A Simple Deer PROOF Garden!

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hey guys welcome to the glory living Channel my name is Hannah and we're so glad you're here today we are going to talk about something that all gardeners want to know how to absolutely for good deer proof your garden let's go check it out [Music] in the years that our family has been gardening the biggest challenge that we seem to face is keeping the pests out from eating our food we've had groundhogs we've had rabbits and we have absolutely had deer the deer population is huge around here in our area of East Tennessee and they are just menaces when it comes to the Garden beautiful the watch from afar not so pleasant to see jumping into your garden the question is how in the world do you keep them out of your garden okay so the thing that's tricky about keeping deer out of the garden is that they can jump so high the fact is a deer can jump an eight foot tall fence the reality for most gardeners is they can't build an eight foot tall fence and maybe they're not interested in it maybe they can't afford to do it and maybe they're not sure they're going to be in their area long enough to build some type of structure that large so the question is for the average Joe on a budget how in the world do you keep the deer out okay so before I jump into what I believe is the ultimate way to Deer proof your garden I want to touch on a few things that you will most likely find on the internet on ways that people would suggest we'll keep deer out of your garden that I don't think are worth your time so I think the first one we got to talk about is the Irish soap concept the Irish soap idea is that if you put a bar of Irish soap around your garden in some way whether it's in shavings or bars around on the t-post it will give the sense of a man off to the deer and they will hate it or be afraid of it or whatever and run away well I think there's a few problems with these types of ideas and the problem is that it's not taking into account that the deer around here in my type of area and I'm sure in a lot of your areas have been pushed in out of rural areas into more Suburban areas and they're used to being around people and they're used to the smells of people which brings us to the next second bad online suggestion for keeping deer out of the garden okay suggestion number two which I do not recommend would also be pie bands similar to the concept of the Irish soap you hang it around the garden and it's supposed to scare off the deer when the wind blows it'll cling the pie pans either together or onto the t-post and make loud noises and scare the animals away you know that might work a little bit for some people I'll tell you the truth though our deer are pretty Brazen around here we can be in the yard we can be yelling at them be like hey get out of here and they just don't care so once again our deer are not really scared of us and so they're not scared of our sense they're not scared of our sounds I've been pretty close to them and they really are unbothered and so yeah I mean I just don't think that that's going to really keep the deer away and if they it doesn't take long once again for deer to like get into the garden and cause destruction so you really want to make sure that the ways that you're trying to keep your out are like effective truly effective and not just a temporary fix but something that you think can permanently work throughout the whole season the last suggestion I want to talk about that you will most likely find online which I think is the closest to a good solution but still no cigar would be the fishing line concept the fishing line concept is the idea of putting a perimeter around your garden with t-post and lining several rows of fishing line all around the perimeter and that way when the deer come to walk into the garden they go up against a barrier that they can't see but they feel they don't know how tall it is they don't know what it is and that theoretically will scare them away from wanting to try and get in because they don't want to get hurt stuck whatever because they don't know exactly what's stopping them and how tall this invisible barrier is one of the problems with the fishing line concept is that if a big boy deer just comes along and he's just going fast towards the garden he will break through the fishing line and that'll be the end of it he'll realize there was really nothing there to stop him you probably have to figure out fishing line that's thick enough to be strong if they don't break it easily it's it enough that they don't really see it you know we tried it some people have success with it for years some people a year some people weeks and the fact is like I'm trying to say here deer can be quickly destructive in the garden you need a really really effective barrier to keep them out in order to make sure that one night while you're asleep they're not in here snacking it up groundhogs and deer raccoons they those types of animals can really be destructive really fast and so the goal is to keep them out always and to never give them a chance to get into the garden so that leads me into what I want to teach you today which is how to absolutely for ever keep the deer out of your garden as I mentioned before deer are capable of jumping super high distances into the air the problem with that is once again we don't all want to or are capable of creating such a high fence trust me I've tried ask my husband of my crazy engineering plans but there are easier ways although deer have the ability to jump high they have a weakness that is our advantage they have depth perception hey guys I just want to um interrupt this really quick because while editing this video I realized I said one of the most important things wrong the deer have a problem with depth perception they have poor death perception of course they have depth perception but it's bad and that's why it's an advantage they cannot judge well on a horizontal level they can judge well vertically but they cannot judge horizontally how far things are away okay back to the video keep that in mind as I misspeak right now although deer have