How To Build A Profitable Affiliate Funnel In 15 Minutes

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the number one reason why most affiliate marketers fail is because they get overwhelmed from over complicating everything so in this video you're going to watch Step by Step as I build out a simple affiliate marketing sales funnel that will grow your email list and help you start driving affiliate sales and commissions fast now first let's talk about the plan just to make sure we're on the same page and I've got it mapped out for us here of course there is traffic required and honestly I'm not going to go deep into each of the traffic steps and tools here for you in this video because I have other videos on this channel for that but you could be running Facebook traffic Instagram traffic YouTube traffic if you have an email list you can drive traffic from your email list there's Pinterest getting traffic from Google on your blog the truth about traffic is you got to make one of two choices you're either going to spend your time and that's a clock for those who are wondering what I'm drawing here you're either going to spend your time and effort to create organic traffic or or you're going to invest money and drive traffic through advertising both approaches work neither one's right neither one's wrong one of them will fit your specific scenario better and I'll have links in the description to help you understand which traffic source and which traffic tactic is right for you but let's move on to actually building out this funnel okay because the traffic we drive it over to our landing page which is often called a squeeze page or an optin page they're all the same thing but ultimately it's a page where you offer a free thing okay it could be a free pdf it could be a free video it could be a free MP3 a free report a free cheat sheet Etc that reveals the secret to something to helping them get what they want on this page generally there's going to be a button and when the user clicks on the button a popup shows up and it gives them the opportunity to enter their email address and once they enter their email address two things happen number one they're automatically read directed over to your affiliate offer through your affiliate link okay this is when your affiliate link is actually clicked on by the user it plants the cookie and if they purchase on this page you earn a commission but we don't want to put all our eggs in one basket you need the ability to follow up with folks which is why we obtained their email address first so the second thing that happens when they opt in is they go on your email list and here you can have an autoresponder series that automatically follows up with them and then you can use broadcast emails put a t there even though it's a different color you can use broadcast emails to continue to follow up with folks even after they finish the autoresponder series now this is really simple to build out and again I have hundreds of video trainings and I have blog posts and step-by-step tutorials that show you how to do all of this but let's really focus in on building out the funnel itself we want to build the automated mechanism that Mak makes this all work so what we need to do before we go start building is figure out what is the offer that we are going to send people too now to find our affiliate offer to promote we are going to browse the marketplace here on digistore 24 now digistore 24 is an affiliate Network which means it's a it's a kind of a clearing house where vendors and people who create and sell their own info products online they can list them and make them available for Affiliates like you and I to go promote them this is very similar to ClickBank it's not the only way that you can go find affiliate offers and it's probably not the best way that you can go find the high converting affiliate offers that your audience really wants but it's one of the quickest ways for us to get started which is why we're using this here today and you can notice that it's sorted by po popularity but you can sort also by how much you would make per sale how much you would make on average per cart visitor let's just keep it sorted by popularity for now what I'm doing is I'm scrolling down to look for an offer that I have some knowledge around the kind of world and I want a digital offer I want something they can digitally download which means these supplement offers are things that I'm not personally interested in right now the first one that catches my eye is this funnel cockpit okay now I've talked a little bit of smack about funnel software tools here I don't think you need one of the big funnel software tools so that wouldn't necessarily be on brand for me to go promote this plus I don't really think it's fair for me to use a marketing Niche example here since I'm in the marketing Niche but this one below billionaire brainwave this is a video sales letter that's what vssl stands for and it looks like on average people who are making a sale make about $42 per sale that they make this is perfect for me this is exactly what I want to see there's a bunch of other data here that you can see it's under a 10% return and chargeback rate which is great 35% of people who make it to the checkout page actually purchase these are good data points for me to say yes this is worthy of testing especially if this is my Niche if this is something I'm into um manifestation Law of Attraction um wealth and prosperity those kinds of niches would be perfect for this so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to hold control and click to open up their sales letter so this is the actual sales page and this is exactly what I wanted to see I wanted to see a video sales letter because that allows me and if you remember with our our structure I can offer a free video that's going to reveal the secret and I land here and it says this 7-second brainwave ritual attracts money to you perfect so now I'm going to rough out my first version of the headline based on what I'm looking at here so let me grab a notepad and get the first version roughed out okay I'm starting really simple by just borrowing their headline now it's always important for you to have your landing page to mirror or match what they're going to see when they actually land on the landing page of the affiliate offer you want continuity of the big idea of the hook and of the offer so they don't land on your page and it promises one thing and then they get to the affiliate offer and it promises something different that's a recipe for disaster for low conversions but when you're in alignment with what they're offering which is what I'm starting with here you have a higher likelihood of actually converting people but I want to improve on this as best I can so I see this top area here oh let me show you that okay so what just happened is when I move that Mouse I'm G show you this again if I move the mouse quickly towards the X we get what's called an exit pop and if you notice at the bottom it says or prefer to read see the text only version here I'm going to hold control and open that and we're going to look at that in a second but what I wanted to point out was this top NYC neuroscientist part at the very top so what I can do is I can go here and put in like discovered so now my headlines gotten even better free