How To Build a Digital Marketing Agency | $0 to $15k+/Mo in 361 Days | Website Design & SEO

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what's up everyone it's matt wasseck here welcome to my channel so today we're gonna be getting into how i grew my digital marketing agency from zero dollars and monthly recurring revenue to just over fifteen thousand dollars in monthly recurring revenue in less than one year's time so in a second here we're going to be hopping into my computer and be sharing with you guys the traffic generation strategies that i use to bring in prospects that are actually interested in purchasing my services as opposed to doing the old school pounding pavement so to speak where you're doing cold call cold email all that sort of nonsense and what i also want to share with you is the funnel that is used as well as kind of the sales process that we use as well and also give you some info on the conversion rates that i've been able to experience over the past couple months here in terms of how many strategy sessions come in and actually convert into clients so that way you have an idea of kind of what to expect as you get into building a digital marketing agency so let's get into it okay guys so we are here in my stripe account and you're probably wondering why am i sitting in here i'm just going to keep this very brief i believe in being transparent with you guys i respect my audience you take the time out of your day to invest into watching my content i'm very thankful for that like i said respect my audience i'm not going to be one of these fake gurus that shares the course sales affiliate offers whatever else they're promoting and showing that to you as if that's the opportunity at hand that you have and usually the business model that they teach they make zero dollars in or they make very minimal and then they switch over to selling courses and so i don't want my channel to be about that and that's why i share with you the numbers my business actually produces so as you can see here 15 225 monthly recurring revenue across 12 clients one of these is a web hosting client that just have right for like 50 bucks right now they were on board for the service program to the end of 2020 but they couldn't get enough guys for snow plowing so they just wanted to pause and they just they couldn't find enough people to work through the entire year so effectively at the end of december 2020 i was at zero dollars a month of recurring revenue january 7th i was able to sign another recurring client and then on january 3rd this year is when i had signed the one that put us over 15 000 in monthly recurring revenue so that's 361 days to go from zero to 15 225 bucks monthly recurring revenue not bad and i am aware that 15 000 is really not a whole lot i mean there are agencies that process this much every single day or even double that or even more than that i mean they'll do 10 times this much in a single day but for me with the road that i've kind of been on and how much of a struggle fest that it was partly due to shiny object syndrome and she work habits either way i'm proud of my progress so far and i'm really pumped to have the opportunity that i have to grow something that's really beneficial to clients and of course me as well as an owner so one quick thing here you might see mmr for all four products there's the number there so you see the congruence products is just subscriptions and stripe that's how our clients pay us that way it's auto pay every single month as opposed to sending invoice they got to pay it it's late all that sort of stuff we don't want any of that if you want me to do a video by the way on pricing and how we structure and get clients to pay all that sort of stuff comment below let me know that would definitely be a video on that okay let's get into the traffic generation strategy so how do i pull in prospects that are actually looking to purchase my company services as opposed to me having to go do cold email cold outreach all that sort of stuff and just fight an uphill battle in order to explain how i'm doing this i gotta explain the different types of traffic that there are out there because the way that we communicate in the way that the person is and where they're kind of at the journey in terms of being a person out there online and actually paying for my services is a bit different depending on whether or not they've engaged with my brand so depending on who you talk to these idealogies might be a little bit different but for me this is my take on these different types of traffic so we have targeted our hot traffic to people who know who you are know who your brand is they're engaging with your social profiles or following your youtube channel whatever it may be we have warm traffic these are people seeking out information regarding your business so they're going to the google search again that's why i focus so much on the seo of my agency because of the fact that that brings in good quality leads and then by the way the target it would be like youtube channel for sure but then also there's cold traffic this would specifically be running ads on social media or youtube where it could somewhat be warm because they're interested in the service or they have the targeting there but they don't know anything about your brand and so in terms of most expensive to least expensive the number one highest expense traffic to convert is going to be the cold traffic because these people don't know who you are it's going to cost a fortune to get them into a strategy session then you have to be very very very very good at selling and i've failed to actually convert i don't think i've converted a single cold traffic into a paid client yet i've only had the opportunity i think once with a really good strip that i have now in terms of my strategy session compared to what i had before where i was showing seo rankings as opposed to just solving their freaking problem but it's gonna be a whole lot more expensive and your conversion rates are going to drop tremendously i would say 10 is probably a good conversion rate for cold traffic might be a little bit higher but when we come up here to these numbers with the targeted which is my youtube channel targeted these are people and my channels not crazy it's not like we have 20 000 subscribers 50 000 subscribers and 10 000 views on each video that would be amazing if i got it to that