there's only going to be one fee through this entire process and that's going to be for the website hosting which if you use my discounted link below in the description your cost will only be 295 a month everything else is free now if you don't know what website hosting is it's basically where all your content on your website is going to be stored at another way i like to describe what website hosting is to people is like this say you're going to build a house somewhere first you would need the land to put the house on it's the same thing with the website you're going to need somewhere to put your website so if you think about your website as your house and then the hosting as your lan it's pretty much the same thing and then when you hear domain name that's just the name of your website so like those are examples of domain names now some website hosting providers may charge you a fee for a domain but bluehost includes one for free so like i said the only fee through this entire process will be for the website hosting everything else like the website templates and anything else in this guide is all free so the first thing we're going to need to do is go and get our website hosting and free domain name and if you guys are interested in getting a discounted price on your hosting i'm going to show you how to do that so what we're going to do is head over to my website's hosting discount page so we can apply the discount code so the link to that is create wp site dot com slash hosting discount or you can click the link in the description box below this video so once we get here we're going to land on this page and then we're just going to scroll down and click on this bluehost coupon and that will automatically apply the discount and bring us to this page here where we'll pick our hosting plan and then from here we're just going to click on this green get started button and that's going to bring us to the hosting selection page where you can choose any of these packages that you want but for this example we're just going to go with the basic 395 a month package and then in a little bit here too i'm going to show you how we're going to get this for actually 2.95 a month instead of 3.95 a month and now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to need to pick our domain name and if you guys aren't sure what to name your website here's a couple of tips that may help and then once you find the domain name that you want to use you can just type it in and then click next and that's going to show you if it's available or not sometimes stuff isn't available so you have to come up with a different name and once it is available you just click on this next button here then once we get to this next page you can see up at the top that the domain name is available so we're just going to go ahead and fill in the rest of this info here for the payment section and then after you scroll down a little bit you're going to also see the account plan again and mine's still selected on the basic 36 month price for 3.95 a month and then once you get to the package extras really you don't have to select any of these if you don't want to but just for privacy reasons i'm going to select the domain privacy plus protection but again none of these package extras are going to be required to have to finish the rest of this guide so even if you leave them all blank that's totally fine and now the trick to getting the hosting even a little bit cheaper is to go up and basically pretend like you're going to close the page without actually closing the page so if you're on a desktop computer just go up and hover the mouse over the x and pretend like you're going to close the page and once you do that you're going to see a special sign up offer pop up and it's going to offer you the hosting for just 265 a month and all you have to do to get that is click on the green claim savings button and once that savings is applied you'll see as long as you have no package extra selected your savings is going to be 192.24 cents making your total 95.40 for three years of hosting which is a great deal okay and then after that i'm just going to scroll down here to the payment information and put that in and like i'd mentioned before this stuff is just going to be blurred out for privacy reasons obviously and then the last thing you got to do is just check the terms of service box and then after that just click on the green submit button all right then we're just going to land on the receipt page so you can see what your total is for your website hosting depending on your package that you chose you're going to see uh possibly a different number possibly a higher number or a lower number than the one you see here and then after that you can just go back up and click on the blue create account button and then once we get here all you're gonna have to do is have your domain name entered and then you're just gonna have to create a password and then make sure you make note of that password too because you're gonna need it to log into your account and then after that after you check the terms of service box you can just click on the blue create account button alright and now our account is ready to go and just click on the blue go to login button and then you're going to enter your domain name and then the password that you created and then just click on login and then once you get to this point we're going to set all this stuff up later inside wordpress so you can just go down here to the bottom and just click on skip for now and then once you do that it's just going to install wordpress for us and that's only going to take a couple seconds maybe a couple minutes tops okay and then once that's installed you're going to land on your bluehost dashboard and now you've successfully set up your website now all we got to do is set up a couple more things and build our site so the first thing we're going to do is go over to the left side here and click on my sites and then once you do that all you have to do is hover your mouse over your website right