DOOMSDAY BUNKER Build Challenge in Minecraft!

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guys we've got a problem look behind you huh what is that what is that it looks like a missile and hey yo it's going off what uh guys what do we do uh that thing is going to come back down and blow us up we have to protect ourselves wait that gives me an idea we got to build a doomsday bunker everyone start digg get down go go go okay okay but how far how far down we got to go deep did you guys see the size of that missile yeah that thing's going to blow us up if we're not careful okay okay I'm going as far as I can I'm a Bedrock already and okay okay maybe not that deep Ruby but come on we just got to keep digging down over here like this and hold on a minute guys we also got to make a strong door over here so that that we can survive from the explosion oh yeah what door do we use H let's see let's see and wait a minute guys why don't we build a door out of some netherite blocks since you know netherite blocks are blast proof we can have a door out of netherite blocks and we can use pistons to open and close it okay okay that sounds like an awesome idea as long as the Pistons don't explode yeah that sounds very complicated and now guys it should be pretty simple all we got to do is just just have some sticky pistons with some netherite blocks in front of it and we can just do that on each side of this entrance okay and here the next thing we need is a little bit of redstone so let's just grab that and here now what we have to do is connect all of the Pistons together so everyone connect the Pistons all right I'll do this side um I guess I'll do this side nice nice nice all right here now let's just go ahead and connect both of the sides together with some Redstone so just like this there we go and all right now we should be able to open and close the door with one lever so let's try that out and yes check it out we can open and close the door but now we need to protect the Redstone so it doesn't get blown up and then open the door and oh gosh oh gosh yeah you're right we got to protect all the Redstone here everyone let's go ahead and cover up the Redstone with some obsidian yeah I already got some we need to put like a whole box of obsidian around this yep we got to build a big block of obsidian all around our Redstone we cannot have any of that explosion getting through and don't forget about the floors too oh you're right I didn't even think about that yep and here everyone don't forget the walls as well we got to cover everything up with some obsidian and so there we go that's looking pretty good and okay I think this should be blast proof now right yeah that's what it looks like maybe we should set up some TNT and do a little test and oh yeah you're right you're right here let's test it out let me just uh put a lever over here to activate it and all right hold on why don't you try putting TNT down and testing it all right here we go all right it's going and all right hopefully this doesn't blow up any of the Redstone come on in yes the door is still closed that worked perfectly let's go pH okay I actually was not sure if that was going to work but that actually worked super good okay now what we got to do is U go down inside and actually build the Doomsday bunker so here the first thing we can do is let's just set all of the walls into some obsidian cuz uh you know we got to be protected oh gosh this is a lot of obsidian to replace yeah but hold on guys we can do this really quickly let me just do the command SL SL wand really quick to grab a magic wand and here what we can do is just select this position over here and then also this position all the way down here in this corner and here let's just run the command SL SL walls obsidian and boom there we go instant obsidian Walls w it looks awesome yeah this is great yep but here now we got to actually start clearing out some space for the bunker so uh let's do that right about here I think this should be deep enough yeah how big do we want this bunker it's got to be huge right there's three of us living here I don't know but I want my own room and yeah guys I think we should probably make it pretty big we're going to need to have rooms for all of the Doomsday supplies you know that we're going to need like a farm we're going to need some animals and all that we got to make sure that we can live in here for as long as we need to that's right we should make this place a mini City exactly exactly so here what I was thinking is let's just go in each corner of the build really quick and then again using our wand we can select this position over here and then also if we go in the other corner right over here we can select our second position here and all right let me just set all of this to Air and boom there we go we've got a bunch of space but hold on there actually kind of small that we got to make this a little bit bigger at least yeah I hit the ceiling whenever I jump yeah we definitely have to make this bigger hold on hold let me select this position here and then let me also go way far out over here and uh dig down a little bit and select this position and all right let's try setting all of this to Aaron hey there we go that's a lot better oh yeah this is a lot bigger yeah okay I think this should be a pretty good starting point for our bunker but uh guys the first thing we got to do is set the walls to something nice what should we set the walls to oh I know let's do quartz O Okay Okay quartz could be pretty good that actually looks pretty nice we don't have to use like super strong blocks down here since you know we're already deep underground but quartz should work and here let's also go ahead and set the floor into some quartz and also the ceiling this is going to be a lot of white we should add more colors to it later and oh yeah yeah definitely we can have some more colors once we start adding more rooms but anyways this starting to look pretty good for our base bunker but guys uh we got to add a way to close and open the door from down here cuz right now we don't really have a way to control the door yeah but how do we run Redstone all the way down there well what we can do is grab a few Redstone torches and pretty much we can just build a redstone torch stack so look if we just stack Redstone torches on top of each other like this whenever we activate the redstone torch at the bottom we can actually control the redstone torch at the top oh yeah that actually works pretty well yep so here what we got to do is build a stack of redstone torches going all the way down to the very bottom of the build here I'll place the blocks and there we go we're at the bottom now all right I'll put the Redstone and okay this should be good and now if I put a lever here we should be able to just control the door from down here is it going to work and yes let's go look there's like a little bit of delay but other than that that works perfectly oh let's go here now let's go ahead and just make sure to cover all of this up and okay I think the door should be pretty good but guys hold on if we jump from up there all the way down here then we're going to take some serious damage yeah we're going to need some ladders or something yep we're going to need some ladders for going up but we should also have a little water pit down here so that we can just instantly hop down in case we need to so just like that and all right check it out that's looking pretty good but we should also have a ladder on the other side to actually get out oh yeah that's also going to be important getting out yep let's just have some ladders going all the way up over here like this and okay I think the end