How to Build a Rotary Three Phase Converter with details & parts

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hey guys today I'm gonna show you how to build a phase converter that cheap and easy way and the reason I decided to do it this way and to make this video is there's not a lot of good information on YouTube on how to do this and all the detailed information you need and exactly the parts you'll need so let's kind of start with what I got here this one is a 10 horse rotary phase converter and I have my 10 horse motor here and what I did over here on the shaft yes I took my big cutoff saw and just kind of manhandled it and cut that off just so it's not quite so dangerous but it did take a little bit of effort to do that now some of the parts that you're going to need is you're gonna need some type of box this one was just an old electrical box I had and I've added my plug and I start and stop switch and I left these breakers in here just kind of for an easy place to put my wires you really don't need them you could just wire tie everything together together if you wanted to but the big part you're gonna need is you're gonna need some kind of switch and this particular switch is a three-phase switch and I'm only going to be using two legs of it you're also going to need a start capacitor and start capacitors are based on their size and this particular one is 708 to 850 now if you're not using a 10 horse motor you can go ahead and figure out what you need you're gonna need about 75 to 85 MFD per horsepower of your motor and then you're also gonna need a potential relay and this particular one all these parts I got off eBay this potential relay was about twelve dollars and this should work with any size motor you want but if you search for that pro90 six five you should be able to find it or something very similar and on these relays this one has more than it actually needs but there's a number on each one of these posts but we're only going to be using one two and five and they're labeled on the top of these which you won't be able to see that you'll be able to see when you get yours so let's go ahead and I'll kind of show you how I wired it up and how I'm how we make the third leg so to start with you want to bring your wire in your two twenty wire and bring it into your switch and bring one leg up each side and then bring it out and I've brought them out and over into this breaker right here and we're just gonna call each leg of the 220 l1 and the second one l2 and then the third leg that would make them be l3 so in these particular breakers just to be l1 and l2 and this one is also l1 and l2 can you do that one more time so this will be L 1 and L 2 and this is also L 1 and L 2 so essentially these two are identical in these two are identical that's just my 220 coming in so I also have my outlet right here so let's just do I went ahead and grounded everything first before I got started so I took the ground off my wire and ground it to my box and then I also grounded my outlet is which is this green wire running into my outlet and just start by doing one leg at a time so if you start with l1 bring one wire over up into your outlet so now on your outlet you have 110 volts going right there and you also have 110 or your l1 go into your motor these three black wires here are my motor wires so that would be l1 l2 and l3 the second wire of my motor it goes into hell too and I also ran a wire from l2 this white wire up into my outlet so now and our outlet we got 110 here and 110 there so now we need our third leg and that's what we use the capacitors and the relays to make so to do this you're going to need a wire from your l1 and l2 so let's just start with l1 you're gonna bring one wire which is this this red one here down into your your relay and it has to get wired in - I think it's - yep that's the number two on your relay okay and then your next wire you're gonna bring out from l2 down to your capacitor which is this wire right here so come out of l2 and go down into your capacitor and it doesn't matter which side and then you're gonna bring a wire from the other side of the capacitor down into your relay and that one has to get plugged in to the number one spot now the number five on the backside is where your third leg comes out which I made the yellow wire so I also plug the motor the l3 into that number five and then ran a yellow wire which is the third leg up into the outlet so basically what happens is the 220 gets everything going and then it takes that third leg down your capacitor into this relay and the relay just keeps it going long enough to get the motor started and then it it kicks all this capacitor out and then all you're left with is the motor running running generating the third leg of power and that's really pretty much basically it you don't have to set yours up like this you don't have to do it exactly like this that's just how I did it you could also use the same concept to make a static converter if you just wanted to run your machine off of that bit you're gonna lose a 30-year horsepower so instead of using another motor you're just gonna use your whatever machine you got and it'd be wired up exactly the same but this is this is how you would build a three-phase rotary converter and I hope that works for you guys and please comment and let me know what you think thanks
Channel: Chris Zoglmann
Views: 116,151
Rating: 4.71279 out of 5
Keywords: Three Phase Convertor
Id: GxpAoNCivPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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