How To Build A 23TB Plex Server With Docker

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[Music] today we're going to be setting up Plex Media Server using docker on the salvage repaired ebay computer now with 23 terabytes of storage hi I'm Kyle and you're watching tech squid TV if you don't already know Plex is an amazing and free software that allows you to easily take a collection of videos such as movies and TV shows and host them on your own server to create essentially your own personal Netflix it'll organize your media be up TV shows and movies or music and photos and make them accessible from anywhere I've personally started using flex even for listening to my podcasts as well and everything we're talking about here is on their free version of the software they do have a paid version but I'm not gonna go into that because Plex isn't sponsoring this episode I just genuinely love the software now I know what you're thinking Kyle what kind of media do you have on your plex server surely there is only one hundred percent legally sourced material and you are 100% correct and for the purposes of this video and to make YouTube happy I thought I would share with you ways that you too can enjoy legally free content enjoy available now on Plex Media Server the greatest hit movies ever to be released in the public domain publicly available classics such as Charlie Chapman's the pawnshop dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde Night of the Living Dead return of the kung-fu dragon and teenagers from outer space call now and get a special bonus the creative commons pack featuring Big Buck Bunny that software Gani is plex ple x download today please do stores responsibly that's where the sponsor money goes and it felt necessary to make your own plex server you'll only need just a few things first and foremost you will need some kind of computer to act as your server this could actually be anything from a Raspberry Pi to a cloud hosted provider you can actually run plex media server right off your own computer right now by installing the server on your regular old desktop or laptop but that's not what we're doing we want our server to always be online and have a ton of storage which would be too expensive in the cloud we're taking an old HP small form-factor PC filling it with hard drives installing docker dr. compose and then we're gonna run Plex on it if you forgot why docker is awesome you should check out an earlier video covering what is docker in five minutes I'd also recommend following that up with our dr. composed tutorial it's a series does this episode make it a trilogy what do you call it what do you call it when there's a fourth there's the fourth episode just a series again right alright let's get started I bought this computer off eBay about a year ago and I have absolutely never touched it until about last month at the time it seems like a pretty good deal and it still seems like it mostly is I paid a hundred and seventy dollars total including shipping for this it's an HP elite small form-factor 8200 with an i7 2670 600 is the gold nugget of this build and it's going to give us four cores and eight threads clocked at 3.4 gigahertz giving us more than enough head room for plenty of applications to run it once in case we wanted to run more than Plex in the future and we will it's also just powerful enough to handle some light stream transcoding transcoding could be a whole video on its own but the short version is your computer might be able to play that sweet 4k blu-ray file directly using what's called direct play but your phone not so much because of this Plex has the ability to Transco door convert the video on the fly to a format that your device can actually handle the only problem is this takes a fair amount of CPU so depending on what type of content you have and what clients you use and how many users you have online your CPU needs may change if we check the pass mark score for this i7 2608 thousand one hundred and ninety one Plex says that we should be able to do a little bit better than a single 720p transcoded stream at a time that's good enough to handle all of my home devices which can mostly use direct play plus my phone when I'm out should be able to receive a 720p stream this is a great use of your old gaming rig when you decide to upgrade next time now let's go back to the computer the computer came with eight gigs of RAM I found out that one was dead so I actually replaced it bringing us back up to the original eight gigabytes of RAM and I took out the old 300 gig hard drive that it came with and lastly we took out the disk drive because we're not going to be using any disk drives in their place we have to Western Digital drives a three terabyte and an eight terabyte as well as one Seagate exos 12 terabyte drive the plan is to have an eight tire byte media drive a three terabyte personal drive and then periodically backup these two drives to the 12 terabyte for safekeeping however backing up will have to be another video the data drive will be separate from our operating system which I'm going to use this solid-state because I actually just happen to have it lying around at the moment now to install the operating system Hey before we install the operating system I actually found a really cool place to install the server and made a little mini thing about that so let's just jump over there real quick I was looking for a place to keep the new server when I noticed that this IKEA nightstand that I had happened to have a shelf that was pretty much the exact perfect size when it was a larger computer that I was using as my server I had it stored inside the cabinet under my TV and one thing I noticed was that it got incredibly hot in there so I wanted to solve two problems one make sure there was no wires coming out the front of this thing and to see what we could do about improving the cooling especially since it was going to be in a small form-factor PC with a ton more space inside so I tried measuring this awkwardly I could have done it with