How to Brew Beer Cheap & Easy!

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this someone who chose let me show you how to brew your own beer when it comes to brewing one of the biggest excuses I hear if they're not doing it is I just can't be bothered now I'm here to try and convince you that it's well worth your time to burg so cotton of Cooper's parallel off the shelf at Dan Murphys costs about $50 so if we do some quick math s-- 375 times 24 9 liters so 9 into 50 you're paying about $5 55 a liter compare that to our home brew kit and the figures look a lot better so if we're generous and only say that we're going to get 20 liters out of our Cooper's pail our brew kit at $16 54 the whole kid divided by 20 litres you're looking at 82 and a half cents per liter of beer so it's clearly less expensive and I would argue a better tasting brew so today I'll be going through the two ways of brewing your beer the hard way which turns off most beginners and the easy way which requires a little extra money to set up but is well worth it in the long run and I hope by putting them side by side that I'll be able to show you how easy it is to brew once you've set yourself up with a keg system now let's talk about why you should be brewing if you're brewing for the art of brewing switch off now because this is all about getting a decent quality beer for the lowest price possible and the least amount of effort necessary so the minimum requirements for this whole process are something to brew so market something airtight to ferment with and some kind of airlock now these are hard to find and they can be a little bit expensive for a piece of plastic so this is my answer to you this is just a piece of vinyl tubing with some zip ties and I'll show you how to make this and all you do is put a little bit of water in and then put it through the hole in the top of the container and you seal it with some blue tack having said that that's the bare minimum that you need if you weren't brewing to be as painless as driving down the bottle Oh get yourself a keg set up because by the end of this video you'll see just how easy it is to brew your own beer first of all we're going to fill up our commentar with water so now we've filled it up with water to 20 liters we'll go ahead and add our Cooper's bolt kit take the yeast off the top like you always gets a lid good boy now we just add the malt into the top of the fermenter the easiest way to kill two birds with one stone and get all the rest of them all out of the can as well as bring it up to the appropriate temperature is to take some boiling water fill the can up take your mix up or a spoon or anything that mixes what and now we'll just mix it in and next we're going to add our sugar or our dextrose so I'll be using textures dextrose is more biologically available to the youth and it just makes their time of metabolizing it a little bit easier and gives a cleaner beer in the end as well so just mix that in and now the most important ingredient of all the yeast this is where you can get a little bit creative if you don't like or a board with the Cooper's yeast that they use you can use a different yeast I'm going to be using a foul USO v this is just an American alias and I find that it goes really well with the Cooper's Australian parallel malt walk it sorry put that aside and we'll add in a USO v now at the pitch yeast I usually just go straight on top give it the most surface area possible and just let the yeast rehydrate itself you can start in if you like but I just find that it's unnecessary and it gets all my utensils dirty with yeast so now that we've pitched they do all the work for us now all that's left to do is throw your lid on and put on your airlock so that should start bubbling on its own within 15 to 20 minutes sometimes even faster and then it's just a waiting game sit look yeah what's actually going on inside to create all the flavors and aromas that we love from beer yeast metabolizers sugar into energy and ethanol which is alcohol as well as metabolizing the sugar into alcohol it also uses a lot of the minerals and nutrients from the wort and through its interaction with all of those complex molecules it creates our beautiful refreshing and a drink this wave waves to everyone wave so it's been about a week you can tell that the fermentation is finished because the yeast is still producing carbon dioxide and it's time to transfer it into our final containers so I'll show you what top looks like as you can see on top there's some mana foaming from the carbon dioxide being released into the liquid from the yeast but there's no fungal growths or any discoloration it's just beer foam essentially now there are two distinct directions we can go from here we can bottle the beer or we can keg the beer now they both have their advantages and disadvantages when you're bottling the beer you go through a second round of fermentation you labs either carbonation drops which are just pre measured out sugar drops or tablespoons of sugar teaspoons of sugar roughly equate into one teaspoon of sugar per 375 ml bottle of beer this isn't a problem that we encounter when we taking beer when your cake beer you actually force carbonate the beer as it cools the carbon dioxide will be forced into the liquid and the cooling of the liquid actually gives the liquid a greater affinity for carbon dioxide so this actually indicates the need for a secondary fermentation it also eliminates a lot of problems with infections in the final product as you aren't having to rely on a secondary fermentation and the carbon dioxide isn't introduced immediately which creates an anaerobic environment which reduces the amount of nasties that could breed inside of the beer so start with let's bottle a bit now first make sure your bottles are sterilized this is more the case with bottles and cakes I've never really had a sterile sterility problem with kake's purely because it doesn't give the organisms time to take hold after the beer is gassed and put in the cold environment but with bottling it's imperative that you make sure that your containers are completely sterile because you are going through a secondary fermentation and it isn't going straight into a fridge you'll be leaving it in an area that's roughly 24 degrees Celsius to allow the yeast to create enough carbon dioxide to pressurize the bottle all right it hopes if your tap doesn't stem this is why I hate bottling they do actually sell things that allow you to control the flow as it comes out but I thought I get away with it I didn't I hate bottling anyway so now we're just gonna add carbonation drops this is a lazy man's way it's not the cheapest way just use sugar same deal I just had these lying around so this is 1.1 litres 375 milliwatt of roughly times 3 equals a bit over 1.1 that's doing that 101 now all you have to do is put them aside for about three months depends how eager you are to try your beer but it is a long time so put the other side now you can see why that would take so long filling 23 bottles it's not ideal so more all here to see let's fill the keg so to fill the keg again make sure it's sterile never really had a problem with the cake going bad I always sterilize them right they tend to just not need it sterilize it anyway so one of the main reasons we siphon the beer and don't run it through the top is that it drains the beer from the top and leaves a sediment behind and it also reduces the amount of bubbles created on the surface as you can see all the yeast is just settled to the bottom at the end of the ferment mmm now those are the beers in the keg we can get two gassing it so now you just want to put the lid on the cake now getting carbonation right on the keg is somewhat of an art if you're patient and you want to wait five to seven days for the beard carbonate you can set your regulator to 13.5 psi and leave it or if you're impatient like me and want a cold glass of beer as fast as possible I set my regulator to 35 psi and leave it 24 hours and then check it so disconnect the regulator pull the release valve pressurize the beer again at tap pressure and then try it and if it's not carbonated enough let it go more go ahead and connect your gas to your gas Inlet on your keg do you want some beer no I want some attention go on good boy and we'll turn it up to 35 so now that's carbonating throw in the fridge oh now we'll close it up and wait for 24 hours okay well this is it it's been 24 hours and it should be gas so now we're just going to turn down the pressure on the co2 pull the release valve connect up one of the taps and gases so that it's at a pressure close up the door and try out here we go needs more time so we're gonna do the same again for another 24 hours so just can alleviate tap hose connected as long as you're okay with your taps having as much pressure as you bout to put into your system and we'll just gas it to 35 again and leave it another night there is actually another way that you can carbonate it by ports carbonating and that is while it's cold you can turn the carbonation up turn the keg on its side and shake it and that will actually force the carbon dioxide into the beer we'll just leave it in the fridge for the night because I've got some other drinks on the go day two is the charm there we go a fantastically cheap delicious beer you brewed yourself so thanks for watching guys if you liked the video like the video if you want to see more videos like this subscribe to the channel and I'll see you next time on ojos
Channel: Hoocho
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Id: WjifwNexix0
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Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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