entrance for the bunker should be pretty much done this is a pretty nice entrance so what are we going to build next and hm that's a good question let's see what do we need inside of a doomsday bunker and oh guys we're going to need like a source of food if we're actually going to be you know staying down here for a long time so what about a farm oh yeah we can make like an entire room dedicated to a farm exactly exactly yeah here I guess let's go over here and uh let's build a little door to the farm route we can build it right over here and here now we got to clear out a bunch of space for this farm so everyone start digging digging I am also digging let's go let's go here I'm going to dig far out over here and all right I think this should be far enough let me just select this position and then let me also go over here uh where have you dug to C I'm all the way over here oh okay wow you dug pretty far this is going to be a big farm yep no small boy stuff around here O fair enough fair enough and here now that I've got the position selected let me set all of this into some Air Boom there we go wa this is going to be one gorbis Farm but hold on it's a little bit U short right now our heads are kind of like bumping on the ceiling everywhere we go yeah this really hurts my head ow ow ow and uh yeah okay well there's an easy way we can fix this all we got to do is just look up and here now let me just run the command SL SL stack boom there we go and check it out now we've doubled the size in oh no guys we've got a leak we've got water leaking in oh no oh don't worry about that let me just uh uh what did you just drink all the water yeah I sure did but uh uh Dash um guys hold on I I think we have a bit of a problem there's a cave here and we can kind of go up to the surface from here that's not good oh no yeah what how do we fix this okay okay well guys it should be pretty simple what we can do is just uh put a layer of obsidian so let me just select all this and run the command SL SL set obsidian boom there we go and check it out now we should be protected oh okay that that that's a lot better yeah yeah this should be good whenever we can see the surface all we got to do is just put a big patch of obsidian and that should solve it all right but anyways now that we've got this big empty space for our farm it's time to start doing some farming but hold up before we do that I think we should make this place even a little bit bigger let me just look down really quick and run the command SL stack uh six there we go and ooh okay now this is looking like a proper Farm area here the first thing we got to do is set the floor into some grass oh yeah that's no problem yep so we can just do the command SL SL set grass boom there we go and uh guys what should we do for the walls of this room um well we need light here anyway so what do we just make it glowstone and oh yeah you're right you're right since this is a farm we're going to need a lot of light okay I guess we can just set the walls some glowstone let me just select all of these positions here and all right let's do SL slash walls glow stone boom there we go wo that's looking pretty intense well I love it and all right now we got to do the roof and O I guess we can just set the roof into some quartz that should look pretty good and ooh this looks pretty sick all right guys now it's time to get to farming what what are we going to be growing in here well we're probably going to need the essentials right so what about some carrots some pumpkin seeds some melon seeds some potatoes some wheat seeds saplings Oak Spruce sapling what okay hold on slow okay hold on I I think this should be pretty good we can start by growing some whees how about that Fern what who needs a fern wait can I have the potato I'm hungry uh I guess you going have the potato sea pickle what dude no one needs a sea pickle okay we got to have the important stuff first so here let's just grow the wheat seeds first everyone grab a hoe and all right guys it's hoing time uh I guess we can start hoing the land here for the seeds oh yeah I guess we can but uh we're probably going to need some water look it's just drying up and oh oh yeah yeah you're right you're right we need some water so uh let me grab a water bucket really quick and uh I guess we can just have a little bit of water every few blocks around this area so we can just have some water like this there we go and all right now we should be able to Ho the land without having it dry out and we have so much land to hoe can we use the magic wand for this and oh glad you asked we indeed can here let me just select this position here and also uh this position over here let's have this area be our like crop farming area and we can just do SL SL replace grass block with some Farmland boom there we go now we've got some instant Farmland in oh hold on hold on guys do we need some more water hold on we didn't think about that let's just put down a little bit of water around here and okay there we go that should be good wow this looks beautiful Yep this looks awesome but guys I was thinking we could level this up one step higher up let me just select this position over here really quick and then also this position in this corner and all right check it out now if I look up and run the command SL SL stack boom there we go double decker Farms check it out oh that's actually so sick hold on wait can we fit another floor on here let me try slash slash stacking this one more time and oh uh hold on do we can kind of fit another floor on here except this floor is going to be kind of small our heads are going to like hit the ceiling should we keep it yeah of course we should yeah we can just put on some different kinds of plants so we don't eat often up there all right all right yeah I guess so we got to have all the space that we can have so here let's just repair the roof really quick let's just do SL SL set quartz boom there we go and all right now it's time to get to farm and cure what we got to do is put down all of the wheat seeds first on this first floor wait are we going to have this entire floor just wheed seeds uh I mean weed is going to be pretty important we need it to like make bread we need it for feeding cows and sheep and all that that's so much weed yep everyone here let's just go ahead and Seed all of this land and wait hold on I I can't put seeds over here oh wait guys I think it's because we're missing light hold on I need to grab some glow stone and uh we got to put a little bit more glow St around the farm there we go now I can plant there oh I think we need one over here too and oh wait can you not plant here uh yeah how about what we can do is just have some lines of Glowstone going through the farm to make sure that everything has enough light yep I'm already on it let's go let's go all right well anyways here I'll get back to placing seeds we got to put down all of these wheat seeds let's go plant plant planting the wheat planting the wheat it's fun wow you just made like a whole planting the wheat theme song yeah all right well anyways it looks like this first floor is pretty much fully planted let's go but uh anyways what should we plant on the next floor um can we have some potatoes and carrots oh yeah yeah potatoes and carrots are a pretty good idea here everyone grab some potatoes and carrots and let's get to potato and carrot farming I am already on it let's go let's go and here while you guys are doing that I'm going to make a quick little staircase to actually get up to the other floors of our farm so let me grab some stairs and some wood and all right I'm just going to build a staircase going up like this there we go Ruby you realize you