How to Build a Tomato Trellis Using Only ONE PIECE of WOOD, CHEAP and EASY Backyard Gardening

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Interesting video for the ones interested in growing tomatoes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LIS1050010 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's going on growers it's James Prigioni coming  to you live from Jersey it's a beautiful day here   and me and talk want to make sure we're taking  full advantage of it so today I want to show   you how to build your own cheap and easy tomato  trellis let's go right here is the row of tomatoes   that we're gonna be building the trellis for and  this bed is ten feet long we have tomatoes base   one foot apart they're really close together and  we did that because we're gonna be building the   trellis growing them vertically saving us a lot of  space the first thing we need to do is measure the   length of the bed because the top of the trellis  is gonna be the same exact as the inside of this   bed so we're gonna measure it and identify the  square foot message so it's exactly ten feet   long this bed so we're gonna make sure we cut the  top east the same length we measured the length of   our bed and we know that it's 10 feet so the top  has to also be 10 feet what I have right here is   a 2 by 8 and what I'm gonna do is actually just  rip this 2x8 and cut into three separate pieces   so we can try to make our trellis out of just one  piece of wood the other thing about this two body   is it's 12 feet long not 10 I want that extra two  feet so I could help build support for the side of   it as well before I get started I just want to  mention a few things about the wood one of them   is you'll notice that this isn't pressure-treated  wood it's just regular wood and what I'm gonna do   is use some linseed oil to help seal it but  I don't want to put pressure treated wood   in my garden another thing is this is 2 by 8 but  it's actually really only 7 and a quarter inches   after its plane down and stuff so we're gonna take  this 7 and a quarter inches and cut it into three   different pieces so two and a quarter on each side  and then we're gonna be left with another piece in   the center I'm building this tomato trellis  out of one piece of wood because it will be   cheaper and if you want to do this yourself but  you don't want to do all the cutting when you   go to Home Depot or Lowe's just tell them exactly  what you want say you want a 2 by 8 and give them   the measurements for how you want to cut they'll  cut it there perfectly it'll be so easy on their   track saw and you don't have to actually take the  hassle of cutting yourself I'm not a professional   on the saw so it would be hard for me to cut this  whole entire thing straight the whole way so what   I'm gonna do is just measure it and then I'll  just bump my saw up to this straight edge and   then I'll just guide right along it that'll  give me a nice straight cut so if you don't   have a straight edge like this you could just use  a straight piece of wood it'll work basically the   same the first piece that we're going to cut is  going to be two and a quarter inches but we're   gonna be bumping our saw up to this straight edge  so we need to add an additional inch and a quarter   which will give us three and a half inches plus  another sixteenth inch because we need to account   for the distance from the blade to the blade guard  and also the thickness of the blade got the first   one measured now I'm just gonna move down in four  different spots and get that same measurement so   I could line my straightedge up we have that all  marked and now we're going to take our straight   edge and just line it up on our marks as best  we can then we're just going to clamp it down before we get cutting we want to make sure the  depth of our blade is right so we'll just adjust   that just a little deeper than then what we  need to cut takes me a minute on this saw   it's not the best saw so about there looks good  and then we'll just push it down make sure when   you're adjusting your blade depth that you don't  have your saw plugged in or the battery and if   it's battery power we're just going to bump the  salt against the side guide and start cutting we're just gonna finish right there and then I'll  bring the guy down and we'll just keep cutting so   it just slid the clamp down and tightened it now  we're just gonna drop the saw in and then just   continue cutting first piece all cut looks good  so when we cut this down this is gonna be one of   the sides the other copies is gonna be a side then  we're gonna have the top so I'm just gonna do the   same thing for this other side piece I wanted to  mention before I keep cutting that when I do this   what I'm gonna do is I'm not going to measure  from the cut side I'm gonna flip this over and   then measure my two and a quarter inches from  the uncut side again this way my two posts are   both from uncut sides and the center with the cut  side that's gonna be the top there we go all those   pieces are cut now let's just take the clamps  off and I'll show you how they're little cut and   you can see we've got three basically equidistant  sides sizes these are gonna be the sides and this   is gonna be the top so if we put them on top of  each other you can see now we've got three pieces   from just that one piece so pretty convenient  all we needed was a circular saw you don't need   the greatest tools to get some of the stuff done  now let's get this top piece measured again it's   gonna be the same exact length as the inside of  our bed which would be exactly 10 feet but we're   gonna add that extra inch and a quarter plus the  sixteenth so that I could bump this up and cut   it to get straight we have all that wood cut and  ready now let's start putting the Charles together   so let's take these pieces of wood these two side  rails are going to read the two outside pieces and   then this is gonna be the top here I'm just going  to use these these little clamps here to make sure   everything's square and lined up these clamps are  awesome I love using them I'll leave a link in the   description but I got these