the whole nightstand facing down and done it from the top but then I wouldn't have been able to get this camera angle so so we cut out holes for the fan and IO and I think I'll just let the quick montage finish up the rest [Music] [Music] and that was it for getting the i/o cut I had access to power Ethernet and even a few USB ports a few days later I decided how I was going to power on the fan I had a lot of options including connecting it right to the motherboard assuming there were even pins available but to make everything a little bit more simple and portable and easy to pull out I decided to buy an adapter that will go straight to USB so we can just shove the fan in the back and plug into one of the available USB ports we're not really using them anyway all right let's go back to installing a bun - on our new server now to install the operating system I will be using Ubuntu 1804 feel free to download your favorite Linux distro though for this tutorial devian is preferred if you want to follow along download your Linux ISO and write it to a flash drive if you're on Windows like me you can use the program Etra io check out a tutorial in the description on using this tool or blog once written plug the flash drive into your server and start mashing the select boot option key often f8 or escape when prompted select to boot from your USB device and follow the instructions on screen to carefully install your operating system to the correct Drive you'll be asked to enter your new root username and password as well as fill out several other settings and preferences once you have caught up you'll be at the terminal screen ready to go there are some steps you should take that are good security practice whenever setting up a new server but for times sake we're not gonna be able to go over that in this tutorial however we will have a link down below for anyone who wants to go a little bit further in depth we want to install docker and docker compose docker is slightly annoying to install because we must first add Dockers repository to your sources list before being able to install docker Community Edition and the doctor CLI once complete you can verify that docker was installed by running doctor version now technically this is all you need to get Plex running but we are going to go one step further and dr. Campos if you don't remember why that is better you should go check out her tutorial that we did on docker compose dr. compose will allow us to create a script that will define how we want to use multiple containers together we're almost there let's go over one more thing before going on with docker we have not talked about our hard drives yet unless you plan on storing all of your stuff on the same drive as your operating system you need to add and mount an additional hard drive unless you want to use cloud storage but that's not what we're talking about today we have enough to go over for the purposes of this video the only drive I'm concerned with is the 8 terabyte Western Digital red drive 4 which will hold all of our Plex data first we create a directory that we want to mount that data at and we have to tell Linux to link that directory to our data hard drive my favorite way to find our drive is to use the DF utility with the human readable flag that will show us all of the available file systems and you can find the correct drive quickly based on its size once you have that mount the drive to the directory we just created and you'll be all set to go you can double check with the DF utility again to make sure that the drive is mounted where you expected it to be now please refer back to the previous segment about acquiring legal and free movies to fill that drive of course you can always rip your own blu-rays and DVDs all that's left to do is to write our own dr. compost script and flip on the on switch we are using a docker image from linux server io quick shoutout to all those folks over there who maintain a large collection of useful docker images that work to ensure that all images are efficient and secure on the docker hub page for this image they include an example of the docker compose file that we can follow if we choose to we're gonna copy and paste the example into a blank docker compose llamó file the only part that we need to truly be concerned about is the listed volumes in the volumes area change the placeholder values with what we just created to mount our drive and you're all set if you run into any trouble you might need to adjust the Pui D and G UID values but we'll leave more about that down below you probably won't have to worry about it and that's all you can save and run the command docker compose up - d from there you can head on over to your web browser and paste in the local IP address of your server followed by the port 32400 forward slash web and there is your own plex media server once you have gone through the quick setup to tell plex where your TV and movies are you'll be able to access your library from anywhere on Plex TV or on your phone or smart TV all that's left is to fill up your hard drive with media sit on the couch and enjoy thanks for watching everyone if you made it this far remember to subscribe and take part in the polls on the community tab to let us know what kind of videos you want to see next if you are so inclined come talk to us on discord possibly play a game with us or play on our next project and with that thank you for watching I'll see you again next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TechSquidTV
Views: 328,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techsquidtv, plex media server build 2019, plex media server, plex docker, home media server, home server, plex, server build, ikea rack mount, ikea server rack, ikea server cabinet, plex server build, plex server build 2019, server build 2019, budget home server build 2019, home media server build 2019, home server build, docker plex, plex build,
Id: 3eNH4R2YTrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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