actually have to plant the potatoes not eat them what I just wanted to eat a couple of them what wait no are you eating raw potatoes that's wrong it's it's nice it's a good flavor I don't think you should eat them raw no you're supposed to like cook them and stuff do you know like the dirt flavor of potato uh no not really I can't really relate it's like biting into an apple ew wait do you also like eating onions oh yeah and tomatoes like that too what the okay okay well uh let's just plant the potatoes for now we can we can eat them later but anyways this staircase is almost done just got to have it go all the way up over here like that there we go that's looking pretty sick and all right guys here I'll help you plant the potatoes and carrots now and all right here we just got to plant this last few patch of potatoes and stuff and all right there we go the next floor has been uh fully planted but guys now we've got one floor left what do we plant up here melons and oh all right all right let's do melons and we can do melons and pumpkins so that we can make pumpkin pie if we want ooh true but how do we plant these well pretty much for pumpkins and melons we need to have like another block for them to grow on cuz here let me try growing this really quick there we go it's not going to like grow a pumpkin or Melon by itself it grows like on the Block next to it oh I see so what we got to do is just U using our wand we can like make rows of just grass blocks like this there we go and then we can have the pumpkin stems next to the grass blocks all right well this side over here could be dedicated to pumpkins and then dashes side can be melons all right all right that works here I'm setting up the grass right now we just got to have uh all of our melons over here like this yep yep this is looking good let's go let's go here let's make one more more row of grass right over here like this and okay I think the farm for the pumpkins and melon should be about done let's go let's go this actually looks sick I'm excited to eat them let's go but anyways guys now that we got the crop Farm done we still have a lot of room for other things that we can grow inside of this area so hm what else do we need to grow in guys we need to grow sugarcane oh true I want to make some cakes yeah yeah and guys what we can do with the sugarcane area is let's just go ahead and make a nice little Pond over here the sugarcane area can also bubble as a fishing pond oh yeah cuz the sugar cane needs water to grow exactly exactly so here we can just have like a little farm over here like this there we go and then yeah we got to fill it up with water and then we can start planting the sugar canes on the outside let's go and here since this is going to be a fishing area as well let me grab a few chairs and we can just have like some chairs over here like this with a chest in the middle and then inside the chest we can have a bunch of fishing rods let's go W this looks pretty relaxing Yep this is actually awesome we're going to be able to get fish and sugarcane from here let's go let's put in some extra fish in here and uh what what the heck are those wait are these fish wa wait they have like wings uh they're flying fish but I thought that they would stay in the water what in the world uh okay I I don't think they really want to stay in the water but uh I guess we can leave them there uh yeah they'll figure it out it looks like they're going over to the farm are they going to eat our crops or are these guys safe I think they're safe and oh uh I no no they are not that safe all right well anyways we've got the fishing area we've got the sugarcan area and we've got the other crops but hm what other stuff do we need to grow inside of this room well we're going to need wood and stuff and oh yeah you're right you're right we need some trees uh okay here I guess what we can do is just grab one of each type of sapling and all right guys it's time to get to planting and here we can just have like an entire tree area right over here this can be like our tree farm all right and let's just make them grow let's go let's go this is looking pretty nice let me grab a little bit of bone meal as well and all right I think all these trees should be able to fit here let's just grow all of them real quick there we go and oh okay this one's not growing I don't know about this one maybe it needs a bigger area yeah hold on I think we need to move it one this way maybe let's try that now and oh still not grow okay maybe we can move it one this way let's try this guys that's a dark oak you sillies wait what does that mean you're supposed to plant them like this you have to plant four of them okay let's try that and wo that is a big tree nice all right well this tree area looks pretty cool but now guys there's one more thing we need inside of this room and that is some animals so let me grab a few fences and here let's just build a big animal pin right over here for all of our animals we can have H an area for cows over here we can have like an area for sheep over here and then we can to have an area for chickens right here yeah and wait I've got an idea of how to get in without letting the animals out we could use Carpets and oh yeah yeah you're right you're right because we'll be able to hop on the carpets and go in except the animals cannot all right well anyways now let's get to spawning some animals Let's see we got to grab some cow spawn eggs for this one over here and let's label it with some beef ooh nice nice nice and here let's also grab a few sheep spawn eggs and pig spawn eggs and chicken spawn eggs yep I got the pigs over here and oops one of them invaded the wrong area here I'll Spa in all of the sheep there we go and then we can also spawn in some chickens this is a lot of animals and yep they should last us quite a while yeah we're going to need a lot of food though so it's it's worth it yep but anyways guys now that we have the animal area done this reminds me of something we got to have an animal cooking area here everyone let's grab a few smokers and furnaces and uh let's just build a big area right over here with a bunch of furnaces but uh are you sure you want to have it here can we just make a whole room for it like a kitchen oh yeah yeah you're right you're right okay U let's get rid of all this we got to build a a specific room for the kitchen okay let's go all right well I guess in that case we're done with this room and uh here the last thing we need is a little staircase to actually get out of this room yeah I don't want to be stuck in the farm forever yeah so here let's just have some stairs just like that to get out there we go and all right guys now it's time to build a kitchen we're rebuilding this thing uh well why not just right next to it and oh yeah fair enough I guess we can just build it right next to it but wait wait hold on hold actually I don't think we should dig this way because remember that Ravine was here and then we'll be able to like dig out to the surface by accident oh yeah well where should we put it then let's see let's see why don't we build it uh over here oh good idea oh yeah this works this area could be pretty good but here guys now we got to clear out some space for it so uh everyone repeat the drill we got to dig out and and clear out a whole big area for this kitchen I'm going this way all right and here let me select this position and then also out over here cam I'm coming over to you and here now let me select this position and let's just set all of this into some air there we go oh wait hold on that's kind of small let me select this again and there we go this looks like a pretty good spot for our kitchen y this looks perfect