there and then click on log into wordpress then after you click that you're just going to see a couple pages here and once those are finished loading we're going to end up on our wordpress dashboard and this is going to be the page that you see every time you log into your wordpress site this is going to be where you add all your content and where you edit your content which also includes choosing the look of your website among a lot of other things too which we'll get into but before we get into any of that stuff we just need to do a few more things before we can get started so what we're going to do is go back over to the bluehost section and then on the left side where it says domains we're just going to click on that button and then once you get to that page right there in the middle just click on the contact button and that will bring us to this page so from here what we need to do is verify our email so if you haven't gotten an email from bluehost already you can just click on this blue resend verification email button and then after that you can go to your email account that you registered bluehost with and then find the email that should look like this and then once you see it you can just click on the green verify your email button and then once you click that button it's going to send you to this whois verification page just confirming that you verified your contact information okay and after that we're just going to go back over to the left side here and click on my sites and then we're going to click on the manage site button that's going to take us back to our wordpress dashboard where you're going to see it says coming soon active this basically means that your site isn't active yet until you click the blue launch your site button so you can go ahead and click that button okay so our site is officially live and now we're going to start building the actual website okay guys so the first thing we're going to do is install our website template or as it's called on wordpress our theme so to do that we need to go over here to the left to appearance and then click on themes okay so when you guys get here you're not going to see any of these themes because it's a brand new site so what you need to do is go up here and click on add new now this page right here is where you're going to find all your themes at and if you go up to the top here you're going to see a bunch of different categories and if you click through them you're going to notice a bunch of different themes here i'm just going to go through them real quick 8219 and you guys can scroll through these right here and just take a look at them because like i said earlier in the video that if you guys don't like the look of this theme that we're using today you can just go with a different one of these right here but if we scroll back up to the top there's also a feature filter you can check out if you click here and so if you guys have any specific things that you want this theme to have you can go ahead and select them right here and then you can click apply filters and that's going to show you all the different themes that fall into those categories that you selected but the theme that we're going to be using today is called fairy so we're going to go up here to where it says search themes and type in fairy and here it is right here and you guys will notice on mine too that it already says activated but yours is going to say install so right here you're just going to click on install and then after that you're going to click on activate and that's how easy it is to switch in and out of themes anytime you want and anytime you guys go and click on and install a new theme it won't change any of the content on your website it'll just change the layout of it so if you guys want to go through and test a bunch of different themes that's okay you can always go back to your original theme and like i said it won't change any of the content just the look of it so after that if you guys want to go back over here to themes and just make sure that it's been installed you can go right here and look and it should say that it's active right here now the next thing we're going to do is edit some of our site info so to do that we're going to come over here to where it says settings and then click on general okay so once we get here this is where we're going to edit our site title and our tagline so whatever you want your website to be called that's where you're going to put the title of your site here since mine's a food blog i just put in life and limes and then your tagline like it says here in a few words explain what the site is about so i put in a family food blog with easy well-tested approved recipes you guys can put in whatever you want and then after that after you've filled that in you can just scroll down here and then you can click on the save changes button right here then after that we're going to go back to the dashboard okay so the next thing we're going to do is i'm going to show you guys how to add in your menu section up here so we're going to go back to dashboard and then we're going to go over where it says post and then after that we're going to click on categories okay and so once we get to this page here this is where we're going to add in all our categories now depending on what kind of site you guys have you can determine what type of categories that you want so for example for a food blog i've just included breakfast chicken dinner gluten free lunch pasta and vegan because on my blog those are the main categories that i'm going to be writing about so whatever categories that you guys think are appropriate for your site you can just go ahead and add them in right here and so for example say i want to add the category dessert i would just type that in right there and then you don't have to add anything right here or any of this you can just click on add new category and then it will simply add that category to the list here and if you guys want to delete a category all you have to do is select it right here you can either