level but i just have to i really need to focus on my consistency with these videos but the past two months basically almost it was 2.5 axing my business in terms of how much workload you know have building the sites the seo all that sort of stuff i've kind of let youtube content content creation go down by the wayside but i'm going to definitely set this up into my schedules that way i'm producing videos here on my hd channel because this just works so much better than other strategies out there to bring in traffic but targeted bar none people coming to youtube people going to google this is these two right here going to be the absolute best traffic sources in order to convince someone to want to purchase your services so the past two months if we come over to calendly we had 13 strategy sessions 11 of them were actually qualified prospects you'd see one here was a no-show so we canceled it another one was someone that was just fast underqualified so 11 that were actually qualified we convinced we closed six of them into clients and so that's actually about a 55 conversion rate now the one limit that we do have is there's only so many people that are going to be targeted audience out there or warm traffic as well so if i want to really start scaling i'm going to have to put more effort into youtube to get that to grow and also probably simultaneously focus on running ads as well it's just going to be a bit more expensive but 55 percent up here is a whole lot better than cold calling coal outreach to maybe get 20 percent they should really work the leads hard so if you're someone's just getting started i really suggest creating a hd website making sure it looks amazing and then of course creating content on youtube put yourself out there put yourself on camera it's going to only benefit you you get out what you put into it without a doubt and i've slacked on this so much i let it go by the wayside multiple different occasions with multiple month breaks between creating videos but as i grow my agency and i can start hiring i can have people that can focus on the day-to-day things like the ranking management all that sort of stuff and links and everything else that i can focus on on growing the business in terms of making sure we have consistent content here on youtube and all that sort of good stuff because i really like creating these videos i hate editing them but i also i love creating the thumbnails and the titles all that sort of stuff i'm trying to get search rankings and whatnot so okay so to wrap up the traffic side of things what i would really suggest doing because i know i just covered a ton right there's just bottom line just create content out there put yourself on youtube in in focus on don't focus on tomorrow don't focus on next month keep working whatever job that you have and just do this because i can almost guarantee you four five six months from now and yes there are going to be people that say oh cold outreach do that do that do that as well but also don't neglect this side either i didn't want to do cold outreach because i didn't want to do it i just said i didn't want to because i had a couple calls that i did and i got hung up on and it's just it's not fun so i would rather just do this and enjoy and get better at this because this helps me here on my channel because i can if i can figure out how to rank videos over on this end it's going to apply over here with my personal channel that i have as well and i just enjoyed doing youtube so put yourself on camera don't just hide behind the screen because that's just not going to work anymore i did that in the earlier videos five six years ago that worked but it doesn't work like that anymore so what you're going to want to do is create that type of content and put yourself out there because the nice thing about this these are going to work for you 24 7. you can only do cold outreach when someone's awake and doing it these videos someone could be watching at three o'clock in the morning when you are sleeping or whatever else that you want to be doing and so they can come in and then they can enter into the funnel that you have set up so for example let's say someone's been watching this video and they want to get more information so i have a comment right here just like i have a pin comment beneath this video to go follow my instagram which i suggest that you do because i share a lot of cool behind the scenes content and other things like that on my instagram and stories and posts and whatnot so be sure to go down below and click that but someone if they either will open up the description it'll take them to the page where they can go to our opening part of the funnel or the pin comment like i said and so i usually put the pin comment here because the fact that sometimes people don't always open the description and so when they click that page they land right here which i'm usually working on this i change up from time to time depending on the different types of problems to solve and whatnot and if you copy this word for word it's probably not going to work with the industry that you are serving because the fact that you're going to be solving different problems than i'm solving i can almost guarantee it even if you're selling website seo that sort of stuff it's still going to be different messaging so what you want to really be doing is like i mentioned in the previous video figure out what the problems are that your industry that you're serving has and help them solve it if it's through marketing if it's through recruiting helping them get more employees whatever it is there are different opportunities out there for sure and the cool thing is if you're doing things like recruiting or running ads as well the margin is way higher it's just just the labor to manage the things as opposed to seo where we have all these links and things like that that we're investing into but so they land here at this page we have our headline we have a vsl it's like 40 minutes long this one it's probably it probably should be half as long but i put it together and figure hey let's just do it let's do it right and then below that we have the calendar widget where they can book to actually get a strategy session and have a conversation with me then beneath here i have this yellow banner that says important only available at one landscape contractor per service area and i also have that we have waiting