How to build a React + FastAPI application (Full Stack Guide)

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are you ready to level up your coding skills by creating something that's never existed before utilizing both front end and back-end state-of-the-art technology in this video we're going to be creating a real world application and unraveling the magic of full stack development so if you're ready to build an application using react and fast API and let's dive into this video together alright so in this application we are going to be building a react in fast API application so react on our front end and fast API for our back end so the very first thing we need to do is let's go ahead and just create two directories so one we're going to name react and the other one we are going to name fast API now as always let's open up a new terminal and make sure you're in our fast API react app and the very first thing we're going to do here is create a siled environment so a virtual environment for our python code and our fast API application so let's start by saying python3 Dash m v e and V EnV to create the virtual environment for this project let's then go ahead and say Source bin slash e and V slash bin slash activate this will activate our virtual environment and now inside here we want to say pip install fast API uvicorn and SQL Alchemy we want to make sure that we install fast API unicorn and SQL Alchemy because those are the three dependencies we need for this application so after that let's go inside our fast API directory and let's right click and say new file here we're going to create a main.pi file we are going to create a database.pi file and we're going to be creating a models.pi file now our models are going to be the table for sqlite application so we're going to be using sqlite as our relational database our database is going to be the connection Port from our sqlite application to our fast API application and then our main.pi file is going to be like the bread and butter of our fast API application so let's start by going into our database and let's say from SQL Alchemy we want to import our create engine we want to say from SQL Alchemy dot orm we want to import our session maker and then we want to say from SQL Alchemy dot EXT dot declarative import our declarative base all right now after this let's go ahead and just say URL underscore database and now this is going to be the string for sqlite database now if you want to use postgres database or a mySQL database or even a mongodb nosql database go ahead and check out one of these videos um but for the meantime for this application we are going to be using SQL Lite and to connect with sqlite database we're just going to say sqlite colon slash slash dot slash and here I'm just going to name this our finance DB all right and now let's go ahead and just say engine equals our create engine and inside here we need to pass in our URL database and then we want to say connect arguments and we need this done object and we're going to say check same thread as false we then need to create our session local which is going to be equal to our session maker where we pass in Auto commit is equal to False auto flush is equal to false and bind equals our engine that we just created and then lastly we want to say our base is equal to our declarative base all right so this is everything we need to connect our fast API application to our sqlite database now the next thing we want to do is hop into our models where now we're going to be creating our table for sqlite database so we want to say from database we need to import our base we want to say from SQL Alchemy we want to import column integer string Boolean and float so the column means in our database we're going to be creating columns for the tables and then the integer string Boolean and Float are the data types for each column so now we need to go ahead and create our model so we're going to call this model a class transaction where we inherit our base that we created from our database and we want to name the table so we can say underscore underscore table name equals and we're going to name this table transactions so the underscore underscore table name underscore underscore for SQL Alchemy it'll now create a table in the sqlite database called transactions and now we're about to create the columns and the data types for each record in the table transactions so here we want to create a new ID of column which is going to be an integer that's going to be the primary key so we can say primary key equals true and then we want this to be indexable which means it performs a little bit better in the database we want to create an amount which is going to be a column of float we want a category which is going to be equal to a column of string we want a description which is going to be equal to a column also of string is income so we'll be able to say like is this income coming in is this a true or false so we can say Boolean so we can say column of Boolean and then lastly we're going to say date but we're just going to have the date as a type of string so we can say date equals column of string week so so we can say date equals column of string so we don't have to deal with any kind of date formatting between our JavaScript react application our python fast API application and then our SQL database so all three of those could handle dates differently so we're just going to say it as a string so it's a smooth process and a smooth and a smooth flow from the front end all the way to the database all right so now that we got our models our database let's go ahead and just jump into our main.pi fast API application so let's go ahead and say from Fast API we want to import our fast API we want to import our HTTP exception and our depends we then want to say from typing let's import our annotated we want to say from SQL alchemy.orm we want to import our session from our database we want to say from pedantic for data validation import base model from our database import our session local and our database engine and then we want to say import models okay and now one more