click delete or you can go up here and click on delete and then hit apply and that will get rid of that category right there and once you guys have added four or five different categories you don't have to click save or anything after that you just have to click on add new category for each one and it just automatically saves them to the categories here so now what we're going to do is i'm going to show you how to go and add in these categories to your menu section so we need to do is go over here to appearance and then click on menus all right so now we're in the menu section and you guys won't have a menu yet so all you need to do is click on create a new menu and then you can name it whatever you want it doesn't matter it's not going to show up anywhere it's just for you to see so you can even name it menu one like i did and then once you do that we're gonna go over here to where it says categories and we're gonna select that drop down menu right here and we'll see all the categories that we just created now so any of those categories that you want to select and you want them to show up on your main home page you'll just select them and then you'll click on add to menu and you'll also notice here too if i bring it down and then bring it a little bit to the right see how it goes in like that that means if i set this down right here this is now this gluten free is now a sub item for whatever category that it's under so under pasta if you click that category on the menu you would see the gluten free menu also pop down but if you don't want it to be a sub item again you can just bring it over here to the left and then it's no longer a sub item and also you'll see this top link right here this is actually a custom link that i made and i always have a home button on my menu just so people can click it anytime they want to go to the home page and so to do that you go over here to custom links and so whatever your website is called whatever your home page is you would just paste that url in right here and then for the link text you could just put home like it says for my button and then you can click on add menu okay so now once you guys have all your categories where you want them you need to come down here and make sure on this display location this primary button right here make sure that's selected because if it's not selected then your menu is not going to show up at the top of your website and then if you have that make sure that's selected you can come down here and click on save menu and then after that we're going to go back to the dashboard and if you guys ever want to go and just check on how your site is looking as you're working on it you can just go over here to where your site name is and then just click on visit site and that will bring you to your home page and then if you guys want to go back to your dashboard you can just go up here and then click on dashboard okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start adding in some content so we're going to go over here and create our first post and we're just going to click on this post button right here and once you guys get here it's just going to be a bunch of blank posts there might be one example post but for the most part there's not going to be anything also if you guys want to once you have some posts if you ever want to delete them it's exactly like the categories where you just select it right here go up here and you click on move to trash then you click on apply and that will get rid of that post for you but we need to do is go up here and click on add new and right here is just a basic blank post this is what it's going to look like every time you add in a new post you're going to have a spot for your title whatever the title is of your article and then down here is where you're going to put in all your content your words pictures videos any links that you have to anything that will all go down here and if you guys notice this little plus button right here it's called a block if you click that you're going to see a bunch of different stuff that's going to pop up so anytime you want to add in some words you would click on this paragraph or if you want to add an image you click on the image and then if you click here on browse all that's going to bring down a big drop down of a bunch of different things you guys can check out and my recommendation for you guys is just to sort of make an example post one that you're not even gonna publish just something that you can sort of play around with and click some of this different stuff right here and just see what it does if you think it's something that you might want to use here's also where you can add in a youtube video so i'm just going to click this for example now for this all you have to do is go to your youtube video that you want and then you would copy the url here and then you paste it right here and then you click on embed and then your youtube video will now be in your post so i just jumped over to this post that i just created earlier just to give you guys an example of what it's going to look like and as you can see right here i have my title and then i have some text and some more text and then right here is where i included an image if you guys want to add in an image all you need to do is go here and find that plus button click on add block and if you don't see image right here you can click here browse all or you can type in image and then it'll pop up and the more you use these two the more that they'll just pop up automatically so if we click on image you can either go to upload if you want to upload a picture from your computer or if you already have stuff in your library in your media library you can click on one of your photos right here so just click on this for example then if you click on select after that there's your photo right there and you guys want to center it click on align center if you scroll back up here and you click on this button right here the settings button that's going to pop out this whole other section and if you keep