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what's going on everybody today we're going to be going over how to properly bend the brim on your hat all right i kind of put this in the same lane as the how to lace your jordan ones videos you know it's pretty simple but i feel like these subtle details really go a long way so it's pretty much like a stylizing tip yep and like i said this applies towards fitteds and snapbacks here's yours right here let's get started so we got two hats right here you know brand new fresh out the box these look too fresh like right out the box flat as a table this you know used to be the wave you know fresh brims no curve on them you know leave the stickers but i would say you know curving the brim nowadays it's kind of like the equivalent to you know loosening up the laces on your sneakers you know just that really not too fresh look you don't want it to look too tight if that means from the factory battery from the laces is equivalent to basically how this looks alright so what you're gonna need is a set of thumbs we all have those uh some people don't and then uh we also need these rubber bands these are very very specific rubber bands not just any rubber bands not just any rubber bands which we'll get into and then also you might need a mug but we'll get into that as well but yeah let's start off right now with the first step which is manually bending the brim with your thumbs so what i like to do is i don't like putting my thumbs right in the middle and then start curving because one thing i try to prevent from happening is basically breaking this like cardboard piece right in the middle i bent brims before and this part looks like a roof of the house yeah you do not want that look that's not the bend and that's not the bend that we want right so you want to start from the edges and basically kind of just work your way from the outside towards the middle you know kind of feel it out you know just just like working out you got to stretch first right so there you go before we work out this brim you know we definitely gotta i like just warming it up like yeah and right there you can already see it makes a huge difference and then what i also like doing is like kind of placing my hand right here grabbing one side and then you just bend the side i'm gonna do it on this as well so boom we're kind of you know breaking it in a little bit it's also really important to take a look at it from the front angle because you kind of want it to match you know the profile the hat and everything exactly exactly i would say even basically don't get it confused with how that hats look sometimes those have too crazy of a curve those have a crazy curve all right so we just basically wrapped up the whole you know manual breaking in part this is actually pretty much all you need to do for fitteds fitteds are a lot softer in the brim than snapbacks they have like more wool on them i definitely noticed that too i just feel like they're a lot less stiff more giving yeah so with the fitted you might not necessarily need to do the next step you can if you want to but yeah i'm just letting you guys know you're pretty much good to go with the fitted just doing it manually but like i said the most important thing to keep in mind is do not bend from the middle you will break this part and it will look like a house sure so go from the outside in all right tan so this next part man let's talk about these rubber bands right here okay so uh you know shout out to office depot you actually get these at office depot and they have surprisingly a lot of sizes okay from skinny rubber bands to the semi-thick wheel really thick oh size 64. the thickest and you gotta you gotta double up on them you gotta double up it's just important and uh when i say thick i mean strong strong okay all right so now that we uh manually uh bent the brim right here you're gonna take two rubber bands two rubber bands not two turtle doves i could have two well two turtle doves and then you're gonna just wrap it around right here [Music] and one thing to keep in mind is you don't want to put the rubber band all the way to the dome of the hat you want it kind of in the middle because i've seen people do it right here and they're basically just bending this part the inside part right here and then where the front of the brim actually doesn't really curve it doesn't really curve so yeah place it right here in the middle man i could already feel a huge difference with doing it with two rubber bands there this is pretty much what it's supposed to look like right how long are you thinking how long are you thinking a whole night like overnight i was going to say overnight man that's just the way to go and also if you do not have access to rubber bands i don't think this way is as effective but it is a good alternative you can just put your manually bent brim in a uh cup and a cup in a cup and a cup to get that shape you know okay okay obviously because it offers that cylinder yeah okay yeah so that's a good alternative but yeah i feel like with the rubber bands this is just like basically like i don't know in a way i feel like you could control the curve more for sure like you can get that exact curve look at it right here man it is looking nice all right guys so the very last step to this whole process man i don't tell a lot of people this yo hey you're gonna get you're gonna reveal the the secret i gotta tell the people um okay this is the final bonus step basically so this part right here is basically the final touch to really locking in this shape this is what it means the experiment gone right i've gone through a lot of trial and error for you guys but what you're gonna need to do is get basically any hairspray that has that lock uh effect and hold you know what i mean so uh we'll leave links in the description box below to some hair sprays that we recommend uh there's a l'oreal lock-it and hold hairspray that i like this one is really similar as well but you have the hat you just want to give it a light coating on top you know it's like the final touches similar to what you do with your hair if you want to hold it a certain way and want it to look a certain way same thing with the hat okay the same thing these brims have fiber it's like when you get the uh with the with the perm you got the rods that's just only gonna bend it that's then they put the whole the rubber band they put the sauce in the chem yes you know pretty much adding the sauce at the end all right let me show you guys let me not try to get it on the uh equipment go ahead go ahead let me get let me get that next okay there it is there it is not a lot not a lot you don't need a lot you don't need a lot yeah just a little bit okay this is basically like you just said like little tiny fibers in here that you just kind of need to lock down you know and it also smells great yes it smells good make sure you do not get it on the inside of the hat all right so you don't want you know uh breaking out on your forehead and everything no no no do not get it on the inside of that all right guys uh we'll check back in in a day or two to show you guys the brim i'll even show you guys the results of putting it in a cup we'll check back in so wrapping up this video right here it's been about i would say two to three days so we uh left these on a little bit longer but this right here i mean this method is proven look at that bend right there that is perfect nice and even i would say the rubber bands do not fail as far as this situation right here holy moly [Laughter] i just needed a quick moment of silence uh yeah yeah do not be discouraged by this okay you could always kind of uh stop bro it's almost too like it almost does what i was saying the uh the roof come on we turned that into it it's like a beak a beak yes yeah the mug method i don't know i saw this online the mug method it's a no-go you can still make it work just gotta do more extra steps after and you just want to get straight to our bed yeah man rubber band you can see it right here good to go hilarious [Music] you
Channel: Richie Le
Views: 601,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vk6mzt3TdBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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