just at a local garage  sale or something I'm sure you could find them   there too but I'll put a link in the description  if you want to pick them up it makes it really   easy if you're only one person trying to do this  on your own because I know it could be tough and   we want to make sure the top part is is resting on  top of this because that's where all the weights   gonna be coming down on and I wanted to do it from  the bottom so I could see my gaps and stuff and   that first one was just to get the length now pull  this back a little bit it was line up nicely now   I can just screw in put my brackets in so this  is all lined up how I want it what I'm gonna do   to connect it is use this L bracket right here  I'm just gonna put that in the corner and then   connect it and then I'll probably do an additional  screw down the top right there so I'm just gonna   make sure I've pre-drilled this L bracket and then  put some screws in and I'm not gonna use the same   size screws we've got longer screws for here so  it sinks in nicely looks all good lined up on the   other side the nice thing about the L bracket is  it's it's 90 degrees so it's gonna help hold that   shape too that one's in now I'm just gonna screw  one screw at the top to go down just to help hold   it a little bit then I'm gonna do the same exact  thing in the other side this is a big like three   and a half inch screw whenever you're doing this  you want to especially make sure that your pre   drilling if you don't pre-drill you could split  your wood in then ruin basically a lot of the work   that you did there we go that last screw is in  and this is gonna be put into the ground I'm gonna   cut these two sides down a little bit and they're  gonna be in the ground about two feet so the whole   thing is gonna be attached to the bed as well it's  gonna be a lot stronger when it's all attached   together now what we're gonna do is measure and  drill holes this way we could run string and tie   it down to the tomatoes my first tomato starts  six inches in and then every one after that   is every 12 inches so 6:18 and then additional  12 inches will just keep going down down so 30   forty-two I have these all measured where my  tomatoes are gonna be in the raised bed matched   up now I'm just gonna drill a hole and then run a  string through it the only issue is right where I   haven't measured up I have a screw on the other  side something's gonna have to push it over to   the side like this and then we're gonna do the  same thing on all the markings now I'm just gonna   Lin see it all the whole thing to help preserve it  it's gonna do that real quick I'm gonna be super   liberal and just go crazy with it I got this all  linseed oil that's at for like 10 or 15 minutes   now I'm just gonna wipe off the excess what I want  to do next is actually take one of the pieces that   I cut off and I'm just gonna actually cut this  into a steak and I'll show you why in a second next I'm gonna dig out this section right here  and the reason I cut the steak with this piece   is because I want to put this in and then knock  this down to about a foot two feet this way when   I drop in my trellis I don't have to hate  it down from the top or anything it'll be   able to just drop it in the right place and then  I'll screw the trellis into the side of this bed   it'll get a lot stronger so again this piece is  really just a guide or in a sense just to get me   deep into the ground another thing is I don't  want to hit a pole down into here because my   well is right over there so I don't want to hit  any water lines so we'll just knock this in and   I haven't measured on the backside at a foot so I  know I'm one foot in the ground right now I'd say   that's about a foot and a half no one's going to  knock it around to loosen up the soil a little bit and then I'll mark it so I have the same height on  the other one so now when we drop our steak in we   won't have to we'll be able to get pretty deep  into there that's how deep I went to the ground   we're gonna do the same thing on the other side  ideally you should be doing this before you put   your tomatoes in but I just decided I wanted to  switch up how I'm doing a trellis this year I've   always used bamboo in the past but not everyone  can access that and sometimes it's hard to get   and if you want to buy it it's super expensive  so this could be a cheap easy alternative and I   think it's gonna work well there we go now we're  gonna knock this out this way when we bring our   trellis and it just slides in nice and easy this  will also tell us how much of the choice we want   to cut off I noticed as I was hitting it in  that I really should have turned it this way   because that's how it's gonna be the Charles is  gonna be going in so I'll just reform the hole   a little bit that's okay that's why this piece  is a sacrificial piece that we're just making a   hole with so for the height of our trellis I'm  gonna go with seven feet I'm pretty tall so I   can reach that to get that we're gonna measure  from the top here seven feet and then after I   get that seven feet I'm just gonna measure  this additional measurement right here which   is about 18 inches I'm gonna add that to it so  then when this whole thing drops on the ground   it's still seven feet off the raised bed I have  the frame in here now I had someone help me bring   it in I think I can get it up on my own I've  got this clamp down here to help me get it up   but with those holes pretty dug it should make  a big difference once it sets in it'll be easy   there we go and I could reach it pretty easily  so it's gonna be like that I'll make sure it's   down all the way we'll measure the height to make  sure the height is the same on both sides that'll   make it so it's all level because this bed is  level and then I'll make sure it's all straight   here and I'll put a screw in from the back just to  start what I'm gonna do is measure this 15 inches   and then mark the center which is seven and a  half and then make sure that this is centered   that dropped down a little more make sure that's  centered like that when I screw it in I measured   the height from the top of the