thing that we're going to run into is something called cores and cores is a way for our application to automatically defend against cross origin requests and that means something other than the application is calling the application and since our react application is going to be a completely different application than our fast API application we need to enable cores and we can enable course by saying from fastapi dot middleware dot cores import our cores middleware alright now as always we want to say app equals fast API and then we want to implement our cores Origins so our react application is going to be sitting on our local host of Port 3000 so what we want to say is we want to create a new variable of Origins which is equal to a list because we can add more than one origin and we want to say that this origin is going to be HTTP colon slash localhost of Port 3000 so what this really means is a port or a different application is allowed to call our fast API application only if it is running on our local host on Port 3000 so then we can say app dot add middleware where we can pass in our cores middleware and we want to allow Origins that is equal to our Origins that we just created so we have our Origins list where we're only allowing one URL and then we're adding it to our application all right so now let's go ahead and let's create our pedantic and we can do this by saying class transaction base and we want to pass in our base model from pedantic where we're going to pass in our amount of type float or category of type string and we don't need this comma description of type string is income of type Boolean and date of type string so right here we're creating our pedantic model which is going to validate the requests from our react application and based on if the data is valid or not we'll either accept it into our fast API application or we'll reject the request from our react application let's also create one more which is going to be our transaction model which also takes in our TR which takes in our transaction base where our ID is going to be of type int and then our class config is going to be orm mode equals true all right perfect we now need to create our database dependency so we can say def get underscore DB where we say DB is equal to our session local we want to try and yield our DB and then always make sure that we close our DB at the end so right here we're saying get DB which is going to be our dependency injection for our application which says we're going to try and create a database connection and if we don't create a database connection well we're still going to close the database and if we do we're also going to close it so we always want to make sure that our connection string only opens up when a request comes in and then we close it when request is complete okay and now what we want to do is say DB dependency so we're going to create our dependency injection right here equals annotated where we pass in our session and then we say depends where we pass in our git DB we then want to say models dot base dot metadata dot create all where we pass in our bind that is equal to our engine so what we're saying here is we are creating our database and our database is going to create our table and our columns automatically when this fast API application is created all right so now let's go ahead and create our first endpoint for our transactions application we can do this by saying at and inside here we want to say slash transaction slash transactions and we can verify it by saying our response model should be equal to our transaction model I'm going to make a space right there and let's go ahead and say async def create transaction where we pass in a transaction of type transaction base with our DB of DB dependency and then let's go ahead and say DB transaction equals a new transaction for more models so models.transaction and inside here we can say transaction dot dictionary and what this will do is based on everything in our transaction base we're going to map all of the variables from our transaction base to our table transaction to save into our sqlite database we then want to say DB dot add and add our DB transaction DB dot commit DB dot refresh so we can get this DB transaction back into us so we can now use the new one and we can return this DB transaction so with that let's go ahead and just run our application because now we have our sqlite installed our database connection installed and we now have a full functioning API endpoint now to run this application we need to jump into our fast API directory so let's first go into CD fast API and now let's go ahead and say uvicorn main colon app dash dash reload all right so here we can see our transaction API endpoint if we open this up we can try it out we can say amount of 100 the category is learning our description will be online course income will say false and we'll say a date in the future so we'll say like 2030 um 1004. and then execute when we scroll down we can see that we get a response of 200 and we saved something to our database awesome stuff if we go back to our application we can see that there's a new file called finance.db and that is our sqlite database our sqlite database is a file structure database that sits within the application so it's not external like postgres or MySQL it sits within the application so right here this is our database so to show you that we can retrieve data from the database let's go ahead and just create a new git API endpoint we can do this by saying at app dot get and inside here let's call this transactions as well where we want this response model to be a list of transaction models and up here in the top we need to make sure that we import list so we can say annotated in list and now that will remove the error that we were getting right here with list and now let's go ahead and just say async def we want to read our transactions we're going to pass in our DB of DB dependency we're going to pass in our skip of integer equals zero and then we're going to pass in limit of type int which is equal to 100. so here we're adding some query parameters