wait guys let's make it bigger okay we can make it bigger all we have to do is stack it once there we go nice all right and here now that we've got all of this space it's time to actually get to building so uh here I guess we can set the floor into some uh wood yeah let's just do SL SL set wood planks there we go oh and then for the walls we can do stone bricks oo okay that's a good idea here let's just select the wall really quick and we can just do SL SL set stone brick boom there we go that is looking sick yep and uh what do we do for the ceiling now oh the ceiling H I don't know but I think it should be taller oh yeah yeah we can make it taller we just have to slash SL stack it there we go but what should we use for the ceiling block hm let's see oh guys what about just some Cobblestone that could look pretty cool oh yeah I don't think Cobblestone will look that good and what about this it's called warp stripped High what the heck is that look it it looks pretty cool it's like blue and weird this is the weirdest block I've ever seen but I I guess we can use that for the ceiling let's just uh select these positions over here and here now let's just do SL Set uh what was it called again stripped H it's called stripped warped H okay stripped warped Ty hey there we go I got it and wa that's looking pretty crazy but anyways now that we got the kitchen area done the first thing we got to do is put down some furnaces so everyone grab some smokers and some furnaces and let's just put all of those down over here on this wall we can have an entire wall here dedicated to smokers and furnaces so there we go that's looking pretty nice oh wait hold on guys we should also put some barrels down here for coal yeah oh okay we do not want to run out of fuel down here that would be very bad I'll start filling everything with coal all right sounds good and anyways what else do we need inside of the kitchen what about some fridges oh yeah obviously to keep our food cold exactly exactly we can have like four of those and H we can have them like stacked on top of each other for extra storage yeah we need our food to last a really long time down here yep exactly and O guys hold on we also need some countertops and some sinks to make sure that you know our hands are all clean and guys hold on check it out we can use stripped High uh warp stuff for the kitchen sink yay let's do it oh yeah that looks so cool I'm pretty sure we can do the same for the countertop and yep we can use up the stripped warped at countertop let's go I love it this is actually the weirdest kitchen ever but let's go we going just put down a bunch of sinks just like that and all right I think this kitchen area should be about good the next thing we need to build is like some tables and chairs of course and guys take a guess at what we can build the tables and chairs out of oh oh warped warped stuff yep we can build it out of some more the stripped warped stuff let's go this looks so cool let's go let's go here let's just build a bunch of tables around here just in case we want to like bring any guests or anything so uh everyone build a table okay let's see I'm going to build a double decker table wait what a double de table what's the point of that uh I don't know I just thought it looked cool like the Frid uh okay I I mean I I guess so we have a lot of resources here but anyways I think that should be about it for the table oh hold on I missed a chair here also wait I'm going to build one more table here just to have a few more and all right I think this looks pretty good now yeah I think it looks pretty good too wait you did double deck your chairs as well what haven't you always wanted to feel tall um not really I've always felt pretty tall what the heck wait how did you do that what are you talking about I I'm perfectly normal okay all right all right well anyways I think this kitchen area looks pretty good is there anything that we missed well we have this kitchen but we don't have any food here but getting it from the farm is going to take a while isn't it and oh wait a minute actually yeah that is a good point it's going to be kind of annoying to carry all of the food from here to the kitchen so guys what about we build an automatic food delivery system we can use hoppers yeah that actually sounds awesome yeah yeah here guys check it out what we can do is just uh have a few Hoppers right over here should be good here guys what we got to do is build a big Hopper line going all the way over to the kitchen uh okay I'll go to the kitchen so you know where it's at all right all right yeah wait you can see my name tag right tell me if I'm going the right way uh yeah you need to start heading more towards the kitchen now all right all right I'm heading over wait Ruby can you place the Hoppers uh yeah I can do that all right awesome here I'm just going to keep digging over to the kitchen C am I getting close yet oh wait there's water here I'm right here and uh let me just patch this up there we go and wait hold on are we underneath the kitchen I see the wood yeah it's right here this is underneath the kitchen all right well anyways now that we're underneath the kitchen what we got to do is put down a dispenser up over here like this and then let's grab a little bit of glass and all right guys check it out pretty much what we have to do is build a tower of glass going up like this for some reason whenever you shoot stuff through a dispenser into a tower of glass it's going to end up at the top so uh let's test this out really quick let me just like put some glowstone in this dispenser and flick the lever and yep guys it it ended up at the top that was awesome W it went into my inventory yep so here let's just have this Glass Tower going all way up here hold on I think we have to break into the wall a little bit oh yeah is that good enough yep that should be good and wait a minute guys why don't we build a food storage area here in the kitchen we can have some chests like that and then also a few Hoppers off to the side to like automatically store everything just like that and then we can have the items from the dispenser land inside of the chest so we can just have like a little thing like that with some water here like that and okay check that out yay that actually worked perfectly but here guys the next thing we got to do is actually power this dispens ensor and what we can do to make sure that it's always powered you just go ahead and grab some observers and then check it out we got to place two observers going like this there we go and all right now the dispenser is always going to be going up wait hold on someone try throwing something into the dispenser oh okay I'll do it yeah if everything is set up correctly it should end up over here and that worked perfectly let's go the glowstone ended up in the chest wait everything ended up in the chest wa wait check it out it's actually so satisfying seeing all of the food come up through the glass that looks awesome yeah that looks so cool and it automatically goes in the chest this is awesome I could watch this forever let's go let's go but anyways guys now that we have this food elevator thingy done let's go ahead and just make everything look nice let's go ahead and cover up this glass thingy with some quartz so that we don't have any of the you know cave showing oh yeah I'll head down here and do this area awesome that sounds good here let's just cover all of this up there we go this thing is actually awesome and okay I think this side should be covered up pretty good hold on let me go see is everything good on the farm side hold up wait let me cover up some of the Hoppers over here on the farm side there we go and