lists in multiple areas of the country because so far in three areas of the country we have at least one or two contractors in many of these areas who want to sign on board but we're already working with someone in their city so this is not some scarcity bs if you don't actually have this don't write this in just put the limited to only one contractor one company per area but this works really well because obviously people came in and they wanted to work with us in this area and we just said no because we already just signed somebody so then below that we have just testimonial videos just some of the video testimonial video other results so you don't have to have to have the videos they're going to help tremendously i'm waiting on a couple clients to create videos they just have not had the time but we use the stats from our call lead tracking or emails that they sent more lead tracking emails google review emails they sent that sort of stuff and then kind of one last push down here at the bottom where we say hey this sounds like what something you want to do click here to book brings them up to the top of the page they can book a call so let's just say we're going to select this time for this day they enter in all their info then they're booked and then what happens they land here and so you notice here we have video on all this stuff like i'm not afraid to put myself on camera obviously right here and you should be the same as well how many other agencies out there have no video on their website whatsoever and they're just like this random brand i mean that what might work if you're already doing three four million bucks a year but to get things going be on camera like this do do these things that are hard because they're going to stand out it's just going to make you look better as a company and so you can see here we have a big headline congrats you're booked critical you need to watch this short video about your session check your email for confirmation details that sort of stuff and then also down below here there's a message saying that we're going to email you if you selected less than 150k because we need to see if it's even going to be a fit because we are not charging the lowest amount of marketing agencies out there so it's really that simple then they get notifications from calendly or zoom one of the two because we have integrated with zoom and the days leading up to the the call that we have then we have the strategy session so during the strategy session we are talking with them to solve their problem what's their problem they tell us what the problem is it's that simple we're not talking about seo we're not talking about pay-per-click we're not talking about cost per click we're assessing what their problem is and we're prescribing a solution to solve their problem and nine times out of ten based on what they've told us if it is related to what we can help them with that solution is our service program and for me what i'm really trying to push is website seo and review syndication because it's more longer term focus i can count on that revenue as opposed to ads where it might only be four five six months that someone runs ads and then they churn out because they're completely capped they can't handle anymore and whereas with seo it's more consistent it's their websites their brand presence it's all that as well so that is how i took my agency from zero dollars monthly recurring revenue to just over 15 grand monthly recurring revenue in exactly 361 days and how you could do similar now just to wrap it up focus on the targeted traffic these are gonna be the easiest ones to convert put yourself on youtube create blog posts on your agency's website get them ranked and again you can also do the cold outreach stuff if you want i'm not gonna do that i i don't even suggest it because there's just so much out there you really have to really stand out if you want to actually get attention from the cold outreach that you do versus becoming the one that they seek out when you create content for them to digest creating youtube channels with unique videos studying headlines and titles and all that sort of stuff and for a lot of industries out there there are still contractors out there they're still going to search online oftentimes google is going to index the youtube videos in the search results on google and then there you go if you have a video that shows up and ranks for how to get more deck projects or whatever custom deck builds or design and builds whatever the service is you can become that go-to authority in that niche similar what i've been able to do here so far with landscape contractors and what i'm gonna continue to do because like i mentioned i've lacked consistency and really gotta fix that because that kind of irritates me that i have not been because i know that i should be so anyways that's what i've done to get from zero to 15k and if you like this video appreciate it down below drop a like on this video be sure to go down below hit that first link in the description go follow me on instagram to check out behind the scenes content that i shared my stories share a lot of different insight that i just don't do here on youtube because it's just quicker to post up quick on an instagram that you can check out there as well and again be sure to go down below subscribe to the channel hit the bell for notifications so we know when all the newest content comes live we got a long list of videos that you guys wanted to see so be making those and also just sharing with you guys updates on the journey and everything like that so again so again like comment subscribe comment below your thoughts or questions and follow on instagram and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Matt Wacek
Views: 311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Wacek, Build a Digital Marketing Agency, how to start a digital marketing agency, how to start a digital marketing agency with no experience, how to start a digital marketing agency with no money, 10000 a month marketing business, seo agency 2022, web design agency 2022, google ppc agency 2022, How to start web design agency 2022, How to start SEO agency 2022, How to grow SEO agency, How I grew my SEO agency to over $15k a month, How to start SEO agency, seo agency
Id: efloSPdUjII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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