How to Build a Fenced In Garden | Enclosed Garden Build Plans

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foreign [Music] let's build a garden last year we planted some grapes and berry bushes but clearly they could use an upgrade so this spring I dug pun intended into a fenced Garden build I shared how I built the simple Arbors for the entrance to this Garden in my last video so if you haven't seen it head over and check it out but for this video I'm going to pick up where that left off and build the rest of the fencing this is a pretty big project so I'll try to cover everything but I've also provided the printable building plans in the video description below with more details [Music] first I placed these Arbors between my three grapevines since I was attaching fence framing to everything I didn't anchor these in place but I did use a little paver sand to help level them there's always potential for cedar posts to rot over time if they're in direct contact with the ground but this area drains pretty well and I'm hoping that the paver sand will help too but I can always repair or replace later if needed I'm not overly concerned to keep things straight I used a couple of stakes in the ground and pulled a string between them to help line up the Arbors I cut a piece of two by four to five foot long and used it to space these Arbors five foot apart then I pulled the post so that they were just touching the string I drilled pocket holes into the ends of this 2x4 and secured it between the Arbors at the bottom using exterior pocket hole screws then I did the same with another 2x4 about halfway up the post on the Arbors I ran the bottom two by fours vertically and the middle two by fours horizontally so I did the same for the fencing so that it matched once the middle section of fence framing was secured between the Arbors I set the front two Corner posts I measured five foot from the Arbors on each side and used a post hole digger to dig holes in line with my string again I wanted to make sure that everything stayed straight across the front so the string was vital I dug these 24 inches deep and I hate digging post holes I'm very slow at it so I didn't waste room on my SD card to film the whole process but you get the idea I cut my 4x4 posts to seven foot long so that they would go into the ground about two feet and stick out five feet and I used concrete to set the posts I made sure that they were Plumb vertically before adding too much concrete in the holes so that I could adjust if I needed to you'll notice that I used treated wood for the fence framing here and that's because it's way cheaper than Cedar I just used Cedar for the Arbors now although I measured these roughly five foot from the Arbors there's no way to get these posts set perfectly at that distance at least not for me so once they were set I cut to fit two by fours between them and the Arbors I installed these along the bottom using pocket holes and exterior pocket hole screws I knew the ground here wasn't perfectly level and it really didn't need to be but I did want to make sure that these pieces stayed straight and didn't look wavy so I used this string to help me make sure that the board stayed straight across the top then I cut the fit and installed the top two by fours so that they were all at the same height as the one in the middle again these may not be level but I tried to keep them straight this front section of the project was actually part of a sponsored campaign that I was doing on Instagram so I'm doing things a little out of order here since I had to completely finish the front section before moving on to the sides and back so I cut two by twos to line these open spaces between the four by fours and the two by fours just like with the arbor I installed these so that I could staple the wire fencing to it later you could do without them but they do kind of add in extra detail [Music] once the two by twos were on I cut to fit welded wire fencing panels over these sections using wire cutters then I stapled these onto the back side of the two by twos now since I was completely finishing the front before moving on I went ahead and added a weed barrier fabric over my grapevines and then cut cedar fence pickets to create raised beds around them but I don't really recommend adding the raised beds until after all the fencing is up so this part is kind of out of order but I did have a good reason after this front section was complete and my sponsored stuff was turned in Danny tilled up the rest of the area so that the grass would be gone at least for now the rest of the fence framing is pretty much the same as the front I measured the sides about 14 foot deep and made the back the same length as the front I measured this out and then used some scrap wood Stakes to Mark the two back Corners I dug those post holes first and installed the back corner post just like the front corners then I pulled a string to go around all the corners and added another Post in the center of the short sides and two posts evenly spaced along the back side I was in the zone the day that I dug these holes and honestly I just started working and completely forgot to press record on the camera sometimes you have that so I didn't get footage of all of the posts but they're basically the same measure pull the string dig the hole set the post this is a pretty forgiving project in that the measurements don't have to be exact and the posts don't have to be perfect if they look straight they're straight the main thing is that you just don't get your posts going totally zigzaggy once the six posts around the sides were set I repeated the same process as on the front to add the framing I cut to fit the two by fours at the bottom and then another at the top I secured the two by fours to the 4x4 post again trying to keep them straight but not necessarily level there's a lot of the same thing going on here so I didn't film the whole thing but basically I screwed in all of the two by fours around the bottom I cut to fit them between the posts and then I screwed them in like with two and a half inch decking screws that just like drove them at an angle I didn't use pocket hole I did use pocket holes in some of them but I was running out of screws so I just toenailed them the rest of the way and now I'm using pocket hole screws for the top pieces don't want to lose that put the top pieces