How to Begin Learning Wheelies on a Motorcycle

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hey guys what's up too ill turbine and in today's video I'm going to show you guys some of the first basic ways to start wheeling on a super sport like on this yamaha r6 it's really intimidating and scary if I'm gonna break down a few of my clips of some really small baby wheelies and just give you guys an idea you know where you should start out at and you know what's go into anything crazy like 12 o'clock so yeah guys let's jump straight into the video [Music] alright guys first off try to find somewhere where there's no cars you know it's not busy I found a local park and this is right practice try to find somewhere where you feel comfortable and there's not going to be any outside stresses that add I here the stress of doing a wheelie because it is really scary so here I am on a straight road good grip in first gear clutch in I rep to probably about 8000 brought it up and I brought it right back down and so right now I'm just practicing rear brake control and will break down that same really again right now alright guys so I'm gonna slow it down here so what you're first gonna want to make sure you do is like I said find a really good straight road and right before you pull that clutch in make sure your bars are completely straight you're looking forward don't be looking straight down or anything you want to be looking forward as far as possible so here we go we're slowing down the clip right here so you can see I'm straight I feel comfortable got that right foot on the rear brake you know over it clutch clutch out I went up for a second and so in the beginning you're gonna want to do baby wheelies like this you don't try to chase him out trust me I do that sometime but it's not smart that's how you get some bad crashes but yeah let's I'm gonna pull another wheelie video up and we'll analyze that one all right I'm gonna let you guys watch this one and then we'll analyze it whoa [Music] alright guys so with this wheelie right here I chased and I really don't like how I chased it so if you're doing this don't chase it as hard you know in the beginning you just want to focus on bringing it up and getting used to that feeling of it coming up because on a sport bike like a yamaha r6 the feeling of it coming up is just so much more scary than something like a dual sport or a supermoto it's something you really have to get used to and make sure you got that foot on your rear brake so here we go clutch in first gear boom up and you can see it sway blow balance point and I got that right foot over the rear brake just in case I went too high you can see I chased that and you know you definitely don't want to do that too much but we'll check out another clip another quick thing to add is make sure you land with your bar straight that's definitely important alright guys I'll let you guys watch this one real quick and then we'll analyze it as well [Music] all right I'm happy I'm showing you guys this clip because it's gonna display you know how important throttle control is when you're doing a wheelie honestly if you have amazing throttle control you really never need your rear brake so whenever you're learning to do wheelies try not to be choppy if you guys looked at my YouTube channel in the past you saw that one of my last loops was due to a choppy throttle you got to be really smooth as the throttle and right here I didn't really do that you'll see I'll pop it up but it's like I it come back down and then I chop it and try to bring it back up what you want to do is try to bring it up just nice and smooth and stay right there especially in the beginning you don't have to do anything fancy you know like those guys down the street that you know they can do all the crazy that you have so much control over their bike that you know us as beginners down so it's up and you'll see it'll drop for a second I try to keep it up which isn't good do it's better just to let it come back down nice and smooth so yeah guys focus on a really steady and smooth throttle hand and that's going to make this experience so much better all right I'll show you guys a few more clips [Music] alright guys that clip right there shows you exactly what you shouldn't be doing this beginner do not chase that out like oh don't know alright guys we're gonna slow this one down again and this time I just want to talk about when doing wheelies when going out to practice try to go in with a really positive mindset if you go in thinking what if I crash all that type of stuff trust me whenever I have those thoughts those are usually the times than I do crash so when you do it you try to just have a positive mindset you know say I'm gonna do this well I don't have to do anything crazy but everything I do is going to be smooth and in control so yeah guys I hope this video had a few tips that you know may help you with your beginning stages of wheelies clearly you can see I am nowhere near anywhere good but yeah guys just get out there go try it you know it's always good to try to expand on the type of skills that you have on a motorcycle you may not like it you may like it fall in love with it but just get out there on your bikes find a nice empty place go out with some buddies or friends and just start working on it it's gonna be scary at first but I know you guys can figure it out so I hope you guys enjoyed this video again and hopefully we can get some better wheelie videos coming up in the future some better height and better control until next time guys now I'll see you [Music]
Channel: Two Wheel Turban
Views: 104,272
Rating: 4.6732588 out of 5
Keywords: how to, basic steps, wheelie, stunt, motorcycle wheelie, how to do a wheelie, how to wheelie a yamaha r6, how to wheelie a 600, how to wheelie a 1000, yamaha, r6, r1, twowheelturban, tutorial, wheelie tutorial, explanation of wheelie, step by step
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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