How to build a Bench Planter | Make Money Woodworking | How To

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well now this is too adorable six pickets total costing not a lot to build and selling for $80 each just like pancakes and Kids the first one is always a throwaway this is going to be a rather quick build because I have orders to fill but I've got faith in you baby I've got faith in you now and it feels like to build this you simply cut the pieces out using the provided cut diagrams rip that little sliver down on the table saw apparently I had set mine to one and a half inches instead of one and 3/4 set your saw over to 45° and recut any dog ears that you may have overlooked to start I taking both of the 12 and 1/4 in pieces and all four of those 30in pieces and that is going to be the box construction for our bench so just take both of your 30-in pieces ey line them up so I can see the edge of them on my workbench and then you're going to take one of these boards put them on the side take another long board kind of balance him he'll he can hang out there it's fine and this guy so they're going to be like this whoa and this guy's going to sit right like that now for him I'm going to use a tight Bond three it is their only waterproof exterior glue and I like to just put a very little bit just so it's like if I was at Subway and they put this much mayonnaise on my stuff I'd be upset so that's how much I am using and that is just because when I tip the board up I don't want it all to run off so if you put a bunch of glue on there it's going to fall off and be messy so then we are going to smack all of that together push all of our boards so they are touching and then take your nails they can come on back nail counter we're ready for you if you guys would like to guess how many nails this is going to take my guess is 60 it's not a super big build I always undershoot it so 60 now I'm going to just put these two pieces clamped together make sure your fingers are at a safe distance put three into him three into this side and then I go ahead and put three one two three one two three into the bottom boards then I just kind of sandwich hold everything together spin him around and repeat that process again again and then I go ahead and run a couple nails down the side of here that's just one about every few inches does the D and there is the main frame of our box now when we get completely done there are a few scraps if you guys want to add in a little bit of bracing into the bottoms we will go over all of that here in a little bit now it is time to add in the legs now these are the two front legs the little 16in pieces and when I'm putting these guys on I made the mistake on my first box of smacking them at the very top as high as I could go and and then when I went to add in the arm it just looked a little silly so I didn't like it now this guy I am going to go ahead and measure down to put him 4 in and then nail him into place so I Mark a spot for four in just get him kind of squared where I think I think that'll be a lot better then you get this squared up nice looking good and I usually put five or six Nails under these and I do rotate the direction of the nail if you put them all straight in it's easier for that board to pull away later on if they're fired in at different directions it kind of gives a little bit more strength and we will repeat it for this next side and it's not a bad idea to shoot a nail into the outsides when I built the bigger planter boxes they do have a tendency for this outside to want to blow out just because of the weight difference for the dirt so if you do put a few Nails into the ends it will help to strengthen everything yeah oh no guys I I missed like every single one of these nails if you have a nail shootout you guys can just go ahead and pull that I usually fire another one in next to it just to kind of give it some support and then you guys are just going to come in here it's easier if you can kind of pull just straight down or just knock them grab hold of them pull them out a little bit grab hold smack it with your hand and it pulls it out instead of pulling on it prying on it and ripping up your wood just let the nail on to the next step which is going to be the backs now the backs not putting the second one up there yet I take my handy dandy level and I put them to here and the reason is if I put this leg a ridiculous amount I'm going to see that it's a ridiculous amount away on the level and if I get everything lined in place like that I know that this bottom is perfect and I know that when I flip it up this will be perfect so to get the legs an equal distance you could measure them if you wanted to I just throw a level on there it's a little quicker for me and then again I tip that board up throw some glue it's like I'm hiding the glue from you handy dandy Square now we use the square just so the boards don't get all cockeyed at the end of the build nailer in place repeat for the other side and again if you guys Target a few nails to go into this board it will strengthen the overall all sides since there's not a lot holding them into place then I continue to put the pieces onto the back the next one is actually going into the center now I'm going to find the center of this board which if it is 5 and a half it is going to be 2 and 34 and then find the center of your bench 31 and a quarter okay 30 31 and a quarter which gives me 15 and 58 so right here and then again I am going to put him down actually I need to spin him a little bit now I'm going to go back to using this square and I want to make sure that all of these Peaks are an equal distance apart so that's actually going to put my board a little ways up I couldn't get around that because of waste so this is where it's actually going to get nailed into make sure that he is centered tip him up put some glue D back down make sure again that he is perfect right there so put my Square here and I can see if it is in line on this corner and this corner to see if he is straight right there he is straight just eyeball it I guess he's perfect on the top and we're going to go ahead and shoot some Nails into him he is now Perfection for our next piece I just eyeball it so that it looks like it is centered like so I just kind of make sure that the lines look good looks pretty good there so I'm going to go ahead put some glue underneath there push them back down push them up so we touches then repeat that process for the very last one I've got a smaller square but I don't it's not going to it's not going to help there is what's starting to look like a bench next is the doged armrest and those are just going to to sit right here so flush with this board and this board since they are both the same size for this I'm just going to add a little bit of glue right here again not an over-the toop amount because when you push that down if it all squishes out it's going to be gross I butt mine up against the back and then gently set it down onto the front it being leveled does not matter at this point I'm going to shoot a nail into here can't I can't see anything to shoot another nail so there will be two more Nails right there give me a little bit then I Set My Level onto here drag it so it is level then holding it in place I fire a few Nails in from the back PR should hold her in place and repeat that for the other arm on the back I am adding that inch and a half piece of the bracing inch and 3/4 if you followed the plans correctly and know how to use a table saw so for this I just set it about 4 in 5 in down from the top and then make my mark so that it is about an inch and a half to 2 in into the back so that you don't see this face of the board if you're at the front of the bench now once you have it centered kind of where you want it at just go ahead and make your mark and then we are going to cut that on the miter saw if you guys wanted to add a second one a little farther down we have the material to do so so I just get the board about where I want it at flip it down carefully squirt some glue and then I tilt him up so you can see it all running down the back squish that held in place come back down with your Square just make sure she is looking good and then two Nails in each should be enough like that she doesn't she looks off kelter what's going on here what's going on yeah that's where she goes right there there is one and then you just add the second if that's what you want to do and lastly if you guys want to take that third piece that we had ripped down you could add in a little decorative leg bracing into here again an option the armrests are a little low but she's pretty
Channel: WhosTheVoss
Views: 34,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: picket planter, matthew peech, woodworking projects that sell, diy planter box using fence pickets, cedar planter, projects that sell, cedar planter box, free plans, diy planter box, wood planter box, woodworking, diy, how to build a planter, home decor, how to, how to make, garden, cedar, wooden picket, planter box, three picket planter, woodworking project, cedar picket, diy planter, diy cedar, bench planter, bench cedar, diy bench, cedar picket bench
Id: tjc45503AUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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