video reveals a 7-second brain wave ritual discovered by a top NYC neuroscientist that attracts money to you perfect now I want to go into this text only version because I'm going to show you where you can find additional hooks additional Big Ideas additional headline ideas that you can test over time first thing I see here is this leaked CIA research reveals that's pretty interesting to me I'm not going to use that this time I don't think but it's one of those things that I might want to consider using that if the first one doesn't really work um finally the tiny brain wave for Rapid wealth so rapid wealth is another phrase that I could test um a 7-second atome ritual scientifically proven by four Neuroscience Labs that attracts money effortlessly oh I'm going to borrow that effortlessly word okay now I'm gonna call this good enough for now one of the truths is that you're going to test your first best headline idea and you're going to measure how well this one works and over time you're going to need to come up with another one so ultimately I would spend more money going through the sales letter looking for these really clever and interesting and unique ideas that are on the sales page I would also to be perfectly honest with you I would watch this full video sales letter and I would take notes on any of the surprising or shocking or even the testimonials or big ideas that are woven through the video sales letter the things that are actually going to get revealed on the free video those are also things that I could add to the headline to ultimately improve conversions but I think we have enough to get started here so where I'm going to go is inside of lead Pages now lead pages is what I use to create all of my landing pages my opin pages and my sales Pages if you want to get a free trial of lead Pages my affiliate link is in the description of this video and you can get a free trial to test this all out on your own um the you all you need is their basic lowest level uh account if you do want to use lead Pages if you don't love Tech if you don't want to deal with the code based stuff or the WordPress self-hosted balone man I just I can't recommend this enough lead pages is so easy and effortless to use if you need a 100% free option I invite you to go to the blog post on my site miles /b it's not as beautiful as lead pages but it will get you into motion if you don't have any funds whatsoever to invest but if you can boy having a solid landing page builder I just can't recommend it enough so in lead Pages I've clicked on create a new lead page and what it brings us to is these landing page templates and you can see it's sorted by conversion rate which means this is the best converting one I don't really want to do the free guide with the three bullet points even though I use this style of template often and I recommend it this one right here again is what we're going to leverage for Simplicity because I'm trying to show you how simple it can be now we need to give it a page name so we can identify it later so I'm just going to use the billionaire brain wave now this will help me keep it organized inside of my lead Pages account so I can really you know measure what the conversion rate is against this and I can test this against other offers that I might find now you might think immediately like well miles the uh coffee and the iPad in the background don't make any sense when I hover over it you notice this little blue area it says main content so all I need to do is go into the layout and drop down this main content and you can see the section style I'm going to click the gear wheel and I'm just going to clear that perfect so now we have a very simple looking page I'm going to delete this I don't need that on top I'm going go ahead and delete that I don't need that I'm going to delete these just to make it nice and easy and we've got our Super Simple Start starting point that we can test the first thing I want to do is I actually want to put in my headline that I've created here so I'm going to grab my headline from my notepad and I'm going to paste it in here let's see if it keeps all my formatting there we go it worked okay so I'm going to delete that and now if I want to stretch this out I can take this piece let me go here inside of my layout and I can go call to action area let's see if I can make this a little bit wider padding let's go left padding padding off right padding off so I turned off the padding and it made it a little bit wider which allows me to fit a little bit more text here it's on three lines I prefer the three lines to four lines next up I want to go adjust the button right this is a really basic button so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say yes send me so I've now adjusted the button text I'm going to hover this I want to edit the style I want to make that text white I think it looks a little bit better when the text is white so let's go down here did I go right past it there it is hover text will be white there should be another text color in here there's the button color that's good um there it is button text we'll make that white I'm going to go ahead and make the text size a little bit bigger I'm going to make the text bold I'm going to click save and all of our changes happen there let this complete here Bingo free video reveals a 7-second brain wave ritual discovered by a top NYC neuroscientist that attracts money to you effortlessly now another thing that I can do here and I recommend that you start with the simplest approach which is what we've got here if you wanted to add an image in here you can actually just come over here and click widgets you drag the image over here you click on it and you can add a screenshot so for example I could take a screenshot of this video here and you hold control shift s and I'm going to go ahead and just take a little screenshot here and I will download this and then I can come over here I click on the actual image and I'm going to upload that image here put it in and away we go so now I've got a really simple looking landing page let's preview this to see what it looks like when it's um kind of in a preview mode now the one thing I don't like about having this big video here is that it makes the user have to scroll down in order to see the actual button so I'm going to delete that for now let me get out of the preview show you how easy it is to delete stuff click the trash and it's gone this is why I like lead Pages it makes the process of creating the landing pages super simple so everyone can do this but the next step we got to get this click pop to work right so when they land on this page they see an offer for a free video that reveals something they want this gets them excited and then they look down and they're like Wow all I have to do is click a button when they click the button they see a popup and that popup is where they realize that they have to enter their email address so what I want to do is first I want to get the text working correctly for us so let me adjust this text to make sure it references what they're actually giving away because it's currently based on what the template is okay so this is currently three lines if I wanted I can just make the text a little bit smaller to get it to work down on to two lines get it down to eight that works a little bit bigger is fine