that will allow us to be able to fetch a certain amount of transactions for our application all right so so far we are doing awesome let's go ahead and now say transactions equals DB dot query where we pass in a transaction from our models dot offset and here we're going to pass in our skip dot limit and here we're going to pass in our limit dot all and then let's go ahead and just return the transactions so now if we go back to our application and we refresh we can see that we're going to have another API endpoint called transactions or we can try it out and we'll just pass in zero and we'll say 100 is the limit for this API request and when we click execute we can now see a list of all of our expenses which we only have one so far so just moving right along we have created our fast API application which now shows everything from our database well now let's go ahead and jump into our react application for react application we want to use a different terminal so let's go ahead and say new terminal and the reason being is it's going to be sitting on a different port so we want one terminal to handle our fast API application that is going to be running and now on the other terminal we're going to be using our react so let's go ahead and just CD and do our react directory and now to be able to use react we need to go ahead and install node.js so if you've never used node.js before you need to go to en and download your respective node.js version and I'm using this one right now which is recommended for most users but make sure you download node.js because react will rely on it now once you download node.js we'll be able to say MPX create react app and we'll name this our finance app and now click enter this will create a new app in our directory called finance app and this is a react application and you need node.js because npx is part of the node.js and it's now downloading all the dependencies we need for a react application automagically right in our directory and then from here we can customize it now to fit our application needs alright so the next thing we need to do is get bootstrap 5 in our application bootstrap is a popular CSS and JavaScript library slash framework that comes with a lot of JavaScript and CSS automatically so it'll save us so much time in making our application look elegant and modern in everything so so the very first thing we want to do is right here it's going to give us a CSS some JavaScript links that we need to add in our application and it'll give us a starting template now right here where it says bootstrap CSS we want to make sure we copy this entire line now now make sure you copy the entire entire line this line is long so let's go ahead and copy this let's go back to our Visual Studio and inside our react application let's go to public index.html now this is kind of like the entire beginning header and body and ending of a react application so right under this meta and before this first link let's go ahead and just paste in that CSS bootstrap that we just grabbed from the website now let's go back and this option one bootstrap bundle with popper let's go ahead and grab this entire thing as well and now let's go back to our visual studio now let's scroll all the way down to where you see body and right before this second body which is a carrot slash body slash let's go ahead and paste that bootstrap bundle with poperlink now this is all we need to set up bootstrap 5 CSS and JavaScript within our application so we'll be able to add some animations and JavaScript and CSS all super easy there'll be so much to find CSS already which will just save us so much time with implementation now I'm not going to dive too much into everything react but let's go ahead and just open up our source directory now our source directory is where all of our CSS and now the source directory is where all of our code is going to go so if we open up our app.js we can see that there's already some code here and now app.js is our main react file that we're going to be working in this project so we can see that when you install a react application there's already some react that comes automatically pre-built with the app so if we go back to our terminal and right here we say npm start which is our node package manager and then we call the start and that's coming from our package Json where we can see that there are some scripts inside and that we are able to call these scripts by saying MPN and then it's calling the start functionality which kicks off a react script start and it's kind of like a which is kind of like a flow of getting the application started so if we click this and we're getting an error because I actually have to jump in one level deeper so it's inside our finance app so let's go CD into our finance app from a react from our react directory so there's a react directory and then our finance app directory in dimness so we can now say npm start here and boom we can see that just like that we now have our react application running and it's running on our Port 3000 our fast API runs on Port 8000 and this is your Local Host so I can actually change that to localhost and it's going to show the exact same thing so our react application is running on Port 3000 of our local machine and our fast API application is running on Port 8000. now this spinning logo in this editsource app.js to save and reload learn react all comes automatically from react and that is the exact same thing as inside our source directory our app.js file so to show that if we delete everything but this div I'm also going to delete this class name so we just have all of this code and then we have this div and we say an H1 tag by doing brat doing carrot H1 our end carrot Visual Studio will automatically create the ending carrot and here if we just say hello and we save it's going to automatically recompile so now if we go back to our Chrome we can see Hollow in the top left hand corner pretty cool so the next thing we need to do here is now create a react piece of code that'll send API endpoints and be able to communicate with our fast API application now like I said this is not