How To Become a Web Developer in 2019 | #devsLife

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me under the cuz I can do this all night alright guys what is up YouTube I can't believe it man I was looking at my phone the other day and I just realized it's already in November and that means in just a couple more weeks it's going to be December and we're just so much more closer to 2019 and so I figured man how many people are going to start learning code this month and if you're gonna start learning coach today what is it that you need to do to make sure that you could become a developer in 2019 I'm gonna go ahead and talk about that today but anyways I'm on my lunch break right now so let me drive to work and I'll talk to you guys when they get [Music] alright guys so I just got you to the office if you haven't been watching for a while just the first time you're seeing me then you probably don't know that I just got hired on my second developer job I work here at entrepreneur magazine entrepreneurial in a journey I've been working here for I believe more than 30 months now so I left my first developer job this is my second developer job and the things I'm learning at my new company is insane I'm so used to working on very basic JavaScript projects love basic VJs projects on my first job and coming here the code base at this company is just gigantic to me at least there's a lot of new thing I'm learning I've been working at 3 months but I'm still learning to code base I'm still learning how they do they jQuery and how everything works at this company it's so new to me I'm learning so much and I think the biggest thing I've benefited from from moving on to a larger company is the fact that I'm doing so many things that I never did to my first one I'm working at a much faster pace I'm working with a team where I'm a last job I did everything on my own I'm working with actually very talented UI UX designers who know what they're doing and they know how to make something look nice and now slicing up those PS DS to make in some real life it's a brand new world but I'm learning so much and that's why I really feel that as I'm here now in my second job I want to help out those who are starting today and how you can get your first developer job what it is that you need to do to make sure you can become a web developer in 2019 and from the experience I'm running from this job and the wisdom getting for my boss so imagine even all the developers here - there are a lot of things that I did not know until I joined this company so I really hope that today's video can help you guys out so let me get to the office I'll see you guys in love it [Music] alright guys what's up everyone this now at the end of the day it is Friday night oh my gosh it's actually 6 p.m. now in the day almost everyone left my boss is still here just gonna develop Bristol here they're working hard while I'm here making a youtube video if you guys me at this part of the video you're watching because you want to become a developer a web developer particularly and you want to make a change in your life so what I want to talk about is what you need to start doing now to make sure that you become a web developer within 2019 well before I begin man maybe you've been trying to find a job already too right maybe you're really interested in really in making a change in your life and you still can't get that job as well maybe that's why watching his video well then that's why I wanna introduce you to actually today's sponsor today's sponsor is actually from study web development comm study web development started in 2018 this year and since then hundreds of people have invested in it and since then there been many people who've been able to either have a part-time income side hustle or there have been people who have actually been able to go full-time in as well and if you're wondering and how you could fill out this developer make sure you check these guys out I'm gonna go ahead and put my link inscription below so check them out if you haven't but let's go ahead and go into how you can become a developer you by 2019 let's talk about that right now [Music] Oh [Music] I went on Instagram and on Instagram what happened is that I actually asked a question what do you think people need to do to make sure to become a developer in 2019 and I figured this is important to do because you know I have my own opinions and how you can change a life and how you become a dev in 2019 but I figured I'd also Sheriff you guys what other people all around the world are saying to you so I'm gonna go through these as quickly as possible then I'm gonna go ahead and tell you what you need to do after this Reese just said learn react as thoroughly as possible true developer dude said by just putting into work and having 2/3 of portfolio I'm not too sure what you mean by that but yes you do have to have a portfolio you have to put it in the work all right let's see what else people said tan says treehouse boom if you want to become a freelance developer - and you don't know any code check got three houses well Rory Vander Western says tried to roll into an IT traineeship internship then did he did one in 1.5 years in the Netherlands and now he's a meteor I'm not sure what that means maybe a mentor okay my name is tea tree house eight hours a day boom everyone likes tree house I wonder why man they must be pretty amazing okay not hey yeah it says practice every day addi zip says doing side projects Nicholas coaxes I think it's consistently and not not giving up very true gangster nurses by Harry Potter's magic trick Braille come on man jello mice's hard work dedication commitment that is the only way I know how to be good at something very true as well black mama says team treehouse Flo said learning JavaScript with some frameworks okay so you see everyone suggestions serum you know people have known sessions and regards to either going to university or something and etc different ways of learning tree house practicing building a portfolio these are all basic things you need to do and things that do want to touch them right now so let's go ahead and talk about this right now so what it is that you need to do to become a developer in 2019 if you were to start now number one thing is first you have to start the one thing that holds people back from accomplish anything is what it's fear that you won't succeed but you can't succeed unless you try every time you try to accomplish something there will always be a possibility that you can fail but it's okay as still as fillers you get better right you need the number one first you have to make a decision start then where do you start you could try different places this free code camp there's Google there's YouTube videos I learned for tree house I became a developer in three months people have become developer in six months I've seen people become a developer in two months I've been seeing people become a developer in a year and a half you have to find a way where you can learn code some people don't use any resource some people use books and what I liked about tree house was the fact that they had all these different courses you can use to learn as your guide okay so you find a resource maybe it's udemy maybe it's Udacity maybe it's treehouse whatever you use or maybe it's just YouTube tutorial this question is once you make decision to start and you do start the question then is what is it that you need to do to make sure you get hired and that's the most important thing there are many people I know that have