the ability to jump high they have a weakness that is our advantage they have depth perception okay so the concept of depth perception here is that they're not sure how far certain objects are away from them and therefore if you can kind of trick them into thinking they may get stuck in your garden they will not jump over it and risk it because of their fear of getting stuck and they want to make sure they keep themselves safe okay so how do we create this illusion we're using their depth perception to keep our garden safe although it may not be practical to build one ginormous wall I'll tell you what it is incredibly simple and Incredibly cost effective and easy to build two regular sized fence slash walls around your garden to give the illusion that the deer are going to get stuck let me explain this to you really quick you will do an immediate perimeter around your garden using one type of fencing five or six feet out you will create a larger perimeter going around the garden with another type of fencing of your choice what this does is when the deer get up to your garden they think they can jump the first fence but they're not sure what will happen if they get inside they're not sure that they can clear both fences because of the distance and not being able to under not being good with depth perception and so they don't want to try and jump in and get stuck in between the fences or inside the garden and not be able to get out I want to give credit where credit is due here if you have not checked out Living Traditions Homestead their YouTube channel is amazing and I absolutely recommend it to anybody who loves gardening and homesteading and anything like that they are so wonderful to watch and I saw this on their Channel and we implemented it this year they found it from a Mother Earth News Magazine from the 60s it has worked amazing okay we have such an issue with like local groundhogs here and the deer it has been so hard to keep our garden safe but this year nothing of that nature has gotten in we had one situation with rabbits which I'll explain soon but it was easily solved okay and the deer have not gotten in I have been down here and seen the deer the groundhogs and now the rabbits just around the garden and they can't get in and they would want to get in guys there's so much good stuff in here but they haven't it's because of this system and how well it works you might be wondering how in the world it could be cost effective to build two fences well I'll tell you the truth my husband and I are not just rolling in the dough here okay we like to keep it cheap and sometimes that means macgyvering things but you know what we just want it to be as high of a quality as possible and as affordable as possible and so we have seen this fencing technique done with more permanent fences like hog or cattle fencing around permanent areas on people's Lawns we don't own the property that we're gardening on we are borrowing this spot so because of that we didn't want something incredibly permanent t-posts are easy to get in and out what we choose chose for our two fences is to do the very immediate perimeter on the garden with a very inexpensive deer fencing they can be about seven feet tall ours are not going that tall maybe six feet tall maybe we just went from the ground to the top of the T post let me show you about what this knitting looks like okay so what you can probably it's hard to see is this netting is like this plastic deer netting that comes in like little like almost one inch maybe three quarter inch squares and it's just this kind of plastic nylon type not nylon but you know plasticky material that goes all around the garden and at the top see if you can see this is a fluorescent green construction string that you can get at Lowe's we wanted to make sure because the steer fencing is actually pretty thin and can be really kind of difficult to see we wanted to make sure that the animals would see it the deer would see it and so we put the fencing and then we also put this string up on top to show that there was a fence here and it has worked great it we ended up our garden is 30 by 40 down here this part of the garden at least is and so we ended up needing two rolls of what we got and had extra of course and all we did was we wrapped it around the exterior of the garden the perimeter and put it attached it with zip ties that came with the netting we got this off Amazon it was a really affordable way of creating temporary fencing and it has worked like a charm well I'll say it worked like a charm for the deer the only issue we had with this inexpensive fencing was that rabbits were getting through our like our total outside perimeter and getting in and then getting to the inside Perimeter and chewing through the plastic so what we had to do was we bought a super duper cheap chicken wire that would I mean it should even be called chicken wire it was so cheap off Amazon but we bought that and we bought one roll for like 30 bucks it was like 150 feet and we put it around the garden it's not pretty it's not gorgeous because it's cheap bendy wire fencing but it's kept the rabbits out because they can't chew through that so any rodents that are trying to get in and trying to chew through they can't chew through the plastic now because they're met by a metal fence let me show you what that looks like okay so like I said here's this chicken wire fencing it should barely be called chicken wire it's not gorgeous but it has worked for us we just put that on the bottom really quickly when the rabbits were starting to get in and that has kept them out and worked like a trunk okay so that covers the inside Perimeter directly around the garden what we then did is it would take about five or six feet out and put t-post around another larger perimeter around the immediate perimeter and what we did was we put electric wire and we put four rows of electric wire down around the outside perimeter of the garden and we were hoping to do this because one the wire for electric wire is very affordable and we thought that we could use the solar Energizer in the future that we decided to invest in for this that was probably