like a super introductory to react because we are going to be calling API endpoints to our fast API application but what we can do here is I'm going to delete everything right here where it talks about function app and what I'm going to say first is right here where it says import logo and importer app.css I am going to remove all of this so all that we see right here is our export default app I am also inside our source directory gonna right click new file and here I'm going to say API dot Js now inside our api.js we need to go ahead and add our connection to our fast API application but before that we need to First download a new dependency so we can say MP at npm so node package manager install axios now axios is a popular API connection Library so we can connect our react application to our fast API application so now that we installed that we can close out of this terminal for right now and we can say import axios from axios we then want to say const API equals axios dot create and now inside here we want to say base URL colon HTTP colon slash localhost Port 8000 and then we want to say export default API so what we're saying right here is we know our fast API application is going to be at our Port of 8 000 so we're creating a base URL of HTTP colon slash logo host Port 8000 so now on our app.js we can call our fast API application pretty easily using a static string of Base URLs so we don't have to recreate this every time or use these axios creates it'll automatically do all of that for us so all we have to focus on is calling the right API for fast API application alright so now from here we can say import react and then we want to say comma brackets where we say you state use effect from react and react and import react that comes with a lot of just global dependencies and then use date and use effect are hook hooks they're called react Hooks and they're used for us to call these API endpoints all right and now we can say import API from slash dot slash API and you might be wondering why is this a double quote and why is this a single quote well that's just personal preference so we can actually make this a single quote as well all right now let's go ahead and create our app.js our react application for our fast API application so what we can do here is we can say const app equals parentheses Arrow function brackets or we can say const and we're going to create pieces of State here where we say transactions set transactions equals use state or we're going to say brackets with a list inside and then const brackets form data comma set form data equals use state where inside here we want to say parentheses brackets and we want to say amount is going to be equal to an empty string category is going to be empty is going to be equal to an empty string description is going to be equal to an empty string is income is going to start off as false and date is going to be just an empty string because remember we're using a string for date not anything else all right now the next thing we want to say is we want to create some functions within our app.js file so we can say const fetch transactions which is equal to async parentheses Arrow function brackets and now inside here we can say our response is going to be equal to a weight and then API which is our API that comes with all of our axio stuff dot get where we can pass in our transactions endpoint where I'm going to say slash transactions slash and then we want to set it to our piece of state so set transactions to our response dot data we then want to have a use effect which is going to have a parenthesis and then a set of parentheses inside with an arrow function brackets which is our fetch transactions with nothing at the end to re-kick off a new um use effect hook so we're using two hooks here we're using um our U State and our use effect use state allows us to keep state within react so we know when state champ when State changes so we know when to shift and change pieces of data and then our use effect which means when this component loads which is our app.js we are going to fetch our fetch transactions which gets all of our transactions from our fast API application all right now let's go ahead and now create our handle input change so we want to say const handle input change which equals a new event on the screen with an arrow function brackets where we can say our value so const value is going to be equal to an event dot Target DOT type three equal signs dot checkbox question mark event dot Target Dot checked event dot Target dot value so we're creating a new function of cons to handle input change where we're expecting an inute where we're expecting an event and then we're creating a new variable based on the event of a check box getting clicked or not and the check box is going to be the Boolean for our is income for our form that we're going to be working on here in a little bit and then we can just say set form data to a set of parentheses with a bracket inside or we can use dot dot dot form data all right and then once we get this form data let's go ahead and just say event dot Target dot name colon value and let's add semicolons at the end of line 28 and 29 all right and now let's go ahead and create one more handle form submit and this is going to be the way that we can submit a form and we can create this function by saying const handle form submit equals async where we can pass in the event Arrow function brackets and here we want to say event dot prevent default and what this will do is when we submit a form the normal event is to submit the form we're going to say we don't want that to do we do not want that to happen so we're going to prevent it from defaulting to submitting the form because we want to handle the action of submitting the form so here we want to say await.api which is our fast API URL where we're going to create a post call to our transactions comma form data we then want to fetch our transactions so if we add a new transaction we want to refetch all the transactions so when we show a table of all the transactions we can see all of them there so every time we submit a new