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i got that little humpty dumpty look i had to learn that the hard way okay so i want to say i didn't say i didn't say that i didn't say that don't get at me what's going on everybody today we are going to be going over five rules you need to follow when it comes to wearing hats sir only right we got the hat king himself oh man i look rich i didn't want to be the hat king okay it just happened by default because you guys know what's under here i got the shiner man so over the years i did acquire a lot of knowledge about hats that's why this is so important all right let's get right into the list [Music] alright so starting off the list very important right here we got know what area you are wearing that hat in oh man huge you know what this reminds me of rich you just came back from new york oh yeah yeah you got a hat that you love to wear and you were wearing in new york he told what happened that was so recently i wore the boston hat in new york straight off the airport the uber driver was like hey man i'm just letting you know this might not be the area to wear that hat and i was like what are you talking about he's like the boston i was like oh my god i didn't even realize this and then yeah you you would have thought like maybe even if the mets but nope nope you wearing a boss that that's a little i didn't write it on purpose so basically i had two choices right one keep the hat on my head wear for the rest of my uh you know duration there or go buy another fitted and i was like man listen i'm not gonna go buy yankee fitted just because i'm in new york i'm gonna rock the hat but i understood what came with the territory you might get sweated a little bit foreign luckily nobody said anything but i just had to understand at least you know what's funny is when you brought up the areas and knowing where you're wearing i initially thought it was like gang related but a lot of the times the teams themselves the fans are kind of like treating like gangs themselves man the territorial thing a lot of people do not see the hat for the design itself but what it represents to them exactly that's why i like the fear of god designs because it's like what's the f i don't know it looks like detroit but it's not this right here is that perfect uh middle point you've still got a baseball you know hat look yes sir but you got the fear of god no one can say anything they don't even know what what's even that i don't know they're mine are lazy i don't know exactly so if you want to avoid all that you know baseball talk how many runs he you know jose canseco all that talking you're fear of god fitted right here man so overall we didn't want to get too deep into this if you want to learn which hats represent what there's a bunch of youtube channels on it you know they're funny too the guy makes it like more entertaining and but then there's also you can get a little bit of knowledge when you go to california just certain areas all right let's get into number two [Music] all right so number two pick the right type of hat for your face shape and head face shape and head i got a problem with both bridge i got a round head okay i got no hair and i got a round face i got that little humpty dumpty look i had to learn that the hard way okay so i want to say i didn't say i didn't say that i didn't say that don't get at me he said it himself for me i remember when um dad hats or camp hats were super in right and everybody was wearing like tiger and like tan tan was wearing them on a regular basis very flat jacket yeah you know those supreme ones right yeah they're hot i had to wear fitteds because my face is already round and it's already kind of like stumpy looking and the hats are so flat that it just made me look like a flapjack face now and it just didn't work i love what you said though because you didn't let the trend override what looks good on your head you know what i mean it hurt man it hurt i wanted to wear those hats you were rocking fitteds when fitteds were kind of like whose rocket fit is right now exactly so i stay true to the finish man so even when it comes to fittings i think people do have the same preference i do when it comes to hats they like the look of fitteds but they don't like how tall they are they got the low profiles for those that's exactly what i was going to bring up kith brought him up uh amy leon door aim leon dior you still got a problem with that name but you know what i don't know why'd they make a name that was so hard to pronounce because it's fancy fancy it's fancy over here but yeah they came out with the fitteds with the lower profile and uh yeah a lot of people really like that so yeah that's number two right there know what type of hat fits your face shape shorter wider definitely go with the taller hats and then if you have a skinny short face you could do a shorter there you go flatter hat all right for you guys let's go into number three which is this sizing all right so number three you gotta know the correct sizing especially when it comes to fitteds you know fear of gods came out and everything this is important a lot of the times when you get a fitted hat it is going to feel a little bit bigger than it's supposed to but it's going to shrink obviously with more wears you're going to have more heat and more moisture and it is going to shrink wool is the number one material that does that it's so crazy how much it shrinks too because this hat yeah i don't think you can even fit this anymore all right so i didn't really know this rule you know someone didn't make this video for myself but uh i bought this hat and it fit perfectly when i got it i'm talking like right you know like a glove like like a glove oh my it shrunk so much it started getting to the point i got lightheaded i would come around in the videos like i can't even think right now my fidget spinner i need to take five might fit it i need to take two i would i would take it off and you you seen me one time i had the mob logo right on your head i was like dude does that even fit you was like it did so i bought new ones i bought new ones and also rich going into that i have a rule of thumb for you guys almost literally like a rule of thumb if you could stick your thumb or your finger in the hat it's too big oh because you still want