I probably would work the text to try to make it a little bit shorter but for the sake of making this quick and easy we're just going to go so almost there please complete this form to gain instant access enter your email oh I have instant access twice so I can just take this this for um there we go enter your email address to receive the free video now email send me the capital letter on the front of these okay I like how the popup looks okay I've got a very simple landing page I think you should always start with a simple approach first and add more to it later after you see how well it works in its simplest form we got the popup working so everything is in alignment with the fact that they're going to get a free video the last thing we need to do here is to actually integrate this in with our autoresponder Series so when I hover over the button here there's this there it says edit Integrations again you have to be working on the popup level when I click edit Integrations it pulls out out this form on the left so I want to click add an integration I'm going to choose my aweber account I'm going to select the email list from aweber and then I have the ability to add in tags so if I wanted to tag everyone who comes through this I could put in billionaire brain so now I can set it up to where everyone who opts in through this opt-in page gets tagged in aweber and they get added to my email list that way I can identify them later as people who went in for the free video once I've got the email integration set up and the tagging set up there's one last step which is redirecting them over to my affiliate link after they complete the form so what what I do Under This Integrations again we're still under the popup and we've clicked on the edit Integrations from the button area and then I'm on step number three of actions and you can see there's an option here for external URL so what I'm going to do now is go into Digi store 24 I'm going to promote now and I'm going copy the promotion link so that is my affiliate link and I'm now just going to paste in my affiliate link here so what we're telling lead pages is once someone opts in add them to my email list add the tag to them in my email list and redirect them over to that actual affiliate offer now I want to preview this and see if this actually works and once this loads the preview this is how the page will load I'm going to click yes send me the free video I just make sure all the text is good I'm going to put in an email address of test1 I highly recommend you test this with your actual email address I'm just doing this because it's an example I want to see if the affiliate link link works correctly I click yes send me to the next video and bingo it drops me over to the vendors landing page with my affiliate link therefore I have just planted the cookie and if the user purchases now I earn a commission we have built in that quick moment the simplest best approach to get started here so now that it's passed its test what I would end up doing is I would go through and publish this in order to get my link and from there it's all about driving traffic whether I want to drive traffic via an email whether I want to drive traffic via solo ads whether I want to drive traffic from a Facebook ad it's irrelevant what traffic Source I use and again my links to the best traffic offers to the best traffic videos excuse me are down in the description of this video and for a final note for those of you who want to build out their affiliate business and you want to grow more quickly I do have an accelerator bundle now this bundle has three of my best courses the first one is the niche Navigator course because if you don't choose a niche that's in one of the big five money niches or one of those sub niches the odds are you're even if you grow a list and even if you drive traffic to those affiliate offers you're not going to make any long-term money because people really only spend money on one of five areas and I cover this to help you really figure out what your Niche is and to find a profitable niche in one hour or less in the niche Navigator course I also include my offer Recon course now this is how you can find the high highest converting affiliate offers with high commissions and it's so important for you to be able to get a little bit of a competitive advantage over everyone else in the world when I show you here through Digi store looking at their Marketplace of all of these offers that are on their Marketplace the truth of the matter is that every affiliate around the world can promote these same items but when you learn my process for finding the offers and getting approved for the affiliate programs that you're comp competitors don't have access to you instantly gain a competitive Advantage plus it's going to help you build out your digital inventory so you can have more offers to promote to test so you're not limited by those rubbish offers that are on ClickBank and by those offers that everyone else promotes and finally I've got the affiliate marketing business plan step by step it'll help you choose the right traffic source for you it'll help you choose the right pieces and the right technology for you to be able to grow your business online but ultim Ely I wanted to show you how quick and easy it is to build out a true actual affiliate marketing sales funnel we did it here together on lead pages in a few minutes if you need to go with the free option you have access to the link for aweber down below as well and I really hope this helps you understand how fast and easy it is for you to start publishing your offers online and that's really the big key way too many people are trying to figure it all out before they get started but the successful affiliate marketers they jump in they find a product and a niche that they're willing to go be of service to that audience and then they just start and they try version 1.0 and they try version 2.0 and they try version 3.0 and when your technology is very simple and easy to use when your funnels and your strategy is simple you'll find that you'll start to make progress down the path and it's through trying several things where you really find that thing that works for you and then once you find what starts to work for you you just go do more of it over time I hope this video has been helpful if you would like to see more of these types of tutorials but on a different part of the process definitely let me know in the comments below or obviously if you have any questions get at me in the comments I will answer them as best I can um all of the links we discuss here are in the description and I really do thank you for your time I hope this video has been helpful and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video Until then go grow your list and let's get some clicks to your affiliate links so you can finally start to build a real affiliate marketing business online I'm miles Beckler I'm happy to help and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video till then be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 7,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing funnel, affiliate marketing sales funnel, how to build an affiliate marketing funnel
Id: 490cMShoJwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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