around where like the top of the railing is going to be hey it would be nice to have an extra set of hands for these top pieces but I found my head a helpful resource in a pinch Danny did offer to help but I knew that he was working on his own projects and chores around the yard and I knew that I could manage alone so I didn't take him up on the offer but he did help me on the very last piece Teamwork Makes the Dream Work [Music] once all the two by fours were up I lined the sides and the top of each open section again with two by twos cut to fit I just cut each of these pieces and secured using two and a half inch decking screws and then at some point I got distracted and glued on the fence caps and then I came back to finishing the two by twos sometimes it's just good to switch gears once the 2x2 framing was up I could cut some more welded wire fencing to staple into all of these sections since they weren't all perfectly Square since the ground was kind of sloping I cut these a little big stable them on then trimmed a little as needed for the spot where I added the raised beds already this was kind of a pain because I had to cut the corners out so again I don't recommend adding the raised beds until after all of the framing and fencing is installed which is actually this point right here once all the fencing was stapled on this is where you can completely customize how you'd like to add the raised beds we had already planted much of what we were growing so these really aren't raised beds so much as just a wooden edging to separate the mulch from the pavers that I'll be adding later but I line the inside of the fence around the bottom with cedar fence pickets and I simply cut these to fit and screw them into the bottom two by fours of the fins I boxed in the grapes in their own sections already earlier but I also assembled a U-shaped piece that ran down the sides and along the back of the fenced area I use scrap two by twos to connect the corners and just kind of sistered pieces of fence pickets to connect two pieces together you could also use ground Stakes to help keep these in place and assemble these boxes however you'd like so just to explain what's going on here we're gonna put strawberries here and bushes along the back and then strawberries on the other side so it's kind of like a u-shape and then the grape ones are at the front but we're also going to put a box in the middle here and I just screwed together a cedar box with Stakes on the corners so I can just Hammer them in place where I want this box to go and then everywhere in between all the boxes is going to be pavers thank you in hindsight driving the stakes at the corners first then attaching the pieces around the stakes to make this box might have been a better option because my boards kind of split open at one of the corners as I drove it in the ground but it is what it is after this box was in I went back and added weed barrier to this middle section as you can see now I didn't do this to the entire space yet because we still have several things to plant so I just added it to the middle here where the walkway will go then I layered on a few inches of paper base this is basically small crushed rock and we used it because we bought it for another project that we ended up not doing so this seemed like a good place to put some of it we spread this out over the middle area and tried to smooth it out as best we could then I laid out some papers pavers aren't really necessary but I thought they were pretty so I added them here full transparency I didn't want to deal with cutting any of these and they were kind of pricey so I just used them sparingly once they were laid out I came back with more paver based Rock and used it kind of like grout between tiles I filled all the spaces and gaps and leveled everything out this is definitely not how you do actual pavers but again we already had the Rock and I needed to get rid of it somehow this actually worked out really well and since they're similar colors it Blends in nicely now I'm Not The Gardener of the family so I let Danny plant whatever he wanted to around the back and sides while I moved on to adding the gates onto the arbor to finish up the build I kept the gates super simple I just needed something to basically keep the animals out especially bubby so I cut and assembled a simple frame from Cedar two by fours using pocket holes and exterior pocket hole screws I made the skate frame one inch narrower than my Arbor opening to give me about a half inch spacing on each side to match the rest of the garden I cut and stapled welded wire fencing over the opening on the two gates then installed using heavy duty gate hinges I use my phone as a shim to keep the gate off the ground while I installed it super professional [Applause] [Music] then I added a simple gate latch to keep it closed by this time everything at least for now was planted in the garden and I filled the beds with Mulch and now we're ready to enjoy the literal fruits of our labor this looks so much nicer than what we already had out here and this will hopefully help keep the deer out a lot better too I'm really excited about how this Garden turned out and once the treated wood has had time to dry out a little I'll go back before the winter and apply a stain and sealant to it to add a little more color and keep it looking nice until next season I really hope you enjoyed watching this project come together it's probably one of my all-time favorites and I was really excited to share it if you want to keep up with what's coming next be sure to subscribe to the channel for the latest projects and plans thanks so much for watching friends and until next time happy building foreign
Channel: Shara Woodshop Diaries
Views: 497,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy enclosed garden, diy enclosed garden plans, diy enclosed garden bed, diy walk in garden, diy walk in garden cage, diy walk in garden plans, diy modern garden ideas, how to build a fenced garden, how to build a fenced in vegetable garden, fenced garden plans, walk in garden enclosure, diy garden fence with gate, enclosed garden with fence, enclosed garden build, how to build a fence around your garden, how to install wire garden fence, diy fenced garden bed, garden fence
Id: p5r-1o4aTko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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