scrolling down a little bit right here you will see all those categories that we made earlier and so again the point for these is whatever your article is whatever category it falls in that's where you're going to select it right here and so that way anybody who goes and clicks on your menu section when they click on one of these options up here like dinner for example they'll see this best classic hamburger recipe post in that specific category and basically what that does is just help organize your site a little bit and now if you guys are wondering how to get the images right here to pop up for each post what that's called is a featured image and if you keep scrolling down here past this point past the categories you're gonna see the featured image is right here and so mine says replace image but yours is probably going to say add new and so all you would do is click on that i'm going to click replace image and then that's going to bring you to your media library and that's just where you would select your image just like uploading a regular image on our post it's the same thing or if you want to upload a file you can go ahead do that select your file and then after you do that you can just click here and set it on your featured image and then after that that's the image right here that's going to pop up for your article right here okay and then right here where this says tags this is basically where say if you want google to find your article what you would do is add a tag here which would be like the best classic hamburger recipe you might put in whatever your title is you might put that in for your new tag that basically tells google or other search engines what this post is about so if i just selected this right here then i put it here and then as you can see it says separate with commas or hit the enter key you can either hit enter or you can do a comma and that's just going to add that tag right there now if we scroll back up here you guys are going to see this was published on april 12th and if you go over here to this new post you'll see that it's not published at all and this is because the post isn't live yet and so if you guys want to make it live all you would do is go up here after you make sure you have your entire article set up the way you want it you just go up here and you click on publish and then you click on publish again and now this post is officially live or say you guys are working on a post but you don't actually want to publish it yet you just want to save the changes to it all you'd have to do is go up here and click on save draft and that won't post it but it'll just save it for you so you can keep on working on it until it's ready to be published okay now a couple other basic things i want to show you guys too if you select some text right here and you just click on and say you want to bold it click here that's how you bold that want to get rid of it same thing and if you guys want to take like this section right here and move it because these are all on different blocks right here so if you want to take this and move this section you can just click on this arrow and bring it down as you can see it brings that under here if you want to bring it back up you can do that and then if you guys want to add in a link so if somebody goes and they're reading this and then they see burger and maybe you want that to link out to somewhere else to another website click here and then you would type in that url so for example now anytime somebody goes and clicks on that right there it's going to bring them to or whatever link that you have set up and if you guys want to get rid of that you just click on it here and then click this again and click unlink and i'll show you guys too again how to do the youtube video i'm actually going to get rid of this right here you guys want to get rid of this just click on delete button get rid of that bring this back down and then i'm going to click this click on youtube again and i'm going to enter my url here and then click on embed and now right there will be my video and then if you guys want to change the text color you can go right here click on text color and change it right there or else you can go right here and select whatever it is that you want to change the color to you can go to color settings you can change the text color you can also change the background color also if you go up here too you can click on the font size you guys can change that too and now what i would recommend for you guys to do is go out there and take a look at any other popular websites that are similar to your website and see how they're creating their blog posts and their articles and try to kind of copy what they're doing a little bit or copy the stuff that you like but then also try to add in your own stuff too so it's unique for your site and so that's pretty much going to do it for the blog post section so after that what we're going to do is just head back to our dashboard all right and now i'm going to show you guys how to go and add some of the stuff here in the sidebar like this image here the search bar recent post this other image categories and this other image right here so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to our dashboard then we're going to go to appearance and then we're gonna click on widgets okay so this is the widgets page and basically this is just where you're going to go to add in a bunch of stuff for your sidebar you guys don't have to add in anything here maybe you don't have anything to add yet that's totally fine you can always come back and do it later if you do have something you need to add but to start for this like for example here the image is right there and to do that you would just take this pick that up drag that right here i'm actually going to delete that though because i already have it right here but that's how you do it and bring it into the sidebar there if we click here you'll see that i have the image right here and so this is a good place to put an ad here if you guys have an ad or maybe um