transaction we're going to recall all the transactions from the database so the application is always up to date on the front and side so we want to then fetch all of the transactions and then we want to set the form data so kind of like we did up here we can grab all of this because that's setting the state we want to then say set form data to all of this and then close out of these so these are the pieces of state so we're going to have a form where we can type in the transaction the transaction date and once a user fills all those form Fields up those input forms and they click submit well all of those will still stay with data so if you type in 100 and you click submit it'll still say 100 and that's because we're preventing the default action of removing all of that because we're overriding the form submission with our Fetch and submit apis well what we need to do then because they're pieces of State on the react application we need to set the amount category description is data and default is income and date back to the original pieces of state which is just empty strings all right so now let's start writing some actual HTML code to show our application is um doing something right so the first thing that we have to do is create a return statement so we can say return parentheses now one thing to note is react can only return one element so for example for outside this div and we say we want to return to H1 well we're going to get an error because it can only return one thing that we need as the parent and that's okay we'll just use a div as the parent well the very first thing we're going to do is create a nav bar so let's go ahead and just say carrot nav and inside here we're going to say class name equals navbar navbar Dash dark and then b g primary inside here let's create another div [Music] where this class name is going to be equal to container Dash fluid and vcss now this CSS is all from bootstrap so if you have any questions about what this is doing feel free to look it up on bootstrap this is bootstrap 5 and in react these are called class names not just class all right and then inside here we are going to create an a tag where this has a class name that is going to be equal to our nav bar Dash brand we want an href that really is not doing anything so we'll just have it set to a default pound and then outside of this we want this to say our finance app all right let's open this up and let's type in npm start this will actually fetch our API endpoints and stuff but we're not currently using that anywhere so let's just open up our browser okay so we're getting an error if we right click and we just go over and we re-click this and we go to console we'll be able to see what's going on so we're getting an HTTP error from a bad request to our fast API application so it's saying localhost colon 8000 slash transaction is not allowed so let's go back to our API and see what could be the issue here well it looks like this is only a slash so if we go back into our fast API application and we look at our main dot file and our main.pi file we can see that we have our slash transactions as just one slash no slash at the end let's just add another slash here at the end just so it matches perfectly with our API endpoint that our request is calling on a react application so now if we go back to our Google Chrome now if we go back to our browser and go back to our react app and we refresh we can see that we just fixed the API endpoint error and we now have a beautiful nav bar at the top of our screen where we can shrink it and make it bigger and it says finance app all using react okay and now let's go back into our Visual Studio let's get out of our fast API application and let's go back to our code here for react so let's jump out of this nav so this is going to be our nav right here let's now go ahead and say div and this div is going to have a class name that is equal to container inside this div we want to create a form [Music] where this form has an on submit event call that is going to be equal to our handle form submit function and now inside this form we want to create another div where this div is going to have a class name that is equal to mb-3 and mt-3 which means margin bottom three and margin top three so we're going to make some space between the nav bar and the beginning of our form we then want to have a label and our label is going to have a html4 and we're going to say for amount our class name is going to have a form colon or Dash label and we are going to say this is for amount so if we save this and we go back into our arouser we can see that we now have a label of amount which has a margin from the top of the nav bar and now we need to have an input inside the same diff and this is where a user will be able to type in something so we can say input and here we actually just want it to be just a open carrot input and then on the same line we're going to say slash carob or we can say type equals Tex because we want a user to type in text class name is going to be equal to form control ID is going to be equal to amount name is going to be equal to amount we can say on change is going to be equal to our handle input change and then value will equal our form data dot amount all right so if we save this now and we go back to our browser we can see that there is now a input field under our amount where a user can type stuff in all right now for this now for this div let's go ahead and just copy this a few more times so I'm going to make some spaces just so it's easier to see but I'm going to do another div here where we're going to remove this margin top so it's only going to be margin bottom because the margin bottom of this will push the next input down and this will be for category not for amount it's going to be a form label we want this to now say category we wanted to be of type text we want to be a form control this is going to be for category the name is category and form data dot category we now want to do the exact same thing for our description we can say for description description we want to be text for description I'm just going to copy