a little bit of room when you get it because you know you're picky pinkie's still too big still true it's still too big if you're saying almost like half a pinky it'll shrink to the right uh size fitteds are like the number one inconsistent sizing ever so it is very important to go into a store and try trying it out actually see what ones pitch you best and get in that range yeah i order the fear of god's hat these things run pretty big keep that in mind man so for myself i put it on i could stick like all fingers in there that's not good it it's it's too far gone exactly it's too far gone i can stick like four fingers in here and uh yeah it's just you can only shrink it so much rich yeah i see what you're saying all right so when it comes to hats just keep in mind sizing is very important you won't want to look like this guy all right so number four the perfect brim this is very important the way you bend your brim i get this question all the time what is your technique so what i like to do you guys is there are these two points right here this point and this point naturally i like to just bring it together first so it creates more of a round with a natural round look to it okay once you do that you start with your thumbs on the outside and you slowly curve with your index fingers and you bring it in that is a very important right there work your way in don't just curve i see people just get the triangle right away i i did that so basically there's a point of no return when it comes to bending your brim it is on this hat right here you see it felt it it's basically it broke because this is cardboard inside yeah and you could basically break cardboard exactly if you look at it right here it looks like the top of a house you can see it you don't want that look you want that natural curve and for me even if even before i wear it i'll just curve every single time because it doesn't naturally just stay all the time little by little just slowly slowly slowly you guys want the rubber you see i like the rubber bait the rubber band is basically mimicking a bunch of little bends i love that um technique that you guys have because i always curved it but now i curve it right and i just put a rubber band just to hold it to keep it there overnight yeah but definitely the first thing you do not want to do is when you get it fitted go straight into just breaking the house slowly you know what i mean he's a house chimney yeah not house chimney house roof house proof yeah this one right here is it's denzel yeah you see the line that i broke so far gone [Music] all right so last but not least you got to match the outfit with the type of hats oh man different types of hats give off different types of vibes hats are big right now man there's so many different hats that we can talk about so let's start with the uh the fitteds okay i like to think that the fitteds are almost like a jordan one right now very versatile you could wear it with more like a formal look you can wear more street wear exactly versatile or even like an air force one yeah i look at the air force one like the more you wear it give it some character i look at that as bending the brim on a hat you know more more of that you know wear and tear so even talking about the opposite a hat straight out the store no bend to it that's a basically a fresh pair of air force that's the worst to me because that gives off a very particular look and for me i don't like it it's not natural it just looks way too fresh and the worst is when you try to keep it straight for too long it gets dirty now you know it's not so it's like fresh want to bend the brim to give it more of like a relaxed look a relaxed look and speaking of fittings man fittings are almost like the one of the most versatile types of hats you can rock them with you know more of like the formal men's wear like i know the fear of god they're definitely styling their love that look clothing with a lot of fitteds if you want to switch up your wardrobe style right now and still love hats that is a great way to look into man and then also on the other end of the spectrum you could rock a pair of eric emanuel shorts yeah white seat and a fitted and it's still going to be acceptable i love that fitted they're back rich i love that they're back man they're back they're back and strong and then uh to go off the same thing snapbacks automatic streetwear look yeah it's very tricky with the snapbacks because a lot of it looks very vintage it has a very vintage look to it so you can't wear it with like um the formal wear like we were talking about automatically i see it with like vintage clothes uh more relaxed spinning clothes flannels yeah yeah very chill all right so very a streetwear look for the snapbacks and then you got these right here the athletic nike hats you know the drakes the uh bryce and tiller always rocks these as well these you gotta be super careful with because they look so athletic yes not at leisure they look so athletic where you have to try to get pieces to make them look at leisure at leisure leisure you want to still look like you're someone that is capable of running a couple miles but you're not about to go run a couple miles you know what i mean there's a difference y'all know that there's a balance there's a balance so uh i would pair it with more of your joggers your hoodies i would not rock anything super athletic you know who does a good job with these um hats tan oh yeah you see him wearing it all the time it looks very casual very rachel but it doesn't look scrubby exactly all right so that's number five right there just understand which type of hats go with different outfits alright guys that pretty much wraps it up for the five rules when it comes to hats um you know just overall do your research right now more so than ever there's a ton of different types of so many unstructured snapbacks you got flat fitted six panels you have low profiles yeah low profiles um yeah that's pretty much it though make sure you guys check out big boy johnny's instagram leave a comment down below if you guys have any questions and until next time we out peace [Music] you
Channel: Richie Le
Views: 1,617,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7bBV_vGoqk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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