How to build a Self Feeding Fire - Winter Camping Bushcraft - All Night Fire

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so all right thanks for tuning in i'm back at to my campsite at the back of my property in the woods today i want to uh set try a self-feeding fire system later this winter when it's cold i actually want to do some tarp shelter camping and i want to make sure it actually works before i uh try it out when it's minus 20 degrees let's get started well i'm excited on the spot the reason i picked this spot is because eventually this winter i want to build some sort of a tarp shelter there to do some overnight camping so i want to place the fire pit right here that way it'll be kind of facing where i'm sleeping uh first thing i'll have to do is drive in some stakes for the ramp as you can see i'm using fence post steel fence posts i had a couple laying around so i thought i'd use them instead of a wood problem with wood is i think eventually they just burn and uh something you don't have to worry about with steel vents posts the one thing you have to consider when you're building a ramp is is the angle if it's too steep they're either going to roll into your pit or they're going to start on fire before they get to the pit if it's not steeping up they won't slide in uh so i'll just adjust it if i have to later on i'll leave it like this for now and try it the next thing i'm going to do is build the fire pit i already have some logs in place now i'm just going to get some stones and put it all the way around the logs well i got the fire pit done next step is to start the fire so fire started i think i'm gonna wait a while before i start adding the logs well i got a good fire started now i think i'm gonna start loading the logs the logs i'm using are um white ash there's a lot of dead wet white ash trees around here they're about i don't know three feet long two and a half feet long and then about six roughly six inches in diameter well so far so good only the bottom log is burning next step to see what happens to the top logs once that bottom log starts to go down well the first log is slid down without causing a log avalanche so that's that's good i think the next time i else i set it up i might actually uh decrease that angle a bit because if it is possible that the whole pile could roll down i don't think it has to be that steep but it is working for now well we're over three hours in now the bottom log is burning nicely and the second one has started burning pretty good too well we're at the five hour mark this third log is just slid in first two are almost completely burned now surprised how slowly those uh logs keep burning without them actually going out well it's starting to get dark uh it's been about six hours since i started the fire it's it actually worked a lot better than i thought it would i was pretty skeptical a lot of people say they don't work but i think they do a lot of variables in play here so not it's not always going to work uh the one thing i did do that most people don't seem to do is i use steel posts i don't think a wooden post would have survived because i have them sitting right into in the fire pit itself uh in about the four or five hours that i started adding logs only three of them actually made it down but there's actually still quite a bit of heat coming from the fire i think uh if i'm doing this in the winter and i have my shelter over there i think i'll put some sort of a heat deflector here and there but um having dry hardwood actually it's white ash is ideal i don't know how well it would work with soft wood you'd go through a lot and it probably would burn so fast that i don't know your whole rack may start on fire but it does work it may not work under every situation i noticed with when the wind was higher it's there's hardly any wind now anymore it was burning a lot more and i was a little worried about some of these other logs starting on fire they didn't but but there's no wind at all and you may have problems keeping the fire going because it's just barely smoldering right now but it hasn't gone out in about three four hours five hours actually it's only burned through three lugs so i'm actually quite pleased with it it does work you have to have the right circumstances and it will work you
Channel: Outdoors MyLife
Views: 20,374
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Id: lGrIFuEtxSE
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Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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