uh I guess what we can do is just have a barrel and we can put all of the food that we want delivered to the kitchen into this Barrel wait send something over I want to see if it all works at once okay okay here uh I guess I can send over some eggs let me just go grab some eggs from all of the chickens really quick there we go and oh wait I also picked up some pork chops from that I don't know how I guess the chickens may have fought the pigs but here let me put all of this stuff inside of the barrel now and all right hold on I got to run over to this side I want to see if it works come on come on let me just just run over and all right all right is it working let's see this we should get some eggs and pork chops and check it out we got some pork chops and oh wait hold on guys I think the eggs are oh oh the eggs are like uh I think they're being thrown a bit too hard oh yeah I don't think we can get eggs hold on hold on guys I think we have to replace that dispenser with a dropper that way it's just going to drop the eggs rather than uh you know like dispense them hold on wait there's a bunch of chickens here as well I'm just going to like bury those chickens in that hole down there yeah just we'll just leave them there and okay here let's try putting a dropper down now and okay is this still going to work and yes let's go that works perfectly check it out there we go now it works let's go we can literally deliver anything we want into our chest yay all right but anyways we've got the kitchen area done we've got the farming area done but hm what else should we build inside of our doomsday bunker well hm we've got a bunch of food but uh we don't really have that much supplies down here and hm yeah you're right you're right we're still kind of missing like important supplies like blocks and Redstone and I don't know water buckets guys why don't we build like a big Supply storage room we can have like a big room with a bunch of chest and like have a bunch of stuff inside the chest oh that sounds awesome but where should we put it uh let's see let's see what about right over here next to the kitchen that sounds good this room doesn't have to be that big yeah all we need is a bunch of chests so here I guess let's just clear out a big area you guys know the drill we got to clear out a bunch of space again yep I'll start going this way all right sounds good I think this might be big enough and yeah I think this should be big enough we don't need the room to be too big so here let me just uh make the room a little bit bigger with SL slash stack there we go oh wait hold on I think that's a little bit too big let me do that let's do like SL SL stack five there we go and let's do the same over here on this side and all right I think this should be about big enough and ooh let's make the walls and the floor obsidian o okay okay yeah good idea since this is going to be like our very important supplies room but before we do that I think we should make this room a little bit taller so let's just go ahead and do that really quick there we go uh okay maybe even a little bit taller uh let's try that and okay I think this should be about good all right I'll start making the staircase down all right all right I'll start working on the walls and uh I'll replace the ceiling awesome sounds good this room is going to be pretty epic it's going to be like a library except instead of bookshelves we're going to have chests everywhere so there we go that looks pretty good and H guys what should we set the floor too well it's a supply room but maybe some iron blocks O Okay iron block sounds cool let's just do SL SL set iron block boom this place is looking awesome but anyways guys now we got to put down a bunch of chests with a bunch of stuff inside of them so let's just grab some chests and uh here let's put them all down let's just have some chests over here like this we can have entire stacks of chests we got to have a bunch of them okay as long as we can reach all of them oh yeah yeah what I was thinking is we can have some ladders and then we can just have those ladders off to the side like this to get up Yep this should be pretty epic so here let's just do all of that and let me grab another wand real quick guys check it out what we can do is Select these chests and then look this way and run the command SL SL stack 10 boom there we go now we've got a bunch of chests oh gosh this is awesome Yep we've got storage for days but anyways now that we have all this storage what do we actually store what about like iron and diamonds I guess it's going to be all our supplies like our wood and our dirt and our Cobble and stuff and yeah yeah we're going to need blocks and ores and here why don't we actually stored the chest we can grab some item frame and let's just put an item frame on each column oh yeah that way everything will be nice and organized so H yeah yeah we can have this First Column be for some diamonds and then we can have the next one be for uh I don't know wood I guess yeah I'll put all of our valuables in this first one like a gold diamonds iron yeah I'll fill this one with wood o nice nice nice all right I guess the next column can be for uh I don't know like mining stuff we can have like Cobblestone and uh andesite and granite all that sort of stuff we can have all that stuff inside of these chests and H what else we still got a lot more colum o I guess we can have a category for tools oh we should also have some more food storage oh yeah yeah food storage is definitely going to be good let's have another food storage and we could also have a storage for some enchanted book oh oh wait also also we need a storage for aror let's put uh the one of these uh iron chest plates in over there and also we can have some storage for combat gear so like swords and that sort of oh and then we should also have one for red stone yep yep yep also some potions uh here I guess let me grab some Redstone as well we can put the Redstone one oh you already got it what else what else let's see o I guess we can have one for furniture so we can have like a one with like a chair on it over here but hm what else we still got one two three four five more columns that we need to fill um maybe we can make one for like flowers and stuff and uh what flowers how is that going to be helpful um I don't know making dye uh okay I guess we can put that in but H what else what else what about a for like elytras and stuff like that and oo elytras all right yeah we can have a colum for transportation we can have like elytras rails all that sort of stuff we going to have that one be right over here but guys we've got three colums left what else do we need uh let's see let's see oh what about some animal spawn eggs in case our animals and our farm go extinct oh yeah that would be good that's going to be very important we can have that in over here and all right we've got two more colums what else do we need oh what about one for Mob resources like ender pearls and gunpowder and stuff and oh yeah yeah you're right you're right we need one for all of that stuff I guess let's put that in over here and all right guys we've only got one more category left what do we put in this last category I got it an entire column for puffer fish uh what why puffer fish because I puffer fish what dude the puffer fish are not important at all we don't why would we need puffer fish in a survival situation because they they puff and they're a fish what yeah dude we are not having an entire colum for puffer fish oh you're already doing it yep the puffer fish are staying oh my gosh okay well anyways I guess now let's go ahead and fill up all of the other chests so we can have gunpowder in this