some google adsense anything like that and this is the same thing with all our other images all you would do is just click on the add image button that says replace where you just click on the add image button or if you already have an image like mine you can click edit image you can go here and you can choose the size pretty much the perfect size for this sidebar is about 300 by 250 size image so you guys can go and just pick up an image that's around that size and then upload it and then just put whatever link you want here whatever you want wherever you want someone to go when they click on this image you would put that link right here and if we close this up and we go to the search this is just if you scroll down here you'll see the search button right here you can take that just drag it up here and that's going to be you want you always want to have a search bar on your site so anytime somebody's looking for something specific they can just go and click on it and search for whatever they want and anything they search those articles that are related to that search term will be brought up and then recent post here this is another good one to have just because it shows all your recent posts and maybe they'll want to check out some other posts while they're reading another one and right here you can click on show number of posts i have it set to seven you could make it do one or two or ten whatever you want and then also i have another image right here it's the same thing pretty much the uh 300 by 250 and then also i have the category section which is also good if people are just scrolling through and then they see the category they might be interested and they might click on it and then for the last thing is just another image right here and it's the same thing as all the other ones 300 by 250 and then the link to whatever site it is that you want people to go to so if you guys want your sidebar to look like mine make sure you just have all these in the same order image search recent post image categories and then another image and then it will look exactly like this except for it will be custom with your recent post your image and your categories okay now after that we're just gonna head back to the dashboard all right now to kind of wrap this up i'm just gonna show you guys how to edit some of these colors and different things here so to start we're going to go up here to where it says customize and then click on that and then once you guys get here i would recommend just kind of like i said with the other things just kind of scrolling through it maybe not clicking anything or changing anything just kind of go through check out everything and a quick thing i wanted to mention to you guys too the photos that you see right here were all from this free stock photo site called you guys can go here if you need some images for your website they're free to use copyright free you just go here and search for whatever type of photos or videos you're looking for then you can save those images and then you can upload them to your site like i showed you earlier but back over here if we go to site identity this is another spot too where you can edit your site title and your site tagline now if you guys don't want those you can click on this button right here and it gets rid of them click it back on to put it back and then remember to anytime you guys do any changes you're gonna have to go up here and click on publish or else they won't be saved yet so i'm just gonna go back here next thing we can check out is the colored section so right here if you guys want to change any of this stuff so any of this stuff right here you see green you guys want to switch it up change the color to that you can select whatever color you want same thing with the background color you see this gray right here switch that to whatever you want if you guys want to add in a header image instead of just a plain blank section right here this is the recommended size for it you guys can do that just add image just like always just upload it and then click on publish after you're done same thing too here for the background image if you prefer um you know prefer just a solid color you can also add an image and like i said just kind of go through this stuff right here you can just click on it you don't have to you don't have to switch anything or i mean you don't have to save anything you can switch the stuff and then you can just not click publish and that way nothing is saved just so you guys can get an idea of what's what on here that's kind of the best way to learn this stuff is to just go and check it out and try it yourself and before you know it you'll be able to use everything on the site and then once you guys are done making your changes right here like i said just click on publish to save the stuff or if you don't want to just click on the x and then click ok alright you guys so that's pretty much going to do it for this how to build a website on bluehost video i hope you guys enjoyed it now you have everything you need to build your own website so make sure you go out and add your new post and once you guys get a few of them up you'll start to notice your website will start filling out more and more also don't forget to work at your own pace too because otherwise it's really easy to get overwhelmed if you're new to creating websites and if you guys have any questions or comments you can leave them down below this video and i'll try to answer them as soon as i can don't forget to like share and subscribe too if you enjoyed this video and good luck with your new bluehost website and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Create WP Site
Views: 24,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a website with bluehost, how to build a website with bluehost 2021, how to build a website on bluehost, how to create a website using bluehost and wordpress, how to build a website on bluehost 2021
Id: mxZ-nmNHnkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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