How to build a retainer wall. Allan Block

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[Music] hmm [Music] is commercially what we see is uniaxial grid it is what it sounds like it strengthens in one direction in that direction it's always perpendicular to the front face so about every typically grits either six or twelve feet so every six or twelve feet you're going to see a cut in that grid for the next section all right so yeah sometimes the truck is actually okay too and the wall's still standing foreign [Music] pizza uh we really got to do the hands-on with uh some actual block cutting right in front of us so we're making the serpentine curve here as you can see inside curve as we're making the outside curve you guys remember what we have to do to make that outside curve yeah yep exactly so we hammer i made it pretty hard all right so yeah we hammer the wings off the flap to make this outside curve perfectly fine to do [Music] good all right i wish i would have gotten more of that out but as we're going through this here inside curve you can see this block the block here is not flush with the block in front of it it still has some connection strength so if i'm on a commercial project and this is what it looks like i'm perfectly okay with that it still has its connection but if you're working in the backyard of the homeowner and they're like well i don't want to see this you know i want the block flush on these sides we modify the inside of the block so inside curve to modify the inside of the block right here we just take out a chunk of that which is what we just did outside so now you can see our modified block chunk out [Music] see it rises up all the way up now so on this outside we'll have to imagine it's more of a radius outside the curve we modify the outside of the block again not always needed this is only in cases when you're making a tight radius but when you make a tight radius outside curve modify the outside of the block we keep the inside connected [Music] this allows it to ride out more in this case it didn't really matter because i didn't have a tight radius but that's what you do so outside curve outside of the block inside curve inside of the block we modify inside curve just like this when you're putting the grid down what's going to happen to your grid anyone yeah gonna have gas that's exactly what's gonna happen so we're gonna put our grit here just like we're supposed to the front of the block kick it back then again right here kick it back we're gonna have that domino's pizza wedge right here so we're gonna take a soapstone mark where that gap's gonna be backfill and compact and then the next course we're gonna put that next layer of grid in this spot the partnership right so again inside curve we're gonna get that pizza wedge the next course up we're gonna install that next layer grid right there to have full coverage we always want to have full coverage inside curve right here imagine that's a more of a curve what happens on the inside curve overlap exactly so we're going to take two or three inches of our outside materials whatever we're using we're going to put that between the layers and grid so they don't rub against each other um all right right here wall dream pro this is what it looks like it cleans up your walls you can see one of these this one's on a running bond and then this one it's off by about an inch again totally structural in the field we still have coverage we have to have at least a quarter of this block covered by the block above it for it to be structurally solid in this case we still have two thirds of it half of it i guess just less than half totally fine in the field i'm okay with this you don't need to do anything you can just keep stacking block if you're in a backyard and the homeowner wants it to look clean and linear and match up you just take a saw cut about an inch and three eighths off this block to make it line up then you're back on running bond so cleans up the wall no cuts for you except for cutting this block if you want to keep a running bond but not necessary in the field um all right we'll do outside curves i need to set this up so i need a minute [Music] and i guess i'm going to take this down so you guys can see how the wall is capped right we have a notch in the cap right here right up on top of that block [Music] is that a left corner or a right corner it's a great question who wants to answer that anyone yeah it's a right left short short side number whatever your thumb and index finger match up to that's what side it is so from behind the oh and then the rights it's a backwards out looking at it for the short side you know what i'm saying all right imagine this on the other side what we did out there as i mentioned earlier today it's a manufacturing issue this menu this is manufactured is concrete all the way through here so in the field you need to take about an inch score it and saw it about an inch right here on the short side so that way when you're installing it and again imagine this the other way it butts right up to it perfectly now otherwise you're not going to get that connection stream so you just modify it about an inch right there all the way over and then you just keep stacking your wall as such you're not going to be on running bond necessarily so if you need to be on running bond you might need to cut a block because you wouldn't be on running bond going this way as you can see you are this way but not the other way so we modify an inch on that block when you're making these corner cuts order lefts and rights from joel not all one otherwise we have the same issue we had um guys that's really all i had just to make sure you get certified i add your tests go build a wall let joel know that way we can track and report it and start getting you guys your rewards and your certification um other than that i'm done i know joel has his uh you'll never have these secrets [Music]
Channel: J.E. Landscaping
Views: 11,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #landscaping #hardscape #treeservice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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