How to Build a Sales Funnel with Wix (FOR FREE)

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in this video i'm going to show you how you can build a sales funnel using wix completely for free so to kick things off i'm just going to give you an overview of the sales funnel that we're going to be building out uh this is just your basic opt-in sales funnel so we start things off with a landing page where i offer a free resource to incentivize visitors to submit their information and once they do submit their information they will be sent a automated email with that free resource included that i promise in the landing page once they submit their information they will also get taken to a sales page where it basically will promote product that i'm trying to sell and once they click through the sales page they will land on the affiliate product page um this of course is the product that i'm trying to sell i'll show it to you really quickly it's basically a uh ebook or a couple of ebooks rather on plant-based food so this is a plant-based cookbook and there are a couple other products that you get as well other resources and you know going back to the landing page for just a second this free resource that i'm going to be sending subscribers i have yet to create it create it but it's more or less going to be a free report on the 10 benefits of becoming vegan or something like that and the benefit of capturing emails earlier on in the funnel is that once you capture their information your visitors information then you have an opportunity to continue to promote your affiliate product to them via email because the vast majority of people that go through your sales funnels are only going to opt in for this free resource that you're offering and they're not going to purchase your affiliate product so by capturing um their information earlier on you now have another opportunity to promote the affiliate product on the back end cool so we're going to dive right in if you haven't signed up for wix i recommend you do so again it's completely free and wix has a wide variety of templates you can choose from for our purposes we are going to just go ahead and create a sales funnel completely from scratch with a blank template all right so this is going to be our landing page i'm just going to go ahead and call it landing page and we're going to build it out really quickly we're not going to do anything too fancy but uh as you can see wix has this nice drag and drop editor that is extremely easy to use i'm gonna go ahead and add a form subscribe form boom [Music] and like i said uh the free resource we're going to be offering is going to be just a free report on the 10 benefits of becoming vegan so i'm just going to say where should we send pre-report on the 10 benefits vegan so that will prompt them to fill out this form and submit and once these do submit like i said um they will get an automated email message with that free report that i've yet to create i'm going to create that later uh and i'm also going to show you how to set up that email automation in just a second cool so this is good enough for now again that is our landing page and now we're going to create a sales page just like that and we're gonna add an image for the sales page yeah given that uh i'm promoting a vegan product this image seems to be pretty fitting let me go and delete this we don't need this really just want the image and we're going to add a few other elements just bear with me for a second you're gonna see what i'm trying to do in just a second boom boom and now i'm going to add some text so i'm just gonna say your free rewards is on its way shrink that down and i'm going to say but before you go i want to show you a vegan cookbook that has changed my life create some interest there boom and we're going to add a button boom this is our cta right here so make it red to really pop out and you know i mean this isn't perfect but it's good enough for now and we're going to go ahead and add a link like i said we're going to link out to this affiliate product right here and open this up in a new window perfect and we're going to go back to our landing page in just a second first we're just going to publish the site and as for this button we are also going to link this page to our sales page perfect so again once visitors submit their information they will get taken to this page once they click this button right here they will get taken to this affiliate product which they can purchase awesome all right now that that's all set we are going to exit the editor and we're going to set up that email automation so to set that up you're going to go to customer management and you're going to go to automations you can set up one automation for free which is awesome and for the trigger we are going to select wix forms visitor selects submits a specific form and this subscriptions form is the form that we created for the landing page so we want to select that one and we can choose a follow-up action so we want to send an email you can customize this if you so wish something i'm going to go back and do um and we can go in and edit the template it's kind of beyond the scope of the video but basically you can edit the template just as easily as you can build out a web page with wix just with the drag and drop builder and as i mentioned before i'm going to include the free resource that i promised in the landing page later on um but for now we're just going to activate we're going to call it new automation sure why not automation is now live perfect and yeah i mean in a nutshell that is how you can create a sales funnel using wix it's really not that difficult super easy to set up with wix but thank you so much for watching i really hope this was helpful
Channel: Clickydrip
Views: 11,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vidyard, Created by Vidyard
Id: Z66zXwGYu-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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