and paste this whoa I'm gonna copy and paste this in here and it's going to be for our form data of description let's now do it for our check box so we can say div class name of mb3 this is going to have a label for is income with a form Ladle label where we'll say income question mark and now our input for this is going to be of type check box class name is going to be form control we do not need a class name for our check box our ID is going to be is income our name our name is going to be is income we want our on change to be the handle input change or form data is going to be dot is income and then lastly let's do it one more time and this will be for our date so we'll do it just as it was for the other strings whether it's going to be date this will be date um type text form control ID is date description name is date and then form data is date all right and then right before the end of our form we want to create a button so we can say carrot button where type is equal to submit and our class name is going to be button button Dash primary and we'll just name this button submit so now if we go back to our browser we're gonna see that there is an entire form and we'll be able to type into it so we can say 50 category is react description learning react we'll say it's false and we'll also say it's in the future so we'll say 2030-07-09 when we click submit we will get an error for right now and if we look at our console we can see that it's having an issue calling our localhost 8000 due to course hmm well if we remember we thought we did cores earlier if we go into here and we look up our fast API application and we look into our main we can see that we do have HTTP colon slash 3000 allowed so I'm going to add I'm going to change those single quotes to double quotes and then I'm going to add a comma all right so right here in our cores middleware we also need to go ahead and add allow underscore credentials which we're going to make equal to true we are going to say allow underscore methods which is going to be equal to an array of strings which we're going to say star so that'll accept everything and then we want to say allow underscore headers which is going to be equal to an array of also Stars allow methods equals a string of stars and allow underscore headers equals a list of stars all right so now if we go back to our browser and we refresh our screen let's see if it gets submitted so we can say amount is equal to one thousand category is react description is react learning and for the date we'll say it's in the future of 2030 April 5th if we click submit it just goes away and all the fields are empty and our submission worked if we go back to our code we can see that we had a successful post request and a successful get request from our fast API application so it is working we just are not currently showing any of the transactions so let's hop back into our app.js and let's write the last bit of code we need to show all of the transactions for this application so right under this form let's go ahead and create a table now this table is going to show us all of our transactions that we've built so far so let's get a table class name is going to be equal to table striped table Dash bordered and table slash hover let's create a t head and inside here let's create a table row and now we're going to create a couple table headers where this is going to say amount this is going to say category this is going to say description this one's going to say income question mark and this one's going to say date and let's remove this random slash up here oops there we go all right and now right under our table header let's create a table body where we're just going to show all of our transactions so we're already fetching all of them from Fast API we can now say brackets [Music] transactions dot map where we can say parentheses with another set of parentheses inside where we can say transaction Arrow function more parentheses open that up and inside here let's create a new table row for each transaction so we can say right here we want this key to equal a transaction dot ID and what a key means in react is its reacts way of knowing that this this transaction is different than any other transaction so a lot of times you'll use a transaction ID as the key okay and now let's go ahead and just create a couple table data and that's each piece of data inside the table row where we can say transaction amount and I'm going to copy this for each item so there's five items so I'm just going to copy this five times where it's dot amount dot category dot description dot is income and lastly dot is date now the only difference is we don't want to say true or false we want to say yes or no so since is income is a Boolean we can literally say space question mark yes or no so this is a Boolean way of printing two different types of strings so if is income is true we'll print yes instead and if it's false we will say no all right so let's go ahead and save our application and let's go back to our browser and right here we can see both of our transactions we can see amount category description income and date if we pass in a new item so category um we'll say a puzzle for our brain I don't know it's part of our income and we'll say 20 90 0 4 23 we click submit this is saved in our fast API database so what we did was we called our fast API database with this information for a post request and then we refetched all of the information from our fast API application all right so if you enjoyed this course all right so if you enjoyed this please like and comment below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Eric Roby
Views: 63,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: app development, webdev, react, react fastapi, fastapi react, full stack, fastapi, fastapi tutorial, fastapi python, fastapi crash course, fastapi react project, fastapi react tutorial, html, css, javascript, bootstrap, bootstrap 5, fastapi full stack, python full stack, fastapi fullstack
Id: 0zb2kohYZIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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