one and this one's made for like mob resources so we can have like some rot and flesh in here some string some ender pearls all right I'll fill up the other one all right sounds good and all right there we go all of the chests are finally filled up let's go we've got resources for days that was a long time yeah that took forever let's go finally but anyways guys we've got the storage room we've got the kitchen and we've got the farming area but H what else do we need I don't know but I want want to go to sleep and wait a minute that reminds me we need to have a bedroom oh you're right I completely forgot about the bedrooms but that's going to be very important cuz uh if we don't have any nice place to sleep here that's not going to be good what if we built each other's rooms for fun and ooh wait a minute that actually sounds kind of interesting who's building what room uh how about we let a dispenser decide for us here let me grab some paper and uh I'll just name this paper with all of our names so I'll have one for myself this going to be the dash paper I'll have one for Ruby and then another one for for Cam and all right there we go all the names are inside of the dispenser and uh Ruby I guess you want to go first since it was your idea all right let's go and I got cam okay okay so you're building Cam's room and that cam I guess do you want to go next yeah hold on let me see what am I building and oh I got Dash and O all right well anyways that leaves me with Ruby all right well I guess that's what we're doing U let's build each other's rooms now yeah we should make like a hallway here and then we can have the rooms over here yeah let's clear the rooms first and then we can start decorating all right yeah I like the hallway idea let's build a big hallway off over here like this yep there we go nice and here we should also make this hallway look nice so let's just select all of the walls of the hallway real quick and let's just do slash slash walls quartz boom there we go and hold on we also got to set the floor and roof let's set the floor and roof of this room into some wood planks looking good let's go all right well anyways now that we got the hallways done it's time to build each other's rooms so uh here Ruby I guess I'll build your room right over here yours can to be the first one in the hallway um I'll build Cam's room this I'm building Dash's room all the way at the end of the hallway all right and here let me put down a sign right over here saying Ruby and cim you better make my room look absolutely crazy you better make it the best one here uh sure I'll try all right well anyways here Ruby I'm going to clear out a big space for your room real quick let me just uh dig all the way out over here like this and let me just select this with my wand and also this and all right time to make this room big let me do SL SL stack five this way and then also snack it a little bit this way although wait hold on I have to do like SL SL two here I can't snack it too far or else we'll break into the main uh bunker all right well anyways now let me set the walls into something nice as well so uh I guess we can just set the walls into some quartz there we go here now we also got to do the roof so let's see what should we set the roof to in wait Ruby what's your favorite color um my favorite color is magenta ooh okay okay here I guess I'll set the roof into some magenta concrete that could look pretty sick yeah that looks awesome and then here I guess for the floor we can set it into some oak wood planks there we go and all right now time to decorate the room so uh the first thing we're probably going to need are some beds so here I guess I can grab a magenta bed and o wait a minute I can use these Crimson bedside cabinet thingies as like bedside stand since they kind of look magenta ooh that's looking pretty good I bet Ruby's going to like that H what else does Ruby like that I could build wait a minute hold on I think Ruby likes dance floors so why don't I build one of those here here here I could just build a big dance floor over here on this side of the room this could be pretty crazy let's just select this entire floor over here real quick and let's just do SL SL set magenta uh the concrete and also some magenta wool and here we're just going to set this floor into everything magenta what other magenta things exist what about some magenta terracotta magenta glass panes could be pretty cool there we go and oh wait hold on actually that doesn't look that cool how about instead of glass panes we just do some normal glass blocks there we go that looks a lot nicer and ooh wait a minute I have a really cool idea how we can make this dance floor look cool let me grab a few beacons really quick here we could just have like an entire area of beacons going around the entire Dance Floor this could be pretty cool it's going to look like light so here let's just put down a bunch of beacons right over here like that looking good and here the next thing we got to do is put some iron blocks underneath them to make sure that they actually light up so here I'm just going to select all of this and do it with command so let's do SL SL set iron block boom there we go and here they should light up any second now come on are they going to light up what's going on wait hold on guys why aren't my beacons working I'm trying to put down beacons but none of them are beaconing uh Dash you realize beacons have to look at the sky to work and why are you trying to make beacons that'll let the explosion in wait what they have to look at the sky oh wait hold on let me test this out real quick if I dig all the way up to the sky is it going to work then and oh okay I see wait wait hold on can I use reinforced glass in between the beacon and the sky that way the beacon can still shine except you know the explosion is not going to get in and let's go it looks like this works okay well reinforced glass it is we're just going to have a bunch of reinforced glass over here on the sky and in fact why don't we use some magenta reinforced glass that way it'll blend in more with the ceiling yeah there there we go that's looking pretty awesome here now we got to clear some space for all the other beacons to look up at the sky as well so let's just set all of this to air there we go and here now let's just go ahead and use commence to set all of this air into some reinforced magenta stained glass there we go and ooh okay that's looking pretty good and since this is all reinforced glass it should protect us from the explosion so here now I guess all we have to do is just uh cover everything up so let's just go ahead and cover up all of this stuff over here and you know what forget these beacons here I'm not digging stuff to the sky that's going to be risky if we have too many holes going up to the surface and here I guess for a final touch on these beacons what we can do is put some magenta stained glass on top of them like that and check it out now the beacon is going to be magenta colored that actually looks awesome all right well anyways now that the beacons are done I guess the last thing that we need for a dance floor is some music so let's just put a jukebox with a barrel next to it and inside of the barrel we can have every single music disc let's go let's just e all of those in there and all right I think this room should be about done room your room is done okay Cam your room is done uh yeah Dash your room's done as well ooh awesome and guys now that all of the rooms are done we should check out each other's rooms hold on I want to check out mine first oh yeah just come on in all right and wow wait there's a lot of yellow here wait how do I get in are these