raised bed to the  bottom of the trellis so this one was a little bit   lower so that other side I can just raise up just  a little bit it'll be much easier I'm gonna put   this side in first what I'm going to do is just  dig some of this out this way I can screw right   into the side of the raised bed it'll make it much  easier so I wanna make sure that this is straight   and centered on that so we want this to centers we  can in as straight as we can and this screw will   help pull the bottom in and we'll put a couple  of we'll put two screws in I've got these real   long screws too so it'll help strengthen it then  we'll just put one more screw at the top here that one's all in now I'm just gonna double measure the  height of this one it should be like 88 and a half   inches it's at 88 and a half now we're gonna make  sure over here that we've got exactly eighty and a   half this one I checked it ready was 88 so all  I'm gonna have to do is just pull it up a half   inch and then screw it in there we go that last  screw was in looks nice and it's all perfectly   level map which is convenient and what I'm gonna  do next is just add a couple supports on the side   just so it doesn't get blown away too strongly  by the wind because this is gonna be heavy when   it has all the tomatoes on so here are some  of the leftover pieces that I have the XS I'm   gonna make those into the into the supports on  the side I'm just gonna cut this one in half it   doesn't have to be perfect I have the pieces cut  that I'm gonna use for braces I'm gonna set it up   like this but how I'm gonna mark is I'm gonna put  it past on the back side and then just like that   and then what I'm gonna do is just mark this  back side like this and then we'll cut it and   then after I cut the bottom it'll look like this  and then we'll bump it up to this backside here   and Mark it again and then after we cut it both  sides it'll end up looking like this so that's   what we're going for right now so there's no need  to measure this and stuff like I mentioned just   have it up here and then mark the bottom cut it  put it in and then mark the top with everything   square and level how it is all I should need  to do just use this as a template and then cut   a few more of them so that's all we're gonna  do just mark it bump it up and then just mark   it and that'll be our cuts I have this one all  marked I'm gonna cut it now and I'm just gonna   do it by freehand it's not gonna look perfect  because I'm not the best at this but I think   it'll still come out good let's take them in see  how they fit in then screw em on I have all four   of those cut now we're just gonna line them up  and put them in this will really strengthen the   whole thing up we'll just take these like this  and I'll make it flush on the backside here so what we're gonna do is a pre-drill I'd  then screw this one in then I've got like   two and a half inch screws here and what  I'm doing is I'm making sure it's flush   on this side and then also flush on  the bottom there you go and I'll put   a screw at the bottom there as well  now just get this side on same thing now I'm gonna put this top screw down and now I'll just go right into the bed really strengthening that up I can't even move  that thing now there we go that sides in I think   it came out pretty good and we're gonna do the  same exact thing on the other side again really   strengthening that up and then we'll backfill  the idea was that I really didn't wanna it's   relatively tall so when the wind blows if the  tomatoes were heavy this way I don't want it   rocking back and forth so that's why we put  these these bottom braces in if we need to   in the future put additional braces on we can I  can put our brackets up right here or I can put   just a beam going across but again the idea was  just using one piece of wood to build the whole   entire thing there we go the final screw in looks  fantastic now what we need to do is just take our   twine and we already have these pre-drilled holes  right above where our tomatoes are going to be so   let's get that twine in put it in now I'm just  going to start running the twine through and if   you wanted you could have put eye hooks down  here it just what it cost a little more or   you could have drilled the holes just a little  bigger but that's okay so what we'll do is just   take this and tie it at the top this is just  a rough for demonstration just tie this at the   top like this then we'll run this all the way  down and it'll be at the exact spot of a tomato   which is how we wanted it and then we'll tie this  around the base of the tomato once it just gets a   little bigger so well tie that are on the base of  the tomato and then we'll continue to just wrap   the tomato twist it around like this it'll grow  up the stem so this is a simple way to trellis   and it works really well and like I said I've  done steaks in the past but I know this is an   excellent technique and I think we're gonna get  a lot of production out of it it's gonna be a   lot easier to manage I think then the post because  sometimes they tip over a little bit so as these   plants grow we'll continue to bring you by for the  progress and show you just how well the Charles   is actually working that's today's video rose  thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it hope   you got something out of it I hope you like the  trellis I'm happy with the way it came out Chuck   said it looks good so I guess it's talk approved  and I'm happy we were able to do with just the   one piece of wood and for really cheap if you  guys enjoyed the video hit the like button okay   drive on share with your friends don't forget to  check out the merch down low and whenever you're   shopping on Amazon do not forget to start your  shopping with our Amazon affiliate link I'll   put it the write in the description I mean talk  we package it with another one real soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 2,152,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tomato trellis good, old library
Id: ayPcaMhBkoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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