Don't bother growing tomatoes any other way! This trellis system is the BEST and CHEAP.

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[Music] hey guys it's bridgette with sandy seed company i want to talk about tomato trellises we've had lots of different systems over the years and some have been really bad some have been okay but we finally found one that we really like and i want to show it off to you guys so this method came from josh satin of satin hill farms he is got a really amazing youtube channel you should check it out um but we we saw this online and we thought we'd give it a try and we're so happy that we did this tomato plant and my row of tomatoes here have never been this neat on our farm and i give all of the credit to the system that we have now to trellis them so it's a pretty basic system and very inexpensive another thing you really love this is just three quarter inch conduit we have some t posts here and some pvc tees basically what you see is how you put it together really simple the posts are driven into the ground we run the conduit through the teas so that it'll hold it in place and that allows us to have a structure strong enough to hold really heavy indeterminate tomatoes all the tomatoes in this row are all indeterminate varieties that get really viney and long and we just really need a lot of structure to hold them up one of the issues that we have with a lot of the heirlooms that we grow is that they get really big long and then you can't keep on top of pruning them so by having a system like this it's very easy to keep the middle of the plant open for good air flow and uh it just it looks great they look healthier because i have a good system to trellis them on so if you look down here you can see that i've decided to go with two liters so i have the main part of the plant here i have pruned off every single leaf on the bottom that's a really good idea especially if you're in an area that gets lots of late summer storms you want to keep any splashing up off the leaves that actually helps with managing disease so i've got my main stem here and then i decided to go with two leaders you can decide to go with one we have enough space here that it warranted going with two and then i simply trained it to two different leaders i have gone through and i have picked off the suckers suckers are the little plant little part of the plant here that grows between the sun leaf here and the main stem you can simply when they're this little just break them off the reason why you do that is this if you leave this plant to grow naturally this is going to grow off into almost a whole new tomato plant and it's going to suck energy from all these flowers here the point of growing tomato plants is to get tomatoes right you don't want a massive plant that just gives you one or two little tiny tomatoes so by taking off these suckers you're gonna help control where it puts its energy which is really important so i'm following up the leader and i'm picking off any suckers here's another sucker here pick that guy off and again i'm picking this sucker off so that it sends its energy up into here if i were to let this grow and get really big it would be sucking all the energy from this cluster of flowers hence the name sucker so you want to get rid of those so i've got my two liters here and i'm just simply winding them up the string another reason why i really like using the conduit is because i can slide the string and open my plants up i like being able to have good airflow in here if i let this get clustered and covered in all kinds of leaves and vines that's going to be a good place for white flies to live aphids and then i also can't control the tomato hornworm which we will get later on in the summer so overall it's just a beautiful system it works really well it's inexpensive i love that i can use the string and these clips can come on and off at any point so i can change how i want to do it year to year so there's a lot of systems out there i encourage you to try them all depending on your location and your your needs but for us on our farm with our row crop style planting this system really has been the best so give it a try and tell me what you think [Music] you
Channel: San Diego Seed Company
Views: 582,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9PpV9s1hcE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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