doors what is this yeah they're doors wait these doors don't really work it wait why is everything yellow in here oh I figured you need a little bit of a change up what is this oh it's a grill I'm just I'm just grilling up what's what's the matter uh I mean grilling is pretty cool I like grilling but indoors yeah check it out that looks pretty fun actually okay okay well this room looks pretty cool it's very yellow I I think I would have liked it better if it was purple but uh what why do you have puffer fish on the walls oh I you needed the you needed the little bit of a spiciness you know the little bit of a puffer fish what and wait hold on what's this room over here oh oh there's the bathroom there's not even a toilet uh I couldn't find one so I just made it that your toilet and oh I got to flip the burgers what okay well this is a prettyy interesting bedroom uh thanks Kim but hold on let's go go check out the next bedroom yeah yeah let's go check it out okay um are we checking out mine or camps uh let's check out camps first since it's next in line in the hallway and all right so far this looks pretty cool all right here's your bedroom wa but this area actually looks awesome yeah this is kind of cool we have an entire trampoline in here yeah it's so um cam can hit his head on the ceiling a couple of times and maybe just forget about his worries well let's go I think he likes it okay well anyways R do you want to see your bedroom now yes I want to see all right all right check it out I made sure to includes something that I know you like and oh wo it's a dance floor yep and we've even got these lights these things were kind of a pain to set up but it works wait I love this there's literally a hole through the entire base this is going to look the explosion in dash Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah by cam cam look look it's made out of reinforced glass so I don't think the explosion can go through ah fine it's so magenta yep I made sure to make everything out of magenta but uh anyways now that all of the bedrooms are done uh what else do we need inside of our bunker I feel like we're still missing something oh I know we need something for entertainment guys we're going to be down here forever we're going to get bored can we make a library wait a library I I guess we can do that but I was thinking we're like a basketball court um what about a combination Library basketball court I I guess we can do that that makes no sense at all you're supposed to be quiet in the library oh I don't mind the noise and all right well a library basketball court it is here guys let's build it off over here we can just like dig out a huge area for the library SL basketball court this thing is actually going to be crazy and hold on wait what am I doing we can do this much faster with commands let's just set all of this to Air and then do SL slash stack uh 30 there we go and all right I think this should be about big enough for the the basketball court SL Library nice nice nice and okay since this is supposed to be kind of a basketball court the first thing we should probably do is set the floor into some gray concrete soap there we go and then since this is also supposed to be a library I guess we can set the walls into some uh I don't know bookshelves yay yeah wait this actually looks sick you can slam dunk the ball while being on chapter three of the Harry Potter okay well uh anyway how are we actually going to make this uh basketball hoop and oh good question for the basketball court I was thinking we could use a hopper and some cobwebs for the net oh that sounds pretty good yeah yeah we can have the hopper be right over there and some cobwebs around it like that there we go and now we just need a way to like actually like jump up and uh slam dunks so uh why don't we use some pistons and slime blocks oh yeah that could work here what we got to do is put a slime block in the ground like this on top of a piston and then we got to put some obsidian around it to make sure that you know the surrounding blocks don't get pulled up by the slime block and then what we can do is put a pressure plate next to the slime block like this and then underneath the pressure plate we got to put some Redstone Dust to connect it to the Piston so here let's see is this going to work and yep that works perfectly and here now we should be able to eat ourselves and dunk on the hoop let's go wait did I get it in and oh wait I I threw it like super close hold on let me try that again here we go here we go I got to do a run start and come on let's go did that make it yes I made it oh wow that's that's pretty cool I'm putting some ladders and railing so I can reach all the books and ooh nice nice nice that is pretty cool but here I actually need to have a basketball to you know throw in the Hoops so let's see what could I use for the basketball wait a minute what about some Magma Cream Magma Cream kind of looks like a basketball it's like orange and it's like round oh all right that sounds good to me yeah here I'm going to go ahead and name the Magma Cream basketball there we go and then uh I guess we can just have a chest over here with all of the basketballs inside of it let's go okay and I think my library is pretty much done let's go and I think my basketball hoop is also done guys we got what you wanted but what about me I need something and hm okay I guess the library and basketball hoop were kind of like what we want okay well what do you want for your entertainment what I was thinking is we can make a little area over here for what I want we could just make like a little ghost block entrance here waa ghost blocks okay that's kind of cool oh wait what do you want to actually build For Your Entertainment a fishing pond wait don't we already have a fishing pond like in the farm no I want my own solo fish fishing pond your own private fishing pond uh okay yep I only want puffer fish in this Pond oh oh wow you're really making a puffer fish only Pond okay how can we help I guess you guys can help make the pond hold on let me just uh Mark out the area real quick all right all right I guess uh we should probably have like some sand here you know uh for the the puffer fish I don't know yeah make the puffer fish really feel at home yeah yeah yeah we got to make it feel like like an ocean yeah this place needs to be massive W okay okay wow you really want this place to be big here in that case let me just grab a wand really quick and we can use commands let's just set all up oh wait someone already got it oh sorry here I guess I'll put all the water let me do SL SL replace air with some water boom there we go and uh all right uh now we got to spawn in the puffer fish right yeah it's puffing time all right here I just grabbed some puffer fish spawn eggs in all right there we go we've got a bunch of puffer fish now I'll put down some Coral let's go and wow okay there was a lot of puffer fish in here these things are so small when they're not puffed up yep they look awesome but we're not finished yet we have to fix the walls and oh yeah yeah of course the the walls need to look nice as well what are we setting the walls into H what should we set the walls into and wait I got it what about some of that stripped high and oh I guess we can use some of that what was it called again it was called like stripped uh dwar H oh that actually looks pretty nice yep there we go let's just set all the walls to that all right all right this area is looking pretty nice and all right is your puffer fish fishing pond done yet yeah this looks done to me oh yeah this is awesome let's go but anyways guys we've got the puffer fish fishing we've got the basketball court