the most expensive part of it but we made that decision to make it more expensive because we thought it was a good long-term investment you don't have to do electric fencing I think you could probably do to two rows of the deer fencing you could do the hog fencing you could do whatever whatever you have that you think would work I think you could use and just be creative with it the electric wire we wanted to do because you know what you get a little sick of the animals getting in your garden you're like you know maybe we'll just give a little zap to really make sure that they stay away from the garden so we want to do the electric wire and so my husband set that up and maybe we'll do a video on how to do that in the future but for now what you can see is the electric wire it's super simple you can see the t-post insulators these little yellow Clips here on the t-post you just wrap them around wrap them around the garden hook them up to your grounding rods and your hook up your rounding rods and your solar Energizer or however we chose to do a solar Energizer and not hook this up to any type of electric line hooked up to the fence or anything like that because we are not living where our garden is and we wanted this to just take care of itself we didn't want it to be sucking the electricity out of the family who has let us put our garden here we just wanted this to operate on its own and do a good job and keep the garden safe and I really not have to worry about it it's done amazing it's always good to think about things you can reuse but also it's you know sometimes you just have to make choices and the temporary game instead of the long game and this was kind of a mix on how we chose for the materials for our fence but all that being said you need to just be creative with whatever you can afford whatever you feel comfortable with and this is where we were so this is what we chose to do if you have hog fencing around and you you want to use that or you feel like you're in a house that you're going to be in for a long time I think that's a really great option and there are a lot of creative ways you can use the inside Space around the garden of that space in between the two fences and you could I've thought about I didn't end up doing it this year but I thought about growing pumpkins inside there to also create an extra barrier from any type of crawling creatures that got past the electric fence so it'd be really uncomfortable and then I also have seen people put their animals like chickens inside the middle to just roam inside there and kind of take care of things in there and kind of somewhat you know have a little bit more space and freedom to go around their large plot so you can be creative and this can be so really mult have multiple purposes to creating it this way but most importantly it's going to keep the deer out a few important tips I want to just remind you of is that you want to make sure that the spacing of the two fences is not too far not too close you want to create the depth perception issue with the deers where they're afraid of getting stuck ours is probably about a six foot distance from each fence we felt like that would be enough to deter them from jumping in and and it has it's worked perfectly so I know for sure at least from our experience that six feet is a safe distance to attempt space out your fences another thing you want to keep in mind if you're using material like this or really anything is just don't forget to put in a gate we don't have anything fancy for a gate we just continued on with our netting and brought it to a corner and when we brought it to a corner we had tiny little Clips with metal leftover metal wire here let me show you what this looks like real quick okay and all we did all my husband did was he looped it around zip tied it onto the netting and it hooks up on to the t-post insulator right here on these Hooks and creates a gate and that does it about three or four layers of that three or four hooks and that's worked perfect nothing has gotten in or out of the garden except for a few rabbits like I said at one point and they haven't been able to get in and out since we put the metal fencing around we've been really pleased with this there's nothing more discouraging than working so hard on your garden and coming one morning to find that your plants have been chopped down or even almost more insulted thing your fruit has been picked by an animal I came down to my garden one year and all of our Green Tomatoes we had to have had hundreds of them had been just like picked and eaten by a local groundhog okay so it's very frustrating and you want to figure out how to protect your garden you work so hard on it and you want to keep it safe and make sure that it's protected and just for you guys I hope you have enjoyed this video and I hope it has encouraged you that there are ways to keep deer out of the garden and I hope it has inspired you for next year's Garden or this year's Garden a way to keep the deer out we have been so successful the Lord has really blessed our efforts with this attempt to keep the deer out and we are just so pleased beyond measure because it is just so awesome to know that your food is growing safely and nothing is going to come devour it overnight so guys if you enjoyed this video please like it please give it you know a thumbs up and share it with your friends and your family and the best way you can help us and support us in creating content like this for you is to subscribe to the channel and continue sharing our videos if you have seen this way of keeping go to the Garden comment below and let us know and if you have other creative ways that you think are even better for keeping here at a garden we'd love to hear what you've learned and what you've tried in your garden thank you guys so much and until next time we'll see you soon foreign foreign
Channel: Gloria Living
Views: 75,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deer, Garden, Simple, Deer proof, Keep out, Protect, Homestead, Deer out
Id: Po4psfn0Y0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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