gone to college and what they want to college forward they don't even use to make a living I know countless people who have a business degree and yet they're doing customer service jobs they're doing office jobs office assistant I know people who got a business degree you were working with Donald's right I know people who got a history degree and now what are they doing the medical assistant why because they couldn't get a job with their history degree I know people who have a writing a degree and don't even do anything of reading some people try to but they realize it doesn't pay as well so they try to do something else so when it comes to making a decision for your life in your future you have to make sure you make the right decision that's what I'm trying to say so when it comes to web development you have to make sure you study the languages the frameworks libraries the tools you learn the tools that are in demand today and so let's say you want to become a web developer the basics first of all you have to learn front-end development it'll I should be coming back in developer every let's talk about front-end development right now what you need to know is number one you need to know HTML HTML is used to create the Dom where you structure everything on a website but then after you learn HTML you need to learn CSS and what a CSS does and makes what is ugly like Craigslist calm to something that is beautiful every website in the world use this HTML and CSS that is used to design a site but let's say you have a static site now you just have a site that does nothing you can click from many pages but when you look at many websites today many different websites have functionalities they have ads they have when you click on something it hides or when you scroll a certain position that's my boss right behind me what that does is that it actually man I lost my train of thought because the boss is right there okay anyways you're learning just the different things html/css but now need to be able to make even a basic website unless you have something to show for your skill no one will want to hire you and that's a fact so you build something simple then what you need to do next you need to learn something called JavaScript which is the first programming language that you will learn javascript is highly in demand today every developer at least friend and developer has some note JavaScript professional developer wherever you go javascript is used on all browsers throughout the entire world why is through JavaScript is how you interact with the website now as you're learning JavaScript what happened you already made your web dear your portfolio right you learned HTML and CSS but as you're learning JavaScript the mistake that many people do is that they just learn it but they don't apply it so once you have this website you made of HTML CSS what you need to do next is while you're learning JavaScript you learn to apply JavaScript that language of learning to your website maybe you'll learn how to hide something after you click it and what you need to do is that put something on your website even if it makes no sense when you click on it you hide it and you save over there now what do you do next you learn things like maybe you learn to do Ajax calls you learn how to pull data from Twitter to put in your website then you do API call you learned that right maybe treehouse teaches you how to do that then what you need to do is that on your website you have to learn how to do API calls and pull use that on your website maybe you want to use Google Maps so maybe you wanna do something Ajax and so as you're learning these different things that when it comes in JavaScript right you have to apply to your website and now as you're building that website that becomes your portfolio that becomes your tool to show them why they need to hire you now what do you learn that HTML CSS and JavaScript is that enough there would be many times for many companies that's not enough now what you need to do to make sure that your hireable that people want to hire you is that you have to know something called our family like maybe angularjs or maybe a library like UJS or react yeah those are the top three popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries today if you go everywhere on antique on Craigslist even technical recruiters what companies are looking for people who know react now when you go from JavaScript you start learning a framework of library this is when it really shows how that you want it because I guaranteed you 110 percent will be very difficult to learn there'll be many times you want to give up but I'll tell you this depending on how bad you want it if you're willing to persevere and ask questions and feel stupid and feel stupid again and feel stupid even three times if you're willing to persevere through that what will happen said as you push yourself to learn these different languages in either six months eight months nine months twelve months you have that portfolio you're able to create something and as you're learning and these frameworks can you apply it to your website that you've made for yourself what will that do that will show why a company wants to hire you and the interesting thing is this companies are not looking for the best developers of course they want the best developers but even many times they can't afford them to where looking they're looking for people who have the potential to do well how do you show that potential though how do you show that a company should hire you by what you've been able to create thus far but even more than that how are you able to conversate with them when you do your first interview right and there are many different things to what you need to do next you have to make sure while you're learning these things and he's a tool you have to want to use the command line you have to learn the work and maybe github or something where you can commit your projects and these are things that you do professionally in a company and there's so many more things I can say build multiple projects challenge yourself learn when you build a project it's not just pulling at one time now take that projects that you built and pull it in a better way use less code use less JavaScript these may be less CSS to make it load faster you're working with api's away etc you have to make it a goal every single week is developer you have to be better than you were last week if you want to even go even further than that how you were yesterday you have to make sure you're better today but what can you do to make sure you're better today this journey to becoming a developer in 2019 is not going to be easy it's probably gonna be one of the most difficult things you'll ever do because you're learning a computer language you're learning how computers speak and how websites speak from what website to another you're learning things that you not many people in the world are able to do but a that's all we get paid as much as we do right that's how we get paid as well and that's why we're treated so well other companies as well you have any other questions though as well you could join my discord channel and you get me up on Twitter Instagram so thank you guys for watching I'll end the video here this is Krishan is a lifeblood developer and i'm
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 106,458
Rating: 4.6851974 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: CnjN5GZLgNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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