How to build a Retaining wall STEP BY STEP!

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what's up my people back on site got the retain them all cut laid out this uh blue line here is gonna be roughly the wall i'm gonna give us uh cut back into here for the new base and uh the wall's gonna go about to this area somewhere in here and then come back we're going to do a 90. so you'll be straight into 90. allen block system they step back one inch every 8 inches so make sure you get your layout on your wall this would be my first block here and after six or seven feet we got a 10 inch setback step back i should say so if i got this correctly we're not we're gonna be right here we won't be near that drive it just gonna make some cuts like this get to where the wall where the old footing is square i'll dig into that a little bit actually just going to get rid of that whole footing that was in there that way i know it's right put everything over here [Music] all right base is all cut out ready to go just shot in with my spectra laser gotta love the self-leveling lasers set it right up on the skid steer set it up on a bank don't make it will level out here's my wall pin here as you see the base is way out here be plenty in front of it you want to put enough base in the front you want to kind of keep that wall you know to the middle of the base uh the best you can but have enough eight to ten inches in front of it for sure i'm gonna fill this up with crusher run about eight to ten inches compact it and uh be good to go ready for the first course [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] throw the crusher on crusher run in about 10 inches to a foot thick over three foot wide get our compaction on [Music] all right that is grade every x is grade so i went big x every four foot got my grade and then raked out in between and put the little x's in between and we are dead nuts from point a to point b just sprinkling my uh clean tubes here one two twos so i have a nice work area i just grate it off bottom of this a little bit better moving out from under it i'll go get my blocks and get them all ready all right stone blocks everything placed ready to go back on site just putting in this base we're putting a half inch of concrete sand down all i do is take my pins here and i shoot them in with a laser i put them in four or five different spots and then just put an eighth inch pitch or so going back on this pin so there is my pin there you just set that pin on there dead perfect come down to your last pin here now of course my base is dead perfect so because i shot that all in yesterday so we had to come up with a little bit of sand here and uh we should be good to go all right got the first chorus in the return here our corner blocks just like lay it to a string line i got two pins one there and one there on a string line leave it about a quarter inch high above the block and use that as a range obviously you put every course in with a level dead level and pitching back just a touch i like eighth inch pitch going backwards after i'm all done i take a straight edge on the back side of the wall and just make sure she's true all the way and then i dump a little sand inside the block and so that helps then the rest gets filled with stone obviously um but the sand will allow it if there's any voids or anything to get in there after the first rain storm next we're gonna put the pipe in and then backfill the pipe with stone and we get geo grid on first course because the wall is seven foot so this is the geogrid and we'll show you that in a bit all right these are allen block and their sandal wood is the color six degree they make a 12 degree which steps back i think an inch and a half this steps back one inch per block got the stone going in we got our pipe keyed into the daylight drain on the house here's our pipe here behind the wall our tee going in and then it goes out into the woods we'll get uh this first course filled with stone fill some in front of it too then put our geo grid on you take a shovel and get the bulk rock off take it lower fine tune it you can't have one pebble on here gotta be completely cleaned off when you're gonna put your next course on or before the geo because once the geo grid's down you're not going to get them rocks out either just make sure all these rocks are off this [Music] block good to go all right geo grid is in that's how you install it it's flexible you can move it to get a rock out of the way or whatever but just make sure it gets to this front edge all around and your blocks go right on here it's supposed to stabilize the soil which we have no soil we're filling this whole thing up with stone which is ideal background site just about 11 30 let's see what we got a few more courses lots of rock got the corner being built our geo grids in every two courses we throw geo grid so right now we'll fill these blocks with stone right on up and then another course of geo grid but we got one two three four five courses nice and straight too look at that huh boom nice and straight tracking in over around the house to bring all the stone i wasn't gonna load this uh stone in the boots here but it ain't that big of a ball i load that and dump it over here one two three four five six seven courses behind the wall and then throw geo grid every two courses we're putting geogra pretty much bulletproof at that point like so here's my stone pile the stone so we've got a 20 ton 20 40 60 ton of stone bone behind the wall that should do it got our eighth course going on now with these corners you got to cut each lip to make these work i'll show you that on the next corner they don't they don't fit in so you got to customize it got our geo grid all our stone so on the corners like i was saying see how this has beveled this notch you got to continue that notch here so it sits in this notch all right once you get it caught take a hammer cut it deep enough take your hammer do that good to go back the next morning got a few more block to go there five more block there and we are at height then we got a backfill with stone to the top and going to grade out this side put our caps on and be done here we go about on the back side of the wall i've got this little void to fill because we can't get in because of the deck overhang on the right creep up here fill her in back on site walls at height gonna extend it back in here a few or ten block a few or ten black he says but it's going to come in here you know there's my over dig i'm going to dig it down just to return this grade this down our caps are here ready to go today should close this project out let's get to it [Music] gotta dig in the back of it first for the stone drainage [Music] be ready to go [Music] all right we're getting this return in we got two more block left gonna get it in and be done all right return is all built just moving some bigger rocks out of there and i'm tracking and packing that slope again the stairs are going to go up that slope about three foot away and they're gonna do plantings in a couple boulders make it look like a natural you know stone stepping deal it will look nice once it's done and why do you need a tilt bucket well that's why you need it so all right all tracked and packed looking pretty a little cleanup we're gonna get our caps going everything's looking good plenty of stone this is like four foot thick just on this little wall of stone i'm gonna start throwing caps on and then grade this we'll put a filter fabric which i have right there next to the door filter fabric on here and then put the dirt right over that and grade this out so the caps are smooth three sides rough on one side so when you hit a corner you got to make a fracture face like this i just use a chisel cut back an inch and a half on the whole thing and give your make yourself that face see the faces are like this smooth on three sides so when this sits on there it's gonna have a rough face this way in a rough face that way you can 45 these but then you're gonna have a 45 cut and we're putting fence posts up here so you want a solid cap in the corner i like the look of that better than a 45 anyways so that should be looking like that just for clarification in case that didn't make sense so here's the piece i chisel all the way around your inch and a half it comes off it was smooth on this side and it's fracture faced on that side now then you gotta saw cut your notch for the lip put it in it so cut just hit it off there's your homemade lip go over that lip all right caps all installed fabric installed ready to cut some grade and put the soil behind it everything's glued straight we use that straight edge our screed board to put the cap straight at the end in case any imperfections are in the wall you will get them out with the cap you could either lay them to a string line or just use a 12 foot screw board looking good all right gonna start cutting grade obviously until it you need it come on now you wouldn't be cutting like this if you didn't have a towel bucket sorry to tell you that open over the fabric all right all graded out looking good all the grades will work out once these uh caps are dry and everything settles out top soil will come in and go right up to the cap and be good i didn't want to push the dirt up against the cap with the cap still could slide back and forth just a touch because it'll glue no chances here again stairs gonna come here and let's give one last look at the wall a b wall there it is nice and nice all right guys hope you enjoyed please subscribe if you're not like share you boys know the drill and girls see you on the next one
Channel: DIRT BOSS
Views: 221,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, excavating, excavator, concrete, construction, heavy equipment, french drain, water problems, kenworth, dump trucks, komatsu, kubota, john deere, sidewalk, clearing land, diy, site work, septic systems, dozer, backhoe, skidsteer, crusher run, road fabric, compactor, peterbuilt, 20 ton trailer, tri axle, dirt perfect, logger wade, lets dig18, retaining wall, retaining walls, allan block, how to build a retaining wall, diy retaining wall, how to build an allan block wall
Id: aQvdNqXGDCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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