How To Break Down And Clean Smith Wesson M P 40

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in this video I'm going to show you how to break down clean and assemble a Smith & Wesson M&P 40 caliber handgun so the first thing you need to do is make sure the handgun is unloaded remove the magazine check the barrel chamber and is unloaded next in the bottom of the gun here there is a frame tool they are very difficult to get out so if you can't get it out you can use something else like a cleaning rod but basically to get it out you need to turn it about 45 degrees and then pull that out I'm not gonna mess with lifting that out of there because it'll take too long so what you do is slide the slide back rotate this 90 degrees that will allow you to remove the slide but prior to that you need to hold the slide back and this is where the frame tool would come in because right there there's a little lever that you need to push down in order to allow the slide to come off once you push that down the slide will come off just like that so that is what that frame tool will do it it allow you to push this little lever right here down however you can use something is like a ramming rod or if your finger will go in there you can push it down with your finger as long as you get that down you can get the slide off the base this is all the further we're gonna go the trigger would be a nightmare to of take apart and reassemble for basic cleaning purposes this is all you need to do get some Remington oil and REM oil it's excellent it's in a little spray can a little wd-40 type shooter nozzle there just shoot a little bit in the trigger assembly we'll set that off to the side next you need to remove the barrel and spring so to get that off simply push forward and then allow that to come out the barrel is also fairly simple push it forward and then slide it back lifting up that is it for that get a little oil in there and then as far as a cleaning cloth I like to use an old t-shirt sleeve or a new one depending on when you cut the sleeve off they're great because they don't get fabric or lint or anything on your weapon really wipe that down well it's always essential to get all the oils off of there from your skin because that can really corrode the weapon just well get that for the barrel there are these little thing cleaning cloths or cleaning patches you can get you can buy them by the pack they're very handy and then take a ramming rod or you can use a pencil or whatever you have that's just thin enough to go through the barrel and then push it through getting it all nice and clean you can also if you have a little bit more corrosion in there a little bit more powder stuck in there you can use different brushes with bristles on them I have a great little cleaning kit here it has all of that in it so all different sizes you have soft and then the bristles to remove that stuff that's really stuck on the inside of the boar there but this is pretty clean so that'll do for now and I'll wipe it down and replace it back inside wipe it down carefully get all the skin oil off also the spring wipe that off a little bit give it a shot and replace that where it belongs and wipe it off and then I always give it another shot for a good measure once that is done you may replace it on top of the base now here there are two tabs that you must line up with these two slots so you set that on line up the tabs and slide it back now when you slide it back you don't need to worry about releasing the lever in there all you need to do is spin this and it will automatically take on when you put the magazine in this lever here will lift up and thus preventing anybody from turning this and sliding it off accidentally okay so once that is done give this a good wipe down get all the skin oils off being careful only to hold on to the plastic part because that is non kuroda ball spray the magazine down a little bit get it wiped down replace the magazine and let's take a look at that you can see the magazine pushed that little lever up let me grab on to it here push it back so you can see it right there okay and that is it that is how to clean a Smith & Wesson M&P 40 caliber handgun
Channel: How To Video Channel
Views: 54,416
Rating: 4.5210643 out of 5
Keywords: How to, SW MP 40, clean a handgun, clean smith and wesson mp 40, take apart handgun, take apart smith and wesson, break down smith and wesson, smith wesson military police handgun, how to clean smith and wesson
Id: FuoGt7o9wPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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