How To Become A Zookeeper - Pt 2

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so a couple of weeks ago I made a video on how to become innkeeper very well-received thank you everyone who left comments and thumbs ups and all the things and big thank you to the other keepers and people already in animal care who left tips and tricks' beyond what my video had in the comments are for others to learn from super cool oh and the friend reason if you haven't seen that video yet there should be an AI card popping up somewhere here for you to click on to watch that video first this is sort of a part two and then I've also put a link in the description area down below this video and for all of you who sent in questions through various social media I appreciate that and I'm pretty sure I got back to everybody but if for any reason I didn't answer your question please send it in again because it just means that it probably got lost in the shuffle but I have a confession to make you see the original video seems like it was running too long so I cut out a two minute section that I didn't think anybody would really miss however a lot of the comments and questions and messages I got after that video kind of showed that that information was needed because I found myself answering questions that that section would have answered for me so what does that mean well it means I'm here to make the sequel for how to become a keeper or if you will how to become we keep it on part two but I also plan on hiking this little mountain today so it's gonna be one of those you know walking and talking things I guess [Music] all right so what did I cut out of the original video that is so important we need to part two well you remember we talked about needing a bachelor's degree and getting experience so what happens after you check those two boxes here bring it in you become a full-time job seeker and the odds of you getting the very first job you apply for are not in your favor I'm sorry but it's true Rick I did the things and you said I needed to do the things that I did the things it's kind of like Tyco I want to get the top of the mountain but I don't just get to show up there without putting in the time and effort of walking from way down there to way up there and before you send me messages on Twitter or direct messages on Instagram saying all easy for you to say you're already there there's something you need to know this is a lot more than I thought it was gonna be hey I think I think I'm somewhere near 10,000 feet maybe maybe 12,000 the air it's getting kind of thin not really I don't even think this mountains like 1,000 feet but I'm not a shape I always say is 10,000 10,500 what I'm getting at is be patient there are a lot of people out there just like you that are qualified for these jobs there's not that many jobs and some people applying for the same job you are have more experience and it's not a strike against you it's just the reality of the situation so be patient keep applying the other part be tenacious professional but tenacious keep at it keep crawling keep checking the jaw board keep applying just because one two or three or four times you don't get in doesn't mean you weren't qualified it just means two three or four more people ahead of you were more qualified also by continuing to apply and interview you start to get name recognition which actually brings me to my next point networking social media holy cow if I had social media earlier in my career I would assume would make things easier I mean I don't know at least I got I would get to know more people networking is very important name recognition is important so get to know people on social media don't just send them a direct message saying hey can I get a job or what you do get job cuz I want to work there are any jobs available they're not gonna be able to help you with that and they're not gonna hand out a free meal ticket like that but you can ask them how they got in what are the requirements what it's like for the last few people who got in what were they like what were their requirements to get that job and you can have a better idea how to set yourself up to succeed I completely understand the situation's frustrating I you know you set all your goals on getting that bachelor's degree and getting your experience and you think you're ready you know what you're doing but it just seems you can't get that door open and like that's that's again be patient be persistent and be professional that will take you so far in any realm in any industry my point being don't get discouraged I know it's frustrating trust me I know I would recommend this though maybe your dream is to work at a big zoo here in San Diego or maybe in Florida or in Ohio or any of the big zoos that are really you know well known around the world those places those whose they get a lot of applications from qualified people what if when you got out of college you applied to smaller zoos there is not as much competition and you would be surprised smaller zoos are awesome I love going to small zoos and I know a lot of people who work there who thought it was their first step and ended up making it their entire lifetime career so think of that but if you're really dead set on one of the big giant zoos go to a smaller Zoo out of college gain some more experience build a solid reputation for yourself and then start looking for the next step I know a lot of people who have worked several different jobs at different zoos before getting into one of the big zoos somewhere else would simply be patient be persistent and be professional and keep working towards that goal and I made my goal I'm at the top of the mountain now and I got to head back down so let's get going I need to focus on this hike down right here so I'm gonna pack up my camera and gear right now and focus on that but I did want to do my out real quick if you have any other questions leave in the comments below please if you thought this was interesting and want to keep up with what's going on they in the live animal videos etc go ahead and subscribe to this channel I'm trying to do weekly uploads as best I can you can also find me on twitter facebook Instagram ads zookeeper Ric I'm always available there if you have a question feel free to shoot it to me there if you don't wanna leave a comment here that's fine and oh the first one how to become a keeper part one should be right about here and if not it's linked down below in the description you can watch all that and get that information there alright everybody work hard work smart and be awesome have a good one [Music]
Channel: Rick Schwartz
Views: 15,111
Rating: 4.9832401 out of 5
Keywords: How to become a Zookeeper, Rick Schwartz, Zookeeper, Zookeeper Rick, San Dego Zoo, Oregon Zoo, Columbus Zoo, Bronx Zoo, EATM, Moorpark College, Santa Fe College Animal Program, Teaching Zoo, How to get a job, Career advice, carer with animals, learn about animals, working with animals, san diego, zoologist, moorpark, animals, zoo, Day in the life of a zookeeper, zookeeper status, zookeepers - ark, zookeeper (profession), zookeeper rest api, zookeeper http api, zoology rick
Id: QMV8K1i3_cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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