and we've got the library but H what else do we need in our bunker and wait a minute guys we should probably have some sort of gear just in case everything goes wrong and we need to escape oh wait you're right we don't know if this place will be protected from the missile and yeah the missil could still blow us up okay well uh I guess we can build a gear room over here we got to have some room with some strong gear and also a way to escape so uh it doesn't have to be too big let's just clear out a little bit of space over here like this here let me just clear out this room real quick there we go and all right I guess let's set the walls of this room into some quartz and stuff there we go that's looking pretty awesome all right now we need some gear yep exactly so here what I was thinking is we could just have like a few pillars all over this room with some gear on them uh let me grab some armor stands and we just put those on top of each pillar and all right now we need some gear uh what type of armor are we using what type of armor do I want to use wait a minute hold on I think I found something kind of cool guys check this out it's called the composite armor how do I put this on it wa yeah okay this thing is awesome this should protect us against any explosions here I guess we should just use this on all the armor stands yeah it seems pretty okay to me and wait uh we're probably going to need a sword just in case there's any like mutant like radioactive people oh man does this mean I can't wear my cape and you want a cape I mean I guess you can have it in case but I would advise wearing that armor yeah I guess you're right I'll put it away but yeah anyways we got to put some stuff inside of the gear chest so oo a weapon what the netherite great Axe what is this oh that's my axe it does 14 attack damage so it it looks pretty cool as well wa okay okay well here I'm going to set up my own chest over here I guess for my weapon let's see what could I do oh wait I think for my weapon I'm going to use this netherite battle axe this thing looks sick all right I'm eating that inside of the chest and uh also I'm going to make sure to grab some golden apples that's going to be very important to survive in case there's like a I don't know nuclear waste up there yep and let me just add some of this steak and my chest is done nice but hold on I'm going to add a crossbow to my chest just in case there's any like mutant mobs up there and uh I guess I'll also add a little bit of steak for you know extra food and I think my chest is done and all right nice well anyways now let me just copy my chest and I'll put it over here on this armor stand as well we've got four armor stands in this room but there's only three of us so I guess this one can be like for a backup but anyways now that we got all of the gear done we got to have like a Escape Route to get out of here so what I was thinking is we just have like a ladder to get all the way up to the surface and then we could have like a plane up there or something oh yeah that sounds pretty good to me let's just make sure it's a really strong ladder and yeah yeah we got to make sure it's super strong and defended and oh we should probably also make the walls into some obsidian so uh let me grab another wand real quick and uh I'm just going to oh wait there's lava here hold on I'm just going to set all of the walls here into some obsidian there we go and then check it out if I look up and do the command SL SL stack at 20 check it out we've got an obsidian ladder thingy going all the way up to the surface oh let's go but now we got to build a plane Runway yep we got to build the plane runway for actually getting out of here so uh I was thinking we could just build a plane Runway right over here like this it doesn't have to be too big it just has to be a big long strip of uh Runway and guys we also got to make sure to build pretty much all of it out of obsidian because we're pretty close up to the surface now H can we have at least one window and I guess we can have some windows but wait is this reinforced glass and okay yeah as long as it's reinforced glass yeah I just want to be able to check outside to see if it's safe all right but anyways what we can do now is just select all of these walls really quick and then if we look this way and run the command SL SL stack up 20 check it out we've got a big Runway that looks pretty solid and here now what we got to do is grab our planes and just put them down just like this let's put down three ples over here like that boom and oh wait guys we also got to make sure to fuel them up oh wait are these ples going to work their wings are kind of stuck in the wall and oh uh hold on let me test this one out real quick and oh it looks like it's moving I I guess we don't really need the wings huh that's weird but okay but anyways there we go all the planes are fueled up I'm pretty sure but now we need a way to automatically open up the ceiling for when we want to take off so uh hm how are we going to do that what about command blocks oh yeah you're right you're right here let me give myself a command block really quick there we go and here what we can do is just have a command block right over here at the start and here let me just paste in this command really quick and all right whenever we hit this button this command block is going to open up the ceiling and then we should be able to fly the planes out let's go all right well anyways I guess now we just got to wait for the explosion yep hopefully our bunker can survive hopefully we don't even have to use the Escape Route yeah now we just have to wait all right well anyways I guess while we're waiting for that missile to come down you guys want to play a game of basketball oh that sounds like fun hold on wait guys we should do a 2v one me versus you guys cuz I'm just so good I I start with the ball though all right um okay okay all right all right let's go in three two 1 let's go all right I'm about to dunk on you guys here we go no you're not no you're not come but dude that's not fair you're not supposed to Camp the slime block oh this is the most effective way yeah defense bro what dude that's not good defense get out of the way give me the ball and wait yes hold on this is my chance to let me go in yes oh I kind of missed I almost made it though wait what was that wait guys did you hear that what was that oh no guys I think the Missile hit oh gosh what is going on run away everyone to the Gear room go go go oh no oh no guys our gear is kind of gone I didn't think this would happen this soon just grab whatever you can guys it's still going okay everyone quick to the planes I'm trying everyone get in the planes now all right go go go in okay you guys go in the plane I'll hit the button let me just hit the button real quick and okay the roof opened up quick go go go I'm going I'm going I'm trying to get in a plane and oh okay wait these planes are kind of weird to steer I don't really have much up the runway space come on come on I just got to take this plane off and yes let's go I'm in the air we made it but oh wait our bunker uh most certainly did not well we totally underestimated that missile oh man my buffer fish but hey looks like my dance floor survived and oh yeah I guess all the beacons are still here that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 297,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, aphmau, cash, nico, cash and nico, omz, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, DOOMSDAY BUNKER Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Id: kjrA72FVCoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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